List of Things to Indulge In - THAT ISNT FOOD



  • Dannikinz
    Dannikinz Posts: 17 Member
    I love indulging in...

    *Laughing with my friends so hard my stomach hurts
    *Shopping and getting new make-up
    * Accomplishing the goals I set for myself
    *Getting closer to the people I love
    *Time just for myself where I can relax
  • What a fantastic topic! I can't think of anything new to add, but I just joined this group and I'm so happy to find this resource. Thanks to everyone for sharing.
  • sreilly89
    sreilly89 Posts: 4 Member
    I too enjoyed this topic!! Tomorrow I am going to discover who I am and what my likes are!!!
    I am new to the group deal with depression and pain daily so need all the ideas I can get!!
    Shelly from WI
  • kitkate617
    kitkate617 Posts: 1 Member
    I found myself thinking the same thing do I reward myself without it leading to the thought of I've been good, so I can reward myself with a cheat meal. Here's a list of things that helps me reward myself without food!

    -taking a nap
    -meeting up with friends
    -going to the movies
    -painting my nails
    -taking a nice walk
    -trying something new (like I've always wanted to go paddle boarding! )
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    I still need that food hopefully I can break that need one day . I have a whole bunch of teas I am using as indulgences. I also make Popsicles which are yummy.
    Thanks for sharing ideas
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    A long hot bath
    a long quiet walk
    a bike ride
    a pedicure
    a massage
    shopping (even if it is just window shopping)
    trying on clothes
    shoe shopping
  • ebbycheri
    ebbycheri Posts: 4 Member
    Music, journaling, and reading.
  • chelseapearl87
    chelseapearl87 Posts: 9 Member
    Biggest reward is that amazing and sexy feeling I get post bad *kitten* workout at the gym lol orrrrr shopping for cute new gym clothes also give me happy feelings lol better than buying an entire box of twin pack cakes and stopping by a few fast food places on my way home and finishing EVERYTHING before i even hit the driveway :-/
  • ozo27
    ozo27 Posts: 25 Member
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    Two weeks ago I said I hate cooking because it is work. Now, I go to the local farm stand and buy veggies and make homemade soup. I make a pot just about every two days. I found I prefer to puree it. Yesterday's was arugala and broccoli. A friend gave me a bag of arugala and I wanted to use it up, so I went online and checked out what goes well with it.
    It's the best soup I've made yet, and I've made several pots in the last two weeks. Since I puree at the end I can just rough chop everything.
    I start with Trader Joe's mirepoix, which is just onion, celery and carrot as a base. I stir them until caramelized, then add my other veggies to get them a little caramelized. This last batch had broccoli, green beans, more carrots and the bag of arugala. I add water, although I have tried it with boxes of stock which can add additional flavor. I just prefer salt, some spoonfuls of bruscetta or chopped tomatoes, and a little bit of soy for flavor. I simmer it on medium for awhile, and then puree it a couple of cups at a time. Let it cool before pureeing it, or else be very careful!
    I've used zucchini and spinach also, but this batch is surprisingly, my favorite.
    I use veggie soup as my go-to snack. Also crunchy things like carrots.
    Cooking takes time, and helps to fill my time! Avoiding food doesn't help me over the long run. So now I'm cooking, and looking for new friends on MFP, which is a great tool!
    One of my favorite new buds eats a lot of food, but mostly fresh, from his garden, or else grilled, and takes wonderful pix and posts them. I had my first corn on the cob yesterday. Haven't had that in years, since I've always considered it a no-no for diets.
    After I knocked back my cravings, I can shop now and listen to my 'gut.' I ask it questions!--Do you really want that right now?
    I realize this is all just for now. Put me in social or stressful situations and my discipline flies away! But I am trying something new right now, and hope I can hang on to it. keep it simple!!!
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    HGTV--never stresses me out!
  • Sleeping, I love sleeping all the time. Music too, that's nice, but oh sleeping. I would nap now if I wasn't watching my little sister. :yawn:
  • ciarotheray
    ciarotheray Posts: 20 Member
    fancy teas! I have a cupboard devoted to them. They're kind of the new chocolate ;o)
  • Rosalyn16
    Rosalyn16 Posts: 11 Member
    Go to an Opera... something really special about the whole experience even for those people who don't follow it...the costumes, orchestra, amazing sets and getting lost in the story and the emotions.. try it once if you haven't yet!

    I realize this was posted LONG ago, but I so agree! Classical music can be so powerful and moving sometimes and it takes your mind off of everything else (particularly food!). ;)
  • jenniskemus
    jenniskemus Posts: 12 Member
    taking the pooch for a walk
    having a long bath, with bubbles of course B)
    buying a nice herbal tea at the local coffee shop
    buying shoes!!
  • jadeamitchell
    jadeamitchell Posts: 8 Member
    i love to clean hahah wierd iknow but when i keep busy i feel so much better :) love the tips thanks guys!
  • KimberleyUIowa
    KimberleyUIowa Posts: 7 Member
    this really give me an idea. I use to love to cross stitch but give it up when school started. instead of giving in to a 30-60minute binge, I could get a project together and try to focus on that instead. Will look for a new pattern tonight after work!
  • HappyLoser48
    HappyLoser48 Posts: 4 Member
    AY2011 wrote: »
    I signed up for 2 5k runs, one in September and another towards the end of October. So this week I've started the Couch 2 5k program to prepare! When I find myself lurking in front of the fridge or in the kitchen wondering aimlessly, I know I am not really hungry, just bored. I find a good movie on tv, grab my running shoes and hit the gym, or workout on the Xbox Kinect. Also, calling a friend helps keep my mind off of the kitchen. :)
    Dannikinz wrote: »
    I love indulging in...

    *Laughing with my friends so hard my stomach hurts
    *Shopping and getting new make-up
    * Accomplishing the goals I set for myself
    *Getting closer to the people I love
    *Time just for myself where I can relax
    this really give me an idea. I use to love to cross stitch but give it up when school started. instead of giving in to a 30-60minute binge, I could get a project together and try to focus on that instead. Will look for a new pattern tonight after work!

  • Buying myself a new book
    Getting some frozen yogurt
    Buy a new cd of my favorite band
    Take a picture
    Redo my room in a new color
    *new jeans*
  • aemommy1973
    aemommy1973 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there,

    I want to reward myself without overeating/consuming my favorite junk foods. Anything that gets in the way of my goal is a hindrance - so what else can I indulge in?

    Here is a personal list of things that make me just as happy as a french fries and a milkshake :)

    Please add on your "look-forward-to's" as well!

    - Watching that new episode of your favorite series
    -Taking a long, hot bath
    -Getting your nails done
    -Meeting up with friends for some good laughs
    -Buying a new pair of shoes

    Now, tell me yours!