Daily Check In



  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    I plan on starting an exercise program tomorrow. My first mini goal is setting an hour long block and start with walking.

    Good for you i did the same about 6 months ago but since i was in such a poor shape and knew i easy get pain in my shins i started out with 2 times daily 20 min walks. and the biggest advice i got was go to a runners store and buy proper shoes before starting as if getting pain and injuries you might loose your motivation.

    Now my knee is a bit sore so I'm in a resting phase but before that i was walking 90-120 min a day at 4 miles/hour. take it slow and increase safely max 10 % a week and you be at your goal one day and feeling great about your self.
  • BeccyGee
    BeccyGee Posts: 13 Member
    just made an awesome (well I think so) salad - had a similar one from whole foods the other day.

    4-5 fresh (not cooked) zucchini shaved in long slices ( a bit labor intensive but worth it)
    toss with a little olive oil and a handful of arugula or mini kale
    then a sprinkle of low fat shredded mozzarella cheese
    a little garlic salt and salt to taste = YUMMMMMMY!

    this is my new go to salad...it's pretty, low fat and crunchy (for when I wan to munch)

    This sounds amazing! Gonna copy this one!
  • BeccyGee
    BeccyGee Posts: 13 Member
    Just got back from my final post op appointment and have been given the go ahead for lifting and cardio.
    I am really looking forward to getting my body back in shape!

    Glad to hear your recovery is going so well. Good luck with it all x
  • BeccyGee
    BeccyGee Posts: 13 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm new to MFP, just started today. I came here looking for group support and I was so excited to see a group that is full of women just like me. I am one of the "lucky" ones. I started getting peri symptoms in my late 30s and late last year I found out how crappy menopause really is. Full-blown hot flashes, weight gain, acne, extreme fatigue, uncontrollable anger, insomnia and twice monthly periods. (yay) My doc assures me that it's almost over, but I don't believe her! :)

    I've finally had enough, I'm tired of being told it's inevitable. I'm losing this extra weight and getting back outside no matter how hard it is.

    Looking forward to getting to know you, sharing with you and supporting all of you. Thanks for starting this group.

    Hi Sheila, welcome and... YEAH! Let's do it! Your symptoms sound harsh, but good on ya for going for it anyway x
  • BeccyGee
    BeccyGee Posts: 13 Member
    Good Afternoon and Happy Monday all.

    I have a day off from work today and am really enjoying the beautiful British early-summertime. So far I've done a couple of hours freelance work, some decorating in my son's old bedroom and some faffing about on facebook...

    Because Monday is often an 'at home' day for me I'm trying to use it for a one-day-a-week mini-fast - I will eat, but a very low cal evening meal, plus a couple of hemp/rice milk shakes during the day. I suppose my version of 2:5 eating... 1:6. Don't know if it will work but feels like it will compensate for the weekends when I am not so strict on recording every item eaten, although I still stay aware of what I'm consuming.

    Today I've also done a 50minute at-home workout with my new 10-minute-workout DVD. I already have 2 but have got very used to them - this new one really makes me sweat and I have to concentrate to keep up, as well as using different parts of my body than the others. Later, once the paint is dry, I'm going to be moving some furniture about, so a nice physical day for me - makes a good change from the desk-job.

    Ciao for now x

    ps I hate my profile pic. But I chose it because it was the photo that finally made me go 'My God I've got to do something about this weight!! Seeing it every time I log in reminds me why I'm doing this!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    MONDAY - yippee! checking in
    Morning gals!
    Did an hour of running/walking this morning - bright and early. something fun about working out at 5am in the morning. quiet, peaceful - except for the chatter between my friend and I. It always feels good to get it out of the way.

    Nillalis - thanks for the sock tips. I will look for those!
    Not a doctor here... I am sure you know your body ebs and flows in the weight loss game. platues and then starts losing again. argh. but a couple things...if you're thirsty (obviously) drink more water (I know u know that :happy: ) - more water will help to flush more "weights" too. I have read that if you're not getting enough carbs - and you're eating more protein, you may get tired. perhaps up the carbs a bit and see what happens. taking a good multi vitamin right? since you lose, then stop losing, and then lose again...maybe that's just the "cycle" your body is in. you know, it kind of saves up and goes into starvation mode - not wanting to let go of the weight, and then when it realizes it's not "starving" it lets the weight go. (I hope that makes sense..)
    just my 2 cents.... HOWEVER. YOU'RE DOING AWESOME. DON'T LOOK A GIFTED HORSE IN THE MOUTH :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Demaria - it's a 80/20 rule....80% is eating and 20% is from exercise. you are in the right place MFP! you'll be surprised how when you count calories the weight loss follows. I sure was. even though I always knew "calories in calories out" - until I followed it...OMG it works! lol

  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning,
    Sitting here on a cloudy Monday morning, drinking coffee. I'll head for the gym in a few minutes, but wanted to check in and say hi and ask a question -

    Has anybody taken Soy Isoflavones for menopause symptoms. I'd read that they really help with hot flashes and can help with muscle loss, so I started taking them the other day. No results at all. But I dont know if this is one of those supplements that you have to take for a couple weeks before it kicks in.

    Anybody taken this? What was your experience?
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    haven't taken them simbersea - but would love to know if they begin to make a difference for you.
    enjoy your workout!
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I have been on and off being "good" for the last couple of weeks. I like to blame the horrendous dental surgery I had a week and a half ago but not sure that is only it; although it was truly horrible involving cutting part of my jaw bone out and it is still sore especially if I move around too much. I'm trying to figure out how to start my walking exercise again. I did a mile yesterday but my jaw was so sore after I finished I couldn't decide if it was worth it.

    As for things that fill me up - greek yogurt with almonds and flax seed (ground) does it for me. If I have that for breakfast I am not hungry for hours afterward. Also paying attention to how much water I drink. If I get in a good 10 cups a day that really helps me for some reason.

    I think I'm going to try the protein bars and protein powder that Lis suggested in an early post. I really need to figure out a way to increase my protein without increasing my calories.

    Lastly, I put myself on maintenance goals on the advice of a friend. She suggested I focus on getting my eating habits in order as I was all over the map with my eating and calorie intake. I'm trying that but I still have bad days and good days. Unfortunately, I just love chocolate ice cream and that is my go to when I'm feeling down or frustrated. I need to figure out something else.

    I'm open to suggestion.
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    raleighgoodwi as your interested in the protein supplements i would suggest you try to see if you can find some good diet chocolate protein powder. make sure its as low as possible on carbs so that you can add carbs to the powder in any shape you like.

    try adding raspberries frozen with some water you get a fairly firm chocolate+raspberry smoothie almost like a soft ice-cream that way that is pure protein few calories and just the carbs from the raspberries.

    or make it a few more calories by blending it in greek yoghurt that you freeze.

    maybe one of these can replace your favourite treat and become a favourite weight loss snack

    if you buy bars be careful that its a good quality protein bar and not a meal replacement bar or high carbs bar/energy bar
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    If you mix your chocolate protein powder into your nonfat greek yogurt and freeze...you'll get something like the chocolate ice cream you love...okay, not quite as good - but a whole lot less fat and lots more protein :)
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    I love PB2 peanut butter powder. you get the taste but not the fat - and there's protein in it. they sell it at whole foods. a treat = a frozen banana ( I break bananas into about 5 pieces and freeze them for smoothies), 2 T PB2, about 8 ounces water and a handful of kale of spinach, toss it all in the blender and..yum!:drinker:
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 694 Member
    Happy Monday ladies.... :flowerforyou:

    I am having an All juice day.... and no, I dont calculate the calories. All of my concoctions contain both fruits and veggies, so I just keep the portions within a reasonable amount. My hubby thinks he can drink non-stop because its juice!! LOL... I set him straight though. I havent tried smoothies.... maybe I will if I get bored with the juicing.

    This month's 'cycle' is very unusual. I'm almost hoping it's a sign of things finally starting to change. Forty years, every month, of this.... I've had enough!!!!

    Yesterday at the gym I upped my cardio time a bit, and today I think I will up the weight amount with my upper body lifting exercises. I just feel like my body is getting used to doing the same thing everyday.... even though it hasnt become 'easy.' If I am about to start menopause, I really need to get this weight off now!!

    So glad I found this group :smile:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member

    I'm trying to stay away from the whey based powders because I would rather eat my dairy in the form of Greek Yogourt of full fat artisan cheeses. Sooooo, I am using vegan protein powders - 3 of them for variety when I want a protein snack or sometimes for breakfast.

    I use Vega Tropical Tango Protein Smoothie powder: each serving = 15g protein, 3 net carbs (4g minus 1 fibre g), 0g fat, 90 cal, NON DAIRY/GMO/GLUTEN. No sugar or sugar alcohols added - includes alfalfa, spinach, broccoli, kale, mango, peach, orange, pineapple, papaya.
    I also use Prairie Naturals Vegan Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein powder in French Vanilla: each serving= 24g protein, 1 net carb (3g minus 2g fibre), 0g fat, 110 cal, Free of dairy, eggs, corn, soy, gluten, preservatives, added sugars, artificial flavours/sweeteners/colours.
    The last one I use is Garden of Life Raw Protein in Cacao Kiss. It is vegan & organic, and NON DAIRY/GLUTEN/GMO. It has no artificial flavours. Each serving = 18g protein, 1g net carb (5g minus 4g fibre), 1g fat, 90 cal, and it has 40% of daily allowance of iron, and 1 billion CFU live probiotics.

    They all taste fairly decent - sorry, not quite like a whey protein 'milkshake' though, but that's too much dairy for my gluten free, fibromyalgia gut, lol. These are all Canadian companies but are available online and in some US health food stores, too.
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member

    Has anybody taken Soy Isoflavones for menopause symptoms. I'd read that they really help with hot flashes and can help with muscle loss, so I started taking them the other day. No results at all. But I dont know if this is one of those supplements that you have to take for a couple weeks before it kicks in.

    Anybody taken this? What was your experience?

    I have never tried these mainly because I am leery about soy. I have had luck with maca and estriol cream. I use progesterone cream also. Both non prescription strengths. Oh, and DHEA cream! Lol! I was having terrible night sweats! Hardly ever have them now! Woohoo! I really would like to find a doctor in my area that will prescribe bio identical hormones so that my levels can be regulated more accurately.
  • WorkingonmeAliG
    WorkingonmeAliG Posts: 19 Member
    Happy Monday all. I got to be a chaperone for one of my grand daughters today. Zoo trip. Lots of fun, lots of walking and pretty hot.

    On protein powders. I have tried a ton of them. I have severe food allergies and have to be ultra careful. Right now I am using MRM Vanilla Whey protein. I haven't had any reactions with this one so far. No soy for me and I have to be careful with wheat. I have an intolerance to wheat but not an allergy.

    I'm super interested in this topic!
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    Getting in a hello at the end of Monday here. Just got home from the airport a bit ago and have been spending time with my kitty boys Jack and Felix. Wow they missed me a lot!!

    I do designer whey protein powder. My go to smoothies are almond milk, orange juice, frozen pineapple chunks, chia seeds and french vanilla protein or my other standard is almond milk, frozen banana, chia seeds and chocolate protein powder. Both are amazing.

    I got on the scale tonight for the first time since I left for vacation last Wednesday. I do believe I will be posting a 2 pound or so loss tomorrow morning. I am quite excited about this. Keeping my fingers crossed here.

    I am headed to bed. Adjusting to the time change from Omaha to Seattle.

    Goodnight Girlies...ZZZzzzzzzz
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Just checking in. Did a quick read thru, hello to all the new ladies. I am learning lot with this group . About to pass out, on my way to bed. Today was my day off, spent it weed eating, upside burned at least 880 calories!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member

    i am also growing more and more interested in protein supplements as i feel how it helps me to stick to my diet and feel less cravings and or hunger.

    in sweden we have a company that claims they are on the top in world but i don't think they sell internationally yet. they have 2 product that i find to be better then what i can find on the swedish market at least. i will put a link here its in swedish so it might not be of use. i tried to see if i could find a translator tick but couldn't maybe you can. any way got to stop yoga class is calling me.

  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Good morning all! I am up early and jamming to Pink. I am waiting for the sun to rise so I can hit the park for my morning power walk. My grandson will spend the afternoon with me and we are planning on playing out back and having a blast. He is my sunshine. Wishing you all a great day.