2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks Kelly. And enjoy summer!!! I went in a little late this morning and was just sort of dreading work today and thought it would be nice to have a summer vacation.....Sigh....
    We usually do a round of TRX in my circuits class, so I have done some moves, but never a full class. I like the movements though; they make me sore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I am going to do 3 months of calorie-counting/control.

    3 months of 3 x weekly weight-training...maybe 4!

    I want to be right-on-target for September...so, I have to do this.

    ...and I can...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Steph - My calorie goals are straight TDEE using 1500/day (not sure if that is net or gross) so I am not eating back or using the 'exercise calories'. I typically record everything and close it out, then add in my exercise for the day since I don't really care what the impact is to the bottom line.

    Beeps - what happens in September?

    Like Amy, I think I need a new goal, target or challenge - I will be running another half, but not until October so I might try to set a time goal. I certainly have time to work on it.

    Have a great rest of the week - today still feels like Monday to me! :bigsmile:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--sorry for the late check-in--silver star for me.

    I'm way behind on this thread, as usual. Work has just been really busy lately and that's generally when I check in. Last week was pretty good exercise-wise, as I got in a few good (hilly) runs over the weekend as well as lots of (hilly) walks and some kayaking. Food wasn't great, hence the silver star, but so far I've been a little better this week.

    My husband and I worked out a plan that he's going to take care of the baby Wednesday evenings so I can get a run in after work. I'll still be running a whole lot less than I did pre-baby, but I'm doing the NYC marathon in November so I need to start figuring out how to work in more days of running. It's less than ideal, but I think that I can probably get it done with a long run over the weekend, a short recovery run the other weekend day, and this new Wednesday run.

    Work is calling, but I'll try to catch up with everyone when I get a chance!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    shanaber - in September, that means I am 2 months away from my impending DEXA scan, lol. And, i really wanted my bodyfat numbers to improve from Oct 31, 2013. So, it's time to GET SERIOUS about what I SAID I was going to DO in 2014, lol!

    I am swamped at work....I don't think I can lift at lunch, today.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Here are this weeks results:


    I got a short run in yestserday. I'm not ready for these hot and humid temps yet! I'm planning on lifting at lunch today. I'm glad I checked in because I was totally going to go out to lunch today, but now I have remembered my plan! So far so good this week. I still need to go and backlog Monday if I want to try for a star this week. Speaking of, I will be out for June so if we continue, somone else will need to take over. I've got vacation and am thinking about breaking from logging for a bit. We'll see how I feel after vacation. I better run. I'm pretty swamped at work too!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I sort of enjoyed my rest day, no drinking and just a little over, which I wanted to be way under, sometimes that happens. So will try again tonight. Scale didn't move from last week.

    I think one thing that was true of my lower scale weight was logging, so I am going to keep at it. Next week I might drop to 1500/day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Come join me, Amy!! I am at the 1,500 per day rate!! (Well, I go over a week, so that is 10,500 per week.)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I am at 1500/day too - go over once in a while but have done all right with it so far. Have even dropped a pound! So come join the 1500 club :flowerforyou:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    I was on the thread a in part 10 a while back and disappeared because my son went through a language regression and got diagnosed with autism. I have been dealing with getting him diagnosed and treated. Couple that with a fresh divorce and still living with my cheating ex who continues to screw everything with a skirt and in cutmd land you get carb loading! I've gained like 5 lbs and I'm feeling huge. Hoping for some inspiration to help me get it off. I realize that my ex was my major motivation to stay thin and I'm not ready to date yet but the pounds just make me feel ugly and I have enough problems!

    Going to shoot for low calories the rest of the week and hope to jump in on monday
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Do it for yourself cutmd! Sorry to hear about all of the stuff going on in your life. I hope your a-hole ex moves out soon. Glad to see you back!

    I feel like I'm finally caught up on sleep from the long weekend. My sore throat (that has been lingering a couple weeks) seems mostly better too. And I'm nice and sore from my workout yesterday. I swear, walking lunges get. me. every. time! I've got my circuits class tonight and should be relatively active over the weekend. Now I just need to get to the grocery store so I have some food in the house. This is the longest short week ever! I need a day off.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    ....and the 1,500 club builds!!

    cutmd - your avatar is THE BOMB! sorry for your troubles....shake it all off because your post sounds kinda bitter! (there's some negative reinforcement to kick your butt into high gear....I'm sure 1,000 other posters will offer you positive reinforcement if that's more your thing!)

    Today, I LIFT! BOOM!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    cutmd- Welcome! And I guarantee you will feel much better about your situation if you are being healthy and feeling better about yourself!

    I am striving to be in the 1500 club (average for the week is my goal, not necessarily daily) My goal is still 1600 and with the week I have been having so far I am on the road to a Platinum! I just need to stay focused and keep it up. Its definitely hard to drop that low when I have been eating at about 2000 for over a year!

    So far this week I have gotten in 1 run and 2 Chalean workouts. My plan is to run tomorrow and Saturday and save Chalean for Sunday. Chalean is a 12 week program, next week is week 11, but we leave Friday for 10 days for vacation. So it looks like I will be skipping week 12. I think when I get back from vacation I am going to do stronglifts and running. I am ready to start lifting heavy and that looks like a great simple workout to start with.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Chloe - plan is good, vacation is AWESOME! and yep, back to lifting/cardio regimen....sounds PERFECT!

    Got my lifting in-and-done and I felt REALLY strong today for some dumb reason....maybe extra poundage I have put on is PURE MUSCLE! (Not....this is a JOKE FOLKS!)

    Will try and lift tomorrow, cardio Saturday and squeeze in a lifting session on Sunday, too. Then I can be back to regular M/W/F lifting next week!

    Kept my calories to 1,465 yesterday, so that was good! And, I am already at 14 glasses of water for today, so that should also help move bloat off my body.

    Where the heck is abigail?? Jen?? Ris?? what is happening to my (favourite) little group of <10lbs'ers!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome back, Melissa! I missed you! I think when we started this thread, you weren't even married. It's crazy how everything can change. I hope you can find some light in the darkness and I am sorry to hear about the struggles for your little one. Head up:flowerforyou:

    Last night was not platinum star style, but I think I can make up for it tonight...

    I know I should work out but I am still waffling on a program, so, I could go to the gym and do SOMETHING, including yoga (for $7) or go for a jog outside, or do an at home workout on demand or on the computer, trying to get motivated for one of those options!

    I have been drinking hot water with lemon in the morning and I think that really helps with the bloat too...

    The dress I want to wear for a July 4 wedding is a little tight on top so I would like to lose a little this month, but I am actually happy with the way my tummy is looking lately so whether I am just being more forgiving or if it is flatter, I can't say...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    POST A PIC- I'll tell ya, Amy!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies - just doing a quick check-in.

    Welcome back CutMD- sorry to hear about everything that's going on in your life. Keep your head up!

    Amy - Hope you get motivated! I find it so hard to get into the gym when I don't have a plan or a program to follow. It's funny, but I feel kind of lost. And yes, I agree with Beeps, post a pic!!!

    Chloe - Good work this week! I really liked Strong Lifts a lot and it was really fun to see my progression week over week.

    Beeps - Holy cow 14 glasses of water? You go girl.

    That's all I can see/remember for now.

    Sounds like a lot of you are really on track, good work. I'll be joining that 1,500 club next year for sure. I've had a pretty good week so far. I've managed to keep my carbs more in check and have been limiting the treats. Scale was down a pound yesterday... I don't usually weigh twice a week but I was curious to see if one of those 2 lbs would drop off mid-week. I'm sure it will come back (with more) next week. I've been slacking a bit on working out this week because I decided it was a brilliant idea to paint all the ugly wood trim in our house white (it's a three story townhouse) and so far I've spent about 12 hours just on the downstairs stairs, door ways and hallways. Sigh - it sounded like a good idea at the time. I know it will look great once it's done, but man it's a pain.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Lol I painted all the trim in my house when I was pregnant too!its just the beginning of all the crazy projects you will probably come up with.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I went to a movie with my 12-year-old son last night (the latest spiderman)....I needed a diversion because 11 lay-offs happened at my office, yestereday (unexpected to me!). And, one of them was my closest work-gf....so, that makes me REALLY sad.

    Anyway, i ate TONS of popcorn! And, then I was DUMB enough to measure 1 thing on my body today (being end of May). I chose "belly-button waist"....I am 3" UP from where my belly-button waist was last May 31, 2013.

    Sooooooooooooo dumb.

    But, I am NOT denying the obvious, anymore....I really have to tighten up EVERYTHING if I am going to meet my 2014 goals. "Maintenance" for me, is just a sucky thing....I suck AT it. I am better, for whatever reason, when I log ALL my calories, better still when I PRE-LOG all my calories!!

    My work-outs are never the issue, really....sure, I can add in a bit more cardio, but overall, it is CALORIE-CONTROL that makes the biggest difference, at this point.

    So, today is Day ONE of "90 days of Venus".....kind of following on the "100 days of happiness" that is everywhere on fb.

    1. My calorie alottment, by week, is ~10,000 (as in NO MORE than 10,150)....and if I can get UNDER that, I will be happy with myself!

    2. I have to drink 14 glasses of water per day. And, I am eliminating diet soda, except 2 x daily on the weekends....somehow I picked up a HUGE diet soda habit these last few months....to the tune of 2- or 3- PER DAY. First, that is TOO EXPENSIVE, second, I LIKE WATER!! I really don't need to drink anything other than water.

    3. I can only weigh 1 x per week....I think Wednesdays....but I might end up doing Fridays - don't know yet!

    After 90 days, I really hope to be WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more on track with where I was supposed to be at this time of year ~ meaning, I PROMISED myself 1 lb per month WEIGHT LOSS over the course of 2014...which, at end of May, means I should be 144 lbs (I started January about 149 lbs). Instead, I am 152 lbs. Lamest. Thing. Ever.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, I will go to the gym and post a pic for y'all tomorrow! Have a great weekend. Mine is shaping up to be busy so I need strategies-show tonight, baby shower tomorrow, brunch/housewarming and concert Sunday (someone just had an extra ticket to John Prine and Emmy Lou Harris at Red Rocks and I had wanted to go but didn't want to spend the money so it seemed wise, but now I am seeing too much drinking in my future.

    So, eat well and exercise is my strategy:) but if anyone has any tips, let me know.