Today I Will ______________



  • MommaRobs
    MommaRobs Posts: 24 Member
    Today I will record my food intake and journal the reasons I want and need to lose this weight. I was going to put down that I would walk my dog, but I made sure I got that out of the way before I got on the computer. Hooray!

    Has anyone seen the 30 day Ab Challenge that is going around on facebook? I would like to try it, but have never "planked". Any advice on how to make sure I do it correctly?

    Have a great day everyone! :happy:
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Today I will record my food intake and journal the reasons I want and need to lose this weight. I was going to put down that I would walk my dog, but I made sure I got that out of the way before I got on the computer. Hooray!

    Has anyone seen the 30 day Ab Challenge that is going around on facebook? I would like to try it, but have never "planked". Any advice on how to make sure I do it correctly?

    Have a great day everyone! :happy:

    There is a website called GREATIST - if you search plank they have a good article. What I like best is the end of article they review the most common mistakes which helps put all in perspective. I may join you! Just need to figure what my plan of attack is for exercise the next month so I'm not bouncing all over the place :)
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will record my food intake and journal the reasons I want and need to lose this weight. I was going to put down that I would walk my dog, but I made sure I got that out of the way before I got on the computer. Hooray!

    Has anyone seen the 30 day Ab Challenge that is going around on facebook? I would like to try it, but have never "planked". Any advice on how to make sure I do it correctly?

    Have a great day everyone! :happy:

    There is a website called GREATIST - if you search plank they have a good article. What I like best is the end of article they review the most common mistakes which helps put all in perspective. I may join you! Just need to figure what my plan of attack is for exercise the next month so I'm not bouncing all over the place :)

    I've been looking at that ab challenge as well but not sure I'm up to it. My resistance workout includes planking but so far I can only do it for 10 seconds! I have a lot of room for improvement in that area! If y'all decide to do the challenge, I might cave to the peer pressure and join you. My stomach area is the part of my body I feel has changed the most in my 40s and not in a good way.

    I didn't work out today due to my schedule. Actually missed it, especially when I log on and see how much fun everyone had today lol! Never thought I would be referring to exercise as "fun." Will get back to it tomorrow. My workout plan includes one day off so I guess that was today

    I can report that I ate my two servings of yogurt today and I think I may have even enjoyed it a little bit.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yesterday I did heavy lifting (SL 5x5, workout B), & successfully dead lifted 150lbs, which means I move on to 155lbs next time. It is very heavy, but I do feel myself getting stronger. I am a little stuck on squats(110lbs) & over head press(60lbs), but will move on eventually.

    I got my first bin of locally grown fruit & veggies delivered yesterday. It is a neat idea. We don't get to pick what is in there, so kids are forced to try different things. We got rhubarb, which my son loves! He just eats it. It is too sour for the rest of us. I think he is the one who will enjoy the bin the most. He already ate almost all of the cherry tomatoes too!

    Today I will go for a 5km run, as soon as I am done my 1st cup of coffee. We have a very busy day today. The store should be busy, & DD has her dance recital. That means we have to close our store early just to make everything on time. This is such a crazy time of year for us. My main challenge is to avoid junk food & take out. So far, so good this week!

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Peer Pressure On …. I'll create a topic for 30 Day Ab Challenge for whomever wants to join. Starts on June 1st so stay tuned!

    Today, I will not cave when we go out to dinner for my friends daughter's bday. I will be good!!!! I will also get my C25K in during lunch so I won't miss the exercise.

    Have a great think skinny day all!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Yesterday I did heavy lifting (SL 5x5, workout B), & successfully dead lifted 150lbs, which means I move on to 155lbs next time. It is very heavy, but I do feel myself getting stronger. I am a little stuck on squats(110lbs) & over head press(60lbs), but will move on eventually.

    Amazing! Seriously 8 lb dumbbells are too much for me. Admire how much you've built up!

    And love the fruit delivery idea … I live near a ton of farm stands so am lucky there in the summer, but summer is only June-Sept here, rest of the year it's grocery store fruits. Should look into this!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will complete W2D1 and stay focused on my diet. Seeing some movement on the scale and want to keep it up!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    6K run done. Sun is out and I am loving it. I plan to do some more weeding in the flower beds later, and hopefully soon get some mulch.

    Lisa - great idea about the fresh veggies and fruits, I wish we had something like that going around here. Hope you have a good 5K run today.

    Cindy - I'm in for the abs challenge!! Have a great run today and good luck at the birthday can do it!

    Emy - great news about the scale....and you too - have a great run!

    I too have been seeing some movement on the scales and it feels good. It has been a long time coming! :smile:
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    p2w7 done this morning before work. Am going to try to leave work a little early to get in some gardening.

    I am totally in for the abs challenge!!

    Great job everyone and have a great afternoon!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Nice job today all! I again will tell you - knowing I'd be posting tonight kept me honest.

    First, my C25K. I don't know how all the hills magically appeared at work today, but they were everywhere and I felt like quitting. But…. I knew I had to write you all so made it work. Then an old old man - and I mean old - passed me while I was 'jogging'. I justified it with he had about 70 more years of practice. I really don't know how I'm actually going to jog a full 5K seeing how I am now - but I will keep plugging at it.

    Then…. I forget it's Thursday. Know what happens every Thursday at 3:00 o'clock is at work? I'm sure you don't; so let me tell you. Every Thursday at 3:00, we get an email from HR that reads "The Ice-Cream Truck is Here!!!". Then the company buys us all a free ice-cream. Seriously how fun is that ~ well until you have to add it to MFP. So today I decided to pass; I'll wait til a nice warm sunny Thursday and go wild with a 120 calorie fudgiscle.

    Right now, with this group, I've been so focused, I'd rather save it for later!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Did my C25k this evening. I think I might have skipped it if not for this group! Reading how hard everyone else is working really motivated me to keep going. I so want to try heavy lifting and running longer than 90 seconds at a time, Was slower tonight but I made it through all the jogging. I think sometimes I may walk faster than I jog, but I'm taking it slow based on tips other people have posted.

    Good job on skipping the ice cream Cindy. I don't know if I would have been as strong! All of the gardening sounds like fun. We've had flooding here in Louisiana the last two days so not much chance to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Was glad the rain stopped in time for me to get my workout in. I wasn't looking forward to getting soaking wet (although not sure what the difference would be since I ended up drenched in sweat!)
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Brenda, how great it must feel to be accomplished by early a.m. I may have to try that when the weather gets a bit warmer.

    Maureen 6K feels like a marathon at this rate; got me jealous ;-) Nice job!

    Emy, glad the rain broke so you had a chance to get out there!

    Lisa, hope your day went well - sounded busy!

    Robin, 30 Day Ab Challenge posted for you!
  • MommaRobs
    MommaRobs Posts: 24 Member
    Thank You summerluno! This will be a good challenge. I'm also joining a walking club this summer. So between the two I am hoping to see some good results.
  • MommaRobs
    MommaRobs Posts: 24 Member
    emy r, my plan is even if I can't progress as far as they say, at least I am trying it, giving it my best effort. I am just starting to get back on track and have a long way to go. Why not give it a shot?
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Today I will do an arms and ab workout. I will also get at least 60 mins of cardio and stick to my eating plan.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Great job everyone on your work outs & keeping motivated. I had a great run yesterday. I am a very slow runner, but I try my best, and I am getting faster all of the time. Yesterday was one of my best times, so I was happy.

    We were rushing yesterday. We had chicken sandwiches in the truck, on the way to the dance recital. I know some people have their kids in a billion activities & run them around constantly after working all day, but I really don't like the every night running & rushing & not having a relaxing sit down meal.

    I have been to the gym this morning. I am tired. Very tired. It wasn't the best work out but at least I went & it is done. Today I work, take kids to the fun fair at school, & hopefully go to bed early.

    Have a great Friday!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Great job everyone on your work outs & keeping motivated. I had a great run yesterday. I am a very slow runner, but I try my best, and I am getting faster all of the time. Yesterday was one of my best times, so I was happy.

    We were rushing yesterday. We had chicken sandwiches in the truck, on the way to the dance recital. I know some people have their kids in a billion activities & run them around constantly after working all day, but I really don't like the every night running & rushing & not having a relaxing sit down meal.

    I have been to the gym this morning. I am tired. Very tired. It wasn't the best work out but at least I went & it is done. Today I work, take kids to the fun fair at school, & hopefully go to bed early.

    Have a great Friday!

    I remember those days of running children around everywhere. I always tried to limit each to one main activity, but then it always seemed like there were a lot of additional school activities as well. It's a lot easier now that my two oldest have graduated, and my youngest is 13. It's really hard to find time to take care of yourself when the kids are younger. I definitely admire your determination! Hope you get some rest tonight.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I'm going to do my resistance workout today and try to add the ab challenge. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Did my p2w8 this morning. Moving on to Phase 3 next week!

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Today I ran 6K again. Was kind of undecided between running and doing a HIIT workout, but it seemed like a good weather day for running so thats what I did. Maybe do the HIIT tomorrow.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Today I ran 6K again. Was kind of undecided between running and doing a HIIT workout, but it seemed like a good weather day for running so thats what I did. Maybe do the HIIT tomorrow.

    I know it was a beautiful day here & I was envious of the runners. Hopefully tomorrow is just as nice
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I did my resistance training today and almost started the an challenge. Went back to look and see the details and realized it starts June 1.

    Tomorrow will be a rough day for me. Have to be at work at 4. Hopefully will get off around 2 but it could be later depending on how things go. Then have to drive to my girls horse show to spend the night and see my oldest compete on Sunday. I'm hoping to get in my C25k workout tomorrow but I will have to try really hard to fit it in.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Well I made it through yesterday. It was crazy busy at our store, and since I have new staff the pressure is on me to do EVERYTHING. Oh well. I also made it to the fun fair with the kids so no mommy guilt there even!

    Today I will go for a run. I am debating between a short interval run or a long run since it is the last day of May & I would like to get some more kms in for the month, even though anything over 4km will put me at the most kms I have ever run in a month. I have more time for a long run tomorrow, & more time to sit around and do nothing, ooops, I mean rest, after running.

    Today will be a day of running between the soccer field & work. No time to rest, but I will get lots of steps in & being this busy gives me less time to eat & snack, so hopefully that will keep showing up on the scale!
    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Well I made it through yesterday. It was crazy busy at our store, and since I have new staff the pressure is on me to do EVERYTHING. Oh well. I also made it to the fun fair with the kids so no mommy guilt there even!

    Being a Mommy, Wife, Worker and having time for oneself is a difficult task for women. Nice job getting it all done!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Today I will do day 3 of C2K5.

    I will create a grocery list for the week so I can eat different foods than my norm.

    I will be good when my husband and I go out for dinner.

    Hope you all have a great day!!! :)
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    This morning I ran from zombies for 30 minutes. I'm also going to try to get in 10,000 steps with house cleaning, laundry and cleaning the garage.

    Have a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Chose to do the Turbofire HIIT 25 workout this morning instead of running. I admit my legs felt tired at the very beginning, but seemed to feel better as the workout went along. I almost decided not to do it during the first few minutes but glad I changed my mind.
    Hoping to make it out to my flower bed to do some weeding.

    Lisa - hope your run went well, whether it was the long run or interval run! Sounds like you are going to have a pretty busy day

    bhox3 - I need to get this zombie app!! lol Sounds like a great run and lots more steps with all the housework

    summerluno - hope your run goes well too. I might be going to dinner tonight as well, and hopefully will make good choices. Good luck!

    em - sounds like a busy day ahead for you as well, hope you get your run in!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Chose to do the Turbofire HIIT 25 workout this morning instead of running. I admit my legs felt tired at the very beginning, but seemed to feel better as the workout went along. I almost decided not to do it during the first few minutes but glad I changed my mind.
    Hoping to make it out to my flower bed to do some weeding.

    Lisa - hope your run went well, whether it was the long run or interval run! Sounds like you are going to have a pretty busy day

    bhox3 - I need to get this zombie app!! lol Sounds like a great run and lots more steps with all the housework

    summerluno - hope your run goes well too. I might be going to dinner tonight as well, and hopefully will make good choices. Good luck!

    em - sounds like a busy day ahead for you as well, hope you get your run in!

    I read a success story the other day that mentioned the Turbofire workout. The poster had great success with it.

    I kept to my diet today, but didn't fit in my planned exercise. I ended up working 13 hours, ran home to do a few chores, and then hit the road for the hotel. I did walk a lot more than usual today at work. I walked almost half a mile round trip every hour to gather information. My normal day involves sitting at my desk all day, so I counted the extra walking as my exercise. Will get back on track tomorrow.
  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    Avoid the sweets at the graduation open houses I have to attend...and log everything on mfp! :tongue:
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Today I will be kind to myself.

    I should be going for a long run today, but I will maybe do 5km. My hip & knee hurt from running intervals yesterday, and from working most of the day yesterday, my feet still hurt this morning too! I woke up really early because I have so much on the go, so now I am exhausted and it is only 7am!

    Today is another day of juggling kids & work. It is so busy at work that I should not take time away to take DD to soccer this afternoon, on the other hand I do not like her to miss soccer.

    Oh well.. I will do what I can do, & I will make sure I eat proper meals. Yesterday I only had protein bars for breakfast & lunch because I did not have time to make anything else. I won't do that today. I will at least make myself something for breakfast.

    Have a great day everyone!