Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    BUSY weekend for me! After finishing off my third workout of stage 7 on Friday, it was off to the trailer (some call it camping but our trailer is parked in the same spot all the time :smile: ). As this is a new spot for us we had a few upgrades to do. We spent Friday and Saturday building the deck. Thank goodness for squats! It made standing over the boards much easier although
    I'm feeling it today! Then this afternoon we hosted our neighbours as we all have fences to build. Munched so much this afternoon there was no room for dinner. I made a huge veggie tray but there were some chips in there as well :wink: it was nice enough out to sit outside so there was lots of water. I didn't even have a glass of wine until every one left. It's not even 8:00 and I'm ready for bed!

    Jen if I remember correctly my workouts for that stage were slightly over an hour. I started getting up 10 min earlier to get it all in. By stage 5 I started doing my BWM on the off days so that saved a bit of time. Plus they were much easier to do after cardio than after a full workout!

    Hubby is out of town all week so the diet should be interesting!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks for the input! I watched a video of someone doing the BWM last night and I want me to do this twice? hahahahahaha.

    Sounds like you had a productive weekend! I'm not the camping type, but I imagine it's nice and peaceful.

    I brought all of our dining chairs out to the garage and sanded them down a bit. I'm going to repaint them next. Initially I was all "I'm going to sand out the paint drips from last time, patch up the rough spots" but as I got into it changed to "I'm going to minimally sand these, as sanding is the pits.' lol.

    Funny thing how working outside seems to make us extra-sleepy. All that fresh air and sunshine, I guess.

    What do you guys do to warm up? I've never done warm-up sets, except maybe a few body weight squats. I do five minutes of walking on the treadmill or from my office to the gym, stretch, and go. I was going back through the book last night and marveling how numerous warm up sets would add at least ten minutes to my workout, by would my workouts be better? hmmm.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks for the input! I watched a video of someone doing the BWM last night and I want me to do this twice? hahahahahaha.

    Sounds like you had a productive weekend! I'm not the camping type, but I imagine it's nice and peaceful.

    I could never do it twice at the end of a workout! Definitely much easier to do it on an off day! You can even get thru it twice!

    I wouldn't exactly call it camping when your trailer has all the comforts of home :laugh: Have you seen some of them out there? OMG they're huge! Fireplaces and dishwashers! Decorated nicer than my house! Mine is quite small but it's got a bed, toilet and shower so that's good enough for me! I like it in one spot so it's more like going to the 'cabin'. We're in a small park that has only 23 sites in it - an over 50 crowd so there are no kids running around and no late night parties. It's perfect for us! We're always up early so we go to bed quite early too. 10:00 is a late night for us LOL We're getting old :laugh:

    My warm up is always intervals on the bike or treadmill. I've never done the ones in the book although, come to think of it, the BWM would make a perfect warm up!

    Good job on getting thru stage 1 Susan! Seeing just a little bit of progress is enough to keep you going! Although I'm not sure I see much in my clothes (a little but not yet a full size) and I sure don't see it on the scale, I do know I'm stronger. I was slinging lumber like a lumberjack on the weekend :laugh: My hubby even commented that I'd have never done that before I started lifitng. I'd call that progress :smile:

    Happy Monday :drinker:
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Sorry ladies, big slacker here :)

    Haven't had any rain-outs lately and our spare time has been filled with things that must get done for the wedding. Needless to say, I'm probably going on week 3 of no liftining and haven't had a day to sit around either in that time. I wish I could get back to it :(

    My quad has been on fire and has actually been swollen to the point of seeing a physical hump. I am hoping it is the effect of my damaged knee so I have a physio appointment this week.

    Happy lifting ladies :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Great job on getting through the first stage Susan! I agree with Blue, even the littlest bit of progress keeps me motivated to keep going. Great work, keep it up!

    Jen - sanding SUCKS. I usually just slap on a Killz primer and call it a day. In fact, I hardly sanded our trim before I started painting it. I just did enough to smooth out the rough spots :laugh: I agree with Blue, I think stage 3 took me about an hour if I did the full workout from the book (meaning the lifting plus circuits or BWM). I'm currently in stage 5 and it usually takes me about 45 minutes, but I am eliminating some of the ab work and anything I have to lay on the floor for such as the prone cobras. That 45 minutes includes one BWM or 10 minutes on the dreadmill. I should probably be better about warming up, but since I'm lifting much lighter than I'm used to, I don't worry to much about it. Usually my walk from the car up the 5 flights of stairs to the gym is enough of a warm up for me.

    Blue - I LOOOOOOVE camping. I'm trying to get as much in before I get too big and sleeping on the ground gets uncomfortable. We are headed to Glacier National Park in Montana in a few weeks for 5 days, I'm really excited! My friends just got done driving around the US in a RV and had such a great time. We ended up visiting them while they were in Phoenix for a few weeks and their rig was super nice! 4 people fit in their comfortably which is kinda crazy to me. They stayed in over 50 parks as well (her husband is 48 so they made exceptions) and it was so nice to be in a quiet space after 10 pm ha ha.

    We were in Portland, Oregon for a friends wedding this weekend, and I have to tell ya, it's strange to be completely 100% sober at a wedding ha ha. You start to realize how stupid people act/look when they've had too much to drink :laugh: I still had a blast, and was even able to make it out until 1 AM! I was pretty proud of myself. I also finished phase one (of a million) of my trim painting project. Definitely got more paint on the walls/floor than I wanted to, but also learned about what I need to be careful of especially when painting on hardwood, so that's good I suppose!

    Anyway, that's all I got for now. My goal is to get 2 lifts in this week (missed one last week) and keep up with yoga and get a cardio day in. Have a great Monday ladies!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Where is your trailer Blue?
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! Stage 1 AMRAP A is in the books. Squats 20 pounds 45 reps (boy that 20 pounds felt like nothing!), Push ups 10 on the floor, 13 from a weight bench and 27 from where I started which was about 45 degrees (no, not all at once - worked them in between the other exercises but not a single girl push up in there), seated row 40 pounds 25 reps, step ups with 3 pound "Barbie" dumbbells 20 reps and 21 prone jacks. Now that I did it, I kinda wish I had done the seated rows with 10 or 20 pounds to see how many I could get in there... Oh, well - maybe just for grins later!

    Some of y'all have been really busy with the home improvement projects - I look at some of the stuff we should think about doing and then say never mind.... I'd rather play in my garden.

    We also have a trailer but not a park model. There is no way I would want to go back to tent camping like we started out - I like my AC, hot water, shower, toilet way too much!

    Terri - hope the knee gets better soon!

  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Sorry to hear about your quads Terrie - hope it heals soon. It sounds painful. Wedding is in August right? That's just around the corner!

    Our trailer is parked near Kingman - between Toefield and Camrose. We used to have a park model at Sylvan Lake but we sold it just last year. The upkeep on the park was just getting too expensive as the park got older. So now we're renting. Our trailer is only 28' so we can tow it if we want - we just don't want LOL Only if we have something to go to do we plan on towing it. I like it stationary!

    So you're a traditional camper Meg? Sleeping on the ground???? Good for you! I haven't tented since the early 90s LOL I guess you could say I'm a bit of a princess :laugh: Sounds like you had a great time at the wedding - even sober :smile:

    Did you get your lift in Jen?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I think I could camp with a posh trailer. I am a really light sleeper so the on-the-ground, buggy tent style was never my thing. But posh trailer with bed and toilet (since I have to pee at least once a night, lol)? That I could do! It's like a portable hotel!

    It's so nice to see everybody today! Glad to hear the painting is going, Meg--Trim is slow work. I have an oil-based Kilz to use on the chairs, as they were oil-painted last time, but I'm mulling over swapping it for a latex or acrylic primer w/ adhesion properties. I find cleaning oil brushes a PITA.

    Nice work on the AMRAPS, Susan! I was on vacation when I was supposed to do that, so I never did those. And Terrie, what is up with your quad? Owwww. I hope the doc has answers for you.

    I started stage 3 today, and it was something! I found the single-arm squat really awkward--like rubbing your belly and tapping your head at the same time. I did it with 5 and 10 lb weights as I could not get the form right. It was so weird.

    I liked the bent-over row a lot; the deadlift was awkward (I do unweighted similar stuff for my PT and the move was similar to when you do the single arm single leg row thing, but it was still hard-ish. I started with 20lb dumbbells but dropped to 15 to get the form right). I managed 2 90 second planks and one 75 second plank--a new record.

    I liked having the three sets as I could up the weight steadily from where I thought I ought to start to what actually felt like work. But that BWM. Wowie. I only had time to do one, and was very, very grateful for having to go someplace for 11 am not do the second. My quads burned. I forgot to time it but it was somewhere between 3-4 minutes, not all of the moves very pretty.

    It's a gorgeous 85 here today. Got some burgers for the grill and summer beer. Woohoo!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I just knew you'd love the BWM as much as the rest of us Jen :laugh: Why they stuck it at the end of an already tough workout is beyond me! Good job on the rest of it - especially the planks! Those are some awesome numbers! That split squat is akward isn't it? I'm pretty sure I never had good form. I think I upped the bottom weight a couple of times but never managed to up the top one. It just felt too unnatural to me.

    I'm donating blood today - they say it burns about 600 cals to regenerate it. Unfortunately that's not in one sitting LOL It takes 56 days so that only works out to 10 cals a day :cry: Oh well, it's still a good thing to do. Plus I get cookies :love:

    This morning was just cardio - I'm trying to keep it light between lifting days as the workouts seem to be taking a lot more out of me as the program progresses. I guess that's the idea? LOL

    Have a great day ladies!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Tuesday all!

    Hope everyone is having a good day so far. I am planning on leaving here in a bit to go get my first lift of the week in, I just couldn't find the energy to do it yesterday and my belly was hurting pretty bad yesterday... felt like I did 3 hours of planking. Such a weird thing to be experiencing growing pains again. Hoping working out might actually help that feeling a little bit.

    @Terrie- sorry about your quad! Hope it starts getting better soon. How far away are you from the wedding?

    @Jen- oil based is seriously the worst. Cleaning those brushes is awful. Sigh, the things we do in the name of home improvement. GREAT JOB on your plank times. Dang girl! Super impressed. That split squat is super weird and I always feel dumb doing it. I believe I will be doing it today ha ha. :laugh:

    @Blue - Good on you for donating blood. I haven't in a really long time. Cookies are a great reward.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I've never donated blood. So good for you!

    Meg, I ended up getting an acrylic bonding primer at Benjamin Moore today and will take the Kilz oil back. Theoretically I get to that today. It's kind of hot out! Imagine that! So maybe not :)

    Yes, I do enjoy the BWM as much as everyone said I would. Today I am feeling pretty good besides some tightness in my right low back; I suspect I was leaning during the deadlift to one side.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    They were Cookies by George - they insisted I take two. Who was I to argue? :wink:

    Someone told me by the end of the donation the bag of blood taken weighs a kg (2.2lbs) - although I'm pretty sure that's not going to be reflected on the scale by tomorrow morning :cry:

    The Crossfit guys are pushing some sort of weight stand across the parking lot today - 4 really big weights but I can't see how much each one weighs. Highly entertaining LOL
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Last time I donated I went to the main office where they sold soup (it was canned but still delicious). Also, lost 2 lbs but gained it back the next day.

    The wedding registry said 67 days.. so quick, not much time to get everything done.

    Dr tomorrow, hoping for good news.....
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Ever watch the Strongest Man competition? Sounds like that's what's outside your office, Blue.

    Good luck, Terrie, with both the dr and the countdown. Those last weeks pre-wedding go really fast but they're exciting.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy hump day!! :drinker:

    Yeah, that's probably one of the exercises they were doing Jen. It's supposed to rain today so I likely won't have any entertainment :wink: Good thing as I think it's going to be a busy day!

    Today's workout was just weird! My HR just wouldn't come down and I had about 40 cal burn higher than normal. I wonder if it was from donating blood yesterday? I haven't really noticed that before. They say no strenuous exercise for 6-8 hours and it was at least 18 so that shouldn't be it. Just weird.

    Technically I have only one more workout until I'm finished the program!! I think I'm going to do these six workouts one more time thru as I still haven't finished the other books to see which one I want to do next :laugh: I'm thinking of re-doing this one (missing the duplicate stages) and doing 6 sets of 8 for each exercise and a total of 6 each. I found 4 was too short. But we'll see.

    I hope you got good new from the doc Terrie!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    very odd, blue--I assume it eventually came down post-exercise? I have no answers for you.

    Spent 8 glorious hours at jury duty today. My TOM started while there, so I inhaled lots of food when I got back :) Hit the pub--beer, "Irish nachos," chicken sandwich. Yum. I did get in 3B today, too, w/o intervals--just the 8 minute walk back to my car.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Did you get chosen to be on the jury, Jen? What a nasty time for TOM to visit. He can be so rude sometimes :wink:
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! Stage 1 AMRAP A is in the books. Squats 20 pounds 45 reps (boy that 20 pounds felt like nothing!), Push ups 10 on the floor, 13 from a weight bench and 27 from where I started which was about 45 degrees (no, not all at once - worked them in between the other exercises but not a single girl push up in there), seated row 40 pounds 25 reps, step ups with 3 pound "Barbie" dumbbells 20 reps and 21 prone jacks. Now that I did it, I kinda wish I had done the seated rows with 10 or 20 pounds to see how many I could get in there... Oh, well - maybe just for grins later!

    Some of y'all have been really busy with the home improvement projects - I look at some of the stuff we should think about doing and then say never mind.... I'd rather play in my garden.

    We also have a trailer but not a park model. There is no way I would want to go back to tent camping like we started out - I like my AC, hot water, shower, toilet way too much!

    Terri - hope the knee gets better soon!


    And AMRAP Stage 1 B is done - Deadlifts 30# 30 reps, Dumbell shoulder press 5# 30 reps, Pulldown 40# 31 reps, Lunge 3# 15 reps and 30 Crunches. Boy those weights felt light! Just for grins, I went back to the seated row and moved the weight clear down to 10 pounds. I did 110 of them and probably could have kept going for a little bit longer but I was getting bored! ROFL. Happy Wednesday, everyone!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Nice work, Susan!

    Nope, I wasn't chosen. I was called for two rounds of could-be-chosen but had an excuse to get out of each trial. One would have been today and tomorrow, and I have a meeting tomorrow; the other would have been late June into July, and as our first-year program director I have to be at the university's orientation sessions throughout June. Yay!

    For giggles I hopped on the scale this morning and it was 2 pounds higher than yesterday--about what I expected, given all the salty stuff and beer I ate yesterday! Better luck next week, eh? I'd really like to hit that even 20 lb goal so I can revaluate what I'm doing; I hate the idea of doing it at 19.5 lbs lost. I"m so anal retentive about these things.