Daily Chat Thread



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am sticking with my goals since I sucked at reaching them last time ;)

    1) one planned cheat day
    2) no bingeing/emotional eating
    3) hit at least 100g protein each day, hoping for 120g most days
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Lots going on here!
    Sue, way to go! I love it when a workout just "clicks"!
    I ate my feelings today- in Talenti Caramel Cookie Crumble Gelato :ohwell: it was within my cals, but not great for the macros. Still hit my BW in protein though.
    It got me to thinking about why I ended up obese to begin with. It's so easy to slip back into old habits if I'm not careful.

    ****I will keep track of scores if everyone can keep track of their goals for a challenge. We might as well count this as week 1!****

    I had an emotional date with toffee covered peanuts this week - sure felt good going down. I was upset and stressed. Old habits do die hard....even though I kept close to cals,

    Gettin excited and a bit nervous for stage 3! Looking forward to end of school year too - kids activities have been bombarding ^me.


    I've heard cheat days can be beneficial, thinking about trying.

    Can't keep up with all the posts in this thread, but great to see all the energy :)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Post Zumba...and 101g of Protein - BOOM!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am already doomed this week . Since I've been friendly with "John" today my protein wasn't as high as I would have hoped. I had to eat oatmeal and toast for supper :ohwell: I haven't been to the bathroom as of 6:30 tonight. I hope I don't jinx myself. A little over 4 hours. I will NEVER EVER take 3 pills again :laugh: If I said that once today , I've said it a 100 times.

    Thanks, Sam. I can buy 5 # of the Premier Protein powder. I'll buy it next time. The bars are decent.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Another question. The dreaded step ups..... Should I be concerned with low step with a greater barbell weight or higher step ? For the life of me the bench is too high . My knee is greater than 90 degrees, and I tend to lean forward to pull up when I begin to get tired. Form goes ..

    I'm wondering about this too. I finished stage 1 using 25 lb plate in each hand but I never went up in risers. I am using 5 risers with a step on top but it doesnt have me at 90 degrees. Should I keep progressing on weight next or make the step higher?

    On a side note, I did the stage 1a AMRAP today which included the step ups. I guess I am getting stronger because I did 40 each side with 8 lb weights and then gave up out of bordom :)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Another question. The dreaded step ups..... Should I be concerned with low step with a greater barbell weight or higher step ? For the life of me the bench is too high . My knee is greater than 90 degrees, and I tend to lean forward to pull up when I begin to get tired. Form goes ..

    I'm wondering about this too. I finished stage 1 using 25 lb plate in each hand but I never went up in risers. I am using 5 risers with a step on top but it doesnt have me at 90 degrees. Should I keep progressing on weight next or make the step higher?

    On a side note, I did the stage 1a AMRAP today which included the step ups. I guess I am getting stronger because I did 40 each side with 8 lb weights and then gave up out of bordom :)

    Thats interesting, I use 4 risers with a step on top and it does have me pretty much parallel, and I am tall with long legs! Are you really tall Ari or do our gyms have different size risers? I do them with 30lbs dumbbells and I couldn't go any heavier because I am always about to drop them by the end

    I can't remember who asked the first question but I would lower the height and use heavier weights if the height of the step is causing you to lose your form.

    I am almost doing well with the protein this week but still slightly under - the last two days I was in the 90's and I am aiming for 100. Im planning on having lots of chicken for dinner today so I should make it.

    I have a question about the lateral raises (i think thats what they are called, the ones at the end of stage 2, workout B before the prone cobra). I'm just not sure what they are meant to do. I must be doing them wrong because i don't feel it anywhere and i feel silly at the gym lying on my side and lifting my lower leg. Did anyone else find this?
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Manic I hear about about the effects of protein on digestion. Easy to get dependent on laxatives, though. I try to eat large volumes of vegetables every day, as in like 3-5 servings at once, and at least 2-3 pieces of fruit, including berries. It does add to your overall calorie load but makes a huge difference in how your body processes food. Not to mention fruits and veggies have massive amounts of important disease fighting micro nutrients that keep you from getting sick and help to fight off chronic disease. Highly recommend! I've been including these foods for 3 years now, made a huge difference.

    Easy option: bags of frozen vegetables, steam able in the microwave. They're like 2 bucks each, so a cheap mainstay to build your lunch around. Then I just add in all the protein around that. It's working, I'm as regular as I've ever been!

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    DouMc, the lateral flexions are for your obliques (side abs). I do mine on the stability ball as I find the ones on the floor too easy. It helps to really focus on squeezing the muscle as your raise up.

    I've been using 5 risers for step ups and that has my leg parallel (but I'm only 5'4" tall). I can't hold on to any db heavier than 20lbs in my small hands for too long :P so for the last month or so I've been using the Olympic bar for the step ups. Only recently have I gone beyond just the bar to add a couple of plates because the balancing with the stepping up and the bar across the back is really tricky.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I'm still here plugging along. Not having trouble sticking to workouts these days, which is good. However summer has come in from out of nowhere and weekend drinkz and eatz are my downfall. How do you all stick to your goals over the weekend? I always end up logging nothing more than Saturday's breakfast before I totally "forget" MFP for the day. All of a sudden, it's Sunday night, and I'm wondering why I didn't log and trying to remember what I ate so I can still see my weekly totals :ohwell:

    My problem with weekends is that I almost always end up under eating :ohwell:
    Maybe you could pre-log what you will eat on Friday...then all you have to do is edit it...or sign it....Or log on Saturday morning for the whole day, and Sunday as well.....
    Do you have the mobile app? I have found that to be a great help for me...especially since am always on the go during the weekend.

    As someone here said, it quickly does become second nature to log. Good luck!!

    My challenge goals:
    1. Bicycling on Thursday evenings (until they bring Zumba back at the gym)
    2. Eat more Protein (>90g) or close
    3. Continue to eat less "visible carbs"
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Step- ups: Go higher, not heavier. You want to be parallel or higher. As long as you aren't leaning to far forward and your spine is neutral, you should be ok. If you are leaning too far forward, you're not using your working leg properly. Dial back your weights until you can do it. Squeeze that glute as you go up and don't use your nonworking leg to push off. Otherwise, you're not doing it correctly. I personally can barely use 15lb DBs when I do them RIGHT. I spent the entire program of NROL4W doing them wrong. I was just doing it like I would go up steps. Just tap your toes of your nonworking leg to the floor if you're using it too much.

    Weekends: I have to remind myself how easy it is to undo all my eating during the week. I allow myself more treats, but log it all and try to stay under my weekly calories. Otherwise, I end up in a vicious cycle of binge/punishment. I eat too much on the weekends, then "punish" myself by eating less during the week. It's not good or healthy. So deciding to track every thing I eat is the best way for me to get out of the "weekend" mode and makes me think about what I'm eating.

    Manic, I hope you feel better today.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Barbell hope you're feeling better today. That gelato sounds decadently delicious :)
    Manic, hope you can find a good "rhythm" soon. It's no fun to be irregular. I second Sunshine's veggie advice.
    Pudding, what weight are you using for your barbell step-ups? That's impressive. I haven't succeeded past 17.5# dumbbells.
    Bepee, thanks for the advice. That's a good idea, to pre-log where we might be going. I just really need to stop being complacent over the weekends. I WISH I had your habit of under-eating. It's much more likely to be the opposite :/

    Ok, embarrassing story time. I'm at the gym this morning, preparing for a front squat/push press. Squat - good, and up - good, and back down - SMACK! Totally hit myself in the nose with the barbell! :sick: I let out a small "oof", did NOT make eye contact with anyone, and kept going.

    Moral of the story. Always brew coffee before 5am workouts. Always.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I agree - higher with the step ups. I use 6 risers plus the step with a 20 - 25 kg barbell (dependent on # of reps).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    Ok, embarrassing story time. I'm at the gym this morning, preparing for a front squat/push press. Squat - good, and up - good, and back down - SMACK! Totally hit myself in the nose with the barbell! :sick: I let out a small "oof", did NOT make eye contact with anyone, and kept going.

    I LOVE you for writing this!! Thank you for BEING HUMAN.

    The end.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    WillLift, the highest I've gone is the Olympic bar (so 45lbs) plus ten pounds of plates. I use 5-6 risers under my step.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Rant of the day: What's up with middle aged white dudes in do-rags hogging the rack???? Every time I go to the gym it's the same story, I finally butted in today after waiting 45 min and the SAME dude was there the whole time! They're also the same ones that just drop the weights after a rep. Annoying! Okay, I'm done complaining now!

    I love the smack in the nose story--thanks for the laugh!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Rant of the day: What's up with middle aged white dudes in do-rags hogging the rack???? Every time I go to the gym it's the same story, I finally butted in today after waiting 45 min and the SAME dude was there the whole time! They're also the same ones that just drop the weights after a rep. Annoying! Okay, I'm done complaining now!

    I love the smack in the nose story--thanks for the laugh!

    I know how you feel. Today one guy was using the rack for most of the time when i was in the gym and when his friend came in he called him over and told him to use the rack when he was done! In the end I did my FSPP with dumbbells which I don't like doing because its hard to keep my arms up straight, they wobble all over the place when they are above my head!

    So apparently I was wrong on the step ups! Go higher seems to be the consensus.

    Pudding, thanks for the advice on the lateral raises, ill try them on the stability ball and see if that is any better. Those are some pretty impressive step ups stats!! I'd like to try them with the bar but there are only two in my gym and they are like gold dust so I think i will have to stick with the dumbbells.

    I'm with the people who over eat at the weekends, although to be fair I normally over drink! and then when I am drinking I want fried foods! I really need to reign that in!

    WillLift: thats hilarious! I hope you didn't hurt yourself!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Mixed grip: Also I was instructed to have your dominated over and other under... I used straps which help a great deal.

    Quark: I don't live where I use to buy it. But in NW Washington there was a Dutch farm that made and sold Quark commercially. I have on occassation seen it otherwise. Try a fancy store maybe like New Season's or Whole Foods, Zupans?

    Low back tightness: Are you doing the post rolling? Pelvic tilts, shoulder bridges and cat & dog, knee to chest stretching help relax my lower back.

    I pasta'd out last night :frown: but it was quick and I had needed to get dinner done.

    Lifting this afternoon.....

    Glad someone else has picked up the life edition. I like it alot as I am working my second way through it now.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Manic I hear about about the effects of protein on digestion. Easy to get dependent on laxatives, though. I try to eat large volumes of vegetables every day, as in like 3-5 servings at once, and at least 2-3 pieces of fruit, including berries. It does add to your overall calorie load but makes a huge difference in how your body processes food. Not to mention fruits and veggies have massive amounts of important disease fighting micro nutrients that keep you from getting sick and help to fight off chronic disease. Highly recommend! I've been including these foods for 3 years now, made a huge difference.

    Easy option: bags of frozen vegetables, steam able in the microwave. They're like 2 bucks each, so a cheap mainstay to build your lunch around. Then I just add in all the protein around that. It's working, I'm as regular as I've ever been!


    Something I read about and tried has worked for me. At night take a calcium magnesium supplement and 500mg of vit C (a chewable) and make sure your water intake is up through out the day. I find this more gentle and predictable than actual laxatives. Also Miralax works well for some....
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Barbell: I've had several dates with that same flavor of Talenti. As well as the southern butter pecan and the Double Fudge.
    WillLift: That made my day. I've done that too. One time I hit the chandelier in the dining room with the bar. Luckily no casualties but it was 6pm so I didn't have sleepiness to blame it on.
    Manic: I agree with what was said about increasing fruits and veggies instead of using laxatives. Collards, Kale, and turnip greens were the laxative of choice in my house growing up. They always worked.

    Things are going a little better at home. I've set some boundaries with my ex and they've made things a bit easier for me. In really exciting news I weighed myself this morning and thought that I'd gained weight and was already getting over it when my scale showed my last reported weight as being .8lbs heavier. Thank god for scale memory because I sure don't have a good one. I finish stage three this week and its been mentioned in another thread that skipping from there to stage seven was recommended for those wanting to accelerate fat loss. I'm thinking about doing that. As a matter of fact depending on how well it works I might do stage seven, then stage four, and then stage seven again, and then stage five, and then stage seven and so on. OH and I'm down half an inch in my waist. Yay for movement finally!

    Goals for the week:
    1) lift three times this week
    2)get 115 grams of protein a day
    3)drink 12 glasses of water a day

    Happy lifting today ladies
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I'm with the people who over eat at the weekends, although to be fair I normally over drink! and then when I am drinking I want fried foods! I really need to reign that in!

    DouMc YESSSS! You're speaking my language!!

    Red, it's best when there are no witnesses. Nice loss!

    And it remains to be seen. I think I'm developing a bruise as we speak. That's a cute look.