Daily Check In



  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Ditto! great job saying "hi" Reanaejae! Makes me feel loved :love:
    Up north for us is Glen Arbor MI. love love love it there! on Lake Michigan - beautiful! Going w my daughters for 2 weeks and then DH is joining us for 4th of July weekend.
    I DO need to get me fire back (still). It's a struggle sometimes staying focused. I gave myself a trial mix treat today - been craving it - so I got it over with and now I can move on. I have been so darn good til now. The pounds r supposed to melt off instantly right? lol Need to keep my eye on the long term goal...healthy, tone and hot!:laugh:
    Off to my DD soccer banquet!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    morning gals (it's 7:51am in Michigan).
    had an awesome workout at Art of Strength - my favorite, tough, sweaty way to burn a ton of calories. it includes weights, rowing, ski machine, hammer swinging, rope slamming - argh! tough, but I feel great and happy when I am done.

    What's your plan today???? My personal plan is to PLAN and drink more water! didn't plan everything yesterday and wasn't spot on my calories. But it's a NEW DAY! :smile: I get super thirsty when I am not drinking enough water, and I know it's so good for my weight loss.

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Debbie > Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm so impressed with our weight loss of 28lbs. That's such a great accomplishment. This time around I’m going to recognize myself for the milestones I reach. You should be very proud. Keep it going.

    Sprint > Fencing sounds like fun and I'm sure it's a great workout. I agree about starting the day with some exercise. I'm giving myself this first week back to walk only at noon, but next Monday I'll hopefully have the energy to hit the treadmill or go out for a brisk walk first thing in the morning. It really does clear the cobwebs and help with the positive mental attitude. Thanks for the reminder!!

    Jill > I love your energy. I think that beaming smile in your profile pix helps! Michigan sounds beautiful. It's great that you will have a nice long stay there.

    TODAY I'm working on a healthy groc list and menu for the upcoming weekend. Weekends can be tough if I’m home with the fridge (and I need to feed my family). I'm going to stay away from carbs as much as possible for the rest of this week and drink extra H2O.

    As Jill said > It's a NEW DAY :smile: - let's make it count. I want that feeling I used to get when I laid down at night ... that makes you want to say "I did a good job today"
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I had an awesome night last night with our year closing fencing tournament. I fared OK and scored a couple of points on a very good fencer. Best of all, I was invited to join the local fencing club, and practice with them on Monday nights year round. My gear is on order and I have found myself in love with yet another sport. So many great ways to be fit, so little time. Started my day with a walk. Although I am physically tired today, I feel great! Have a good day, fellow menopausers.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I was up a pound at weigh in this morning....not sure why but I am not concerned.

    Yesterday I packed away all my fall/winter clothes and got out my summer stuff. Had to go to our rented storage unit and reorganize the boxes with the clothes....it was SO hot and I got a workout. Some nice guys who were working in one of the units across from me offered me a cup of ice to cool down. I was very grateful tor that! Then I came home and got on the stationary bike for 40 minutes.

    This is my off day for exercise....I do a good workout every other day. So I am working on my crocheting. I read you burn 50 calories an hour doing it. Sounds good. :).

    Hope everyone is having a great hump day!
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Wednesday checkin - a bit late! Walked to and from the gym again and did my weight lifting. I really love that morning walk and when the DH got in the car I promptly said 'aren't we walking' so unlike me hahaha! Just back from a second walk and hit 11,000+ steps. I am very motivated with my Fitbit although I'm still not quite sure how the Fitbit adjustment works but whatever, I know I'm getting my goals everyday and eating under goal but not below 1200 :) NSV - my middle son convocates this wknd and so I forced myself to try on some clothes and was pleasantly surprised that they fit and didn't look too bad. I think it's the 2nd time in the past week that I did this but I just need the assurance. I am noticing some subtle changes in my arms, back but not on the scale......I'm sure it's broken ;) have a good evening all!
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Yes, got plenty of sleep last night, no hot flashes. Checking in late tonite, had a pretty good day, not enough exercise but maybe I'll get a little more in before the night is over. Hope you all had a terrific day!
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    Had a appointment with the diabetic nurse today. Was in the morning and for the first time ever i walked to the clinic 35 min and then i walked a longer route home ;).
    Nurse was really pleased with my progress but thought my calories / day was a bit low but dropped that when i told her i only have a few pounds more to loose and then i be on maintain and can eat a bit more. She was also impressed to see that what i ate was a healthy combo so good nutrition in the calories. Only bad part was that my blood pressure was a bit higher than it normally is but it was still good so no need to worry. will see her again in november so now i have some time to improve even more ;) and also someone that will know and see if i don't.

    I am now back on track so cravings in evenings is gone. I wish i could eat lots of carbs 1 day and still stay on track but i can't and those days it takes to turn of my devils wants for carbs is sure hard. i have to constantly remind my self about what i want.
    - A healthy body
    - wearing size S or M in clothes
    - walking up several flights of stairs without having to stop
    - keep diabetes away as long as possible
    and so on and then ask my self do i want to give up all those wants and eat what ever i have in front of me or is it worth the pain of resisting and fight that devil.

  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    I want that feeling I used to get when I laid down at night ... that makes you want to say "I did a good job today"
    I LOVE this 'thought' - I want that too! thanks for sharing:heart:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    LIS - great goals!
    JRENEECAL - "no hot flashes" ! a true miracle!
    CROCHETLUVR - "50 caloreis/hour" - lol - every bit adds up to success!
    DEETEE - that's what I need to focus on too, how my clothes fit. dang scale - out the window!
    RENAEJAE - when you go shopping, pick healthy snacks that r fun/yummy. I love the 'chocolate cream cheese' someone was talking about the other day on here. I love hummus w veggies to get me through tough moments :)

    walked 4 miles w a friend this morning. going again after I drop my daughters at school. need a little extra calorie burn today...just because it's sunny :happy: I have found I enjoy walking (as opposed to running) - when you 'slow down' you see more of what your passing by....ie houses, flowers, ets. A satisfying feeling :flowerforyou:
    only a couple more weeks until I can relax on the beach up north! soooooo looking forward to it!
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Have a wonderful day! Looking to get more exercise today! Have not been walking at lunch since its 89+, wish it would cool down. I have a loss of motivation to exercise after work but will push myself I've been enjoying watching the scale creep down. Everyone seems to be doing great!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    After just a few days of eating clean and I feel so much better. You girls are a great motivation so thanks for that! It rained all day yesterday so I didn't go out for a walk. When I get home I make dinner and for some reason I can get myself on that treadmill after I eat. It just seems pointless. I need to get over that. Today I will walk at noon for sure.

    @JIll - nice walk this morning. My goal is to start a morning walk next week. I think once my metabolism shifts I'll have the energy to get back into that routine. Such a great way to start your day.

    @Lis - We are all celebrating your great appointment! I hope that diabetic nurse really praised you because you deserve it!! It looks like you are very close to your goals. Listing them like that always helped me. Keep up the great work. So many positive pay-offs.

    @jrenee - Hot Flashes are something we have in common. They are not fun - but I would imagine they burn a few calories if you're looking for the silver lining:ohwell: I hope you get your exercise in today.

    It's Thirsty Thursday so drink up - water that is. I've read somewhere in the earlier thread that you girls like your wine. I'm right there with ya! It might get ugly around "wine-0'clock" this Saturday :drinker:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    It's Thirsty Thursday so drink up - water that is. I've read somewhere in the earlier thread that you girls like your wine. I'm right there with ya! It might get ugly around "wine-0'clock" this Saturday :drinker:
    thirsty Thursday! love it - thanks for the water reminder! never enough :drinker:
    looking forward to Saturday too!:laugh:
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Wishing y'all a wonderful Thursday.

    jreneecal, I feel your pain about the heat. I had to get a headband to wear under my hat to keep the sweat out of my eyes during my outdoor exercise class. If not, my contact lenses get messed up & oh do my eyes burn. I'm in South Florida, you? No turning back on this heat until October for us.

    Lis, how fantastic your progress to report to the clinic, WTG!

    I'm still chugging along.. not the best quality in terms of eating, but not horrible & within my goal calorie count. Bootcamp on deck again tonight! Then I'm off on a long wknd trip to South Carolina to help settle my dear MIL's affairs (she just passed in March). This will be a challenge in itself to get through, as we are devastated to lose her. I also have serve as a buffer between my hubby & his sister. Not that they don't get along, it just tensions are so high. Its all been quite painful. I'll will be out of my routine & away from my kitchen & "gym". Will have to really focus on getting through & mindful of my eating. Onward & forward!

    Everyone sounds fantastic in their goals & accomplishments! Have a fantastic weekend!
    Karen :bigsmile:
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    Looks as though all you ladies are doing fantastic! Thought I was going to take a day off, but ended up mowing the yard. Instant gratification, and a bonus for burning some calories.

    Have a wonderful Thursday!
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all, I've read all your posts but sorry, no time to pull together replies. Just a quick pop in to say hi, very busy weekend with son convocating from University and family party so may not hear from me until Sunday. It's 6:30 p.m. And I've only consumed 370 cals today and NO exercise, that's the kind of day I'm having but were having lasagna for supper so my cals will quickly add up. Have a good weekend, stay strong, remember your goals.........this advice is actually for me hahaha!
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Looks like everyone had a busy day! Well here in beautiful Central Calif it was 96 degrees but I decided to bite the bullet and do my lunch walk anyway since I didn't think I'd exercise after work. Glad I did because of course after work I didn't get around to it. One of these days I'll get to bed early and do an early morning walk. Just barely under calorie goal today so hope I sweated off a few extra on my walk.
    It sure would be great if hot flashes burned off the calories!
    Nite all.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Had a great workout this morning ! Done and moving onto my day. Picking out new house stuff, DD field day at school, a day filled with "stuff". Had a great breakfast...egg whites mixed with spinach, sprinkle of parmesean and topped with a slice of tomato - yum!
    Not much to say today - just wanted to check in and wish everyone a great day!
    Remember...."don't cheat on your exercise or your eats...you're only cheating yourself out of success!"
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Great to hear from other 'busy' ladies. You put my mind in the right place going into the weekend. I generally don't visit the message boards Sat/Sun but will log my intake. Going to a bean supper on Saturday night (I told you I'm from Maine!!):laugh: It's what we do - ayup. So I won't be eating my $8 worth but the people watching is awesome!!

    Let's all have some success stories to share on Monday morning. We got this.

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Happy FRIDAY!!

    That pound I gained....its gone...along with another one. :)

    Just got my workout in...60 minutes on the stationary bike. Drippy mess but am cooling down before I get in the shower.

    Its going to be a gorgeous weekend in New Jersey! Not sure what is on tap for me except weekly grocery trip. Might do some shopping.

    Whatever you all do, ENJOY!!!