2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am not sure what weight I needed the squat rack. I started at 45 (the bar) and upped the weight each week by 5 lbs and got up to 95, I think. I was only able to overhead press 60, as I recall. But you could do front squats to whatever weight you can bring up to your chest, those are harder for me (less weight on front squats than having it on my shoulders). Or you could do them one-legged so the weight would be lighter (opposite foot on bench behind).

    The recipe is easy-it makes a ton (like 22 cups, I think)-Boil 2 cups of water, steep 4 tea bags (I did regular black tea but could do anything you wanted I think) add to 7 cups of cold water, 1.5 cups sugar, 1 can frozen OJ, 1 can frozen lemonade, 3 cups of bourbon, stir and freeze. serve with a splash of ginger beer.

    I got some hippity hop balls with a horse cover (for racing) and I hope my husband can set up horseshoes, he said with my garden now it's hard to get the distance up to regulation and we paved the other part last year.

    Good for you on the pound, Beeps! I was posting the same time as the other part that you wrote which I did enjoy. But I think the other point about that is, we shouldn't really care what men like either. I mean, we should be happy with ourselves, be grateful for what we have. There is a lot of pressure but from who? Ourselves, right? the pressure is not from men, or media or society, truly, it's the message we take to heart-the one we tell ourselves. I have been thinking about it a lot actually.
    In my effort to spend less I think grateful helps a lot. It turns a little into enough:smile:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Wow - I have soo much to catch up on just being away for a day or so!

    Beeps - I love the post and believe it is so true. It makes me sad that I see our girls (daughters, nieces, friends, selves) believing that we have to 'be' physically,mentally, socially whatever someone says we should be. We need to empower our girls (and especially ourselves) to love who we are. Years ago we talked about breaking the glass ceiling and here we are still just starting to see strong, smart women move to the top of companies,organizations or governments - it makes me sad that we are still at a point to applaud that accomplishment. It should be an everyday occurrence that we are used to by now! (off my soapbox now!)

    Also Beeps - I too am looking at layoffs - pretty much at the end of each quarter. Many changes, reorgs and repositioning going on to make things stressful. It is one of the things that gets me out the door and running pretty much every day. I would go crazy otherwise!

    Amy the party sounds like so much fun and while that punch sounds delicious I am pretty sure it would knock me on my butt! will be cheering for California Chrome and then watching the 2nd game of the Stanley Cup playoffs - go Kings!!

    Steph - how much longer will you be in Germany? Hang in there - we all need those bust days where we want to and do eat everything in sight. The important thing is to put it in the past where it belongs and go forward from there.

    Chloe - I don't have a home gym so I am no help, I just do what I need to do at my little local gym or at the gym I go to with my trainer...

    So far I am having a pretty good week. Today was the first day I was over and just by 32. If I can keep it up I will make platinum. I ran or tried to run intervals today - died by the last set and felt terrible when I got home. I was hot and couldn't cool down and just felt yucky and then exhausted. Lifting made me feel better - at least felt like I was still able to function :)

    Almost to the weekend! YAY!! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member

    Also Beeps - I too am looking at layoffs - pretty much at the end of each quarter. Many changes, reorgs and repositioning going on to make things stressful. It is one of the things that gets me out the door and running pretty much every day. I would go crazy otherwise!

    so true that when I did cardio every single day, I waaaayyyyyy better managed my stress!

    Now, I can't fit cardio in everyday - and I really like the body shape I get with weights.

    Having said that, I promised myself I would do more walking as summer arrives, but it really hasn't arrived - literally it was 3 degrees when I woke up this morning!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member

    so true that when I did cardio every single day, I waaaayyyyyy better managed my stress!

    Now, I can't fit cardio in everyday - and I really like the body shape I get with weights.

    Having said that, I promised myself I would do more walking as summer arrives, but it really hasn't arrived - literally it was 3 degrees when I woke up this morning!


    The only reason I can do it is because I work from home and can fit it around meetings and deliverables. Do you do weights every day? I go twice a week (with trainer) and am trying to get in a 3rd day on my own.

    Where you are cold we are already getting hot and I don't like it at all - seems like it has been summer since January. Hope the storms moving across the US aren't heading up your way - pretty sure though that the cold air from Canad is what comes down and hits the warmer air here and causes the severe thunder storms.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    3 degrees? yikes!
    I went to the Rockies game last night. It poured rain before that but turned into a really nice night to be outside. Too bad they lost, I thought they had a chance.

    I will be able to have a healthy dinner tonight, no drinking, maybe a run, and another in the morning and a low-low Sunday would make a dent in this terrible week I am having. But TOM started so that explains it a little bit...

    Have a great weekend everyone! and good luck to California Chrome, and the Kings:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Well, the Kings surely are firing on ALL cylinders right now!

    Had a terrible eating weekend....hopefully it didn't undo ALL the good work I put in last week.

    Will shave off another 350 (weekly) calories to make sure I am "back-on-track" this week.

    I am going to go to the gym today, but am already feeling zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - hopefully I'll get back into the swing of it, rather than leave the gym feeling still zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    How did everybody else do this weekend?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, no star-I was 1635 over, but it wasn't so bad considering the week I had. I am on track for a good week, shooting for 1500/day for the next two weeks. Then I want to see where I am and if I need to go lower.
    I tried this recipe: http://www.goop.com/recipes/dinner/turkey-ragu
    It says it makes 4 servings but it is a lot more, I would say 8. Even over pasta it's less than 400 cals per serving and yummy.

    Triple Crown party was fun, I was a little sad California Chrome didn't win, that would have been cool. The slushy punch was a big hit.

    I am super sleepy today, too, Beeps, I don't know why...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps—love that repost! And great job on the 1 pound loss!

    Amy—your Belmont Tea sounds delicious! I was craving ginger beer the other day :smile: Glad your party was fun!

    steph—getting out the binge cycle is HARD. You can get out of it though! Being honest with yourself is a step in the right direction. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a go-to healthier substitute. I kicked my take-out pizza habit (where I would eat a whole large pizza in one night on occasion) by switching to small frozen pizzas. For desserts (another weakness) I just don’t keep them in the house.

    shanaber—glad to hear you had a good week!

    Platinum star for me! I had a pretty good weekend. I shouldn't have had as many beers as I did, but I was okay on calories. I did a long run on Saturday (14 miles), so that definitely helped keep my net calories in check. Not much else to report.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Quick check-in Platinum Star for me this week (even though my eating has been less than stellar).

    I'll be back in a little bit to catch up with everyone!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Beeps- Great Post! My husband always tells me he doesn't care about my weight. In fact, he can't tell that I have gained any weight.

    Ris- Great job staying under! I think if the beers fit in your calories AND you run 14 miles, you're doing great.

    Amy- Sounds like a fun week!

    Ram- Great week!

    I was under this week too!!!! Are we still doing the star challenge? I am going to pretend we are. I have 2 more weeks until vacation. I am happy that I have some cute clothes and a swimsuit that fits. I would still like to firm up my tummy so i am going to watch the carbs for the next two weeks and step up the cardio. I have been doing 2-3 30 min cardios, a few blogilates, and a day or two of weights. For the next 2 weeks, I want 5 30 min cardios, 3 strengths, and 2 blogilates.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I would be in for the star challenge for June/July....am happy if Better_Balance runs it, though!

    I have MAJOR DOMs right now....I guess I pushed pretty hard on my weights, in part because my FAVOURITE complex showed up, today (3 exercises done circuit style - 3 x 8 - followed by a 10-to-1 complex of 5, meaning 5 exercises, done circuit-style for 10 reps, then 9 reps, then 8 reps, etc.) DOM, DOM, DOM, DOM - D-O-M!

    And, I am in a TOTAL calorie-deficit because I have decided to try, for 10 days, to skip brekkie AND lunch altogether, with just a protein shake on my lifting days (at lunch). Normal sized dinner. Will see if I can just do that for 10 days....even if I bail halfway through, that's 5 days of EXTREME deficit and maybe I'll get back <150 which I am ashamed to say I have been above!! (That was a FIRM "no-no" goal through 2014....I NEVER wanted to see 150's again....blech.)
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    Nice work everyone! Even you Amy! :) 1600 is not as bad it could be right?

    This trip has been a real ego check for me! Not working out like I had planned and too many stress binges. Good to see that I still have ways to go though, I was worried I was perfect! Ha!
    No star for me, as I knew earlier in the week, from a day of binge I didnt log at all. Cutting my trigger foods though and working on the mental part. We head home on the 1st of July and I will promptly jump into a new life that involves parenting my four little ones on my own for the most part. My husband will start a new job working in a city two hours away and will likely stay there a few nights a week. Oh boy! Time to get this eating thing under control AND stay strong and fit.
    Not quitting is so much of the battle. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member

    Not quitting is so much of the battle. :)

    ...it really is.

    So long as you/we are "stumbling forward", it's really all going to be okay!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Logging is maybe what makes a difference for me, I think. I looked back at that month and crunched the numbers-when the scale was low and BF was low and for the month before I was logging every day. My weekly averages were over maintenance! I was working out 3 times per week. That was interesting to me...

    Good luck, Steph, one day at a time, you got this!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Well - I have had a very crazy day! I was doing great this last week until Saturday when I hurt my foot 8 miles into my long run. Walked the rest of the way home and got super sunburned on top of it. By the time I got home I couldn't put any weight on my foot any longer. I spent the weekend keeping off of it as much as possible - watching the horse race, the Kings game and EATING!

    We went to see Maleficent and loved it but I ate way too much popcorn. Now I am bloated and feeling really yucky from all the food and salt! The good news is my foot is feeling a bit better (I can at least stand on it now) though I am not going to try to run for at least a few days.

    I was on track to hit Platinum but ended up being Gold again for the week; over by just about 200 despite all the eating and drinking. I am determined to be on track this week even though I don't think I will be able to run much!
    I will get to the gym to lift at least twice (maybe 3x) and do cardio on the other days on the bike or something foot friendly :) I head to Seattle for a few days next week (belated Mother's Day gift) and we are going to stay in a spa and go wine tasting! Can't wait!!

    Hang in there Steph - hopefully it will still be easier once you are at home with all your support around you and familiarity even if you have more parenting responsibility!

    KC - sounds like you have a great week of workouts planned!

    Amy - logging certainly helps me but sometimes like this weekend it just frustrates me to no end because I KNOW I shouldn't eat the way I did!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Amy - pre-logging my daily calories makes ALL the difference for me, frankly. That, and making sure I am trying to get in MORE movement. In the winter, 3 x weekly weightlifting is about all I can manage. But, come summer, I can totally do 4 x weekly weight-training and a day or two of cardio (even if only 30 minutes of cardio....still better than nothing!)

    I had a <1,000 calorie day, yesterday. I am going to try and do that for today and for tomorrow. Maybe even thursday. Weigh on Friday and then get back to a normal calorie deficit.

    My belly-button bloat is down 2", so THAT is a very good thing. (I still have 2" more to go to be where I was LAST year at this time. Blech.)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Ohhhhh, I'm pretty excited about Maleficent! I think I'll wait until after a thursday weigh in and then I can splurge a bit....*if* I have kept my calories LOW all weekdays!

    I just decided THIS week to bite the bullet....one week only....deep deficit....and then I will feel DECADENT when I can return to 1,400 cals per day (instead of feeling DEPRIVED....get it??!?!?!)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Beeps- My daughter saw Maleficent yesterday and she said it was good. Good luck getting out of the 150s. I got into the 130s about a year ago after swearing I would never be that heavy again. But I didn't put in the effort. So I stayed there for 9 months. Then, i started putting in the effort. I have gained another 5 pounds, but I know I look better then I did this time last year. I hate the scale.

    Yesterday, I got held up and didn't get to workout. Ok, I COULD have shifted things around or made better use of time, but I didn't. I am about to go do a HIIT workout and then I will lift this afternoon. I have to get back into the groove of just working out AS SOON AS I WAKE UP. This happens to me every summer. I think i have all the time in the world, but I don't.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    . I have to get back into the groove of just working out AS SOON AS I WAKE UP.

    I have realized this just will NOT work for me....not at this point in my life, anyway.

    I have all the breakfast/child-organizing/getting ready for school stuff on my plate. Plus getting ready myself to go to the office. It just is NOT the time, in my life, to take "morning hour" for work-outs....maybe someday, but that day is NOT here.

    And, truth-be-told, I actually LIKE my children in the mornings! They are relatively rested, decent to be around, kind of carefree....I HATE my children at dinner-hour - they are miserable, tired, cranky, etc. So, I prefer to see them in the morning and I organize a WHOLE bunch of work events after work, if I can - or I squeak into kidlet activities at JUST THE LAST MOMENT.

    True story.

    PS - I didn't make my gym work-out today....but, I am still managing my calorie-input very well! BOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I had an early morning business meeting and an after-work function....so, again, no work-out today!

    Will manage my calories (again!) and hope for a work-out tomorrow!

    Geezuz....I NEED A WORK-OUT!