Daily Chat Thread



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sunshine - Hello, and yes, we are doing new goals :happy:
    Dna - Good job on the DD Lifts!! Wohoo!!

    Checking at 3/3. I had over 80g Protein, I met my caloric goal today - and then some, and the not eating "visible" carbs is coming along well!!

    However, I did imbibe this past weekend - I think I had three glasses of 5oz. wine on Saturday, or Sunday :drinker:
    I also had a Ruby Tuesday Chicken BBQ Flat-bread.

    Lifting turned out to be fun! I was lazy when I went in...but got so invigorated that I did extra leg exercises (I always do extra leg sets when I can because I have wide hips)!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hey ladies! I'll catch up soon. Great to see everyone chatting!

    I'm a big fat 0 this week. I didn't even try! My motivation is seriously lacking in the macros/diet department and my sleep is just stupid. Ugh. I'll try harder this week!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    7-1 is finished and I completely understand why Lou says if you do 2 rounds of stage 7 you're a better man than him. Stage seven is non stop go go go go and by the end I just wanted to ooze onto the couch. I managed to do one Tabata complex before my body gained the consistency of pudding. It was nice to be doing normal squats again and I'm excited to do deadlifts as well. Tomorrow I go for a nice slow run as long as it doesn't run. And when I say slow I mean slow. I'm thinking a 13 minute mile. I want to burn the extra calories more than I want to get any kind of speed. I'm going to try my best to eat right, sleep, keep drinking my water, and lifting and hopefully I can knock another inch or so off my waist. I think I'll go finalize my bikini tonight!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I just ate a stupid amount of cereal for dinner :sick:

    MY favorite food

    I ate out ALL day. but I had a good day shopping and eating out with my good friend. no workouts.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    I'm with you . I had two breakfast biscuits because I didn't feel like cooking lol Therefore, I'm a little low on protein today.

    My protein intake was half of yours :noway: :grumble: AND ladies, that happens when you eat out for THREE meals and do NOT make the best choices.

    43 g protein today.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Red stage seven is great- it's hard but I felt so strong
    Doumc- BWM kicked me down- it took me so long I don't even want to admit it.

    My intake stinks. I ate almost a thousand cal over and still did not meet my protein.

    I am still having a pain flare but I am still trying to get over it- I did yoga and meditation today. Unfortunately I had a long drive to work at an outlying office and probably will pay for it over the next few days.

    Hope everyone had a better start to the week than I did.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Red you have to post some bikini pix
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    BWM was a total ***** hello. Could not jump for the second set and was just plain tired of being there. And When 90 second planks are oddly healing of lower back pain you know you're outta whack. I'm sure I was at the gym for at least 90 min if not more. Not used to the high rep stuff and with 2 weeks off from running my HIIT suffered. Frustrating.

    1. Get the protein
    2. Stay within cals
    3. Nightly foam rolling
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    My whole body hurts today! I think I will cancel the run I had planned for this evening and just do some yoga and a walk instead.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Must've been something in the air on Monday.

    I need to FOCUS. I'm focused.

    Today, I start Stage 4 and then I'll take DS to the pool.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've got my day planned but I need 9 more grams of protein.

    Anybody do oatmeal with protein powder stirred in?

    I forgot to buy plain yogurt and cottage cheese :grumble:
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to say hi especially to my friend Beeps:-) (it's Dru.)

    I just started this program yesterday. I feel like I have lots of questions so this group is a great resource. I'm very active and have lifted weights in the past but I'm that classic woman he talk about in the book who progresses from the 5# to 8# Barbie weights. In fact in the 80s I think I actually had some pastel colored dumbells lol.

    So it's a huge mental shift for me to really push myself. Also I can get a little obsessed with form and with injury prevention. I'm in my 40s and don't want to be out for two months because of a stupid moment of doing something that gets myself hurt.

    Starting out without pounds to lose, but wanting to feel stronger. I have had some medical issues this past year and now I'm in menopause and I've noticed my waistline kind of disappearing and my bottom/belly/thighs not looking firm. So I am looking to shift stuff around on my body and improve overall appearance plus be super strong.

    So anyway, that's me--hello!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    You'll really love this program, is my bet!

    Today I am only going to do half-weights/half-cardio workout....this is BETTER than most Tuesdays when I do NO workout.
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Is this daily chat a good place to ask questions? I feel like I have a lot! Like...he says to drink a protein shake right after workouts. How long is "right after"?

    Not really a shake person but I'm giving it a try. I found a recipe for these homemade snack things that are like these balls you make with peanut butter and protein powder, I think I'd like to eat my protein powder rather than drink it.

    Also re "rest"-- what do you ladies consider actual "rest" between lifting days? I take pretty challenging yoga classes (this is not just stretching and breathing; I am working!) and I also play golf and tennis. My daily cardio is walking the dog and that seems like an ideal rest day activity.

    Also on push-ups--I can only do 8 and 7 (two sets) of regular military style push-ups. Is it better to do a modified version and do the full sets of 15? And can I modify by bending my knees to do "girl" push-ups or is it better to do the angle modifications he has in the book. It seems like there must be a reason he chooses to have angle push-ups instead of girl push-ups listed as an option.

    Also did the prone jack knifes in workout 1A. It says they are for hip flexors but this felt 100% like an abs/core exercise to me. Am I probably doing it wrong?
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    My whole body hurts today! I think I will cancel the run I had planned for this evening and just do some yoga and a walk instead.

    totally. basically just decided the same thing.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to say hi especially to my friend Beeps:-) (it's Dru.)

    I just started this program yesterday. I feel like I have lots of questions so this group is a great resource. I'm very active and have lifted weights in the past but I'm that classic woman he talk about in the book who progresses from the 5# to 8# Barbie weights. In fact in the 80s I think I actually had some pastel colored dumbells lol.

    So it's a huge mental shift for me to really push myself. Also I can get a little obsessed with form and with injury prevention. I'm in my 40s and don't want to be out for two months because of a stupid moment of doing something that gets myself hurt.

    Starting out without pounds to lose, but wanting to feel stronger. I have had some medical issues this past year and now I'm in menopause and I've noticed my waistline kind of disappearing and my bottom/belly/thighs not looking firm. So I am looking to shift stuff around on my body and improve overall appearance plus be super strong.

    So anyway, that's me--hello!

    hi! welcome to middle age, which isn't really all that bad, but your notes sound exactly like me. ha

    the stomach spread and the spongy legs - NROL4W can definitely help to minimize. you'll like the program! although you are right to take it slow.

    i went into menopause 2 years ago but started HRT about a month ago. hot flashes stopped, dryness stopped, most of the mind fog stopped. nice side effect: skin and muscles seem firmer.

  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I love coming in here back from the weekend to all these updates :) Ya'll make it hard to keep up, I love it!

    It was a successful anniversary weekend, kinda sad it's over but we had loads of fun! Biking all Friday evening, 6 hours of kayaking on Saturday, followed by riding bikes to lunch and dinner. Bicycle/winery tour on Sunday in a lovely small neighbor town, and finally a relaxing pedicure and "last" dinner yesterday. LOTS of eatz and drinkz. However, I'm quite proud that I only had one day over calorie goal! All the food and wine was totally offset by our high activity. I quite like this strategy :)

    Need to get back to lifting and into a routine for the week. Hope everyone's Tuesday is going great!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Sam, that video was great, thanks for posting. I'm thinking about backing her kickstarter too, what a wonderful cause.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    jdgro - I do drink a protein shake right after my work-out....however, I don't do it because Lou S. says to....I do it because: a) I work-out at lunch, and so I grab a protein shake after as my actual lunch (before racing back to the office); and b) I don't eat anything in the mornings....so, this really is my first "food" of the day - I'm usually hungry for it!

    My own research seems to suggest "when" the protein shake is ingested isn't really that particular, except for very elite athletes. But, that's my own research....

    You can totally EAT your protein rather than DRINK it!

    When I was doing NROL4W, I literally would NOT work out until the 48th hour after my last work-out....I was TOTALLY paranoid about injury and I really felt like my body NEEDED that rest. To each his own, but that's how I got by....

    In my books, you can do as much or as little cardio as you want - yoga, golf, tennis, walking the dog all counts as "cardio" (to me....I used to do bikram hot yoga thinking that was "strength"....it isn't....it's cardio! Awesome for flexibility and balance, etc. and I LOVED the feeling afterward, but it did NOT change my bodyshape like free weights did/do!)

    And....for the push-ups, I am TOTALLY against the "on your knees" style....Lou S. got it right when he said to always choose a full plank position style of push-ups and then if you cannot do them from the floor, do them from stair height, or chair height, or counter height, or whatever. The work-out your abs gets is just 1,000,000 times better if you are always in that full plank position!

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, you did an awesome job answering Dru's questions!

    I'm going to be baking those lemon raspberry cupcakes again tonight. AND making truffles with a chocolate wine glaze.