Daily Check In



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Busy past couple of days... finally back on MFP! We had been away for a trip to the Alberta Rockies/Kananaskis for hiking & biking where I won a Sightseeing flight for two with Alpine Helicopters in a draw at the Alpine Club of Canada open house. Wooo Hooo! I love flight of any kind in any equipment! Then off for a sybaritic stay at a Relais & Chateaux boutique hotel with a 4 diamond restaurant and pampering. When we got back Sunday night, there were no groceries in the house (of course) so Monday was a day of eating out at fast food while running around & doing errands :indifferent: . At least it was the best possible choices of salads and fruit smoothies - nothing deep fried or fat covered.
    We had a huge backlog of calls on our voice mail and had to catch up with those - mainly customers, but I was also headhunted by a security firm since I work as a volunteer with the RCMP here. Nice to have someone ask you to please work for them and choose whatever hours you would like. 'Oh, and send us your resume as a formality, but you ARE hired... if you want the job." So now I've got to check my schedule and book off all my vacation pre-arrangements and send them an email for what days/hours I want to work.

    Happy happy happy! :heart:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member

    Jill - what do you make your green smoothie with? I did the Standard Process cleanse last fall and wondered if I could use the leftover protein powder to make a healthy (but tolerable) smoothie for breakfast.?? PS - Great run/walk for you today - WTG!!
    I use one frozen banana (I break bananas into about 5 pieces and freeze them)
    handful of spinach
    approx. 1/2 - 1 cup of water
    and 2 tbs of PB2 (it's a powered "peanut butter" you can buy at Whole Foods)

    I don't use protein powder cause I usually drink this smoothie after a walk or run - just for a quick fix :drinker:
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    @ Jill - Vancouver Island so Pacific :)
    Got a quick walk in after visiting with our gym friend but not much else to report. Having a hard time getting my food back on track since the wknd festivities. I am either not eating and nibbling OR over eating at mealtime. Need to focus on getting this back on track because it certainly doesn't feel good and of course I don't feel satisfied which doesn't help. Tomorrow I plan on our morning walk and gym workout then the rest of the day packing non-essentials as 6 wks until we move!
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Sorry I dropped out for afew days. Monday helped my son do a weedeating job and after 4 hours when I woke up on Tues I could barely move, atleast I burned alot of calories. Nothing too exciting on Tues. work, helped a friend move, carpet cleaned the house and dropped into bed. Today will be more exciting Ladies Guild year end luncheon with wine! I must be careful what I eat, will report back tomorrow.
    Sounds like everyone has been busy glad to here about vacations and spending time with families.
    Everyone have a terrific day!
    ps green smoothie this morning
    3/4 kale
    frozen bannana
    3/4 apple juice
    1 celery stalk
    splash lemon juice
    1/2 c ice
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    just returned from the gym - weights and 20 min cardio. feel good. egg whites and chicken here I come!
    DEETEE - sounds so beautiful!! jealous here :bigsmile:
    JRENEECAL - welcome back (so to speak) - great to hear your voice :smile: your smoothie sounds yummy too! freezing bananas is like a small smoothie miracle - it works so well!

    Side note =- I know it's a mental thing - but half our battles in life are mental - losing a few pounds gives me such a boost of energy, drive, more positive mindset, etc. I think partially I feel this way is because I am not putting crap into my body. no junky carbs, junky sugar - all of which affect my "mind". my 2 cents for the day :laugh:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hump Day - yaaa!

    @deetee - One day of eating lite will put you right back on track. Just think how great you will feel! You got this!

    @jill - Thanks for the smoothie recipe. That combination - really? banana, spinach, water & PB powder - I won't knock it til I try it.

    Feeling more hungry than I want. I need to increase my protein. Went for a TBSP of PB this morning, tuna for lunch - what to do for dinner. . . . .?
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi all!
    Back home after traveling to SC to clear my MIL house to sell now that she has passed. Busy few days away, so no exercise (just packing, etc.). A pretty emotional experience, but thank god very little drama. I did track the best that I could as all meals were out or on the go. I was well over my goal of course. Weird thing, I am down 1/2 pound which in itself for me is huge.. ESPECIALLY after traveling. Maybe my goal 1250 is too low? When away over Memorial I gained 5 pound & once home being very focused only lost 4 of it in over 2 wks... very baffled!

    Everyone sounds fantastic! Love the smoothie ideas & summer plans. I am looking forward to my 6pm happy hour bootcamp tonight. I am thankful that it is easy for me to jump back in to the exercise, I do enjoy it.

    Have y'all heard of this page http://dietsarefattening.com? I have liked the FB page & one of my friends has had much success with it. I do think the diet industry is flawed at the very least...A bit hard to wrap my head around & the thought of it a bit scary. I am thinking of buying the book. What do you think?

    Great job ladies, I applaud all your successes and your determination. We WILL DO this!! :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :drinker:
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Further proof of my newly acquired sensitivity to salt, which I have read can come with menopause. I ate 2 servings of pretzel Goldfish (40gm pretzels) Monday night, but other than that have been at or slightly under my calorie goal for quite a few days in a row. Tuesday morning was up 3 pounds! I am down 1.5 today and I assume I will be back to where I was tomorrow. I certainly am not going to cut out all salt, but decrease my intake, and not be bummed when the scale jumps after a few measly olives.

    On the other hand, I am down 2.9 pounds since I joined this group about 3 weeks ago. After a maintenance period of more than a year. Thanks for being there everyone, and for inspiring me to keep working at this.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    HAPPY THURSDAY GALS! :bigsmile:



  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Had a great time and lots of intensive exercise at my fencing last night. Walked this morning and will do so again after dinner with a great friend. I love going for walks with girlfriends. We can walk miles and catch up on all the latest, too. Trendweight.com says I have lost 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks. Finally the losing has started again. It's amazing how that happens when I just track everything and eat within my goals.
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Thursday already!!!! Today coffee with Mom and then more packing. Got a good number of walks in yesterday for a total of 8kms which is about 12,000 steps. Feeling good with my strength training and have increased my weights substantially in some areas so proud of that. A quick review of my diary lately and it is evident that I am carb heavy and protein weak so that is something I am going to focus on as soon as I am settled into our new place Aug. 1. For now I am going to keep on keeping on, eat healthy, continue with the gym and my walks. That should keep me in the right head space until I am more settled! Have a great day ladies!
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    So today has been a bit of a review day for me (hope this post isn't too long).

    Yesterday I had logged for 50 days which is halfway to a small mental goal I have of 100 days - I intend to do it for longer, always?, but 100 days is the first milestone in that.

    Also yesterday I registered that I have lost 14.5lbs with 29lbs left to go so that is 1/3 of that amount achieved. There may be more weight loss after then but I won't know til I get there as I've not been at the weight for so long that I have no clue what it will look or feel like.

    However I think I need to do more. My daily walk has dwindled from 61/2 miles to 3 miles as the people I walk with just amble along and don't like taking their dogs into a field that sometimes has cows in it. So I either need to ditch them, in the nicest possible way, or add another longer walk into my day.

    And I am aware that having lost this stone+, my clothes feel better but things are jiggly so I have spent a lot of time today reading and looking up strength training. I did a 24 minute Fitnessblender (free on youtube) video at lunchtime with 1kg weights - the lady in the vid was doing it with anything from 9lb-48lbs, eek! - and I can feel that something was working. So I'm going to do more of that.

    Diet wise I'm relatively happy - I think I need to eat a bit more, I don't always eat as much as I'm allowed especially with exercise calories added, and I need to up my protein and even my fat a bit. That's fine, eating more is not a problem. I wish we could PB2 in the UK and some of those amazing protein powders and bars that I see mentioned.

    Ladies who do strength training, what weights did you start on? And how swiftly did you increase? I have a shoulder that dislocates so I am wary of too much and there will always be moves that I cannot/will not do but I would like your opinions, please?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    FRIDAY thank you for arriving!!!!

    It's been a busy but fun week. I've stayed in control of my eating all week but didn't get in as many walks as I'd wanted to. Next Tuesday is the last day of school so I plan on changing my routine up for summer (no kids to wake up and make lunches for - yaaaa!) So I'll be walking every morning.

    My plan is to eat very light this weekend and avoid BBQ temptations on Father's Day. Drink lots of water and be mindful of my goals.

    See you all on Monday - hoping to report a good loss on the scales.
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    Been struggling with a annoying head ache and nausea on and of during the last week and as I'm not used to head aches i find it hard to have em. I get grumpy and don't think any thing is fun so i hope it will go asap.

    Diet is back to good and exercise i keep up, walking actually makes the head ache better for a hour or two.

    Got several exercises for the knee and will keep doing them.

    Today the physical therapist wanted me to work/test my balance so he took out a ball with a standing circle on. I stood on it and kept standing not letting the circle touch floor so he said
    - lets make it harder look to floor then wall then window.
    I did so and he said with a laugh
    - well thats to easy for you
    and took out a foam block and said stand on this with 1 leg i did and then had to look like before, up and side ways, and then he said
    -hmmm thats to easy for you too and i don't have more to challenge your balance with, try to at home find something like a pillow or so that makes you loose balance and train with it.

    i guess thats my yoga i can thank cause before it i sure didn't have good balance
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member

    However I think I need to do more. My daily walk has dwindled from 61/2 miles to 3 miles as the people I walk with just amble along and don't like taking their dogs into a field that sometimes has cows in it. So I either need to ditch them, in the nicest possible way, or add another longer walk into my day.

    Diet wise I'm relatively happy - I think I need to eat a bit more, I don't always eat as much as I'm allowed especially with exercise calories added, and I need to up my protein and even my fat a bit.

    Ladies who do strength training, what weights did you start on? And how swiftly did you increase? I have a shoulder that dislocates so I am wary of too much and there will always be moves that I cannot/will not do but I would like your opinions, please?

    you are doing great! wow! keep in mind it's about YOU :happy: - if you can't find additional time (which can be hard to do) to walk again - ditch your friends :smile: :smile: take ITunes as your "friend" - I find music is such a motivator.

    yes, eat more protein - it will keep you fuller and help to build muscle. I don't follow the carb, protein fat allowance I am given on MFP. I always eat far more protein and less carbs.

    Body for Life offers a great workout routine that makes sense when starting out. you "stack weights" - for example - dumbbell curl: first you would do 12 reps w a 2lb weight, then 10 reps w a 5lb, 8 reps w a 8lb , 6 w a 10lb and then 12 reps with 5lb. this "stacking" allows you to overtime increase your weight lifted. as you get stronger you might start with a 10lbs for those first 12 reps. hope this makes sense. check our their website. also, if you have access to a trainer - a lot of them will do one session to help you create a workout that's right for you.
    my 2 cents :laugh:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member

    RENAE - I am with ya! thanks for arriving! have a great weekend!
    NILLALIS - I hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    DD last day of school today. thank goodness I had a hard workout this morning, as our tradition for the last day of school is to have ice cream for lunch. and I counted every calorie :smile: it's a fun outing - we picked my DH up for work and he went with us. now to stuff myself with protein for the rest of the day. :laugh:
    My DD soccer game will help to keep me occupied and away for the frig tonight.
    Control is the key for this weekend!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Nillalis: you could look into getting a BOSU (kind of like a half-sphere) that you can use to do exercises on. Or even a Swiss Ball if you are really 'balanced'. I knew a couple who used to crouch-stand on swiss balls and toss medicine balls to each other to catch. If that isn't balanced I don't know what is. They were pretty amazing athletes though. The BOSU isn't cheap though. Google an image if you need to, and you-tube of exercises on it for ideas.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Wednesday night I did an amazing Aqua-Kickboxing class at the outdoor pool which was killer, but lots of fun. This morning it was Aquacize and deep water run at the indoor pool. I think I get more of a workout getting showered and dressed afterward though - poops me out. I think I understand young teen boys better now, "Shower?! Mmmm, nah, too much bother!" :laugh:

  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Liana -water aerobics are killer. There is a class where I am moving to so I plan to join it when it starts in the fall. Today was an R&R day for me and DH. Spent the day at the Spa first in the mineral pool, then steam room then he had a relaxation massage and I had an amazing 1 1/2 hr pedicure with massage and Parrafin wax, Awesome!! Due to the timing of everything we hit Tim Hortons for breakfast after the gym this morning prior to heading to e spa which is about an hour from home and did not have lunch as we were in our treatments most of the afternoon. Anyway, food is out of wack but I wore my swin suit today and felt pretty darn good and for that I am happy!
  • LadyBos
    LadyBos Posts: 30 Member
    Today, I ate the worst possible things and drank two delicious hard ciders for a whopping 400 calories. But on the bright side, I logged it all. I'm trying so hard to get back to logging regularly. It's the only thing that works for me.