Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    I got my lifting in and done! Whew!!

    And, I lost 1 lb this week! So, that means my calorie-deficit is working....I lost 1 lb last week and I lost 1 lb this week.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Ohhh I am so totally following your Pinterest board runz!! Looking at those Flourless peanut butter brownie cookies and mentally trying to work out how to make them completely safe for my family... they might just be on the agenda for next week :wink:

    Didn't bake last night, went to bed early instead :yawn: The girl's training this morning was 10x better than last Thursday morning - we made her write a letter of apology to her coach with a promise to try harder to keep her grumpiness under control. Such a tough Mum I am apparently :tongue:

    Re bulking & cutting, it's just something I'm having a little go at - but more so in that during winter I'm just going to lift hard and eat food and see what happens. When August/September hits then I'm going create a small deficit (may go back to counting for a little bit) for about a month and see what my body looks like in time for swimming weather :happy:
    I got my lifting in and done! Whew!!

    And, I lost 1 lb this week! So, that means my calorie-deficit is working....I lost 1 lb last week and I lost 1 lb this week.


    Well done Beeps!!

    Okay, I need to go get ready. We did a quick changeover this morning - I pulled into the driveway, got swimming gear out, hand the husband the keys and he and the boy were straight off to an early AFL game (8am - blergh! lol).
    And then we are off to the IL's place about an hour away. They've been in Europe for 7 weeks, so I suppose we should go see them now they're back :laugh:

    Oh and I got my haircut a little shorter again yesterday. After my lifting exploits this week, and a new 'do' I feel freaking fantastic!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Oh and I got my haircut a little shorter again yesterday. After my lifting exploits this week, and a new 'do' I feel freaking fantastic!

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Marieann, I was busting at the seems for a long time. I went whole weeks just committed to skirts and dresses. I didn't start seeing a downward trend until the second half of Stage 3.

    I enjoyed a fast food lunch with DS today :blushing: I'm over on calories and I definitely won't get that point this week. Oh, well :ohwell:

    DNA, I need a haircut too! And I'm wondering if I should do something about the grey? That recipe does look awesome! I haven't tried it yet.

    I fixed my Bulgarian Split Squat last night. My rear foot is now flat :glasses:

    When y'all do Reverse Lunge with Forward Reach, do you hold dumbbells or a weight plate?
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I made brownies!! Gluten-free, dairy-free and chocolate-free (we use carob instead).
    They look awesome and my house smells divine :happy:

    Runz, i use dumbbells with the forward reach.

    Okay, must run. Off to the IL's we go.

    But tomorrow.... tomorrow I pick up my new (2nd hand lol) squat rack!! :bigsmile:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    DNA, did you use the peanut butter brownie cookie recipe?

    Chocolate free?!! Does somebody get migraines or something? Please, tell us there's a really. good. reason :frown:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    DNA my kids are 6(almost7) and 11- the older used to be into swimming , and I am pretty short- kind of weird

    I had a crazy day- I had the afternoon off to see the slides how and clap- out at my daughters fifth grade end of grade school celebration. But then daughter 2 got sick and I missed most of the celebration with her doctors appt. she had pneumonia do I felt guilty that I didn't bring her in sooner....

    More lifting this weekend- but I am ready to finish this stage so...,
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    DNA, did you use the peanut butter brownie cookie recipe?

    Chocolate free?!! Does somebody get migraines or something? Please, tell us there's a really. good. reason :frown:

    No, didn't have all the stuff for the peanut ones, so grabbed a quick one out of one of my books.

    My daughter is highly intolerant of amines - cocoa in particular - so things like chocolate, grapes, citrus fruits, tomatoes and a few other things are out. Some things she can have in small doses, but that doesn't apply to chocolate unfortunately :frown: My brother is actually anaphylactic with grapes, so I don't take too many chances.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Willift and Marie - thanks for the support, so glad I'm not the only one! It's a tough thing for sure, but knowing it's a common problem and others feel that way to goes a long way. This tends to be a lighter chatty thread but I'm still gonna comment on this here since it directly affects motivation.

    Did some introspection last night. Essentially at the end of the day, I need to assert myself with several people in my life right now and re establish respect. I love them but I'm done taking the crap that's getting handed out lately. I've got a ton on my plate and I'm not gonna just keep giving giving giving. But anyway what does this have to do with lifting?

    Failure to assert imploded on my body - injuries, diet self sabotage, a whole chain. I mean you could argue that my body needed rest and maybe it did but at the end of the day holding back when I need to assert lives inside ^me and produces stress. Driving diet failure. Maybe if I eat the what I want when I want it without regard to my goals I feel more powerful and in control. Self sabotage. What I really need to do is set some limits and boundaries for how others are treating ^me, and that's what's gonna put ^me back in the drivers seat. Which will make some space inside to get back on track and embrace the iron.

    like we say on here BOOM
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam, do you eat more on lift days or just straight 1910 everyday. Is your body still changing?

    I eat back my exercise calories if I'm hungry. If I'm hungry I eat period. I'm not entering any kind of competitions. I live to be happy and over thinking my diet would seriously make me unhappy. By body isn't really changing any more at this point, but I'm still getting stronger. I'm maintaining which is the entire goal.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Runz....pass the boozey truffles!!! :drinker:
    Sam..how was Zumba?

    Just came back from bicycle riding...and I went up this incline - whew! My quads need a bit more work lol!!!

    World Cup Opening match - my fav team, Brazil, won!!!
    Vai, Brasil! Vai!! Aiayaiayai!!! :drinker:
    Bike riding and zumba you are speaking my language. Zumba is always awesome. I have the most *kitten* kicking instructors on the planet including a dude who can seriously move. We even have some guys in the class now ;) Though some of his hip hop stuff I just can't make me feet do, and I noticed that I don't have the skill set for booty popping. Hip shaking I have in spades but popping is a mystery to me. lol

    Speaking of hip shaking, I had my school end of year party last night where we celebrate the retirees and a hard-fought year over. Delicious buffet open bar, and a kick-*kitten* DJ. I was on the dancefloor all night and did not feel bad for one minute of missing the gym because I was working up a serious sweat. I'm pretty buttoned up at work, so people were a little surprised by my moves. I don't really go to zumba for the work out, I go because I love to dance and every week is like a party, holla'
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am reading trying to keep up with all of yall's lives. We aren't intolerant of anything (hence the reason I am on here) LOL so I don't need the gluten free recipes. But the recipes sound yummy.

    Cowgirl, Last week my goals were 1/3 this week 1/3. DOGGONE Stress!

    Sam, you are AWESOME. I love how you changed your body with eating. I WAS getting there. Hopefully by the middle of next week. I'll get back to it.

    To whomever was tired of Stage 1, I hear ya. It was tiring and seemed forever but it helped set the stage of getting the correct form. The stages go FAST after that.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Manic, I avoid soy because of my thyroid but everything else is fair game from Twinkies to organic broccoli. I like to try everything from old fashioned recipes to new fangled paleo recipes. I made peanut butter cookies from chickpeas once and they were awesome! DS loved them.

    I do skip margarine and food coloring. Why use red food coloring when I can use strawberry liqueur? Like, hello.

    Sam, you crack me up with your Zumba adventures!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I've missed you guys!
    Runz: Holy crap look at your legs in that picture! That's what I'm going for absolutely!
    Sunshine: You ABSOLUTELY have to set boundaries. I'm doing that now with my ex and while it hurts to know that my boundaries may hurt him I need to make sure that I'm okay first and you need to do the same! Good luck with it!
    Sam & Bepee: You guys have me wanting to try zumba!
    Beeps: Congrats on that one pound down! Consistent loss is a beautiful thing
    You guys are KILLING me with all these desserts

    Height: 5'2
    Weight: 136! (lost 4.6 pounds since May 11!)
    Calories: 1528 on lifting and non lifting days unless I want Talenti

    Finished my first week of stage 7 and I'm really proud of myself for getting it done. I think my Mon, Wed, Sat schedule is best for me. Saturday morning it's really easy for me to roll out of bed and just get the workout done instead of trying to do it Friday night when I just want to laze around and watch tv and surf the internet. I also met all of my goals for the week so I'm 3/3 baby! I'm trying to win this challenge again so that really motivated me to get my act together! My hyper competitiveness comes in handy! This challenge has actually done a lot to help me set goals in other areas of my life. I know that we're just tracking exercise here but since I don't have anywhere else to keep myself accountable for my other goals I'm going to do that here too.
    1) Practice Spanish at least 4 days a week
    2) Take drawing lessons online at least 3 days a week
    3) Read the entire newspaper on Sundays
    4) Read two quality books a week
    I've done so much to improve my body that I thought it only made sense to make some goals meant to improve my mind. I'll officially start this challenge tomorrow.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yall familiar with the movie "Heavyweights"? I am the 40 year old fat counselor who has been around for 20+ years who hasn't lost a pound. :laugh: I stick around for the companionship.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I just pushed all my cupcakes and truffles onto the neighbors :laugh:

    Tonight, I make more for Father's Day :sick:

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    THat's how you do it Ruz! lol.

    SPent the day cleaning and staging my GRam's house or sale then came home and took a two hour nap. Doing somehing emotionally draining while on your cycle is just exhausting.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I think I tore my meniscus a bit in Stage 3- learning how to do those stupid snatchy things.

    Running and walking doesn't hurt at all and I'm still lifting. I don't think my lunges or squats are quite as deep. I fold up my legs a lot when I'm just sitting around but it hurts now, especially to stretch back out. Help.

    I get a 1/3 this week. My lifting goal is the only one I met. My protein and calorie goals- not so much.
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds painful, Runzalot:-( Does it hurt along the outside of your knee? Could it be ITB instead? (Which would be a lot better problem to have than torn meniscus which I hope isn't what it ends up being!)

    Heading off to the gym this morning. I found a workout buddy but she can do T/Th so I am going to switch it up from M/W/F to Sun/T/Th. We've never worked out together (in fact the only person I've ever worked out with before is my husband, way back many years ago) so we'll give it a try and see if our styles are compatible. She is pretty similar to me in her goals: she is about 8-10 yrs older than me, naturally slim (though I'm short and she's tall) and she has lifted weights long ago but now just mostly uses daily life as her exercise. She's a Starbucks manager so she's on her feet all day plus they have a farm so she's running around doing stuff at home. Then she also does yoga.

    I am trying to convince her to read NROL4W before we meet up on Thurs because I feel like I'm not going to explain it nearly as well as the author can.

    Oh also something **interesting** happened to me after my Fri morning workout -- my thighs were really swollen! I read about it in the book and saw people writing about it here. I am taking this as a sign that my body is definitely noticing that I am lifting heavier weights.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    jdgro, it's on the outer part of the knee and it's not the ITB. Been there, done that. I did go ahead and try foam rolling but it does nothing. The pain is very minor. I think it'll be fine to heal on it's own.

    Your thighs are just retaining water. My do that, too. It's all good! :flowerforyou:

    I got up and made cupcakes first thing this morning for Father's Day. Banana Pudding Cupcakes. Totally old fashioned and made from scraps. Last night, I made Oven Fried Chicken, potatoes, buttermilk biscuits and country gravy.

    For the rest of the day, I'm living and paper crafting in my pajamas. No lifting. No housework. No nothing. I might not even brush my teeth before dinner.