2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yah, Ashley, congrats! that's exciting!
    I can post a pic of the dress, but not me wearing it...

    It's in the mountains and outdoors, bbq, so I think I am going to wear some brown boots, sort of cowboy style but taller.
    For the wedding I plan to wear this:

    It is pretty forgiving, but the dress on July 4 is the one I have to really stay on track for.

    7 days, KC, you can do a pitcher of the detox tea everyday and feel much less bloated. I made some this morning!
    Shanaber, I hope your foot heals up quickly and sorry about the work travel. I travel so infrequently now that I miss it, makes me feel special:smooched:
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I haven't posted in over two weeks, so lots of catching up to do. I ran my first trail run race last Saturday. It went okay as far as I didn't fall down or anything, but it had some brutal steep parts & was wet & muddy from rain. I need more work on my endurance as I was not able to run the whole time, the hills killed me. I signed up for a summer series of trail races every Wednesday night for 7 weeks that are 3.6 miles each so that should be good practice for my Mudderella in the fall. Take care everyone & I will try to get better about checking in.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I really like the lacey dress for the wedding, Amy! Looks great on you! hard to tell about the other dress (on the hanger), but the colour is pretty!

    Abigail....look at you signing up for ANOTHER thing on your plate! You are BRAVE! I know you will enjoy it and you will TOTALLY increase your endurance!

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Quick check-in for me... busy busy work day! I've been semi MIA lately mostly due to work. I don't log on via computer at home, so work is the only chance I get to checkin with you guys. Things are going well for me - the workouts have kinda slowed down, but I'm still managing 3 workouts/week. I've noticed some of my tone going away especially in my legs as I can't really run anymore without having to pee every 5 seconds so I'm going to start incline walking too. I am also leaving for vacation on Wednesday and have decided to not log this week and see how it goes. I'm finding I'm becoming too obsessed with it and my focus should just be on healthy eating and staying active.

    I can't see/remember much but here we go:

    Ashley - YAY!!! So excited for you, congrats my friend :)

    Shanaber - Sorry about your vacation... hopefully you'll get nice weather here, are you here this week? I think the weekend is supposed to be nice for once! Hope the foot feels better.

    Amy - Love LOVE love both dresses. Super cute!

    Abigail - Good for you on trail running!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I've got Beeps for 9800 per week. Anyone else joining in the challenge? Let me know your goal(s) for the week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm back from vacation :sad: Sad about going back to work, but I am happy about getting back to healthy eating that's for sure!

    Lots to catch up on....

    Ashley-congrats!!! That is so exciting!

    I feel like it is going to take me a bit to get back into the swing of things. But, I plan on eating good this week and running as much as I can until I can get everything set up for stronglifts. So I will hopefully start that next week.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    ASHLEY- That is so exciting!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

    Amy- I LOVE that color of the reception dress and you look smoking in the wedding dress. What is the detox tea? I've heard it mentioned before- Jen right? I will try it!

    Ram- You are one fit mama! Great job!

    Abigail - Trail running sounds fun...if you like running, which I don't. But good for you! I am sure that is an awesome workout.

    Shan- I would be down for a July challenge but i am going out of town next week.

    Chloe- sounds like a good plan. Did you get a squat rack or not yet?

    I was low yesterday but my food choices involved a lot of chips....I had fun at the pool but now my back is burned. It's not too bad and will hopefully turn into a tan before I go to Florida. Time to work the booty....then i am taking my kids to Peter Piper for kids day but I WILL NOT eat there.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Oh and I started my own burpee challenge. I am going to see how long it takes me to get to 100 a day....with short breaks, of course. i am doing about 25 right now. I can do 10, then 8, then 7. Today, I am going to add five more.:laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    wow, kclynch....another burpee challenge?!??!?!?! I, as always, am OUT for any burpee challenge, lol!! Gawd - NO WAY.

    Chloe - you better post MORE about your vacation than just "I am back".....I want to hear deets!!

    ramalem - how goes pregnancy?!?!?!? Ready to cry at the girth, yet?!?!?!?!??

    I binged on (movie) popcorn last night, so I have my work cut out for me this week, FOR SURE!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - are you adding a lot of stuff to your popcorn, because if you eat it plain it's not that bad

    kc - burpees are my least favorite exercise, good for you though because they are tough

    chloe - good luck getting back into the swing of things after vacation, I am very excited about my upcoming vacay - we are staying local & doing stuff around here, there is no need to travel far in the summer when you live in NH :) I am one hour from the ocean, one hour from the mountains & there are lakes everywhere.

    shanaber - I am out on the challenge as I am not currently logging, like ramalem my current focus is just eating healthy & getting as much activity as I can

    Amy - those dresses are gorgeous & you look awesome in that second one, you should post a pic wearing the other one, that color is really pretty

    Unfortunately I have no actual dance classes since it's "picture week" so all we do is get pictures done in our costumes & maybe run through the number a couple of times, then next week is dress rehearsals & recitals so getting some real exercise will certainly be tricky, we'll see how it goes.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Kc - Burpee challenge? Good for you. Burpees are probably my least favorite workout ever, and I will be incredibly impressed if you make it to 100 a day! Go girl.

    Welcome back Chloe!

    Beeps - Pregnancy is going! Definitely getting a bump, almost halfway through it (I'll be 18 weeks Thursday) and that seems crazy to me. I'm only up 6 lbs but am loving my full panel maternity pants :laugh:

    Last day of work before vacation yay! Although looking at the weather, it looks like it might rain more than I care for and of course, the weekend we are gone it's sunny and nice in Seattle - sigh.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Kelly - my reaction to your burpee challenge was so close to what Beeps wrote that I laughed out loud when I read hers :laugh:

    Amy - love the dresses! You look amazing in the lace one!!

    Abigail - the trail run sounds umm 'fun' I guess. SO glad you didn't hurt yourself! Do you have hills nearby that you can do some hill repeats on? It really helps even if they aren't super steep.

    Chloe - glad you had a great vacation! It is always so hard to go back to work cuz it feels like you never left (at least for me) and everything has been piling up waiting for you!

    As for the star challenge - It sounds like most everyone is out until at least July so I will remind everyone then and see if anyone is in at that point. In the meantime I am going to continue to pretend it is still going on :wink:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks ladies! Now if I can just get out of the "I feel fat and tired" into the "I feel pregnant and cute" phase, I'll be in good shape. I seriously had to pull the rubberband trick to fit into my pants today. But I got a great workout in and it actually made me feel better. I've been having headaches off and on..... It was my first "real" workout since vacation and it just felt good. So I've got my circuits class Thursday and I think I can squeeze in a run and some lifting this weekend. Eating has been pretty good too. I've been making my own Greek yogurt pops for dessert at night (I always have something sweet end of day). I use plain Greek yogurt, agave syrup, a little vanilla extract, some frozen berries and a little water. Blend it up and dump into molds and instant (and way cheaper than store bought) Greek yogurt pops!

    Shanaber - Good luck with your star challenge. :wink:

    Ram - Enjoy vacation!

    Beeps - mmmmm.....popcorn. I make my own air popped at home and put hot sauce and a little parm on it and a whole big bowl is around 200 calories. But buttery movie popcorn is quite good from time to time.

    Abi - NH sounds amazing. I have never been. Enjoy your staycation. And your muds runs! Sounds tough but fun.

    Good luck with the burpees Kelly! Your picture is beautiful!

    Welcome back Chloe.

    That's all I can see. It's nice to see the board so active! :smile:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Well I just got caught up but not much time to comment, except congratulations Ashley!

    Last week I got a platinum star in my own little star challenge. This week has been pretty good so far. Not much to report. Back to work now....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well I am not sure I would call it a vacation.... it was more of a trip with an almost 8 month old and almost 2 year old.

    We drove to the Jim Beam Distillery (5 hour drive) did a tour and some tasting (I strongly dislike whiskey), then drove more to Knoxville TN (another 4 hours), slept there and got up super early to finish the drive to Charleston SC (about 5 hours). Spent the day and night in Charleston and I looooved that city! Did alot of good eating and drinking and walked alot. Then drove to Myrtle Beach SC (about 2 hours) stayed 3 nights there in a house with a pool on the beach. Mike and I got in a few morning runs while we were there. We did alot of walking, shopping and hanging at the beach. We went out for lunches, but made breakfast and dinner at the house, so I kept it pretty healthy. The drinking is really what hurt me on this trip, lots of wine. Then we drove to Pigeon Forge TN (6 hours) and stayed in a cabin in the mountains which was gorgeous! Did some wine tasting, lunch at a brewery and lots of shopping and walking. Then drove to Louisville KY (4.5 hours) which was fabulous thanks to the recommendations from Ashley :smile: ....great food, very cute and trendy town (I would describe it a little hipster??, but I loved it) we stayed the night there and drove home in the morning (5 more hours). We did stop in Indianapolis on the way home and spent a few hours walking the city and stopping for lunch.

    Sorry so long winded, but this trip was exhausting :tongue:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Chloe, Ha! Yep, a lot of hipsters in Louisville. The part you went to was a very hipsterish part too. :smile: Glad you enjoyed it.

    I'm sore today from my lifting yesterday. Feels good! I have dinner tonight with 3 of my girlfriends I've known since 4th and 7th grade. We're doing Ethiopian. Yum! Most likely I'll be having a minor surgey next week, so my workouts may suffer a little. Even more incentive to kick it up this week!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I did 30 burpees yesterday WITH push-ups. I can feel it. I also did two Fitness Blender videos. And, I ate one piece e of pizza and lots of chips. But, I was still under. I have done 15 burpees today. 15 more to go. I am about to do the elliptical then we have a swim meet. It is my anniversary but we are celebrating next week in Florida. I think I'll just grill some chicken and veggies tonight. I didn't eat dinner last night and woke up HUNGRY at like midnight. I ate bread and cheese.

    Happy Hump Day:happy:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks all, just got caught up but can't remember enough to respond. I make popcorn in the whitley pop, well, Mike does, it's not as low-cal as air popped but it's so good movie popcorn just tastes salty and inferior now... I top with some butter and some butter powder topping and I like that, but someone brought a huge bag of popcorn to work and it was by popcornopolis, I think, called nearly naked or something like that. It was really good and only 30 cals a cup, so if you are shopping, keep an eye out for that one!

    Yesterday I had small claims court to sue my deceased dad's landlord for the part of the deposit she didn't return. It was a sort of win, she had to give me more of the deposit but not all of it, and with the cost of filing and serving her it's not like I came out ahead, but I was glad I didn't let it go, if that makes sense...

    Last night I kind of binged, martini and mani, then beer and pizza, went home, drank more beer and made a 3-2-1 cake with pineapple... could have been worse! but anyway, the scale was up the 2 pounds it was down last week:sad:

    After the wedding weekend, I will be traveling for work and will try to keep my calories in check.

    Will get a jog around the lake tonight which will be nice...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I had lunch with Hillary Clinton today.

    Well, me and 800 of my closest "friends".

    HILLARY IS AWESOME! I was SO SUPER-CHARGED when I left the luncheon. Came back to my office and realized I live a totally mediocre life.

    Ate a bunch of chocolate-covered almonds....


    Anyway, back-on-track tomorrow because there is NO way that Hillary did ALL the things she did while shoveling chocolate-covered almonds down her throat.

    Zero burpees though...no matter WHAT, zero burpees.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, you're funny!

    I stepped on the scale for the first time in 2 weeks and even with vacation, I only gained 0.5 pound. Total weight gain sits at 3. I'll take it. Tonight I have my circuits class. I'm still sore from my deadlifts and squats from Tuesday. It's hot and muggy in KY. I'm off tomorrow so if I want to get a run in, I've got to get it done right after breakfast. Yay! It's my Friday!