Starting Nov 1



  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    You know.. even as much as I do eat... I may not be eating enough for these workouts. I rarely hit 1700-1800 and I probably should... so in addition to the adjustments at home I am going to reach 1800 calories for a week and see if that helps as well...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Ugh, I'm so sorry, Clambert! That's awful. I hope the meds get them under control. My mom got migraines for decades--brutal stuff. she started getting them after having me. You're welcome, mom!

    Sherrie, sometimes when I'm close to finishing something it's like I enter a self-sabotage mode--I'm so close, why work so hard? And then fall off the wagon. So I hear you. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    The DH and I are planning on getting a walk in later today. So far I've cleaned up the kitchen, made the bed, started the laundry (and cleaned the agitator--have you ever looked in one of those things? I accidentally pulled ours apart today and the piece that sits inside of it was CAKED with 1/4" of grossness. Ew--it probably hasn't been cleaned since it arrived here in the 80s), done my Spanish lesson, and prepped a couple of pounds of berries picked yesterday at my friend's. Not too shabby for four hours. I'd like to get some quilt pieces cut today but I'd need to get off the couch to do so...
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Didn't work out this morning.. couldn't lol Headache is down to a very dull throb so that is good... I figured it out that I must have hunched my shoulders while doing curls which tightened the muscle up. Shoulders and neck were rock hard last night. I laid on a heating pad off and on last night, had my 20yo rub my shoulders and then later my 14yo lol Took a muscle relaxer because I gave up and passed out on the couch...

    This morning, I can move my neck and shoulders and continuing to stretch them back out. They have unraveled but are extremely tender. I am going to try my workout tonight after I have had all day to stretch and see what happens. I will quit if anything starts back up again...

    Lesson for the year: make sure you don't tighten your shoulders when lifting LOL
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm glad you're feeling better today Clam! Do you warm up at all before? I don't (other than some cardio that doesn't include arms) and I get that tightness every once in awhile. I guess it wouldn't hurt to do some arm windmills or something to get those muscles warm too.

    Did you get up off the couch Jen? You had such a busy morning! So industrious!

    I did get my butt out of bed and worked out this morning. I figured out why I kept putting it off - 4 reps of 15-20 really sucks!! So I did 2 and jumped back on the treadmill to get a bit more cardio in. I will finish the last two workouts of stage 7- I promise to do at least 3 reps. Then starting July 2 I'm still not sure what I will do. I think I'm leaning towards repeating the program doing 3 sets of 8 and leaving out the duplicate stages. I'll do 6 workouts of each instead of 4 and add an AMRAP of each at the end. By then I will have finished both books and will be able to plan my next attack :smile:

    Anyone have any big plans this weekend? Enjoy :drinker:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Yeah the CLX has a 5 minute warmup period (pretty good one too) so it was just me being retarded and not paying attention to how I was standing ... :grumble:

    You will figure out what you want to do.... by then my barbell should be uncovered so you can always start again with me :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Finished stage 3 today! I forgot to do the prone cobras, but whatever. I even did the HIIT at the end. I felt pretty pleased with myself. To make it an interesting experience, a parade of incoming first years I'd just chatted with half an hour before did a gym tour while I was doing my YTWLs. So now they've seen me in two forms, eh?

    I'm glad you overcame your lack of motivation, Sherrie! And Clambert, I do hope your neck's better by now, as well as your noggin. I get an hourlong massage every month. Best $80 in the world. I grind and clench my teeth which does a number on my jaw and shoulder muscles. The massages help keep it in check. Still some days I end up taking advil just for the tight muscles. I hate that--A tight shoulder will reach up my neck, into my temple, and then cause a headache. Blech.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So I have been struggling with the goddamn scale lately. I meant to tell you yesterday so you could tell me to just leave it alone. I don't know if it's all the salty food I've had in the last week (take out to corn on cob) but the damn scale the last several mornings keeps registering around 129. sometimes a tad higher, sometimes a tad lower, but i haven't seen 127.5 again since the first week I saw it! I have bumped my calories the last few weeks as stage 3 made me ravenous, but it's at my TDEE per the enormous spreadsheet via skbarton and just a little above my MFP maintain--and many days, I exercise! So it's not real fat gain, I know that intellectually. My numbers haven't moved--waist measurement etc were all about the same this morning and I encourage my hip measurement to grow, as long as it's my booty getting rounder. Damn you, scale. Maybe all my hunger during 3 was because I was adding some muscle? But wouldn't it be nice if, if so, it took fat away? :P

    Thanks for letting me gripe! I guess I'll be doing a lot of walking this week as I kill time for stage 4. Maybe start stripping that painted wallpaper--that's a bicep workout, let me tell you. :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Jen.. back away from the scale .... unless you are a numbers freak like me and do charts with trend lines LOL which I do so i record it every day (just not on here - app called Libra). Just go by how you feel and how the inches are :) and screw you and your 129 LOL :bigsmile:

    I am doing much better - got my burn circuit 2 in this morning and decided to warm up LONGER using my old turbo jam 20 min video (did half as a warmup) and it seemed to work. I still have a dull throb but I honestly believe it is because my shoulders are like rocks and tender. Will take my anti-inflammatory this weekend and it should help. In addition, I researched other things so I am changing quite a few things about our sleeping habits :) so that I can actually sleep :angry:

    Hubby is supposed to dig out my weight room some time in the next couple of weeks and move it into his cave (he calls it the bat cave LOL) so I will my barbell soon!!! :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, Clambert. I need that :) What's your actual name, anyway?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Christina :) you can guess the last name LOL

    remember - you are weight training... you could weigh 140 and be rock hard and it wouldn't matter :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    see how sad this is....

  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Aw, so close but so far. Time to start just chucking those CDs out the window.

    Right, you're quite right about the lifting weight. As I've told Sherrie and Meg, I was aiming for 127--an even 20 lb loss. Maybe someday!

    I just made this and it was delicious. I didn't make the shells. Might become my go-to frozen dessert this summer.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Glad you're feeling better Clam, um Christina! You definitely need to reclaim your barbell :laugh: Although I could never throw any CDs away - unless of course they belonged to my hubby! But we have the same taste in music so I'd only be sabotaging myself. LOL

    I know exactly what you mean about the weight fluctuations Jen. I weigh every day and track in a spreadsheet - numbers nerd here too! And I know why I shouldn't do it daily. It's not really the numbers per se, it's the not understanding why they're so wonky! I can go down 2 after a big, tastey restaurant meal (read lots of sodium) but after two or three days of 'clean' eating, it goes up! SMH!

    We wnt to see Jersey Boys this afternoon. I loved it :love: . It was very true to the play and there was lots of music. They even did MY song - Sherry, Sheeeerrrrry baby :bigsmile: I will definitely see it again before it leaves the theatre. It's tough to cover 40 years of music into two short hours :cry: They could probably make it a mini-series and not have enough time to cover everything.

    Hubby hits the road again tomorrow - at least this time it's only for one night. I won't pig out too badly but there is still two bags of moose munch in the cupboard!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    hahaha those are all movies and turbo jam DVD's lol

    I like to see the fluctuations.... makes me start analyzing ... yup I am uber geek lol Today is Burn Intervals so this should be interesting......
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Glad to see we're all numbers dorks on this account :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Glad to see we're all numbers dorks on this account :)
    . :bigsmile:

    Oh yeah! I've kept track since 2011 so I have 4 years of data to refer to. I track weight, cals eaten, cals burned, net MFP cals. Once I got my fitbit, I started comparing my total cals to my fitbit burns, which in theory is cals in vs cals out. And then I chart it :bigsmile: I have 4 years worth of monthly averages charted, but no numbers nerd here :wink: and it still doesn't make any sense lol!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    holy moly, Sherrie.

    So I brought the chairs I painted a week or so ago into the house to attach seats and put back with the table; inside minutes one of the cats tried to climb one, failed b/c of the lack of seat/nothing to grab, and scratched up a section of one of them. Then a screw got stuck as I tried to put the seat back on. Then I went and sat on the couch :) Grrrr! Better luck later.
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Count me in as an OCD numbers geek - tracking weight since 2006 when I first joined WW. I don't have my intake records back that far, but I do have them since 2012 when I got my fitbit. Just trying to find that sweet spot that will allow a steady weight loss. I'm pretty sure I screwed up my metabolism w/ WW so the usual online calculators for BMR and TDEE don't work for me. I did have my RMR tested - using the tested values and then calculating BMR from that bears out that my numbers are about 150 or calories less than expected for my age, height and weight... sigh. But at least I'm getting stronger with this program... Gotta find the positives where you can, right?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    holy moly, Sherrie.

    So I brought the chairs I painted a week or so ago into the house to attach seats and put back with the table; inside minutes one of the cats tried to climb one, failed b/c of the lack of seat/nothing to grab, and scratched up a section of one of them. Then a screw got stuck as I tried to put the seat back on. Then I went and sat on the couch :) Grrrr! Better luck later.

    Omg that cracked me up..... and let me say burn intervals SUCKED ... like beyond normal suck.... every part of me hurts lol

    I had a cookie so there!!! Lol
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    How'd you screw up your metabolism using WW, Susan? (it is Susan, right? My brain's fuzzy). Overdoing it?

    The scale read 128 this morning so I refrained from giving it the finger.