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Today I Will ______________



  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Emy: I second Pam's advise about taking a video for squats. I really like Mehdi's (strong lifts) video. A really good book about squat form is starting strength. It is a similar program to strong lifts but they do power cleans instead of rows. The starting strength book has about a billion pages on proper squat form. What I took out of it is to widen your stance and put your elbows between your legs to push your knees out, that way your are getting *kitten* to grass all of the time for the most benefits.

    Pam: Congrats on your weight loss! That is awesome!

    Marielle: It isn't that much of a bother taking the weights off of the bar. They way I looked at is that my grip strength, or hand strength, was weak, and this is a great way to improve it. I found that my hands were getting really weak, I think from spending so much time on the computer everyday at work. Now I don't seem to have carpel tunnel problems.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Just have a second to log before getting my son tucked in. Congrats on the weight loss Pam! So awesome!

    My week has been crazy and eating habits bad. Feel like I've "lost it" this week. Haven't exercised for the last two days either. Need to get back into the groove.

    Need to catch up on all the happenings as well!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning ladies! We have some nice cool temps in my corner of the world, so I am looking forward to my run this morning. I think I am going to go for 30 minutes, or maybe I will do interval training. I think I have my exercise groove back. This will be 6 days in a row meeting my exercise goals. Now the food is coming along, but I don't feel like logging it. I really need to drink more water too! Grrrrr... I will get there.

    My children (mostly DD) had been bugging me to bring them to day camp. I brought them yesterday & now they don't want to go back. They have never had the opportunity to just stay home during the summer & chill, but they are old enough now. She told me at the beginning of the summer that I was ruining her life. LOL. I am just happy that I don't have to add 2 hours onto my day every day this summer. I just wish that I could get them to be more active during the day. I put it out there that I will give them $5 every time they ride their bikes to the store (that will give them a 6km bike ride) but we will see if laziness prevails.

    Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Lisa and Pam, thanks for the tips on the squats! I'm going to be watching some youtube videos. I also found a site with some exercises for improving joint mobility. The information is at http://syattfitness.com/athletic-performance/mobility-restrictions-squat/. I haven't yet bought Starting Strength but that is next on my list.

    Johanne, a gym membership might be the least expensive way to get started. I work 10 hour shifts though and just didn't think I could find the extra time for a gym, so I started at home. I started with dumbbells first and bought a set of adjustable dumbbells from Walmart for around $30-40. I did a workout with them for about 8 weeks. I then found a barbell and some additional weights on craigslist for $45, the squat towers for $45 and my husband found a bench for me for $0. I'm hoping this equipment will carry me through for a while anyway. I know (or I hope!) that I will progress and need more weights but I'm just going to keep watching craigslist for deals on those.

    Pam, congrats on your weight loss yesterday! Brenda, glad to see your post. We all fall off the wagon sometimes, the trick is to get right back on!

    The race last night was not fun! It was cross country, up and down hills, and the hottest, most humid run I have had this summer. My friend and I came in dead last, but I still beat my training time at home so I feel pretty good about how I did. We have the next race on Saturday, another 2 miler. I was hoping to do my first 5K on August 16th, but I'm starting to think I should wait a little longer. I tried to look over results from previous years, and it seems like the results from the 5k on the 16th are usually pretty fast times. There is a 5k zoo run on August 23rd which is only one week later but I might try for it. If not, I'm going to try to find one in September.

    I have stayed under 190 every day this week! I'm thinking (hoping!) I've turned the corner and broken my little plateau I had going on for the last two weeks.

    Cindy, Marielle, and Maureen, hope you are all three doing great this morning!

  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member

    A lot cooler here as well this morning. I went for a late-ish walk last night, didn't leave the house till 9.15 and quite enjoyed it. I was contemplating to maybe attempt a run again soon. Who knows, I might feel energetic this evening. :bigsmile:

    Hahah at your DD Lisa. How old is she? That's all in store for me over the next few years I'm afraid...
    Mine have their last day in camp today, they brought thank-you cards for all the team leaders. They have loved every single day of it (thank god).
    Good one on the water, hang on while I drink some of it right NOW.......................


    Brenda try to hang in there. I know how easily it happens, especially when life's busy it's hard to focus on good food and take time for exercise. Don't give up and undo all your hard work! :flowerforyou:

    Pam I'm delighted for you, nearly at your first milestone! You come across as such a dedicated happy person - your smiley face helps too :happy:
    And thankks on the advice on the lifting - your too, Lisa and Emy - I really want to take this more seriously. I love the look of my arms when the muscles are visible, but I've definitely let it slip a little.

    Wow Johanne, 1200 cals is very low indeed. MFP recommended the same for me, but I just can't do that, so I've changed it to 1500 (I find that hard enough as it is!).

    Ooo nearly forgot, Emy, how did you get on last night?
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Haha I clearly was too slow, you already got in there before me!
    Sounds like tough going that run, but well done anyway! The zoo run sounds great! There's a similar run here in Ireland, which goes through a wildlife park, I really like the thought of that, but it's on the other side of the country, so travelling 3 hours for a 5k run sounds a bit crazy really.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Good morning!

    Lisa, love the fact you are ruining your daughter's life … good for a chuckle this morning. :) Let us know if $5 or lazy wins. I'm betting on the $5 1 or 2 times and lazy the rest of the summer.

    Emy, sorry about your run :( but congrats on the time! Only run the next one if you really want to - this is for you - to be enjoyable - don't do stuff you'll be miserable with!

    Brenda. Weeks is almost over. Today is a new day and you can start fresh again!

    Today is going to be tough for me, but I'm going to make it work. We have a going away lunch for a co-worker, but stuff to mix drinks for after lunch and then it's ice-cream truck day. Can you say temptation! It's an italian restaurant and how i love raviolis, but I found a really fresh salad on their menu that I'm hoping I'm strong enough to order. The mixed drinks is another one that I'll just have to say no to. And the ice-cream truck….sigh…. funny, they don't carry WW ice-creams ;-) I do get the creamsicle and fudgiscles from them sometimes which is low calorie, but they are usually old and not great. So I may just stay away from that. I'll report back tonight!

    Tomorrow is weigh in and I'm a little excited. There is a chance I may go down to 149 and I'll be in what I call a new decade :) I'm hopeful! Wore my jeans today, haven't in a while in I could feel a big difference which was great!

    Have a great…healthy….and fun day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning, foggy one here today. I am hoping to get for a run before the rain starts. If it starts, who knows? Yesterday I got out on my bike. I haven't been doing as much of my strength exercises, need to do some of those today...FOR SURE.

    Lisa - I hear you on the water thing, I need to be drinking more too. I had been drinking a lot here a few weeks ago, but the past week can't seem to get into it. Glad that you got your exercise groove back, and hope you had a nice cool run this morning. I will soon be heading out as well.

    Emy - running in the hot humid heat is not an easy thing! And, it doesn't matter if you and your friend came in last, its all relative. You beat your training time so you had a great run!! I have been thinking about doing a race this weekend. My dh is doing a marathon but there is also a 10K race at the same time. Hmmmm. Hope that you have broken that blasted plateau and stay in the 180's. Just started a new book called Bird Box :)

    Cindy - good luck today with all the temptations! I sort of had a day like that yesterday. My kid's work was having a potluck, so I baked a huge pan of brownies for them to take. Mmmm. But oh my, pasta, mixed drinks, ice-cream....that's a lot...but YOU CAN DO IT. Just think of how good you'll feel when all is said and done. Plus...tomorrow is weigh in day!

    Brenda - you can do it, get yourself back into that groove! It is tough, I have been having the same kind of week. Today I sort of feel like its going to be my day to get the groove going again. And it will feel great tomorrow knowing that I did.

    Pam - congrats on the loss! And a 10 lb milestone, you deserve a treat :) Enjoy your fancy restaurant outing. I am having the PMS and all that good stuff this week as well. And, as I type this I realize that may be why I'm struggling more this week. Hmmmm. This kind of makes me feel better. I've been having more trouble with my evening snacking and maybe this is why. Should be over soon so we'll find out.

    Kumitejs - I too have been curious about the heavy lifting. I live approximately 30-40 Km from the nearest gym and really do not want to drive that distance to workout. I have dumbell weights, the lowest are 2lbs and highest 15lbs. I seem to like my 10's the best. I am sure that karate is an awesome full body workout.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    Since we've been talking about lifting heavy, I thought this article might be of some interest: http://www.leighpeele.com/bulky-muscles-and-training-females-the-definition. There is a part two as well. Very interesting reading!

    Cindy, that's so great that you are wearing your jeans today! Today will be tough though! Wearing the jeans will be a reminder of why you are trying to resist temptation!

    On the italian restaurant, can you look up the calories for items on the menu beforehand? I've been doing that the couple of times that I've eaten out. I actually chose a different salad at Mellow Mushroom recently because of the calories and I loved it! Might not have ever tried it before reviewing the calories. In looking at it, I discovered also that maybe I could have a slice of pizza someday as long as I plan ahead and make sure to keep the rest of my calories down for the day.

    Lisa, I think you posted while I was in the middle of typing my post. Too funny about your daughter! I can't count the number of times mine have told me the same! It hurt the first time or two it came out of my oldest child's mouth, but now I just realize I must be doing something right if they say that!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    6km run DONE!

    While feeling kind of bummed out that I haven't had the greatest week "food-wise" I have seen some much better times with my running. Today I ran 6K in 36:40 which is about a 9:50 minute mile. I haven't seen anything much under a 10 minute mile in a long time so I am feeling good about that :smile:

    Now I am going to go and pick up my 10 lb weights. THIS WILL BE A GOOD DAY :bigsmile:
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Pretty proud of myself. Lunch = 1 piece of bread with the bruschetta during appetizer. Chicken garden salad for meal. I was so close to the ravioli, but I stayed strong. No drinks today - water only. Ice cream truck, got a creamsicle at 90 calories and only ate 1/2. So yeahhhhhh :)

    Jogging tonight … and praying for a good weigh in tomorrow!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Wow Cindy that was some willpower! Don't think I would've been that strong. We use this new caterer in the office, A French place. Highly overpriced but soooo good and when that stuff's in... Oh men...

    I just did my first attempt to run. I did an interval jog-walk-jog 5-2-5 etc. 5.5k in total. Very tough going to be honest with you, it was very warm again this evening to so I was sweating like mad (and I'm not a sweater usually). Didn't particularly enjoy it, but at least I got a good workout in. I know strength is all the rage, but I still think a good cardio session has to be good for your heart and blood.

    Maureen well done on the 6k!! You're doing great, despite the bad food moments. But hey, don't we all have them...

    10pm here now, so quick shower and then bed for me, tomorrow will be a busy day and a late one.

    Good luck on the weigh-ins1
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    TGIF! Happy that it is Friday.

    The days are getting shorter. A few weeks ago, even if I wanted to sleep past 5:30am, the birds were waking me up. Now, it is dark.

    Heading to the gym this morning. There are 2 guys that we are trying to beat to the squat rack. They beat us on Wednesday, hopefully they are young enough that they go out to the bars on Thursday or something because it is deadlift day & we need both the squat rack and dead lift area! :)

    Yesterday my kids rode their bikes to the store for $5. I also gave them money to go paddle boarding at a local place. It could of turned into a nightmare, but everything ended up ok. My son(9) cut his foot, as they were close to shore and he tried to push himself off. He gave up and they (DD-13 & friends) couldn't get him back. The rental was for 1 hour, they ended up taking 2, putting classes that the company was putting on late, having the instructor paddle DS back. None of the kids wore life jackets, and the company didn't take any information but one of the girl's names. If there had been a real emergency they would have had no way to contact us. So that's it for that. I thought it would be a cool way for them to get exercise. Maybe in a few years. I had popped by 45 minutes into their rental. they told me that they had told them to stay in the canals, and that they looked good when they had passed by. They told me they would be back in 15 or maybe 45 minutes. they weren't sure... I could not see them, so I left, to cook supper. I guess I should have trusted my intuition. Maybe I should drive them to day camp every day. less worry. The money/bike thing worked, so hopefully they can keep that up.

    Great job with the weight loss Marielle! I saw it on my feed this morning!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    So I weighed myself this morning and was 148....a couple of weeks ago I was 146.5. So disappointed! But, early May I was almost 160 so I know that I am still ok as long as I SMARTEN THE HECK UP NOW. :ohwell:

    I did have a better night last night, but the weekend is here so I am going to have to be really good.

    Siannah - great job on the run last night. I'm sure that you burned a ton of calories and sweat out even more. :)

    Lisa - My dh just mentioned yesterday that he'd noticed that the days were getting shorter. Makes me sad. I want summer forever. Quite an adventure with your kids and the boating, I'm glad that all turned out ok though! Hopefully they will keep on with their bikes.

    Cindy - wow, you did GREAT!! Passing up ravioli would be a big challenge for me....you did it :)
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Cindy, great job on the willpower and the weight loss!

    Lisa, so glad everything turned out okay with the kids. I bet they had a great time for the most part and probably learned some valuable lessons. They definitely made some memories and will probably tell their children the story one day!

    Marielle, great job on the weight loss and have fun on your night out with the girls!

    Maureen, you will get back on track with the weight loss I'm sure. I know it's gets harder the closer you are to your goal and you seem like you are pretty close!

    Johanne, don't let today's weight get you down. Great job on getting to karate 4 times this week! Are you measuring as well? That helps keep me motivated when the scale doesn't seem to move much.

    I'm taking my rest day today. Did weights last night and have another 2 mile run tomorrow. I was happy to see the scale finally move for me this week. Stayed under 190 all week and weight was 186.6 this morning!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    YAY EMY! 186.6 is far from 190! You are through that wall, and theres no going back! Congrats :flowerforyou:
    Enjoy your day of rest.

    I just got back from a real easy 5K run. Took it nice and slow. I am thinking about running in a 10K race on Sunday, not sure if I mentioned it before or not. Dh is doing a marathon, and there is also a half-marathon and 10K. I know I can do it....but I still have to talk myself into these things. Lol I've done many in the past but still get nervous and all. We'll see.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello all!

    Well, I forgot to weigh this morning. Kind of how my whole week has gone. Took today off from work to go to town with my husband and son. Ate bad food, but had a lot of fun with the family! During the summer the three of us don't get much family time with my work and my husbands hay farming.

    So, as Maureli said, "it's time to smarten the heck up!" That's what I'm going to do. Back to exercising every day and eating right.

    Lisa, glad everything went ok with the kids - pretty scary! Hope you beat those guys to the squat rack!!

    Cindy, great job on the willpower! Glad to hear c25k is going well! I'm up to week 6, but I was doing it almost everyday - I think it's only supposed to be three times a week. I'm a little scared though because my next session is running 28 minutes straight. Aaaahhhh!!

    Emy, thanks for the link to the article - the survey results were very interesting! I'll definitely be reading Part Deux!

    Joanne, I have an elliptical at home and tend to have lower back issues as well the next day. I don't use it very often, but sometimes it's a nice change of pace from the treadmill. My 7 year old son actually gets more time on it than I do!!

    Maureli - I say go for the 10k - you can do it!!

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member

    Just past 10.30am here, I'm still in bed, waiting for the painkiller to kick in. Another late one last night. After the ghost bus (which was underwhelming) we went to a night club and stayed there till all hours. Home at 4am. Drank a tonne of beer but also danced for hours (DJ quickly realised that we were auld ones so changed is hiphop rubbish to Grease and Prince pretty soon :laugh: )

    And.... it's all quiet here, not a peep. Husband a children are away this weekend yayyay.gif Husband isn't back till tomorrow. Going into town again shortly to meet my mates again, oh how I love this life...

    Go on Brenda, you can do it, you've done it before and you can do this again!

    Haha Lisa, at the beating the guys at the squat rack!

    Johanne, keep at it, even though there's no weight loss, you're doing something good for your health, don't forget.

    Hope you all have a great, healthy-ish weekend!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all! Happy Saturday!

    Yesterday I cooked on a Friday! *gasp* This week has been a little crazy, but I managed to cook or use the BBQ everyday, even if it meant eating at 7:30-8:00. Usually when we are running that late we will pick up something, so that is a huge NSV for me. (especially since the scale has been stuck for a month!)

    The weather is supposed to turn bad today for the weekend, but looks beautiful right now. I am thinking about doing my long run today. I plan to run 10km since I have not done that this month yet. Then I will just do 4-5km tomorrow weather permitting. I am on an 8 day streak of exercising.

    DD texted to tell me she pulled an all nighter at a friends house last night. She should be a joy to be around when I pick her up later on today. I will need my run just to keep my patience.

    Emy: I read the article you posted earlier in the week. I guess I am going for the bulky look, even though I do not consider the pictures that she posted "bulky" I consider them fit. I like defined muscles, but I didn't realize the rest of the world doesn't. Oh well, if I can ever reach my goal & start to lose weight again I will see if the world considers me too muscled. :)

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Saturday! Marielle - love the pictures! They always make me smile (ok, sometimes I chuckle a little too)! Wow 4 am, I haven't stayed out that late since I was in my early 20s - good for you!! Enjoy your quiet day!

    Lisa, great job on the bbq all week. It's usually 7:30 or 8pm when we eat supper as well. Makes it tough when you have kids. Have a great run today!

    I completed w7d1 of c25k - 25 minutes straight - whew!! Wasn't sure I was going to make it - almost felt like throwing up! Guess that's what I get for slacking all week and eating crappy. Lesson learned and am getting back on track starting today. Looks like it's going to rain today......yep, just started raining, so will be indoors. Good time to clean the house I guess! Hopefully it clears up and we can get in some pool time today or tomorrow. Also want to plan my meals/snacks for the week. I'm training staff all week at work again and it's hard to eat decent as there is much time for breaks.

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Saw a pic on Pinterest - thought I would share. Couldn't figure out how to post the actual pic, but it says "I run........I'm slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter........but I run"