Today I Will ______________



  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone ! Just wanted to let you know I'm still here, though I unfortunately have not been very good at keeping up with your daily activities ! I have been checking in but I'm finding it a lot to keep track ! Sorry !
    I'm still doing my logging and training and staying on track and really want to continue the weekly weigh in board. This seems to be what I can manage right now. I'm not sure I can promise being able to stay on top of the Today I Will board, as cool as it seems to be, but I will do my best. Hope you will keep me around despite my sporadic presence on the day to day action! Those who have friended me can probably keep better track of me on my feed and I am happy to see how you are doing ! Know that your quick and warm welcome in the group and your encouragement, as well as continuing to see your successes and struggles is a help and inspiration to me.
    It is always good to know there are others out there going through some of the same things.
    Fighting a few emotional issues (without over sharing and getting too personal...some related to a recent difficult break up), but I am trying very hard to focus on ME (as my profile says) and doing all the right stuff to make me feel good. Did an hour and a half power walk outdoors today with my music playing and, despite the sore muscles all over (!!), felt great. All of your very busy (and refreshingly normal, as I have said once before) lives makes me smile and does help, even as I might be more in the background here ! So..thanks..and hope to be as in touch as I can.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday!

    I only ran 3km yesterday. By the time I got my butt outside it was hot & I had to leave DS at home alone. I only like to leave him for 30 minutes or less.

    I had an unexpected surprise yesterday. Both kids ended up at a friend's house so I had the house to myself for a couple of hours, then DH & I went out for supper (without kids!) and to a local coffee spot that I had wanted to go for lattes & dessert. Certainly not a "diet" day, but my life is filled with plenty of those :)

    Today I will run 10km. I will drink some coffee & go. I am not going to procrastinate the day away like yesterday.

    One of the blog posts on the link Emy posted the other day, talked about making an 8 week commitment, with a plan for you yourself. I made myself a chart to post on my fridge with my calorie, exercise & water goals for the next 4 weeks. I read that after 3 weeks of real dieting you should for eat at your maintenance calories for 5-7 days. So that is my plan. Next week I will do 1200 calories, the following week 1500, back to 1200, & then 1800-2000 which I think is my maintenance. Works out that I will be camping on week 4 & it is DSs birthday. I will repeat that the following 4 weeks (for my 8 week commitment to myself) & see how that works out. I will allow 1 "cheat" day if my supplier comes for a visit, but aside from that I should be able to be really strict.

    Brenda: Great job on the 25 minutes! Next time it will be easier :)

    Johanne: You don't have to answer everyone & keep up. Sometimes it is just a good place to put your daily goals. A quick read if you have time is always fun. Whatever works for you is what is important.

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today is a rest day, but I think I will try another of my Piyo dvds. I've done one and really like it. I don't burn many calories (at least with the one I did), but the stretching really feels great.

    Lisa, what a great day yesterday! No kids and supper with DH - love it! If your family is anything like mine, those days are very few and far between so we need to enjoy or no diet! Hope you had a good run!

    Have a great Sunday all!
  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning. Rainy Sunday here today.... a definite rest day today. That very long power walk yesterday did its usual number on my lower back and since I was actually doing twists and air punches along the way, I'm pretty sore all will take it easy today and try to get some chores around the house done and maybe take just a little stroll if the skies brighten.

    Lisa - Sounds like a super surprise yesterday ! I'm glad you took advantage of it! We do have to live ! And it sounds like you have a great plan put together. Great dedication on the run ! 10K. Wow! Super.

    Brenda - what is this Piyo you speak of ? I know that I could probably really benefit from stretching but I don't seem to have the patience for it somehow ! CONGRATS on the 25 minutes by the way. Impressive.

    My plan this week is to go to karate Monday, Tuesday and Thursday since I have dinner plans with a girlfriend on Wednesday. Next weekend is our annual karate camp weekend. Unfortunately I will be breaking my logging streak as there is no signal where we will be so I won't be able to track. I will be leaving Friday night and coming back Sunday afternoon. Lots of of training throughout the weekend though. My oldest daughter (who does karate) and my son (who does not) will be with me as well. I haven't seen The Boy (or The Middle Child) since the end of June as they have been with their father so I am looking forward to seeing him ! Robin (The Middle Child) intends to stay at her father's longer and come back near the end of August; I may get a glimpse of her when they drop off her brother.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday !

  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    I hate when I don't have time to read all your posts and reply, but that's kept me from posting two days in a row, so I'll try to get back here later and catch up on all that's happening with you all.

    I will admit to struggling with unplanned eating this week. I knew that this week before TOM would be challenging, it always is. But a Trader Joe's trip that resulted in me buying two chocolaty treats for my boys (that I end up snacking on), a stop by that bakery that lured me into getting something else unplanned, an unexpected dinner with friends last night that had me shoveling crab dip in my chatty mouth. Geez! This week was gonna be hard enough with the bloat, but I may have just shot myself in the foot. I did make some good choices in the midst of the bad ones, so I'm definitely in a healthier place than I was 6 weeks ago. I did 20 minutes of freestyle laps at the pool when I took the boys on Friday. It's one of these big aquatic centers with water slides, a "river" and all sorts of kid stuff, but I took some time to go into the lap pool and get my heart racing for 20 minutes. I also only had a half a burger with dinner after eating all the crackers and dip.

    I still have 3 days to be squeaky clean with eating before the weigh-in, but I'm having a real struggle with sticking to the food log. I think I need to spend some time with the notes I took from my Willpower Challenge book. This 4-6 week time frame is a dangerous time for me because I seem most likely to fizzle here and not follow through with my plans. But the weight loss graph I posted on my wall goes through November, so I'm not even close to being done. Lots of work to do still! Time to renew my resolve!

    Today I will be running errands, sending the youngest off to a friend's for a sleepover, and hopefully sending the oldest to his bf's so the hubby and I can go see a movie. I need to squeeze a workout in somewhere! I also need to come up with an alternative dinner besides chowing down on my leftover southern baked beans and potato salad.

    Today I will take some me time to renew the vision I have of "Future Me" and deciding that my long-term goals are more important than any short-term desires I may have to eat off my plan.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Pam, it's called LIFE! Things always happen when you're making plans right, unexpected dinners, a tempting treat. It's part of life. And it's okay to have them, you just compensate by having a smaller dinner or get some exercise in - just like you did... You're doing fantastic and you're keeping it real. Squeaky clean is a great aim, but not always realistic.

    I spent yesterday and today with one of my best friends, great to spend some proper, long quality time together. She is "naturally skinny" and I took my cues from her over the last 2 days. She loves her glasses of wine - which we had, she loves her curry - which we had, and she loves the outdoors - so we went hiking in the mountains near me today, where she hadn't been yet. So we had lovely food, we had alcohol, but we also walked a lot yesterday and obviously today as well. No calorie counting for her, but at a guess, I'd say she'd consume no more than about 1800 cals a day and she does a 30 minute jog most days in the morning. So, yes, she is "naturally skinny" but only because it is natural to her to eat and exercise that way. And to me, it almost feels like a diet. Isn't that interesting. And while I was with her, I did not feel deprived, wasn't hungry, it was "natural".

    Johanne, don't feel obliged to check in here every day, just give us a little wave every now and then :smile:
    Sorry to hear you went through a break-up recently, hope you're okay.
    The karate camp sounds fantastic! I'll actually be away next weekend as well, so doubt I'll be logging.

    Glad you're enjoying the piyo, Brenda. I must see if there's anything on it on youtube yet.

    Lisa, sounds like you had a great day as well, lovely isn't it, bit of time together.
    My husband should be on his way home now as well, the girls will stay with their nanny for the week. Their 4 year old cousin from London is over as well, so I reckon the three musketeers will have a fab week there.
    So, even though we still have to work, hub and I will be child-free all this week, woohoooo!
    My mother is coming over from Holland on Thursday and we will then travel down south to the girls and spend 1 or 2 nights there, before we come back to Dublin. Only to drop them off at the airport the next day, when my mother will bring them to Holland with her. I'll follow a week later.
    Anyone jealous? :laugh:

    Oh I still haven't looked at Emy's link, will do that now! Have a great Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Just a quickie update from me this morning, on my way to work.

    Did the 10K race yesterday and so glad that I did. Had a time of 59:08. I really just wanted to break one hour and I did! But the best part of all was just finishing and knowing that I did it. Dh did very well too with his marthon - 3:20.

    I have relatives visiting for the week and it is our festival here so it will be a busy week. Today will be a rest day for sure, tomorrow hopefully I will run.

    catch you all later!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Yesterday I did run 10km. It was long and hot and hard for me. I remember when 5km felt that way. Hopefully next month when I try again it will be easier. I walked more than I should have & and if it would not have taken me so long to get home I might have walked the last 3km.

    Today I am heading to the gym for heavy lifting & I start my week of 1200 calories. I did not do the prepping or shopping that I should have to get ready to start today. I planned all my meals, but did not cut up veggies or pre-cook anything. I was exhausted after my run. Oh well, hopefully I will get all the prepping done this morning between working & the gym & bringing the dog to the vet.

    Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a busy and fun weekend! I had Friday off for the first time in a few weeks. One of my daughters is in Wyoming visiting friends, my son is in London/Wales/Scotland for a couple of weeks, and my husband and last remaining child went to visit family Saturday through Sunday evening! I so enjoyed my day and a half to myself! I did my first real 2 mile race on Saturday (I got a t-shirt so that's what differentiates between a fun race and a real race for me, lol!). It was great! I was able to run at my pace and not feel pressured to keep up with everyone. This time there were real people there, not crazy fast runners, LOL! I finished 72 out of 108 of the women. I was still very slow - Brenda was it you that posted that quote about running slow? I loved it! - but I felt good about how I did.

    Marielle, yes I'm jealous!!!! Sounds like you and your husband will be having some nice "kid free" time! From my experience, that time can do wonders for a marriage! And, you are always happy to see the kids when they come back home!

    Lisa, I agree about being bulky! I should have linked the forum post as well that was talking about bulky versus muscular. I didn't do it though and now I'm not sure if I can find it again. It was really surprising to me to see that a lot of people think muscles on a woman are not fantastic! I guess in my 20s I was the same way. I do remember my husband saying when we were dating that he like bodybuilding type women. I thought that was awful back then! I have always tended to be more muscular looking but always wanted to be thin and svelte. Now I'm at a point in my life where I'm way more comfortable with my own, unique body, and I want to be strong! I want to have muscles and who cares what the majority of society thinks. Great job on getting your 10k in. I'm still pushing for the 5k so your posts give me hope that one day what I'm doing now will seem easier.

    Maureen, I'm so glad you ended up doing the 10k! Great job on your time! And thanks so much for the encouragement on my weight loss!

    Pam, you will get back on track! Focusing on your goals should help you minimize the unplanned eating. I was just reading a quote over the weekend about failure, something along the lines of "falling down is not failure but not getting back up is." None of us are perfect but we sure expect perfection of ourselves sometimes.

    Brenda, you are flying through the c25k! Glad you were able to enjoy some family time!

    Johanne, please don't feel any pressure to keep up with everything here! This should be a no pressure zone! Just pop in whenever you have time/energy and update us on how your are doing.

    Cindy, hope you had a great weekend! Congrats on doing so well with the temptations last week at work! I'm not so sure that I would have done so well!

    This week, I'm trying to add in a little something extra and see how I do with it. I'm planning to try fasted walking in the morning. I did it this morning but mainly because I woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep. Will see if I can keep it up on a consistent basis. Will do my weights this evening.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday! I would definitely rather be sleeping than at work this morning!


    P.S. I bought my red dress on Friday for the Red Dress Run in two weeks! The only problem is, I actually love the dress! I'm going to hate seeing it get covered in beer! It was a great deal though - only $30.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313

    I completed w7d1 of c25k - 25 minutes straight - whew!!

    "I run........I'm slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter........but I run"

    Brenda, CONGRATS on 25 mins straight! And love the quote, I'll remember this tonight when I'm trudging through my 5 mins of straight running :)
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Happy Monday!

    I need more time to read and catch up with you all … busy weekend so didn't get to posts til this morning. Emy, wear that dress in pride, cover it in beer, and wash 3 times (maybe it'll get better?!????!@!@?).

    I did a little homework yesterday and printed some new recipes and grocery shopped for them - so hoping for some different foods this week. Turkey burger with spinach and feta cheese is my most exciting one, I hope it turns out good - will share if it does!

    Off to a meeting, was sending a quick hello out and catch up with you all later!

    Oh and Pam, yes I always buy for the family and am the only one with sweet tooth so eat it as well. Damn them! :)
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    I ended up not doing my workout yesterday because I suddenly needed to spend all morning in the bathroom! I just didn't feel that great all day! Not sure why that happened, but I survived & feel much better today. I ate under my calorie goal because I was not feel well. I didn't drink as much water as I should but hopefully today.

    I am going for a run this morning. It is very cool out (almost fall like!) and no wind. Should be a good run. Hopefully I am not dehydrated from yesterday. I hope to work back up to 3L of water a day. My meals are planned for the day again & hopefully I will get them all in.

    Emy: I always run/workout in a fasted state. I don't ever eat before I go. I think that is why I had a hard time with my run Sunday though. I waited too long to go. If I am running or working out at 6:30 it is fine, but 10am or 11am is a little late think.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Just wanted to drop in to say that I may be a bit absent in the next few days, I have relatives visiting until Sunday and it will be busy busy busy! Going to try to get some exercise in each day though, hoping to run today maybe.

    Happy exercising and eating well to all of you :)
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Lisa - hope you are feeling better today! Take it s low.

    Maureen - glad you said hello. Enjoy the time with your family and your run.

    All - I got suckered into the 'cauliflower pizza crust' phase going around and I have to say, I didn't like. My house stunk, there was little flavor and I just wasn't happy. Saving you the time!!!

    Today I'm going to run at lunch, eat right and drink lots of water.

    Enjoy your day all.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! Today I did Piyo. I am loving this! Joanne, Piyo is pilates and yoga combined - strength training and stretching. It's not as slow as yoga though which I love, but they don't go so fast like Jillian MIchaels does in her Yoga Inferno dvd. It's right in the middle. I had said earlier that I don't burn many calories doing Piyo, but I was wrong! Did the "sweat" workout this morning and burned 274 calories in 42 minutes. What I like is there are routines to choose from between 20 minutes and 45 minutes long so depending on the time I have as to which one I do. Plus the 20 minute ones I can do the same day as I run.

    Pam, hang in there! We all have our "off" weeks (actually I just had two off weeks!). We just need to get back to it the next week!

    Marielle, sounds like you had a great weekend and I'm TOTALLY jealous of your trip to Holland!!

    Maureli, congrats on the 10k race - so awesome!!

    Emy, I totally had the same thought as you yesterday ("I would definitely rather be sleeping than at work this morning!"). I actually missed my alarm (ok, maybe it went off and I just shut it off) and it was too late for me to workout otherwise I would have been late for work. Made it to work on time, but REALLY didn't want to be there. Guess it was truly a Monday!

    Cindy, that turkey burger with spinach and feta cheese sounds great! Good to know about the cauliflower pizza crust - never heard of it!!

    Lisa, glad you are feeling better. I too have to run/workout first thing in the morning before eating. I've tried working out in the afternoon when I get off work, but don't have near the motivation and not much effort put in to the workout. I'm usually up at 5:15 every morning (unless I "accidently" turn it off like I did yesterday:laugh: ).

    Have a great day all!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Time for a check-in, hi everyone!

    All well here, eating seems under control, even though TOM's nearly here and I have been exercising. My mother's coming over on Thursday though, so I won't be logging or anything when she's here, suppose I'll just have to trust my willpower/common sense... :tongue:

    Brenda that piyo sounds really good actually. I found one full workout online, is this what you do?
    I'm with you on JM's yoga meltdown, it's crazy! Oh, and well done on your 25 in run, that's excellent!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Cindy, on your cauliflower pizza crust. There's some mental recipes on this site. But, fair play for giving it a go!

    Maureen, hope you'll enjoy the visit of the rellies! I'm half dreading my mother's upcoming visit. Usually she annoys me by day 2...

    Lisa, I read about your 5k under 40 minutes, so I guess that means you're feeling better again!

    Emy that red dress run sounds like so much fun! If it gets covered in beer just throw it in a basin as soon as you get home and soak it overnight, beer usually washes out no problem. (not that I would have any experience :laugh: :laugh: )

    Pam, are you ready for your weigh-in tomorrow?
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Just a quick check in before I head to the gym.

    I am trying very hard to eat only 1200 calories. It is really hard. I do not like to feel as hungry as I felt yesterday. I ended up eating some stuff that I promised myself I wouldn't (wine and a Popsicle) *sigh* I would like to do it for just one week & not have a hard time. I believe that it will get me out of the slump I am in, and back to losing weight!

    Hopefully today will be better, but it is dead lift day, and I am ALWAYS starving on dead lift day! My mom told me to buy dark chocolate and have one square before lunch, but you have to suck on it & savour it.. Something to do to grelin (sp) hormone, and stopping hunger. I am going to try it.

    Have a great day all!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, so trying to get a quick one in this morning. I did my run last night and it felt really good. I was able to improve my pace a little bit. Did my early morning walk this morning on my "new" treadmill. Husband found a used one that seems to work pretty well. Will do my weights this evening.

    Lisa, I feel like I would have a really hard time on 1200 calories a day, I hope you are able to keep it up for the week and that it works to get you out of your slump. Both you and Brenda are pretty amazing working out every morning before breakfast. If I'm doing anything besides walking, I feel like I have to have something to eat first. It's probably just mental though.

    Brenda, the piyo does sound like fun. My youngest has been wanting to try pilates so maybe I need to tell her about piyo. She is pretty flexible. Was showing me some kind of scissors move the other day and telling me I should be doing it. I laughed out loud!

    Marielle, maybe your mom will surprise you this visit and everything will be smooth sailing! Ha! I think mothers and daughters just can't help but annoy each other!

    Maureen, enjoy your visit with the relatives!

    Cindy, I have a good friend who is gluten intolerant. She makes the cauliflower pizza crusts pretty regularly and I've had it twice at her house. I thought it was delicious both times, but she is an amazing cook. I have not attempted because I don't think my results would be any good. I am planning to try a supreme pizza cauliflower casserole recipe I found on mfp tonight. Hopefully it will at least be edible but I'm not totally sure.

  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Good morning all!!!!

    Lisa, 1200 calories is hard, but I've learned if you are as close to perfect with the right foods it actually is doable and sometimes I'm under my 1200 without being hungry). However, I don't lift as you do and that could be a huge difference! Make sure you stock up on plenty of proteins and veggies…. good luck!

    Emy, I would love your friends recipe for the cauliflower crust and possibly 'bread sticks' if she is willing to share. I really wanted it to work!!! Congrats on the treadmill - that will be great for the rainy days (I'm guessing you don't really have cold winter months???).

    Brenda, I'll keep Piyo in mind for the winter months. Keep us informed how it goes!

    Marielle, have fun with Mom :)

    Last night I made the turkey, spinach, feta burgers and they were really good! If you google that there are a few different sites with the recipes - I used one off of spark people. My friend and her daughter were over and really liked them as well. I had mine without a roll and just some ketchup and was still happy :)

    I must get out for a run during lunch today (though I hate the hills at my work), I've slacked so bad in the exercising the last week and I know tonight/tomorrow night I'm too busy to fit it in.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    I will try to remember to ask her for the cauliflower recipe as soon as she gets back into town. She is visiting her parents in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and my youngest daughter is with her. They are camping right now for 10 days or so with no wifi, phone service. My daughter is probably experiencing withdrawals from her electronics!
