Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Morning!! Guess I'm a little late - better late than never right? :wink:

    Another gorgeous morning here - too hot to go for a run but I did do my BWM before I showered so I don't feel too bad. That and we had a pancake breakfast for charity outside at the office so I was on my feet most of the morning. It's such a nice day I was telling everyone we should just stay outside and get burgers and dogs for lunch :bigsmile: And then ice cream for the afternoon LOL It's too nice to be working inside anyway. I had no takers :cry:

    I was thinking your sabbatical wouldn't be more work, Jen LOL I think I'd be avoiding that work too :laugh: I'm not sure I'm the best person to give advice on cals because what I'm doing doesn't seem to be working a whole lot. I'm sure you want more than 1/2 lb month loss. Maybe try splitting the difference and eat 1600? I have one of those hand held body fat % thingies - omron, I think is the brand? I got it off Amazon. I'm not sure how accurate it is as last time I checked it still said my BF% was over 30. IT also measures BMI - hubby swears by it but I don't find it too accurate.

    Susan, I think the intention of the lunge jumps is to jump from one lunge position into the other (one foot forward to the other). I was unable to do it that way so I just jumped from the lunge position back to the start position (feet together). I still found it very effective. I don't think I ever got it down to 2 min like Jen did :) Try different variations - see what works best for you and your knees. I'm not sure how much they affected the program but I did try to do everything as written.

    Long weekend here in Alberta - I already have Friday off so it's a nice extra long weekend for me! Weather is supposed to be nice - I plan on sitting outside with book and drink and doing just about nothing :bigsmile: My idea of summertime outdoor activity!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks for the feedback, guys! I'd be happy staying at 126+/- a bit. I'd be happy to lose fat and build a little muscle while there. I don't want the scale to go up and stay there. I was just feeling frustrated and actually, I ordered some fat calipers this morning, Blue! After I showered, I put on some loose-fitting linen pants that sit low on my waist (thus my belly fat stays nice and even rather than muffin-y) and was noticing that even with the layer of fat on my upper stomach (that is, ribcage area) I can actually see a tiny bit of muscle definition between the two halves of the muscle groups. Hey, good enough for me! So now I"m feeling pretty fly. I shouldn't be allowed to post during TOM, lol.

    Thanks for the kudos on the weights, Meg! Earlier today I saw a woman post something like "I was deadlifting 70 and I only got to a measly 100 lbs inside two or three months." I thought, damn, if that's measly...! I look forward to hitting 100 lbs, but it's likely not soon!

    Enjoy the (long) weekend, guys. No beans for you, Meg. :laugh: We're going to a friend's for dinner, so I'm pretty much not worrying over calories today since I have no clue what they're making. DH is hoping at minimum, good dessert. CAn't say I'd argue! Blue, I'd totally go work outside with you--what a bunch of sillies!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    was noticing that even with the layer of fat on my upper stomach (that is, ribcage area) I can actually see a tiny bit of muscle definition between the two halves of the muscle groups.

    I'm seeing that too! I'm calling it my one pack :bigsmile:

    It's funny - since I haven't lifted in a week or so, I seem to be getting slimmer. How the heck does THAT happen??
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Sometimes I think when we check ourselves out too often, for good and bad, we see things that may or may not be there in reality--perhaps that's it, Blue. Inside a twenty-four hour window a week or so again, I thought I saw great muscle definition and increased flab. Um, yeah, no. :)

    Then again, if you're eating less this week, perhaps that's it; could be water related to salt or something else; but for me, usually it's in my noodle. Mmm, noodles.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    , usually it's in my noodle. Mmm, noodles.

    Love it!

    You're probably right, but I did notice jeans fresh out of the dryer didn't seem to be quite as snug as usual. That too, could be all in my head. Wishful thinking LOL Although the scale is only .4 lbs away from my lowest low. I'm trying to be really good to see if I can actually get it to go under 150 before vacation!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    My friend made us amazing dinner tonight; i'm not even going to bother to try and count. lamb, mashed potatoes, sautéed veg, soup, chocolate soufflés, red wine....good fuel for tomorrow's lift, right?

    good night, gals!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy weekend!! :drinker:

    Go my workout in although I really had to push myself to get it done! Heading out to the trailer this afternoon after groceries, laundry and dishwasher! It's going to be a nice, relaxing weekend. The weather is supposed to cooperate - life is good :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Have fun! I finished stage 5 today. New shoes aren't great on the treadmill, so I'll be packing both pairs from now on. Few days off, yaaaaaay!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    How are you doing them? I found that lunging backward rather than forward was way bette on my knees and activates the same muscles--because my front leg, the bending leg, stays stationary it doesn't wobble out of form so much. I get better speed that way, too. Lunging forward is awful! :tongue:

    Backwards feels so awkward... I did them fine in stage 2 though. The biggest issue is the jumping/landing sequence. I think I'll just do an extra set of jump squats or other lunges to make up for the jumping lunges.
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Jen - if your maintenance is 1800, a cut to 1400 is around 22% which is pretty steep cut since you are close (I think) to where you want to be? If you just want to lose 5-10 pounds, I probably wouldn't cut more than 10-15% from your maintenance level.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    So excited!, just found out my grand baby due in January is going to be a girl!! I'm goin' shopping! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Congrats blue!

    Sue, I'm not really sure what my maintenance is; MFP says 1670, without exercise, so eating 1800 w/o adding back exercise calories should be just fine. I think I'm just feeling antsy.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning everyone! I can't believe I'm the first person on the thread this AM, although I'm pretty sure Blue has today off. Anyway, just a quick check-in to say HI and see how everyone's weekends were.

    Blue - congrats on the grand baby! Little girls clothes are so fun.

    Jen - I wouldn't go off of what MFP says your maintenance cals are. I've always used this calculator: and have had good success.

    I was in a wedding on Saturday, so Thursday through the wee hours of Sunday AM were spent doing wedding activities. It was super fun, and I gave a speech which I was so totally nervous for. But I think it turned out ok - got some laughs which is all I wanted :smile: I definitely looked like a house in my dress, but I feel like anything that isn't super tight just ends up making me look like a tent ha ha.

    Other than that, just did some more cleaning and got rid of more clothes/shoes and crap we just don't need or have room for. I also started storing away the clothes that no longer fit me and am starting to make room for hubbies stuff to move into my closet soon... that should be interesting :laugh: I guess you could say I'm starting to nest. I've also decided to stop logging until the end of my pregnancy, BUT I will still have workout goals and check-in daily because I just don't think I could go without talking to you gals! Ha ha.

    With that being said... my goals for the week:
    -lift 2 times, yoga 2 days and lot's of walking
    -limit processed carbs

    Have a great Monday all!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Good morning!

    The scooby's calculator, Meg, puts my TDEE at over 2k, or malfunctions and says I have to eat 800 a day. lol. Today it's malfunctioning again. ETA: It seems that when I use decimal points for half-pounds it throws the system off. Whole numbers, it works, and to gain muscle/lose fat with 3-5 workouts/week, my TDEE is 2038. So 1800 is still well below that.

    Sounds like you're having a pretty good summer! We've passed the point of continuous weddings after many years of a bunch every summer. I should take a page out of your closet cleaning book...

    My niece is still asleep on the couch and my cats have mauled the fabric I laid out for pattern cutting, so I'm just sitting on the couch in my office waiting for the cats to fall asleep and the niece to wake up.

    For those of you who did stage 6, how did you do the negative chin up? We have a chin-up bar with no assistance (I can't even reach it if I tried) and one of those assisted chin-up machines that look like stairs and a bar. I assume there's some way to use that. I start 6 tomorrow.

    Have a good one!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy (what feels like) Monday to me :drinker: Three day work week and vacation starts Friday! WHOO HOO! And to save the best news for last - I broke 150 on the scale this morning!! Did you hear my screams?? I'm only matching my lowest low so no loss recorded yet but I'll take it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm glad you got thru your speech, Meg - I saw the pictures you posted on Facebook - gorgeous couple! I always think I will stop logging but then the fear of overeating overcomes me and I log anway :smile: Although I have no problem doing it while on vacation because it's just too hard if you're eating at local restaurants. Not logging is just as easy as guessing wrong. And I'm always right back at it when I return. I think your plan for the week is perfect! That is going to be one fit baby LOL

    Jen, I, too had to use assitance to get up to my chin up bar. I stood on my bench and rested my feet as I was lowering myself down. I tried to hold the chin up position at least three seconds before lowering (like a rock) but I wasn't always successful. I think that was the hardest exercise by far in the whole program. I love how you had to wait for the cats to get off your sewing stuff - they're so predictable :laugh: They just love to help! Nyxon loves the tissue paper when I'm wrapping stuff in gift bags. Her teeth marks in the tissue are her contribution to the gift :smile:

    I can't tell you how excited I am that my grandbaby is going to be a girl!! I've decided her signature color is going to be purple! I will not buy anything unless it's purple :smile: Due date is Jan 2 so it could well be a New Year's baby. They left yesterday for Denmark - Aaron is a hockey player. We hope to go in February for a few weeks. I cannot wait to meet that little bundle of joy!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    We've been quiet lately, where is everyone!?

    Jen - weird about the Scooby Calc. The costume looked great BTW! I only did negative chin-ups a few times and like blue had to use a bench. It's super awkward.

    Blue - I definitely am nervous to stop logging, but I feel like it makes me a little more aware of what I'm putting in my body which is funny. I feel like at this point, it's just making me more stressed out to log, so I'm gonna take a break. If my Dr. is at any point concerned about weight gain, I guess I'll start it back up again.

    So far my plan is working out ok. Had a rough day yesterday and drowned my hormonal sorrows in a box of sourpatch kids... oh well. Today is a new day! I'm headed out to the gym in a few to do my last workout for NROL - I think I'm going to feel lost! I have worked on compiling a list of preggo friendly weight lifting moves that I think I'm going to build a little routine around... hopefully I don't get too bored with it.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member

    that is all :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    YAY, MEG!! Just don't leave us now that you're done.

    It has been quiet! I've been with my niece for nearly three straight days. I just got back from returning her to her state of origin :) We had lunch with my grandma and met up with my brother and her brothers. Chaos ensued. I adore her, but I also adore a quiet house and not having to play Uno during any and all downtime. Thanks for the compliment on the costume--I was pretty happy with how it turned out, which is good considering it took 7 hours to make :)

    So! I haven't been back to the gym since I finished five. I was planning on going today but it didn't work out with our niece here and us needing to be on the road by 1030. By the time I got back I was beat, so instead I'm having a beer on the couch. I'll start 6 tomorrow. Frankly, it looks both easy (briefer) and terrifying.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    What a busy day! It's highly unusual for me to check in so late LOL

    Way to go Meg! Such an accomplishment. You'll have to share your new routine with us. And I echo Jen - you don't get to leave us :laugh:

    A beer sounds perfectly reasonable, Jen after three days of a niece! I'm afraid I don't have much patience for those that can walk and talk LOL Give me a baby any day :laugh: I'll even babysit for Meg :wink:

    Scale was exactly the same as yesterday so I don't get to record a loss but I'm still under 150!! WHOO HOOO! :bigsmile: Just in time for vacation to ruin it all LOL That seems to be my pattern - work my butt off, see results and go on vacation - start over again. Oh well - at least I've never started from this low before. I think I will be OK as long as I stay away from sugar - which will be really hard because I drink coolers (otherwise known as 100% sugar!)

    Have a nice evening ladies - if I'm not mistaken, I think Terrie's getting married this weekend?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Don't worry, you guys can't get rid of me that easily :)

    A beer sounds both reasonable AND amazing... mmm beer. I think you're right blue! Yay for Terrie!