


  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hey hello! Happy Thursday!

    This week I DID meet my exercise goals as far as 5 out of 7 days. I did NOT lift weights more than once.

    I DID stay under my calorie goal for the week, and tracked every day.

    I did not lose any weight, yet again---totally not sure why I am so fricking stuck---feeling frustrated! :grumble:

    MeadowSage---how is OA going? Do you like it? You have been doing well.
    Carrie Ann----FABULOUS loss---way to go!
    VCDFW---you are also doing great, and I love how encouraging you are!
    Shannonin---KUDO's on finding an exercise buddy----totally awesome!

    My goals for this week, aside from losing weight!
    Stay under calorie totals for the week ---track everything!
    Work out 5 days out of 7
    Upper body workout for 3 days
    Look for NONSCALE victories

    I am glad my pool is reopening Monday---I have been driving to the next town to get my swim on. It will be good to get back to my routine.

    Have a great weekend!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    OA is good so far. It's nice to have people in person that understand the what you go through because they go through it to.
    It makes you feel validated in some way, and it helps to know that there is hope. I feel like it's not so much a failure but or flaw, but it's a human condition. There are horrible feelings attached to compulsive eating....and vice versa. OA helps deal with the diet, no exercise or surgery can help you work through the emotional stuff. People can help you....people that understand and can help you learn how to help yourself.

    Great job of meeting your goals.

    It sounds crazy that you are not losing weight. Do you measure your food?
    If not try measuring it. Do you eat back your exercise calories?
    Hey hello! Happy Thursday!

    This week I DID meet my exercise goals as far as 5 out of 7 days. I did NOT lift weights more than once.

    I DID stay under my calorie goal for the week, and tracked every day.

    I did not lose any weight, yet again---totally not sure why I am so fricking stuck---feeling frustrated! :grumble:

    MeadowSage---how is OA going? Do you like it? You have been doing well.
    Carrie Ann----FABULOUS loss---way to go!
    VCDFW---you are also doing great, and I love how encouraging you are!
    Shannonin---KUDO's on finding an exercise buddy----totally awesome!

    My goals for this week, aside from losing weight!
    Stay under calorie totals for the week ---track everything!
    Work out 5 days out of 7
    Upper body workout for 3 days
    Look for NONSCALE victories

    I am glad my pool is reopening Monday---I have been driving to the next town to get my swim on. It will be good to get back to my routine.

    Have a great weekend!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    There are horrible feelings attached to compulsive eating....and vice versa. OA helps deal with the diet, no exercise or surgery can help you work through the emotional stuff. People can help you....people that understand and can help you learn how to help yourself.

    Do you measure your food?
    If not try measuring it. Do you eat back your exercise calories?

    Oh my gosh---that is SO the truth---Eating Disorders are such a shameful secret---but not secret because we wear the results. Count calories all we want, the eating is not driven by hunger, its emotion manifesting as hunger!

    I usually measure, need to tighten that up. I play that game where I say, "hmm, you did not eat all those carrot sticks you logged, its ok to have that half a brownie"
    I have to catch it all.

    I have not had my normal scale and time of day to weigh, either. I used to weigh on Sunday morning at the Y----its been closed for 2 weeks.

    have a good weekend you all!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Went camping this weekend, didn't track my food as I didn't really have service on my cell...I was barely able to log in every day. I know I ate more than usual, but I don't think I was too bad, we golfed 9 holes too which was a bit of walking even though we had carts (we had to search the woods for our balls a few times lol) I did drink more than usual, but we didn't bring any really "bad" foods with us so there was nothing to mindlessly munch on except watermelon and cherries. The alcohol (i'm guessing, but could be high sodium too) had got me swollen up, my ankles are huge! So i'm up 4.4 lbs, hopefully that will be gone in a few days as it works out of my system. I can't go running for a few days because I had a big blister on the ball of my foot where it meets my toes and it popped so it's raw and painful to put weight on, hopefully a few days of soaking in Epsom salt and some neosporin will have me all set in the next few days.

    How was everyone else's weekends?

    Alana why has the Y been closed so long? Are they remodeling? Maybe you'll see a steep drop soon, sometimes my body likes to stay the same and then drop all at once, maybe you will see something like that.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    shannon--dude, I WINCED when I read about your blister---yikes! hope that is better soon.

    I DID have a big drop---like 7 pounds in 2 days. SO weird. nothing all month, then bam.

    I'm gonna blame it on pre-meopause hormonal stupid body stuff crap. I wish I would just hit menpause and be done, without all this weird stuff in between!

    And my Y is open today---yay! I still went to another pool ....mine was being resurfaced. I am going to enjoy my water dance class starting back up tomorrow night for sure!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Shannon, it's sounds like you had a great weekend....sodium will mess you up. You should be okay soon. Drink lots of water to flush all that crap out.

    Alana, WooHoo!!!!! Shannon is probably may have been losing the whole time but carrying around some water weight. Just goes to show, if you keep at doing the right thing....good things will happen.

    My weekend....I saw two movies on Saturday with my daughter and went to Kobe's for Lunch/Dinner. So, yum. Went shopping, I ran around all weekend. I didn't even log but I ate pretty good for the most part. Got more exercise than usual because of all the walking. I decided to cut out breads, grains and refined sugar this week and see how things go. I've still been battling with bringing down the sugars so, I'm trying to eat just lean meats, veggies, beans, fruits and nuts this week, with the exception of hummus and dressing. If I survive this week, lol, I may try to extend that. I really need to get right with my numbers and doing what people normally do, isn't enough. I tried doing the five to six meals a day with 45-60 carbs for big meals and 15-30 for snacks and it didn't bring it down enough. So, I tried lowering it and lowering it finally I'm at the point that I want to try getting all of my carbs from fruits, veggies, nuts and beans. I will let you guys know how it works for my. Tomorrow morning will be the true test.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Oh, I am still doing the shakes but they have less than a gram of sugar each. Not sweating that twice a day. They really help curb my cravings.
    Shannon, it's sounds like you had a great weekend....sodium will mess you up. You should be okay soon. Drink lots of water to flush all that crap out.

    Alana, WooHoo!!!!! Shannon is probably may have been losing the whole time but carrying around some water weight. Just goes to show, if you keep at doing the right thing....good things will happen.

    My weekend....I saw two movies on Saturday with my daughter and went to Kobe's for Lunch/Dinner. So, yum. Went shopping, I ran around all weekend. I didn't even log but I ate pretty good for the most part. Got more exercise than usual because of all the walking. I decided to cut out breads, grains and refined sugar this week and see how things go. I've still been battling with bringing down the sugars so, I'm trying to eat just lean meats, veggies, beans, fruits and nuts this week, with the exception of hummus and dressing. If I survive this week, lol, I may try to extend that. I really need to get right with my numbers and doing what people normally do, isn't enough. I tried doing the five to six meals a day with 45-60 carbs for big meals and 15-30 for snacks and it didn't bring it down enough. So, I tried lowering it and lowering it finally I'm at the point that I want to try getting all of my carbs from fruits, veggies, nuts and beans. I will let you guys know how it works for my. Tomorrow morning will be the true test.
  • :smile: :smile: Hello all. I just wanted to introduce myself. I will be adding a picture later, just can't do that at work. :glasses: My name is Brandi and I am 29 years old. I weigh 445 pounds. :cry: I am happily married as of April 19th 2014, but I've been with my husband since 6/2008. I have four (four legged) children. Two cats named Meesha & Kiki and two dogs named Luna & Bella. :love: I have struggled with my weight all my life. I am definitely an emotional eater and fast food/all food addict. After getting married my eyes were opened that it is now time to work on the family I always wanted but never had due to my obesity and the problems it has caused me physically. (Menstrual issues, Ovulation Issues, etc.) The only way I can get to working on that is losing weight. I've lost weight in the past only to gain it back. Finally I’ve come to the realization that I need some counseling. I need help to learn to love myself and take care of myself as much as I do everyone else. I also need help to move forward from a traumatic childhood. Today was my first day in counseling and it felt liberating. I have a sense of confidence that I've never had before and I am looking forward to this journey. I know there is no better day than today to start eating healthy but I am using Sunday August 10th as my official start date. I wish all of you the best on your weight loss journey and hope to be following these posts. :smile: :smile:
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome Brandi! Look forward to getting to know you! Starting a family is one of my main motivations factors too! Also congrats on getting married!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Brandy!
    Too funny---I have dogs named Luna and Stella! luna is a great dane, stella is a shephardy houndy mix.

    One day at a time, you can do it!
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Hi, Brandi! We share an anniversary. My darling husband and I just celebrated 17 years. We were married April 19, 1997.

    Congratulations! On your marriage and on deciding to better your life, mentally and physically.
  • Thank you all for the welcome. It's going to be a long journey but I am ready for it!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Brandi,

    Welcome to the club! I used to weight at least 430 lbs. I'm down to about fluctuates a lot. It was a struggle in the beginning and everyday is a struggle, now. I believe that it will always be a struggle, but I also believe that it is worth it and it will get easier at some point. The more we make healthy habits a regular thing, the easier it will get. I believe that unless you have some serious, extenuating medical issues that most obesity it due to two addiction and emotional issues that use food as a crutch. Inactivity is a factor, too but food is the biggest culprit. We have to work on those issues to have permanent weight loss. I am capable of losing 15 lbs in a week, that doesn't mean anything if I can't keep it off.

    You are brave for admitting that you have a problem and courageous for facing your demons. I wish you the best of work (I say work because that's what it takes, not luck) and hope that we are able to help each other reach our goals. Together, one day at time, one meal at a time.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I didn't even realize it's WEDNESDAY!!!
    As for my goals:

    Exercising: Exercised 4 days and have plans to go tonight. I met a girl on here that lives by me so we've been meeting up a lot.

    Under Calorie goal with eye on Sugar and Sodium: Not so great on sodium but kept sugar and calories in check. Went over on Saturday due to 2 birthday parties but also am well under my weekly goal so I'm not feeling too bad about it.

    Veggies: TOTAL FAIL I did not eat any extra.

    So this week:

    Work out at least 4 times

    Going on vacation so keep logging while we are away for the weekend

    Veggies: Try again and eat more, at least 3 times this week eat some.

    Also, I found out I am not pregnant, I just had the worlds worst case of PMS but I'm feeling much better now.

    So I was up again this week, 292.6, pretty frustrating to be up 2 weeks in a row, but I was low on Friday, down to 289, so I think this is just left over from this weekend.

    As for my goals, I did work out 3 times, 4 if you count golfing, which I think I do, so check!

    Logging on Vacation: Nope, spotty cell service so didn't happen

    Veggies: I did eat more, but I don't think I made it to 3 times.

    This week's goals:

    Drink 8 glasses of water a day minimum.

    Workout 4 times.

    Eat Veggies 3 times with dinner.
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Hello Brandi, welcome!

    This is a great group of people and they have been so very supportive of me and each other so come on in to family we got a place for you right here.

    Shannon - yay on camping and sorry you gained but it sounds like you have an idea of why that are keeping the faith that things will right themselves again so yay on that!

    Meadow - I think today of all days I need to find out if there is OA meeting, this week has been so bad for me. Yesterday I packed my lunch and smoothies and intentionally left them at home so I could get something at the cafeteria at work, not that there was something in particular I wanted there and couldn't wait for I think it would more about the rebellion than anything. So what do I do today? I ordered pizza, and these potato, cheese, jalapeno things AND tiny fried apple pies! I'm going off the rails in a big way and I'm having serious difficulty raining myself back in.

    Alana - I hate that you're not losing this week also... you've been doing so great! That stinks, I might even spit, LOL.

    Ladies now for the part I usually am excited about but am totally not today... my progress report:

    Weight Lost - Nada, zip, nothing at one point it was 2 pounds through the week and I was trying to get it to be less but cutting a few calories here and there and what happened I opted for less nutritional but filling stuff and it totally backfired and I'm right back where I started. I wasn't supposed to weigh this week at all and what have I done, I've weighed like 4 times... the latest was this morning and horror or horrors - zip, no weight lost.

    Exercise - I totally can't believe it but I've walked over 10K steps everyday this week... except today... I still that to do that today.

    Goals - I do have a couple of recipes for some things that I can make to sub for salads and still be nutritional but, I should have made them yesterday and I haven't but all the shopping and stuff is done for them.

    I'll have to think about goals for next week a bit later... right now I'm going to log off and have a good cry :-(
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I count golfing!!!! Exercise is exercise...having fun makes it better, it doesn't diminish it.

    I didn't even realize it's WEDNESDAY!!!
    As for my goals:

    Exercising: Exercised 4 days and have plans to go tonight. I met a girl on here that lives by me so we've been meeting up a lot.

    Under Calorie goal with eye on Sugar and Sodium: Not so great on sodium but kept sugar and calories in check. Went over on Saturday due to 2 birthday parties but also am well under my weekly goal so I'm not feeling too bad about it.

    Veggies: TOTAL FAIL I did not eat any extra.

    So this week:

    Work out at least 4 times

    Going on vacation so keep logging while we are away for the weekend

    Veggies: Try again and eat more, at least 3 times this week eat some.

    Also, I found out I am not pregnant, I just had the worlds worst case of PMS but I'm feeling much better now.

    So I was up again this week, 292.6, pretty frustrating to be up 2 weeks in a row, but I was low on Friday, down to 289, so I think this is just left over from this weekend.

    As for my goals, I did work out 3 times, 4 if you count golfing, which I think I do, so check!

    Logging on Vacation: Nope, spotty cell service so didn't happen

    Veggies: I did eat more, but I don't think I made it to 3 times.

    This week's goals:

    Drink 8 glasses of water a day minimum.

    Workout 4 times.

    Eat Veggies 3 times with dinner.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Well, let's blame it on the moon and the stars, Mercury in retrograde or some other crap. I'm up two pounds from last week, too. I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I ate out most of the weekend....not at all. That's okay, because tomorrow I probably won't be eating at all. I can't have anything after midnight but a sip of water when I take my medicine and then I'll be in surgery all day. I'm willing to bet I lose two pounds tomorrow alone.

    I don't know about you all but TOM was here this weekend and my give a crap meter just wasn't working this week. What I was eating was not my top priority. The important part is I was walking across the parking garage and navigating through the hospital this morning to the admissions office and I notice it was rather easy for me to walk...this is a sign that I'm doing something right. Now, I can't wait until I get these surgeries over with and healed up, so I can start going to the gym again.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Well, let's blame it on the moon and the stars, Mercury in retrograde or some other crap. I'm up two pounds from last week, too. I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I ate out most of the weekend....not at all. That's okay, because tomorrow I probably won't be eating at all. I can't have anything after midnight but a sip of water when I take my medicine and then I'll be in surgery all day. I'm willing to bet I lose two pounds tomorrow alone.

    I don't know about you all but TOM was here this weekend and my give a crap meter just wasn't working this week. What I was eating was not my top priority. The important part is I was walking across the parking garage and navigating through the hospital this morning to the admissions office and I notice it was rather easy for me to walk...this is a sign that I'm doing something right. Now, I can't wait until I get these surgeries over with and healed up, so I can start going to the gym again.

    That's great about the walking being easier! It means we're moving in the right direction! Praying for you and your surgery tomorrow! Hope it goes amazingly smoothly and your recovery time is nice and short!
  • I would love this! I like it when people check in on me, makes me motivated to stay on the course, because I don't want to disappoint them.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I'm getting a little frustrated this morning as I was back up a few pounds...I keep gaining and losing the same 4 lbs going between 288 and 292. I've realized I've been doing this for almost a month! (!?!??!) Any ideas on a way to break out of this? I don't feel like my workout routine has been the same for very long. I guess I need to change up what I'm eating.