2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Abi- I am really enjoying it. It is not hard core at all though. Alot of stretching and body weight with little to no impact. But, it is a great program to partner with running or maybe another higher impact program. But, don't expect it to be a big calorie burner on its own.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Abi--great job on the trail run! It is definitely a lot harder than running on a flat surface.

    ramalem--definitely get to that pool tomorrow if you can! I went swimming a few times during my pregnancy and it felt soooo good. I almost forgot I had a beach ball in my belly for a while

    shanaber--sounds like you're doing well! Enjoy the alone time!

    Chloe--great job this week!

    Ashley--hope you feel better soon!

    Beeps--So sorry to hear about the layoff, but it sounds like you're making the most of it!

    My week has been okay so far. I've been all over the place on net calories, but I think that logging is helping me make better decisions at least. I'm slowly cutting out those cupcakes and cookies that I'm so weak for. And I got a decent run in yesterday. It was a little rainy so I left my iPod and GPS watch at home, and it was kind of fun to run without all the technology for a change.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Oh, Beeps, I hope there was severance and you can enjoy a little time off and get something that is a better situation for you!

    I also enjoy some time without the husband, watching my trash tv right now! Catfish then Finding Carter:bigsmile: I don't like sleeping alone, though!

    Today my plan called for 20 mins of yoga so I found something on demand and did that, teleworked all day, made pork souvlaki for dinner.

    My cals have been ok this week, I did up them. And I weighed this morning and it was ok, down a little.

    I am sore from lifting...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well the good news is I'm feeling a little better. I'm serioulsy lacking on the workouts this week though. Oh well.... I just need to rest up I guess.

    Ram, I agree with Ris...SWIM! I did the most swimming I have ever done in my life while I was pregnant. I got up to a mile, which still impresses me. :wink: I miss the pool. Nice job on the long walk.

    Ris, I read a "10 tips for runners" or something once and one was "Run Naked" as in with no GPS, watch, music, etc. Sometimes it's nice to just go at your own pace and listen to your feet hit the pavement.

    Amy, what's pork souvlaki?

    Abi, great job! Sounds like a really tough run!

    Beeps, hope you're enjoying your morning workouts.

    Hi to everyone else!

    Unfortunately we're under heat advisory all weekend, so I see a lot of inside time in our future. So I WILL do some yoga at some point this weekend. I canceled my book club for tonight. I'm still not 100% and need to get to bed early. Eric is now sick and he was going to watch my friend's 4 year old which I know he doesn't feel up to doing. So I am looking forward to a night in. I did pretty lousy with food this week. We had Chinese takeout Wednesday and pizza last night. Of which we have leftovers.

    I got to hear the baby heartbeat again yesterday at my appointment. It took a minute to find it which is always a little scary, but it was there. I also schedule my ultrasound for September 4. Can't wait! Have a great weekend ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Better, that is cool about the heart-beat! Pork souvlaki is a greek dish, kebabs, basically, marinated with lemon juice and red wine vinegar, garlic and herbs. I served it with grilled zucchini and pita and taziki.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Had a great run on Friday and NO pain -YEA!! Ok it was only 2 miles (3.8 overall) but something!! I ran another 2 today on the treadmill at the gym before hitting the weights - felt so great!
    I am off to Richmond, VA in the morning but I will post the Star challenge results as soon as I get the info from everyone. Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Thanks, all of you, for the well wishes! I am going to be just fine.

    I have a 12-week-self challenge that i have developed so that i am in GREAT shape for my birthday!

    1. 1,200 cals per day for two weeks. 1,300 cals per day for next two weeks. 1,350 cals for the month after; and then 1,400 cals for the month after that.

    2. Weight-training M/W/F. Cardio/weight combo T/Th. Cardio on Saturday. Sunday = rest.

    3. Sleep 8 or 8.5 hours per night.

    4. 12 glasses of water per day, minimum.

    5. No after-supper snacking - but am going to drink green tea. Yes, i will be up at night pee-ing, but i don't have to go to work the next day! :)

    6. Weigh-in every Wednesday. Pictures and tape measurements every two weeks.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Beeps - sounds like a great challenge!

    Ashley - do they record the heartbeat for you? I don't know if they still do that but when I was preto they recorded it for us and we played it for my daughter when she was fussy and it helped her to fall asleep, so did a ride in the car and the sound of the washer though so probably nothing magic but it seemed like a neat idea.:flowerforyou:

    I had a long day on the plane starting with the drive to LAX at 5:30 this morning only to find the Starbucks is gone (there were 2 before). I was so ready for coffee and some oatmeal and the only place there had a line all the way through the terminal. I settled for the spare granola bar I always have in my purse... Got to Dallas in time to run to my connecting flight in another terminal to find out they don't have the only health snack offering (fruit and cheese plate) on flights under 3 hours... No food... Again! I really should have learned from my own post to Kadi! I had a good dinner at the hotel though and then went to the gym and had it all to myself. Hoping it will help me sleep despite the time difference!

    I don't see any Star results so I will check back when I can tomorrow between or after my client meetings. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Shanaber, they will give us a video of the ultrasound, but we do not have any audio recordings of the heartbeat. We have a white noise maching my 2.5 year old daughter still sleeps to that has a sounds like the womb. :smile: Glad you're feeling better!

    Beeps, sounds like you have a solid plan to finish out the year!

    I did okay this weekend. Ate so-so. We had 2 parties Saturday so I ate stuff I'm not used to eating (brat, hashbrown casserole, potato salad, baked beans, etc. etc. etc) and my stomach was just upset when I went to bed that night. I walked a tiny bit yesterday but did get some yoga in. I've got a golf scramble this afternoon, so no lifting during lunch, but I plan on doing my class tomorrow, hopefully running in the morning on Wednesday (it's hot here) and lifting during lunch Thursday, with some weekend yoga. My other goals are just to eat reasonably, drink water, and go to sleep by 10:30.

    I've got a green chile chicken dish (I got from Chloe's Pinterest) in the crockpot so it will be ready to eat tonight and tomorrow since I'll be home late both nights. Wednesday we're having grilled eggplant tomato stacks and boneless pork (not sure how I'm going to prepare that yet), and Thursday we'll have tacos. I've also got tons of food at work so I have no excuses to stay on track with food. I did buy some more sherbet......I love dessert.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got a gold star! I am kinda surprised! Well, I did up my cals to 1600/day. But this weekend was a lot of splurge and not any exercise! I got to the gym Saturday before I remembered it was closed so they could do the floors.
    Then yesterday I was going to run but I got a spell of vertigo and was pretty much ill and dosed up on sudafed to see if that would make it better. I feel a little better today but not normal exactly, maybe sudafed just makes me feel weird...

    I still don't know what I am going to wear to my cousins wedding Sept. 6...

    Happy Monday all, what are you going to do this week? I think I will rest today but then if I am good tomorrow I will lift at the gym and run outside.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I get a PLATINUM star!

    And i am down 1.6 lbs.

    Great start to the week! I actually have worked out six days in a row.....and i am sleeping well and about to set up some networking meetings. It is good. I have also decided when i am not "networking", and really have "nothing" to do, i will put on my runners and just go walk and listen to music. Every little bit of time that i spend: being active AND out of the kitchen is just a good, good thing!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday! I FAILED last week. I stopped logging and eating healthy and working out around Thursday. It is new week to try to be A-mazing!

    Beeps- Sorry you got laid off. Even if your weren't loving your job, it is still a major BUMMER. Great job on platinum!

    Ram- I LOVED swimming when I was pregnant. My oldest is a Sept baby and i lived with my mom, who has a pool. I swam EVERY day.

    I WANT to follow all of your pintrest boards!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! Happy Monday.

    Shanaber - I freaking hate when they move stuff around in terminals on you. So frustrating!

    Ashley - How are you and Daphne feeling? Sounds like you've got your week all planned out, yay for meal planning!

    Amy - congrats on the star. Always feels good to get one, especially when you don't expect it!

    Beeps - WOOT! Great job :) Keep it up!

    KC - I'm rediculously addicted to Pinterest, just can't help it :) Here's to kickin butt this week.

    That's all I can see/remember. I just got back from my Glucose test, keep your fingers crossed that I passed so I don't have to take the dreaded 3 hour test. :laugh: Dr. said all looked good today and is no longer worried about me measuring big - all looked normal today. She said I must have just had a crazy growth spurt last time.

    I had a pretty good weekend and managed to get out in the sun for a little bit which felt really good. I also got an hour walk in too! I'm glad you guys all told me to swim because man did it feel ah-mazing. My feet had been super swollen for about 1.5 weeks and the swelling totally went away post swim. I will be making that part of my weekly routine for sure!

    My goals this week are similar to last week. Just drinking 4L of water/day, getting 4-5 workouts in and keeping my eating in check. Have a great Monday!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    no time to catch up, just reporting in - no star for me this week :( Too much food and wine in NYC!! Back on board this week :)
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Wow, so much as happened in the week was I was out in FL! I wish I could reply to everyone but alas...no time :)

    Last week went well, the flight over sucked (I HATE flying)...we got stuck in Dallas on the ramp for 3 hrs waiting for a t-storm to pass before making into FL. I got in and they wouldn't let me ck in after flying for 15 hrs and so I went to the outlet mall and putz'd around till I could I think my only meal that day was a hotdog at the mall. I think the shock of the 5 hr time difference totally screwed up my appetite b/c I had none! I even skipped a meal or two...or three b/c the thought of food was yuck. I slept a lot and kinda kept HI time...early to bed and early up. Since I was there by myself I didn't eat out much...went to the commissary and got some stuff, didn't even eat all that. Thursday my appetite came back and even then I didn't over eat (didn't track calories all week)...Friday it was gone again. I didn't even buy junk food for the 9 hr flight back to HI...except 2 bagels with cream cheese and Panda express with veggies, chicken. When I got home I slept for 16 hrs straight. I got 1 run in on Tuesday for 5 miles, it was the only day it dropped below 100 (it was 95) at 6pm where I could run and still have some light coming back...the rest of the time it was around 103 at 6pm. I didn't get on the scale b/c I am so dehydrated but I will tomorrow.

    I got an email from my endurance coach of a personal trainer who has a class on our off days who combines agility, speed, plyometric exercises...$80 a month. It is tempting. I like the class I am in now...it is only $10 a month but it is only 1x a week and kinda hit and miss. But it is on the same days as the new class so either I do 2 hrs which could make for an interesting Wed run day or drop the base one.

    So goals for this week:

    Calories: under 12,000
    Runs: 6x7x13
    Strength: 2x
    Shakes: 3x
    Salads: 3x
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I managed Platinum even though I barely ate on Sunday... I will however be making up all week for today! Too much celebrating!!
    Haven't heard from Chloe, Kadi, Abigail or Jess yet - will post tomorrow if I can from the airport.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I went back and tried to log my Sunday. I really didn't eat too much, but the beer consumption at the baseball game was out of control. So no star for me. Although I do feel good about the rest of the week. Sunday and yesterday were bad. So I have some damage control to do the rest of this week.

    Better- you'll have to let me know how that recipe turns out, I haven't tried that one yet.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Better- you'll have to let me know how that recipe turns out, I haven't tried that one yet.

    It was pretty good. I added a can of pinto beans, because it was just chicken and broth basically, with a little onion and bell pepper. The beans makes it not paleo, but I didn't care about the paleo part. I think I would add some corn to it too next time. Maybe even a can of tomatoes. But flavors were really good. And I had a bunch of tomatillos from my garden to make the verde salsa so it worked out perfect. I just tasted it as they fed me dinner (of which I at a ridiculous amount...think second fried chicken leg with my dessert.....) at the scramble. I'm eating it tonight for dinner though.

    So yeah, ate a ton at the scramble, but it was cart path only with the carts, so we walked a lot. I'm actually really sore today; happens every year when I play my annual game of golf. I've got my class tonight and then it'll just be Daphne and me for the night as Eric has his fantasy football draft. Then I'm off tomorrow!

    Anyone have Labor Day plans for those that celebrate? If the weather is ok, we're taking Daphne to the lake with my inlaws Monday. She's only been out on the boat once, and she was really little. I think she'll love it. We're also going to some friends' about an hour away Saturday to see their new house and swim. So a fun weekend lined up! Then we have basically nothing planned (so far) rest of the year! Except Thanksgiving. Oh, and building onto our house.....which we get our quote tomorrow. Fingers crossed it's in our budget!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ashley - How are you and Daphne feeling? Sounds like you've got your week all planned out, yay for meal planning!

    I'm still a little congested, but feel mostly fine. She seems much better too. Now Eric feels crappy. :grumble:
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning Tuesday!

    Yesterday was a good(ish) day. Good b/c I didn't overeat (but probably underrate) ...also good b/c got a run in finally. Calories only came in around 1K Net (not good for endurance). The run was rough...I was expecting to be all refreshed and rested but nope. I ate pretty well up that point but 2 miles into the run I cranky and miserable and just kept looking at my watch...we were to do 80 min. I hurt too...we did big hills, not steep hills...just the ones where they are a lower grade but they were about .5 mile long so you just kept going up and up and no recovery period. I know I slowed the group down but for the first time in a long time I actually thought I might puke. We stopped at a traffic light finally and as soon as I stopped moving, my blood went south and I got really dizzy. I was fine once I got moving again. I really need to watch my heart rate again. Wednesday I am going to go with a slower group since I have the 1/2 on Saturday...then with no commitments...then I can try to kill myself again :) Needless to say I got home and did NOT want to eat...I choked down about 4 oz of pulled pork and some tater-tots...almost lost it again with the glass of water :(

    This morning I woke up early again, guess I switched to FL time a bit. Wasn't hungry, wasn't sore...just tired. I upped my endurance sups this morning to recover...and making sure I eat enough and probably a bit over. I just don't know what happened, it is rare that I get so physically fatigued. This afternoon is body sculpt...I am also going to look into an on base personal trainer...see if that is cheaper than me going off base. I need to do more though.

    I did jump on the scale and came in at 144.6...I think I am going to update my ticker since that is the weight I have been hovering at for awhile if I don't over eat. I have my fitness leader class tomorrow and I hope to get the inside scoop on the bodpod scheduling here. Would be very interesting.

    I am off for the rest of the week (from the office anyway) :) Let's try not to over eat...hubby is working mids all week so should be not dinner dates LOL