Daily check in



  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Kiwi - Sorry to hear about your little one. I hope she is feeling better soon :flowerforyou:

    Gen - not to mention, a good excuse to get a massage :)

    It was weird not doing lifting today, especially since I didn't work either - so even though I ate at maintenance I didn't actually get to eat more. I think I'm going to do some light weights Wednesday instead of just sitting around.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Trying to get to the gym, but my daughter is refusing to nap! GRR!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Ashley--sorry you didn't get good news with your weigh in. Weekly weigh ins will definitely help, and track everything!

    Kiwi--I guess your daughter is feeling better? What do you do, have her nap in the workout room while you exercise? Sorry she wouldn't nap, those are the worst days!!

    I was over yesterday with no exercise, but it helped that I saved some calories from Monday. I will try to do some walking with the kids today.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Trainer had to stay home sick yesterday, so I was sooo tempted to go home and sleep. But I managed to drag my butt to the gym and workout by myself, dedicated the day to legs. Starting to feel the effects this morning, hopefully I'm not too sore by tomorrow!

    Ate pretty well yesterday, though I was over a little bit when I came home to mashed potatoes (my ultimate weakness). Going to start eating more salads starting today, so we'll see how that goes.

    What method do you ladies use for determining your calorie intake? BMR/MFP or TDEE? They give me very different numbers, so I'm unsure which is the right one. :S
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Kiwi: those are the worst!! when kids refuse to nap!!! :(

    Coady: of course, any excuse is a good one for a massage lol!

    Dana: have a good walk with the kids! :)

    Ashley: i'm so proud of you for going to the gym even though your trainer was sick! Good for you !!!

    As for method I use TDEE. I used that calculator: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ which has me at around 2000 TDEE so I am hovering and testing the 1750 cals right now and when I stick to it without alcohol I do really well so I think my TDEE might be a bit higher. I had wanted to lose maybe half a pound per week on 1750 but I lose more like 1.5 to 2 (WHEN i am good lol) In a couple weeks i'll test out what numbers work for "maintenance". MFP had me on 1290 calories and when I saw that I went "screw you" and switched my method.. :)

    Yesterday was good I was 40 cals under yay! and I went to the gym and did Stronglifts. Today is rest day and also staying close to cal goal :)

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • lambie14
    lambie14 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Weighed in at 60kg/132lb today...pretty good after a very social weekend! Goal is 125 (I'm a small framed 5'6")
    I notice my weight fluctuates between 130-132, sometimes sticking at 132 for a few days, then dropping back down (but never below 130!) Does this happen to any of you?
    I work in an office all day, but I run 6km 4x week, spin 1-2x week, weights 4-5x week, and walk 60-90 minutes a day (benefits of having a chocolate lab!)
    Still trying to figure out the best calorie level for my height/age/activity level....I'm around 1500 most days but would love to hear what is working for you. :)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Hi lambie! I definitely know what you mean about "sticking" - up until a couple weeks ago I always bounced between exactly 131.5 and 128.5, with an occasional 130.

    I was using TDEE for a while using an online estimate, which told me 1500 gross cals/day, but it wasn't working for me (both in that I didn't see any consistent loss and I was really grumpy and kept falling off the wagon and binging). I switched to NEAT/MFP method at the beginning of July when I got my fitbit and now I eat 1360 net, or an average of 1750-1850 gross cals - so more than I was by quite a bit. I think TDEE works well if you have a good idea of your daily activity, but I'm really not good at estimating that apparently :)

    Went running this morning, but it is deathly hot so I only made it through two stages (supposed to be 5-5-5 today) before I gave up and dragged myself back home. I definitely feel I can do it Thursday.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Ashley: great job with the leg workout! So, I am really trying to figure out my calorie goal as well. MFP has me at 1260 net whereas the TDEE site that Gen recommends has me at about 1750 net. I wish the higher level worked for me, but I have tried 1500 and can't lose weight at that. I seem to do well at about 1350 net (and I burn about 250-300 per day exercising, which I eat, so I am actually eating 1600-1650 calories). I am going to continue to try to track carefully so I can pay attention to what is working. Also, I have mild PCOS, which may cause me to have slower metabolism and need to eat less than others. Several of you seem to be having success with raising calories and still losing weight, but I don't know if I can do that. Lucky me :(

    Gen--nice job yesterday, enjoy your rest day!

    Lambe--that's great you had a good weight in! I have been fluctuations between 129 and 134 for the past year, that 129 is such a tease, I am really trying to break through! My goal is 115-120--I am a small framed (based on wrist measurement)

    I was a little over yesterday, with just a short walk for burning calories, and won't get to work out much today. Once my daughter starts preschool in a couple weeks I can exercise much more--I can run with the toddler in the jogger every day if I want to. So until then it's a little tough.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Sorry, that 2nd to last paragraph is full of typos! It should say I'm a small framed 5'3".

    Also, I was a little off in my calorie discussion--the TDEE puts me at about 300 more calories than MFP (so 1550 net, vs 1260 from MFP) 1350 seems to be working to lose about a pound a week.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Hey Lambie :) I'm in the same boat as you, in regards to fluctuations. I started at 1450 calories, and am now moving my way up slowly to see what works best for my body. It's great though that you were able to maintain a good weight with the social outings!

    Good job on the run Coady! I can't imagine running through intense heat, that takes a lot of dedication. If it's even above 15 C I can't be bothered!

    Was feeling a bit sore yesterday from the leg workout the previous day, so I took it easy and did some cardio. Aaaaand now I'm even MORE sore today. Not complaining though, I love knowing that I'm working my muscles! Back to the gym after work though with my trainer, so hopefully the stiffness with wear off a bit before then. Yesterday's food was good, until I had to go out with the bf and stopped at Wendy's.. So I had two chicken wraps (no sauce, so there's literally just chicken, cheese, lettuce, and wrap) and fries (oops). Might have been slightly over calories there, but nothing big.

    Y'all have a lovely day!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Ashley... yummm Wendy's sounds delicious!!!! :) Good luck with the trainer today, I'm sure a bit of activity will help flush the soreness away!!

    Dana: hang on, in a couple weeks you will be able to jog anytime you want! Good luck with your little one starting preschool :) I know the school system isnt the same in the Canadian provinces so I bet the states is even further in comparison, but my oldest (he's 5 and a half) starts kindergarden next Tuesday yay!!!!!!!!!! He's looking forward to it and me too!!! We met his teacher last night she seems so awesome. I'm sure he's going to love her.

    Coady: yeah the dreaded humidity was KILLER the last few days here.. you're brave that you went running regardless! Go you!!!

    Yesterday I was under cal goal by a bit yay!! And today will be lifting, eating, and hopefully sleeping early tonight. I'm exhausted lately!!

    Have a great day everyone
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Ashley --great job with the working out :)

    Gen--I think the public schools start next week here also, but preschool is private and they start very I late. Sort of feels like a ripoff considering how expensive preschool is! The start of kindergarten must be exciting, and it's great you like the teacher :). Do you have all day kindergarten? Our district just switched to all day kindergarten, so that will be a big change when my daughter starts next year! Hope you slept good--I guess you are exhausted from exercising? Which is a good thing!

    I was over yesterday with no working out at all. Today I have a babysitter so I get to run. I love to eat more the days I run but I really should try to make up some calories today...
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Dana: yes it's all day kindergarden!! Is preschool and kindergarden the same? My boy is 5 (they need to be 5 by September 30th of the start of school year to start kindergarden, and its part of public school system its their first "year" mandatory). 8:15am-2:15pm (but there is also an afternoon daycare program after school so we pick him up after work). Enjoy your run!!

    I was over by 60something cals yesterday so no biggie i'm counting that as a win LOL and I lifted. Today rest day, might go for a run in the evening if its nice out and i'm not too tired. I haven't run in 2 weeks now. ugh!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Well I didn't realize how hot it was until I was already out, otherwise I might have wimped out. Did well today though in the cooler weather - actually didn't hear the prompt to stop running the last interval and made it another minute or so until I realized I could stop :) also I flipped through my running log and I just had a really good day when I last checked my running time, because my average is actually about 7:30/km (about 12 minute mile, I think), which makes WAY more sense to me.

    I had a piece of cake that I haven't logged yet for yesterday, but I think I was about at maintenance again. Dropping back to -250 from today on, and my back feels good so lifting again tomorrow - yay!

    P.S. Ashley - just saw your pics in the weightlifting thread - wow! You've really made a lot of progress!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Coady: yay for your back!!

    Ashley: well i was curious so i went to check out the pics and OMG what a difference!! way to go!!
  • lambie14
    lambie14 Posts: 27 Member
    Skipped the weigh-in today as yesterday was a great day socially, but not so much food- and exercise-wise!
    Yesterday I was 131lb and I imagine sodium (yummy Vietnamese food!) will have pushed me up a little higher...no point fretting about it...:)
    Thank you all for the feed back on calorie levels! Coady how is the higher calorie intake working for you? My 1500 is gross, not net (well except for yesterday!) and I'm wondering if that might be stalling things.
    Dana, hope your little one has a great time in preschool! And it will be great to have the routine & time to get in some running! Gen, I hope you son loves kindergarten! Crazy to think the summer has gone so fast and it is almost time for school to start again...
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks girls! :D Not a lot of difference on the front side of me yet, but I was starting to notice my back was getting a bit better ^_^

    I can now do three full sets of 12 pushups from my toes, too! (*gleeful squeal*)

    Eating more veggies lately, which has always been a problem for me cause I'm lazy with food. Like Coady, I had a piece of cake yesterday, and (oh so conveniently) forgot to log it :P I was way under cals though, so that would've bumped me up a bit.

    Definitely getting stronger, which makes me excited. Hopefully the scale moved a little downwards since last week.. I'll find out tomorrow!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Gen: preschool is less than 3 hours a day, so much different from kindergarten. Kindergarten is also our mandatory 1st year, and I think you have be be between 4.5 and 5.5 in age when you start. We never have after school daycare available--that is so great for you! Working parents just need to figure out their own daycare--it is hard. Enjoy your run!

    Coady--great job with the run, glad you are increasing your time :)

    Lambie: how many calories do you burn a day? 1500 gross is probably low if you are exercising a lot. Glad you had a fun social day--that sodium weight will com off!

    Ashley: great that you were under calories, yesterday, good luck with weigh in!

    I was just a little under yesterday, so I didn't make up much, but at least it was a decent day. I had about 150 calories saved then found myself very hungry right before bed, so there went those calories (sigh).
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Dana-- I had the same issue last night, hunger right before bed is the worst. Sooo I had a couple slices of pizza. Terrible idea, especially since I went over my calories and my weigh-in is today. Self control, where are you?! I did well for the rest of the day though, and today I'll make sure I'm under to balance it out. And drinking lots to flush out the sodium.

    Traffic was nuts so I ended up not going to the gym yesterday. Was going to go for a run instead, but it was so hot I decided against it. Had I known I was going to have pizza I would've gone anyway.

    So happy it's finally Friday, hope you all have a great weekend!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Thank you all for the feed back on calorie levels! Coady how is the higher calorie intake working for you? My 1500 is gross, not net (well except for yesterday!) and I'm wondering if that might be stalling things.

    So much better - on the lower calories I slipped up more often, completely obliterating my deficit in the process, and I didn't see much progress. I also found myself thinking about food slightly obsessively, which I don't think is good. Now I'm seeing steady (if slow) progress and rarely want to binge. It's not as if I was really undereating either - I was aiming for -250/day or .5lb/week loss, but in reality averaging about -500/day (1 lb/week). So just a little bump has made me a lot more satisfied.