Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    The weight training will help your running romy :) I'm picking my body weight training up again after the HM.
    Love the sound of the new running kit, running in the dark is fun if you've got the right equipment. That reminds me, I think I need to change the batteries in my headlamp it looked a little dull on Tuesday.
    Oh and Happy Birthday for whenever it was :D
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    5k in the National Park this morning. Not especially fast, but it was a good run! 10:23 pace.

    Yesterday after work, I rode 18 miles with the girls bike group and then we did the ice bucket challenge. (It actually felt pretty good after riding in the heat!)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    So I got my new running clothes delivered yesterday and they are awesome! I got a Puma Night Cat running jacket which has reflective threads woven into the fabric which looks really cool in the dark! I also got some Puma running tights which coordinate with the jacket. Did I mention I had to buy them in a smaller size? I also got a pair of Nike capri's as my old ones keep falling down. Yesterday I ran 6km, my legs were sore from my squats the previous day. It was tough and I could have cut it short but I dragged myself round the full 6km.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    City to Surf Half Marathon
    My first half marathon, and my first mass particiaption run.
    Clock time 1:56:37, Strava time 1:54:30. The final net time should be sub 1:55.
    Over the moon with that result, especially as about 2k in I rolled my ankle rather nastily and for a while I wondered if I was going to stay on the Sub2hr bus, or whether I was going to have to hop/hobble/walk to the finish as DNF was no option. Once I got going again the ankle settled down.
    Mega thanks to the 2hr party bus (Pacer) for ensuring I didn't head out too fast and blow up.
    Also managed to set several PB's according to Strava.
    15, 10k, 5k(Strava only!) 1mile, 1k and 1/2mile.
    Also thanks to the nameless redheaded lady who ran with me for the last few kays and offered some words of motivation, she pushed me to finish and I pushed her to finish faster.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn - well done on getting round after rolling your ankle and many congratulations on 7 PB's including the half, assuming that was a PB as well.

    romy - do we get new profile pics in the new slimmer gear? What a result new gear and smaller sizes too. Well done you.

    Ceci - well done on your work and supporting others in the other running threads. You are a credit to the community.

    Over the last week, thought I was on my way to a sub 30 min 5k run, well the gps watch suggested it was going to be 29:40, however when uploaded to Strava and Endomondo, they both agreed on 30:25, so not sure what went on. It looks as though the gps watch added 100m on the start which is why I thought the first 500m was extremely fast. Oh well, there is always another day. Finally nailed running to a heart rate/ pace which is useful and also did a 12.5km run/walk yesterday (5min run/ 1 min walk). It went well but legs are very tired today. Been out rugby coaching this morning, new season started today, which was good to get the legs moving gently. Looking forward to week 12 of C210k. Have a 24hour ECG fitted on Wednesday, I have always had a very low resting heart rate and apparently that is a concern now I am getting older. Too young for a pacemaker though (lol). Consultant took me of the blood pressure meds and I have felt heaps better.

    I have also done something very silly, signed up for a half marathon (15 March 2015), so will need a half marathon training plan soon.

    Have fun and have fulfilling runs and bike rides.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Great result for your first race taeliesyn!

    Robbie, hope your ECG results are okay, I've always had a low resting HR too, never realised it could be a problem, maybe something to mention to the doctor on my next visit. I thought I had run a sub 30 minute 5k the other week, but when I looked at my splits I realised it must have been a Runtastic malfunction!

    Supposed to run 6k today but my calf is a bit sore. Did Stronglifts earlier and now heading off to walk the dog at the beach while my daughter is at ballroom dancing. Might run later if my calf feels better.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Romy, thanks, it sits at 38-40 when I am at rest, sitting on the sofa. I wouldn't sweat it, the consultant is expecting it to be a non event but wants to make sure that it does beat consistently.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Definitely get a good plan robbie and you'll nail it. As your first HM go out to enjoy yourself, the experience and finish it! It sucks when an equipment malfunction steals a possible PB, or make you think you've got one when you haven't.
    Hope your calf is ok Romy, I would have suggested maybe a few short runs along the hard sand at the beach with the dog to test/stretch it.

    Yep my HM time is a PB robbie, as it was my first HM unfortunately it also makes it a PW. My pacer reminded me of that on the bus back to the city and was promptly told off by his SO. Hey if 1:54:26 (Got my net time, better than I expected!!!) goes down in my running history as my HM PW I'll be a happy man!
    I set a few other PB's that run, but Strava doesn't 'report' them as a PB the first time you do that distance.
    On the GPS equipment messing up, due to my phone taking a stupidly short first KM and the fact I was weaving/dodging etc and ran 21.7k (According to the phone) Strava has set my HM PB as 1:51:46.... Might be a while before I beat that LOL
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Due to using a gps watch I can upload results to both strava and endomondo. Endomondo does better with recording times. for all distances and reporting those for each log entry. Strava does better for me with route planning and segments. In reality I use them in tandem, as neither has the complete suite I want. A lot of the premium stuff they offer I am not interested in but I would pay to have the bits I use from each of the free accounts in one place.

    It's interesting to see that you ran 600m further than the official race distance, something I never really considered. Thanks for sharing.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Part of that 600m is due to my glorious GPS kerfluffle at the start with the signal bouncing off the buildings. The other is from weaving and dodging through the crowd.

    I've done a blog of my first HM - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/taeliesyn/view/city-to-hell-my-first-half-marathon-691392
    Since I don't want to spam people with the pages of writing on an update LOL
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I really enjoyed that account, thanks for sharing and posting the link here. I keep going through emotions of I can do this and why did I volunteer for this. I know I needed a point to focus on, otherwise I was running without real purpose and for me that is always a recipe for disaster. By why a half marathon? Oh well too late now.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    City to Surf Half Marathon
    My first half marathon, and my first mass particiaption run.
    Clock time 1:56:37, Strava time 1:54:30. The final net time should be sub 1:55.
    Over the moon with that result, especially as about 2k in I rolled my ankle rather nastily and for a while I wondered if I was going to stay on the Sub2hr bus, or whether I was going to have to hop/hobble/walk to the finish as DNF was no option. Once I got going again the ankle settled down.
    Mega thanks to the 2hr party bus (Pacer) for ensuring I didn't head out too fast and blow up.
    Also managed to set several PB's according to Strava.
    15, 10k, 5k(Strava only!) 1mile, 1k and 1/2mile.
    Also thanks to the nameless redheaded lady who ran with me for the last few kays and offered some words of motivation, she pushed me to finish and I pushed her to finish faster.

    Great job and congrats on your first half!!! I really enjoyed your blog post.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm adding another 10 minutes to my weekly mileage based on my last couple long runs going well. So I'm at:

    Tues- 45 minutes (Trail)
    Thurs - 45 minutes (Cadence)
    Weekend - 1 hour (Long)

    Sergie is working on Tuesday, so I did my 45 minutes on Monday instead. I drove to my local railtrail as I usually have more time between the long run and that first base run, so flat seemed to be a good option (I wasn't able to get to a real trail).

    The run was really good, though a bit faster than the base/easy run it's supposed to be.

    One factor in that was that I was passed by a woman who was slim, strong, fast and loaded down with water for what was obviously meant to be a long run. Beautiful form. Gorgeously modeled back. NICE arms.

    One thing I noticed was that the soles of her feet were pointed toward me the entire time. I would see one and then the other. So I tried concentrating on showing the soles of my feet to the people behind me.

    A LOT more work in my glutes. Both my cadence and my air-time increased. Running felt a lot lighter. I went from a 12:30 mile to a 10:30 mile (even though I wasn't able to sustain it for more than a minute or two at a time). WOW. Of course, my butt still hurts today, but I'm going to keep working at it.

    I think that's what I was doing in June 2013 before I got bronchitis.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    So I got my new running clothes delivered yesterday and they are awesome! I got a Puma Night Cat running jacket which has reflective threads woven into the fabric which looks really cool in the dark! I also got some Puma running tights which coordinate with the jacket. Did I mention I had to buy them in a smaller size? I also got a pair of Nike capri's as my old ones keep falling down. Yesterday I ran 6km, my legs were sore from my squats the previous day. It was tough and I could have cut it short but I dragged myself round the full 6km.
    Happy Birthday and Happy New Clothes Day! Smaller ones too! You are doing really well with both the strength training and the running!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    City to Surf Half Marathon
    My first half marathon, and my first mass particiaption run.
    Clock time 1:56:37, Strava time 1:54:30. The final net time should be sub 1:55.
    Over the moon with that result, especially as about 2k in I rolled my ankle rather nastily and for a while I wondered if I was going to stay on the Sub2hr bus, or whether I was going to have to hop/hobble/walk to the finish as DNF was no option. Once I got going again the ankle settled down.
    Mega thanks to the 2hr party bus (Pacer) for ensuring I didn't head out too fast and blow up.
    Also managed to set several PB's according to Strava.
    15, 10k, 5k(Strava only!) 1mile, 1k and 1/2mile.
    Also thanks to the nameless redheaded lady who ran with me for the last few kays and offered some words of motivation, she pushed me to finish and I pushed her to finish faster.

    Congratulations!! Great job!!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I really enjoyed that account, thanks for sharing and posting the link here. I keep going through emotions of I can do this and why did I volunteer for this. I know I needed a point to focus on, otherwise I was running without real purpose and for me that is always a recipe for disaster. By why a half marathon? Oh well too late now.
    You can do it! You are so much more ready than I was 6 months before. Actually morre than I am now, probably. Looking forward to reading about your success!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Romy, hope the run went well today.

    Those of you trail running are making me feel a bit jealous. Maybe I'll try some trail running after the half on September 6th. That next weekend, September 13th, might be a really good time to try one.

    Did my last long run before my half marathon today. It was 12 miles. I didn't walk any of it, but I did take two breaks at the ranger station, both about 5 minutes. Since last Sunday's single break was for 15 minutes, I think that this is an improvement. I took the absolutely shortest route to the ranger station, so that was 5.2 miles. Took a quick break, drank a bit of water, splashed my face with cool water and used the bathroom. Then ran one more mile down the trail, turned around and started back. Hit the ranger station again at 7.2 miles. Ate a gel and drank some water. Splashed my face again and started back. When I hit where I wanted to leave he trail, I started walking. I had covered 12.2 miles. So I walked the half mile or so home. I found it even easier than last week. Still not easy, but I had no impulse to quit today.

    I'm still worried about the half marathon itself. In addition to being a mile more, it is also hillier. My route does have some small hills, but it's easier terrain here then where the half marathon is. Well. we'll see. Next week (weekdays) will be the same as the past two weeks, but next Saturday, my taper starts.

    You will be more than fine, but enjoy your freak out. It's part of the process. Find some stuff to throw.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    likitisplit - shame about endomondo and the potential PR. Based on your comments with a bit of rest and the confidence from believing you PR'd, I suspect your PR will fall soon.

    No worries. I've got about 6 more years of PRs ahead of me and it's late fall/early spring when my best runs happen. June to September is about continuing to run. I'll peel back the conditioning that I've acquired when it cools down.
    Work is paying the registration for any of us who want to run a local 5 or 10k on Labor Day. I signed up for the 10k. Wondering how long it will seem weird for me to request a small t-shirt.

    Ceci - I'm hoping that a slight bit of disconcertion will remind you of your accomplishment forever. It won't, of course, but it's a good thing.

    I'm considering getting a bike based on your speeds.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    5k in the National Park this morning. Not especially fast, but it was a good run! 10:23 pace.

    Yesterday after work, I rode 18 miles with the girls bike group and then we did the ice bucket challenge. (It actually felt pretty good after riding in the heat!)

    They should put out big bins of icewater after races and have people donate $10 to jump in!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So I got my new running clothes delivered yesterday and they are awesome! I got a Puma Night Cat running jacket which has reflective threads woven into the fabric which looks really cool in the dark! I also got some Puma running tights which coordinate with the jacket. Did I mention I had to buy them in a smaller size? I also got a pair of Nike capri's as my old ones keep falling down. Yesterday I ran 6km, my legs were sore from my squats the previous day. It was tough and I could have cut it short but I dragged myself round the full 6km.

    That jacket is SO Cool. Good job on pushing through. I always reconsider squats during my run, but I know they are necessary.

    Happy birthday!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I lovehart_zps290ca646.gif this thread!

    Speaking of my times...

    For those of you who are not on my friends list yet. I ran a 10k yesterday. It was 65 degrees and raining lightly. I think that's perfect for running! I finished with a personal best time of 1:02:40.9, average pace 10:09. I felt great the whole run, only walked at two water stops long enough to grab a drink. I couldn't believe how much energy I had left at the end. I all out sprinted the last 2/10. I think I could run at a 10:30 ish pace for hours!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    likitisplit - well done on choosing to extend your times.

    Ceci - great work on your times and the confidence that you can go at 10:30ish pace for hours.

    I planned to run this evening but had the best excuse ever, told not to by the medical profession, early guidance was that I should do whatever I normally do, except it would appear now, exercise. A 24 hr reprieve due to having a 24hr ECG attached, they are too worried it will detach if I perspire, more like when I perspire and the signal noise they get from poor contacts. Need to wait a week for the results but I'm ok with that. Coming off the hypertension meds has helped significantly and the blood flow/ arteries are ok. So hoping that this is going to show what is up.

    Have fun and have success.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Robbie - hope everything turns out well with the test.

    I'm ramping things up this week after a last week's low mileage. Started the week off with a 10K on Labor Day. I still can't run fast on my achilles so I took it slow and just enjoyed the run. Finished in 57:10. The humidity was awful and people were having a hard time towards the end. I helped push a couple of friend through that last mile. Yesterday I was going out for 7 miles but had to cut it a mile short due to some bad storms that popped up quickly. I was nearly 3 miles from my car when I realized a storm was almost on top of me. Can't see much from the wooded greenway! I picked up the pace and headed back while lightning struck all around me. When I got home the storm really started pounding us. We had non-stop lightning for over 3 hours. Hopefully tonight is not so stormy and I can make up that mile.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts, rightly or wrongly I am not concerned at the moment. I could worry but what is the point? I will know soon enough.

    It makes interesting reading, your slow run is on the opposite side of the hour from my fastest, and your achilles is not strong enough to push it. I know small steps. I am not sure what is more frustrating, not being able to go that fast or realising that you are being limited by your injury and the healing process.

    3 hours of non stop lightning, ye gads, we feel it is bad if it goes on for 15 mins. Play it safe. Hope it goes well for you.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Got in a 3 mile run at my national park yesterday, just as the sun was setting with a 10:10 pace. I ran to the top of the tallest hill then back down.

    Today I ride!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Robbie - hope everything turns out well with the test.

    I'm ramping things up this week after a last week's low mileage. Started the week off with a 10K on Labor Day. I still can't run fast on my achilles so I took it slow and just enjoyed the run. Finished in 57:10. The humidity was awful and people were having a hard time towards the end. I helped push a couple of friend through that last mile. Yesterday I was going out for 7 miles but had to cut it a mile short due to some bad storms that popped up quickly. I was nearly 3 miles from my car when I realized a storm was almost on top of me. Can't see much from the wooded greenway! I picked up the pace and headed back while lightning struck all around me. When I got home the storm really started pounding us. We had non-stop lightning for over 3 hours. Hopefully tonight is not so stormy and I can make up that mile.

    I feel less stupid for heading out now. I also managed to get lost so the 45 minute run that I planned on cutting short when the storm hit ended up being a 45 minute run.

    Electricity city - there was no time between the flashes and the thunder, it was like fire crackers going off. I could have gone with it, but the stupidity + being lost took a bite out of the enjoyment of running through the battle of the Titans.

    I finally relaxed, I mean I was finding my way back as quickly as I could and barring knocking on somebody's door I was out in it so there wasn't a lot of reason to stay stressed. At which point, I passed another runner and said "woo hoo" He responded "Get home before you get struck" I was like "NO KIDDING!"

    Though, reflectively, I should have knocked. Trying to keep appointments is the number one killer in the outdoors.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Yesterday ran 6k sprint intervals. Legs felt tired and sore but the sprints parts went well, I read the times on my training plan wrong and ran the sprints in 5:30/km pace instead of 6:00/km. Today was a 4km run, legs still felt tired and sore. I have to run 10 miles this weekend so I am going to do some yoga tomorrow and take it easy.

    Have a great weekend everyone and have a great HM Donna!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Yesterday ran 6k sprint intervals. Legs felt tired and sore but the sprints parts went well, I read the times on my training plan wrong and ran the sprints in 5:30/km pace instead of 6:00/km. Today was a 4km run, legs still felt tired and sore. I have to run 10 miles this weekend so I am going to do some yoga tomorrow and take it easy.

    Have a great weekend everyone and have a great HM Donna!
    Hope that mistake does not cause significant issues on your 10 miler. Hope you enjoy it. Best of luck
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good work on the new running style LS, silly for being out in the storm, glad it all worked out ok. Glad you're feeling good enough to extend your runs!
    Tim, you're just as bad for being out in an electrical storm ( I know it wasn't planned!), nice time on your 10k though :)
    Donna, you'll be fine you've done your prep!
    Ceci, excellent work on your 10K
    Robbie - hope all goes well with your tests!
    Romy I'm sure after your yoga and a day off running you'll be fine for your 10 miler!

    Tonight made my 3rd run this week, Monday was a quick 5k of hell on super dead legs, it was the first time I wished I lived on the flat, rather than the hills. Tuesday was my normal group run although I took it a bit easier and only did about 13k, rather than my normal 15.
    Tonight despite the fact my ankle is still slightly swollen I headed out to the trails, I sort of got lost in thought and before I knew it I was 8k from home. Ankle was feeling pretty good, but considering I hadn't even taken water with me I figured it was a smart decision to turn around and head home making the run just shy of 16k total. I averaged about 7:30min/km which I'm happy with. Wasn't aiming for a fast run and clocked up about 1500ft of elevation change.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    10 mile run went well today. Was up at 6am and home before my kids had got out of bed. Walked the dog, showered, had breakfast and out the door by 9am. Shopping done, dishwasher emptied, washing hung out and now I am going to sit on my bum all afternoon and watch the F1 qualifying and the Vuelta!

    Passed a local marathon runner on my run, (she runs sub 3 hour marathons!) and she was wearing the capris that I want! She is incredibly skinny, I'm sure they would look better on my curves, lol. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, they are out of stock.

    Enjoy your weekend!