Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    I figured out that I am motivated by training for an event. If I have something that I know I need to be ready for, I get ready for it. I know I need to be ready to run a 1/2 in April, so I am getting ready for it. (Thus all the running I'm doing!)

    AglaeaC- maybe you can find an event to train for?

    I rode yesterday, sort of- an hour on the stationary bike at the gym- 13.5 miles.

    Ah that's why you keep running so much! Hope you will have a great training for the HM.

    Thank you thank you, a concrete milestone might be exactly what I need! So logical and simple. I haven't even looked at local running websites yet, but did that just now and found a great calendar with links and stuff. There aren't plotted good 5Ks yet, but one in early May of 7K caught my interest. The other option is 14K, must be due to the location.

    It's on an island normally used by the Defence Forces only and it's trail and elevation differences. Might be too much for me physically but the chance to run precisely there is unique. I'd care about reaching the finish line only, too, since I don't have a chance to train much elevation stuff normally. And the sun isn't scorching (I hate a relatively speaking hot sun) at that time of year either. I'd need trail shoes, though, so... Decisions, decisions. At least this put me in a better mood!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Trails are good! trails are my fall back runs when I find my mojo waning. Having a target definitely helps a large portion of runners. I've got one, but it is longer term.

    Last night was my intervals + Social run. 1k warmup, 6 x 1k intervals with 3:30 rest. Somehow I had a headwind against me for nearly all the intervals. Times on the watch as I was doing them differ slightly from what is reported on Strava/Garmin, but I'm very happy with the intervals. 4:14, 4:10, 4:15, 4:18, 4:17, 4:16 for the intervals which has the last 3 -just- outside of target, but I was solo.. and that blooming headwind! I also had a lot faster pace on my recovery walks.
    After the intervals a bit of socialising and a few laps of the out and back course to keep the legs ticking over, then the big social run, which rounded me out to just over 20k for the night.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I haven't been out since my 10k virtual race on Saturday. I have stretchy ligaments and I am always careful on training runs but because it was a race I was pushing myself and stretched the ligaments on the outside of my right knee. Every time I walk down stairs it wants to buckle under me. Not much fun but I am used to it and know how to deal with it. Hoping to go out with JogScotland tomorrow night but that is weather dependent, there is a weather bomb heading our way but don't think it is supposed to arrive till the end of the week.

    Laura, it is great for you that Jantastic includes swimming and cycling! That will fit in perfectly with your workouts.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I went for a run during my lunch hour today, because I knew it would be dark after work and the weather has been perfect today!

    4 miles in 39:52. Completely flat route around the community college near my office, half gravel trail and half concrete sidewalks.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Best decision of the week, no make it month, to poke my head into this thread. Love all the updates!

    I've just looked at the Hal Higdon 10K plan for novices and think I'll go with it. Winter is about to arrive so it might change things up a bit, but the overall structure seems good.

    I need to spend a couple of weeks or so working up my running again before starting on week 1 of the plan, but suffice to say I think hitting a state of aimlessness makes it easier to get into a rut. It feels good to see prompts such as "cross-train today, run tomorrow". Will ponder how to fit Convict Conditioning and yoga into the plan, too.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Anyone else ever dealt with any hip issues. My right hip has been bothering me a lot after runs the last two times out. In going to order a beginning yoga for runners DVD and see if that helps.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    What sort of issues upsaluki? I've had the occasional twinge, but I normally write that off, due to having had arthroscopy on that hip a few years ago.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Anyone else ever dealt with any hip issues. My right hip has been bothering me a lot after runs the last two times out. In going to order a beginning yoga for runners DVD and see if that helps.

    Sorry to hear this, hope it won't get more aggravated.

    All I know is stuff shouldn't hurt per se and also that yoga helps bodyweight training and vice versa, yoga helps running and vice versa, and so on. We have all these weird muscles going in all directions to keep everything in place and functional, so yoga definitely is a good idea, especially yoga for runners. Hope it works in stopping the issues.

    Otherwise a good physiotherapist might be able to help, they are oftentimes more used to looking at the body in rest and movement, compared to doctors. I second taeliesyn's question, though, and a doctor might be in order to see. Especially since you say it's only one-sided pain.

    Has someone looked at your running form? At goodformrunning.com you can see tips and a video on how to run without doing too much damage to the system. And the classic shoe question just for good measure; are they worn down, have you been fitted?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Everyone is making great progress and getting in some good running! It's been 3 weeks + 1 day since my last run and maybe, just maybe I might be able to do some brief run/walk intervals by the end of the year. I'm doing some stationary bike and upper body strength training twice a week and some abs/core stuff on other days. The bike causes a little soreness in my hip but the DR says that's OK as long as there's no sharp pain. Once I can bike without any soreness a few times I can slowly introduce the run/walk intervals. I could probably do some aqua jogging or swimming at the county pool but that just doesn't appeal to me at all. I hope everyone stays healthy and enjoys the holidays!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Upsaluki it could be your IT bands. Mine got really tight & where it attaches up at my hip was so tight I was limping.

    AglaeaC, I did Higdon's novice 10K plan and liked it a lot. I strength train and cross train so I was easily able to fit it into the rest of my workout schedule. That 14K sounds like a fun (but challenging) race! Just do it for the experience and don't worry about time.

    Tim I'm glad you're finding ways to keep active. You're not a fan of swimming? I'm not very consistent with it but I'm trying to learn how and it's kind of kicking my butt.

    It's been 2-1/2 weeks since my last run and the last 3 mornings I've woken up without my foot hurting, so the rest break is helping.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Upsaluki, agree with Laura in checking out your IT bands. Doing more correct stretching worked well for me. I initially threw myself into yoga and that didn't work so well because I overdid it. Getting some "stretching for runners" techniques and doing them really helped.

    AglaeaC, again agree with Laura that the Hal Higdon plans worked well for me, the 10k and the half marathon, mainly, I think, because they can be tweaked enough to fit my schedule.

    Tim and Laura, I hope you both heal quickly and thoroughly!

    I haven't posted in here in ages! I think mainly because I haven't been pushing my running much since my half marathon in the beginning of September. Looking back over the last few months, I don't think that I've done any runs beyond 4 miles! Wow! I didn't realize that.

    I have been using my bicycle a bit more (anything beyond 0 is a bit more) and ben running a minimum of twice a week, usually 3 times a week, but 3 to 4 miles only.

    Maybe posting here will help me get my mind back on track and figure out what I want to do next and go for it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I want to learn how to swim laps. There is a great pool at my gym, but I haven't found anyone willing to help me yet. That will be my priority after my 1/2.

    I rested yesterday and baked. Lemon cake with cream cheese frosting and white chocolate cranberry cookies. Yum! Hoping to leave work early enough today to get a run in before date night with my DH.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I think some more dedication to stretching through yoga and foam rolling should clear it up. It seems to come out around the 30 minute mark, so some strengthening needs to happen too. When I started c25k I was also doing you are your own gym, but I found the squats hard to do with running. I might be better of in the future too start that again at some point.

    PS I was fitted with shoes that helped eliminate ongoing issues with shin splints.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I figured I can't keep posting here unless I have something of my own, real running to contribute with, so I geared up and headed out. Nothing huge, just 15 minutes running in between 5 minutes of warming up and cooling down. I feel like a new person!

    The race I mentioned is either 7 km or 14 km. I would go with 7K most definitely, in particular since it's described as quite the challenge.

    Thanks for advice and other comments, it was crucial in helping me get out of the funk at least for a while!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    I figured I can't keep posting here unless I have something of my own, real running to contribute with, so I geared up and headed out. Nothing huge, just 15 minutes running in between 5 minutes of warming up and cooling down. I feel like a new person!

    The race I mentioned is either 7 km or 14 km. I would go with 7K most definitely, in particular since it's described as quite the challenge.

    Thanks for advice and other comments, it was crucial in helping me get out of the funk at least for a while!

    This makes me so happy. <3

  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    I figured I can't keep posting here unless I have something of my own, real running to contribute with, so I geared up and headed out. Nothing huge, just 15 minutes running in between 5 minutes of warming up and cooling down. I feel like a new person!

    The race I mentioned is either 7 km or 14 km. I would go with 7K most definitely, in particular since it's described as quite the challenge.

    Thanks for advice and other comments, it was crucial in helping me get out of the funk at least for a while!

    This makes me so happy. <3

    Yay :) Now I can have a slice of that cake you baked, provided there's still something left of it.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I think some more dedication to stretching through yoga and foam rolling should clear it up. It seems to come out around the 30 minute mark, so some strengthening needs to happen too. When I started c25k I was also doing you are your own gym, but I found the squats hard to do with running. I might be better of in the future too start that again at some point.

    PS I was fitted with shoes that helped eliminate ongoing issues with shin splints.

    Here is a link to Runner's World recovery yoga:


    That link is for the mobile site, if you are on a computer just Google it. I can't recommend it enough. I used to get all kinds of aches and pains and got injured a lot, but when I do this routine regularly I don't have any problems.

    My JogScotland got cancelled yesterday because of the weather, sleet, hail, frost and a bit of snow. So I have only been running once in past 2 weeks, got a busy weekend so don't know if I will get out for a run. Roll on January so I can get back to normal.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    romyhorse wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I think some more dedication to stretching through yoga and foam rolling should clear it up. It seems to come out around the 30 minute mark, so some strengthening needs to happen too. When I started c25k I was also doing you are your own gym, but I found the squats hard to do with running. I might be better of in the future too start that again at some point.

    PS I was fitted with shoes that helped eliminate ongoing issues with shin splints.

    Here is a link to Runner's World recovery yoga:


    That link is for the mobile site, if you are on a computer just Google it. I can't recommend it enough. I used to get all kinds of aches and pains and got injured a lot, but when I do this routine regularly I don't have any problems.

    My JogScotland got cancelled yesterday because of the weather, sleet, hail, frost and a bit of snow. So I have only been running once in past 2 weeks, got a busy weekend so don't know if I will get out for a run. Roll on January so I can get back to normal.

    Sounds like charming weather conditions... Thanks for the link! I want to add that Yoga Journal (dot com) has quite a lot of stuff for free when you search runner, running or such there.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I also used a modified version of Higdon's novice for my half. My trainer worked in speed work or hill repeats once a week during many of the weeks (not during the taper), and he bumped up the distance for my long runs. Higdon's longest run is 10 miles and I had run that far already before starting the training program. My longest run prior to my race was 14 miles, so when I was at the starting line I had the confidence of several double-digit mileage runs behind me.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Wow, get lost in my own world for a few days, keep updating Strava and food logs on here, then check in to this thread today and find lots of new (to me) contributors. And all bringing completely different perspectives. It's great.

    Felt under the weather at the weekend and Monday but eventually got out late Tuesday night and again last night. Both easy pace sessions but nailed a 4 miler and 10 miler. Last night was the first time I had run 10 miles continuous, boy was it boring towards the end, nearly 2 hours in the dark and wind, at least it was not raining.

    Took a rest today as legs are still feeling the effects of last night and tomorrow is going to tax them again. The weekend is not going to give me many opportunities to get out and run hence another long run planned for tomorrow night. Tomorrow will be filled with bailing points as I do not want to over do it.

    Like Ceci, I know I need a goal/ target to maintain motivation, so HM on 15 March is mine. With regards to why people struggle especially this time of year (Northern Hemisphere), long nights, short days, cold, wintry conditions. All of which dampen the enthusiasm of all but the dedicated/ insane. If you can't enjoy it then it will always be difficult. If like taeliesyn and Romy you can find a good group to run with, making it a social event is always going to help. However I prefer running early in the morning 5/6 o'clock, finding similarly insane people to meet up in the dark and cold that early in the morning has been difficult. I never thought I would enjoy running so much, always hated it as a child and during rugby training

    Tim, Romy, Laura, upsaluki, I hope all of your niggles and ailments start to heal up and allow you to get back to your plans.

    taeliesyn and ceci, you are both putting in some good sessions, congratulations.

    I look forward to reading about everyone's progress.

    Be safe and have fun.