TurboFire 2015 Check In



  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Lexi your kid stories crack me up lol

    Fire 30 this morning ~ we had a nice weekend also, too short, of course.

  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Yay! Glad to hear you had a nice weekend Coach and Amy! I have been pretty lazy except for when I was doing TF. There is a winter storm watch in effect in my area. Most of the teachers I know are doing their snow day dance in hopes of getting another day off.
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    I totally slacked off last week. I could blame it on my busy schedule but I was just bein lazy. So I got back at this morning. HIIT 20 and sculpt 30 done. I know I am way behind everyone else but it is motivating to see how everyone is doing. And now I'm off to do yard work. I'm going to enjoy the 70 degree weather we are having here in CA.
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Finally able to get back at it after food poisoning. I just added last week onto this week - so I'll just be one week behind you guys. Today I did Fire 30 and Tone 30. My DH bought Focus T25 so I am kind of doing that with him in the mornings. :wink: My legs feel like rubber.... but so glad to be back.
    - I'm not sure I will ever eat another shrimp again after last week. :s

    See you all in class tomorrow.
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    I'm jealous that you are able to say you are onto week 7! If I'm being honest I should redo week 5 again.. but I'm just going to move on because at this point that's what I need to do.

    **Confession time** I knocked a board loose under my workout room!... as in one that makes a really loud thudding noise throughout the whole house if you just walk in there. It's really distracting and that is part of the reason why I haven't been working out like I should.. yep, this happened 2 weeks ago. So, tonight I'm going to have my husband help me rearrange our living room so I can workout in there instead.

    I did do Fire 40 this morning but I goofed around a lot. I didn't burn near the calories that I normally would.

    To those talking about PiYo- Yes, it can be intense but you are not too OLD for it. ;) Chalene actually made it for people that wanted a good, body toning workout without the impact of most cardio workouts. There is a person in each workout that shows some really good modifiers and I'm usually following somewhere between here and Chalene. The Drench workout is intense but I feel AMAZING afterwords.

    Lexi I am so excited to see that you watch The Walking Dead!!! My husband and I don't have cable, dish, etc. so we just purchase it through iTunes. We love that show. :)

    Diana when I lived in CA I always missed the change in NE weather, but right now I'm missing the 70's. Haha. Enjoy it! And I guess the yard work can pass as a workout... ;)

    Lisa you are not the only one a week behind. You and I can chase them together. So sorry to hear that you had food poisoning!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I believe where I live in SC if you don't like the weather wait 30 minutes and it will change. We had freezing rain last night and had a 2 hour delay this morning. Extra sleep for me. Nice.

    TF 55 EZ this morning and still time to enjoy coffee before reporting to work. Never fails when I get to the cool down and stretch my lab wants to play. She is a trip sometimes.

    So glad everyone is still going. I do not envy anyone up North. the last two winters have been brutal to say the least.
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    The weather in TN is like that of SC - if you don't like it wait and it will change :smile: We had snow and ice late Sunday evening and all day Monday. That kind of weather coupled with southerners who have no idea how to drive in it is a recipe for disaster! All the schools are closed today and will most likely be closed tomorrow as well. We have just stayed home. The kids have been outside the last two days playing in the snow. We got about 8" total.

    Did Fire 55EZ this mid morning - I'm feeling pretty good today. My glutes hurt from yesterdays Tone session - ah well, I guess its a good thing. B)

    Jms - I'll have to look at those DVD's. The kids got them for me for Christmas, as they know I love anything with Chalene, but I have yet to look at them. I'm thinking the same way as Coach and Amy - I am way to old for that.

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Grrr, sorry about that! It appears that I cannot post on the forums from my work computer since I added the "ad blocker". Spacebar, punctuation and return keys do not work!!

    I will have to catch up when I can on my home computer!

    Keep logging everyone, I am reading, just "response impaired" at work. Bummer, that is when I have the most time to reply lol ;)
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Looks like we're about to wind up week 7. TF 45 this morning. I do enjoy this finale and I went into the workout with a positive attitude. I feel like I got a great workout.

    Stay warm and have a great day.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    Fire 55 again today. I took an Advil PM last night to get some sleep, woke up (yeay I actually slept) groggy, just hit play and Fire 55 was in there. Still a good workout, but I can tell I wasn't all the way there, didn't burn as many calories as normal with this workout. Oh well, I needed the sleep!

    Have a great day!
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Fire 45 today - done and in the books! Today is bitter cold here - but nothing like you have Amy. The kids are still enjoying the snow. We are suppose to get rain on Friday and 47 so the snow should be gone...

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    Fire 45 today, I think we cannot keep up because Chalene doesn't finish the 4 count! She's cheating by only doing 3 of the set and moving on! :p

    It was a balmy 1˚ above zero this morning. I am running out of layers to wear, at this rate, we are going to wear out our washing machine!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Core 20 and another week down. That is all I could handle this morning.

    According to the schedule we have a recovery week and then primarily HIIT workouts. I'm going to stay on schedule and either walk after track practice or do an elliptical workout in the evening.

    It was 22 when I pulled into school this morning. Our kids are on a two hour delay, so I'll sit here and get some work done before they show up.

    Have a great day.
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    Fire 55 ez this morning. I should be finishing week 4 tomorrow evening! The weather here has been in the 60-70 range. We are on a foggy day so I get to go into work late as well coachreyes.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    We are on a foggy day so I get to go into work late as well coachreyes.

    I have never ever ever heard of a foggy day! :s
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    It was ALL the way up to 6˚ on my way home, so I stopped to finally fill my car up while we were having such a heatwave lol

    Predicting -28 tonight, I really have had enough!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    The weather man just said our average temp this time of the year is 61. Currently it is 10 degrees. Wow. We are on another 2 hr delay so it looks like I'll get some work done this morning.

    45 EZ this morning. I just left it in the DVD player for tomorrow. This is supposed to be recovery week and quite honestly I need it. I'm actually looking forward to the HIIT workouts coming up.

    Have a great weekend and remember to press play.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Sorry Coach, didn't mean to share my cold weather with you, I wanted you to share the warm weather with me!

    It is so cold, I might have to put antifreeze in my contact case lol

    Fire 45 EZ this morning, had both my dogs staring at me, they are usually outside when I work out. At least they didn't try to join me too much. I was afraid to do much kicking though ~ which is good, it hurts my ankle, so they helped me stay in line.

    I think I will do Fire 60 tomorrow.

  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    The cold air hit my city too. We didn't get a 2 hour delay but the surrounding counties did. I had to take an extra rest day after I tweaked my knee. I will be pressing play and knocking out Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 once the kids go to sleep.