List of Things to Indulge In - THAT ISNT FOOD



  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    new clothes
    new book
    watching a good movie
  • catatonicTheorist
    catatonicTheorist Posts: 12 Member
    I'm loving so many of these ideas! I'm definitely overdue for a mani/pedi, and I've always wanted to get a massage. I'd love to do a whole spa day one day (at a real spa and everything), but for now I do "spa days" at home as self-care. I just love pampering myself, what can I say? ;)
  • Candy2034
    Candy2034 Posts: 24 Member
    I haven't started this yet, but I plan on cutting out photos of clothes I like and making a scrapbook to motivate me when I feel like overeating.
  • rebekahzinn1
    rebekahzinn1 Posts: 65 Member
    There is a fabulous book on this! "How to Soothe Yourself Without Food" by Susan Albers. Wonderful resource.
  • Planning my wedding! Whenever I get to a point I where I feel myself skidding back into my old habits, I remind myself i have to fit into my dress!
  • Rosalyn16 wrote: »
    Go to an Opera... something really special about the whole experience even for those people who don't follow it...the costumes, orchestra, amazing sets and getting lost in the story and the emotions.. try it once if you haven't yet!

    I realize this was posted LONG ago, but I so agree! Classical music can be so powerful and moving sometimes and it takes your mind off of everything else (particularly food!). ;)

  • What a fantastic topic! I can't think of anything new to add, but I just joined this group and I'm so happy to find this resource. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

  • Luv2RunFar
    Luv2RunFar Posts: 7 Member
    I like to go to hobby lobby and get supplies to make my own jewelry. It's cheap and it gives me something to do.
  • rachelnumberone
    rachelnumberone Posts: 15 Member
    Looking after myself by doing my nails, taking a long bath, trying new products, and I LOVE trying out hair and makeup tutorials on YouTube. Even though I wear my hair pretty much the same way every day. They're just fun!
  • melissacurry04
    melissacurry04 Posts: 34 Member
    Manicure, I have found with long nails it makes it more troublesome to eat certain foods, pedicure, massage, one night at a super fancy hotel with a jacuzzi tub, shaving my legs, taking some extra care on some personal hygiene (self facial, shaving, hair treatments, etc), crafts, cleaning, work, playing games, retail therapy, and definitely sex with my husband.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Hi there,

    I want to reward myself without overeating/consuming my favorite junk foods. Anything that gets in the way of my goal is a hindrance - so what else can I indulge in?

    Here is a personal list of things that make me just as happy as a french fries and a milkshake :)

    Please add on your "look-forward-to's" as well!

    - Watching that new episode of your favorite series
    -Taking a long, hot bath
    -Getting your nails done
    -Meeting up with friends for some good laughs
    -Buying a new pair of shoes

    Now, tell me yours!

    I'm not knocking your list, but here's why they wouldn't work for me:

    - Watching that new episode of your favorite series
    Can do that anytime, not enough of a reward.

    -Taking a long, hot bath
    Only take showers because of our plumbing.

    -Getting your nails done
    I don't get manicures, and if I have cravings at 3 a.m., there are no salons open.

    -Meeting up with friends for some good laughs
    Most of my friends are busy and our interactions in person are few and far between. I can't schedule a meeting at 10 p.m. if I feel like over-indulging.

    -Buying a new pair of shoes
    My finances right now don't permit me to engage in purchases don't need. I also don't want to substitute excessive buying for excessive eating.

  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Okay, so those are things that don't work. What are some things that will work for you?
  • uh_day
    uh_day Posts: 11 Member
    New to group. My worse time is after supper esp. When my husband is out of town as he travels couple weeks a month. Have read a few good tips...will right any I come up with. Thanks
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    edited March 2015
    Etherlily1 wrote: »
    Okay, so those are things that don't work. What are some things that will work for you?

    The only thing that works is for me is to keep my hands busy in a manner that doesn't permit heavy snacking. I take very intensive sewing and tailoring classes that require a lot of homework. Often I have to be in a workroom until early in the morning. When I'm being compliant with my desire to maintain or lose weight, I restrict my eating to a Diet Coke and a quick meal outside. When I'm not, I hit the vending machine or at home, eat junk food that someone else has bought.

    It also helps for me to have received a boost from having lost a little weight. Once I see some progress, I'm more likely to stay committed.

    But time of day, still remains a problem. If I find myself bored, or lonely or anxious and food is around I'm much more likely to overindulge than I did in the past.
  • karenliebengood
    karenliebengood Posts: 13 Member
    I knit. What do you do for a hobby? I'm thinking a fancy yarn, a book, new earrings, a new workout outfit. A cute shirt, get your nails done. So many ways to reward yourself!
  • AngelJewell1977
    AngelJewell1977 Posts: 7 Member
    BUYING SMALLER CLOTHES!!!! :love: This the best reward I could ever give myself. :flowerforyou:

    I like to "window shop" online and look at all of the clothes that I would like to fit into! Way to go ^^^ !!! Hopefully, I'll be there soon enough to do it in person! :D

    You know I've actually never done this but what a great idea. I will window shop a store that does not carry plus size! Thanks!
  • milagros00
    milagros00 Posts: 80 Member
    I use language CD's to stop me from eating. If I am participating in a language lesson, I have to listen and respond. No room for eating. After 30 minutes of a lesson, sometimes the urge to eats goes away. If not, I have at least put it off for 30 minutes.
  • iriesmith
    iriesmith Posts: 7 Member
    Love some of these ideas! I like taking time out to online window shop - Pinterest is brilliant for that. And sometimes a small Bacardi and coke is enough of a reward (I drink very very rarely so when I do I get chilled on a minute amount of alcohol!) I've recently discovered that it's actually rewarding to write a brief note to yourself about how bloody brilliantly you've coped with everything lately (I overeat when I've got a lot of stuff to juggle or am stressed)
  • TheJenProject
    TheJenProject Posts: 25 Member
    • Book
    • Good movie
    • Getting my hair done
    • Spending time with friends
    • Shopping
    • Online shopping
    • Pinterest
    • Instagram
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I love listening to music, which is what I do now if I am feeling stressed or depressed. The funny thing is I notice now that when I am depressed I want to eat, but I know from my history that after eating food, I dont feel any better. So I remind myself that eating something that I should not be eating is not going to make me feel any better. In fact, it will only make me feel worse. Whenever I want to eat something that I do not need I always think about how I felt the last time I ate something that i just had to have and usually it dissuades me from eating the wrong thing,