Daily check in



  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Well I didn't end up getting a second workout in last night. Just felt like watching some tv (which I don't do all too often). Felt kinda bad today but I already got lower fix in and a PiYo workout in. Woo! Hoping to do some reading while on the bike tonight.
    Hope everyone is having a good hump day!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Morning Workout

    21 Day Fix Lower Fix and 10 Mins Fix for Abs
    I just realized I was supposed to be "breaking up" my doubling. Oops. I guess I'll just have to use the bike this afternoon after all. (I was thinking of skipping it today.) Got through both workouts well but I have to say that after hitting lower body some of the abs workout is just brutal. But not as brutal as following up this back-to-back doubling up with . . .

    PiYo Core
    Really? What was I thinking? Wait. I wasn't. I just followed along with the schedule. Hey! I managed to get through. Seriously. And again, I'm seeing improvement in my ability to get through the entire thing. I'm not all the way there yet but so much closer that, unlike last week, I can honestly see myself someday getting through it from beginning to end. Wow!

    Which leads me to planning ahead!

    My husband got the third DVD in Slim in 6 to work so starting 1 June I'll be doing both 21 Day Fix and Slim in 6. (Hey! I just noticed that rhymes!) That will carry me through to when I return from my trip to visit my family. Slim in 6 doesn't require a lot of space and I can do it in the guest room my mother has. I'll stop doing 21 Day Fix just before I leave and I'm not even sure I'll do Si6 every day I'm there because my mother and I will be going up to Omega Institute for the weekend. I plan on taking advantage of the morning and/or evening yoga classes while I'm there.

    And when I get back from my trip? (I told you I was planning ahead! LOL!)

    I'll do 21 Day Fix (again) and start Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution. This morning I realized that if I start both at the same time then do a round of PiYo and follow that up with a round of 21DF, I'll finish JMBR about one week before I finish the final round of 21DF and I can double up that last week. ((2 rounds 21DF = 42 days) + (PiYO = 8 weeks = 56) = 98 days)

    So there you go. Short of something really weird happening (and weird things happen all the time so I'm not holding my breath) that will carry me through midway October (I think).
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    What is the slim in 6?
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    It's a 6-week program that combines cardio and light resistance exercise to burn calories and
    tone your whole body without creating bulky muscles. Low impact.

    Here's a short video about it. I think it was one of the original Beachbody workouts.


    (sorry to link to my site but when I search for the videos and copy the link it automatically does that)

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dkwi04 @jpkrueger beat me to it. LOL!

    I'll be honest, the Slim in 6 program looks pretty boring. And you do the same thing, day after day, for two weeks. Not nearly as much fun as 21 Day Fix, for sure. So why would I even think about doing it let alone asking for it as a gift from my family?

    1) Low impact
    I need to keep things low impact so adding a program that is low impact to my personal library will make it possible for me to mix things up, to create hybrid schedules, and such.

    2) My daughter-in-law
    About one week into PiYo I knew she would never want to do this program and I was looking for an easier program she might want to borrow from me in the future. She is going to school now and "doesn't have time" to exercise. But I continue to hope that my example will inspire her to lose the weight she's gained since meeting and marrying my son.

    3) Vacation
    I love 21 Day Fix, obviously, but I don't want to use the resistance cords with it because it is already challenging my balance. Trying to switch the band from one foot to the other as I would need to do in Lower Fix and such is beyond my limits. (Sometimes I don't even get up off the floor fast enough, frankly.) So Si6 offers a very easy way for me to use the resistance cords I have while at my mother's.

    4) Muscle confusion
    Isn't that like a beachbody mantra? LOL! But the truth is, here I am doing two intense exercise programs and I know that my body can and will start adjusting to the challenge. So backing off a bit will get my body thinking I'm taking it easy, especially when I go up north and I'm only doing Si6 and no 21DF my body will know we're on vacation. (And imagine what my body will be thinking when I get home again and start doing 21DF and Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution back-to-back. Muahahahaha!)
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    I've been looking at slim in 6. Didn't know they were the same video every day, that kind of turns me off a bit. I'll have to see what you think of it @SatiaRenee :)
    I love how organized you are! I am the same way. I just have trouble deciding what I want to do next because there are so many I want to try! Annnnd then I'm not so organized. Like before I started another round of 21DF +PiYo I was going to do JMs one week shred but ended up changing my mind at the very last minute. The fact that there was an am and pm workout turned me off of it but now that I'm doing two anyway .... Lol. I don't like to start things and not finish them so that may have to wait til PiYo is done.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila I knew about the schedule before I asked for it because I went online and searched for the schedule. You can find the schedules for most of beachbody's products on teambeachbody.com including some hybrid schedules that mix such workouts.

    PiYo with
    • T25
    • P903
    P90X with
    • P90X Plus
    • P90X
    • P90X One on One
    • TurboFire
    • Insanity
    TurboFire with
    • ChaLean
    • Les Mills Pump
    Les Mills Pump with
    • Insanity
    • Les Mills Combat

    It's good to know what programs currently have hybrid schedules because even a program you love can become tedious. But, for instance, I have PiYo and my husband has P90 so I might want to try a hybrid of those two programs. Or if I were thinking of buying another program, knowing I already have PiYo, I'm more likely to invest in T25 because I know I can find a hybrid calendar that will make both programs just a little more flexible.

    With all of that said, you can actually create your own hybrid calendars for beachbody products at this website:

    I'm not sure how well this scheduler works but it might be interesting to give it a try for programs that don't have an official beachbody hybrid.

    I also found this website where you can create your own using any two or more beachbody workouts:

    Again, haven't tried this but it's nice to know I have the option to do so.
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm happy to report the scale was down .6 today so that's 1lb down since monday. I got an unexpected cake order this week on top of the 3 I already had....customer forgot to follow up on finalizing last week and I'm a sucker so I squeezed her in. So I've been doing my workouts at 9 pm while hubby watches Hogan's Heroes. This way I stop my work at a reasonable hour and hubby is happy we go to bed at the same time. After this weekend I have 2 weeks off so I'll get back on my morning workout schedule. Definitely feeling the heavier weights this week. I'm not sore, but my muscles feel fatigued. I had to adjust the chest strap on my heart rate monitor yesterday because it was falling down. I don't take measurements till I'm done this round at the end of the month. Even though I technically took 2 weeks off the plan to focus on my work, I still did 80% of the workouts and kept to the food plan so I'm hoping to see good results with measurements.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Congrats!! :D

    No 21DF today. Did some barbell squats, rows, and pulldowns then played soccer for 33 mins. 450ish calories.
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the awesome links @SatiaRenee!
  • extacymoon
    extacymoon Posts: 141 Member
    Checking in and I must say that I am a little bummed this morning. My scale went up a little and I think that is due to the fact that I have not been able to workout like I wanted to. I have been sticking to the meal plan. I will get through this. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Good morning Fix-ers! Pilates day today...still can't stir that damn pot very well but I pushed through as best as I could. When Pilates gets easier for me, I will know I have made progress. Hasn't happened yet, really.

    This afternoon I leave for my "birthday trip" back home. I'm so excited. There will be too much eating and drinking I'm sure, but my friend I'm staying with likes to work out so there will be some of that, too. It's only for 4 days and then I'm starting the next round of 21DF. Monday is also the first day of my 21 day Beachbody challenge group and I'm really excited because I have my own team this time.

    Have a great day (and weekend) everyone!!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Pilates for me today too! Those pots are hard and they burn. LOL My scale is up today but I'm blaming it on mother nature and my "monthly bloat" *sigh* I'll keep plugging along because after doing this since January I always gain on my week and then the next week I'm down 2+ it is still frustrating but I did notice the Pilates this morning helped with my lower back pain. :)

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Jill - I was able to stir that pot last week once or twice - I was shocked. It isn't everytime that I can complete that side series but it gets better....and I realized after the fact...that on doubles week you do pilates like 3 times! That is probably why I got a little better.

    Round 3 Day 4 for me
    Felt very blah yesterday :( Managed to get my workout in, but it wasn't pretty :( I was hungry and went over my containers a bit - but the good part is I choose healthy things vs the prepackaged crap that has been calling my name. The scale went up a little today but I am ok with that - we are bound to have some ups and downs along the way. Today is a new day - although a busy one. I am going to be very tired by the time I get to my pilates fix.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member

    I'm probably going to be a little less interactive the next few days. I won't have as much online time as usual. This morning alone, I've baked scones and done dishes after doing two workouts and my usual morning things. I'm just going to be keeping myself busier offline than usual. So forgive me if I don't interact with one and all. I simply won't have the time . . . for now. I hope.

    Anyway, back to yesterday.

    I had hoped to use the bike yesterday but my husband wanted me to watch a movie with him. We had already taken a 2 miles walk that morning so I didn't feel too badly about skipping out on the bike. Okay. That's not true. I felt lazy for only doing 1.5 hrs of exercise yesterday.

    You know you're life has changed when 1.5 hours of sweating makes you feel lazy!

    Morning Workout

    Pilates Fix
    Picture me, petting Holly while doing Supermans because, for a second day in a row, she interrupted my workout. It took me two days to figure out what's going on. It's getting lighter earlier so naturally she thinks it's time to be up and moving earlier than before. Stupid Daylight's Savings time. Ugh!

    Now that the Side Series is easier in Pilates Fix (not easier--I'm getting strong, I know, I know), I am focusing on getting all the way through the Plank Series without modifying. That Side Series is still a serious burn but it seems like it's a burn for everyone else on the DVD so I don't know that I'll ever see the day it isn't a challenge. I'm just glad I can honestly say I'm not keeping up. Yay!

    PiYo Sculpt

    Just a little bit closer to finishing. Not quite there yet.

    @extacymoon & @mrsewert Today wasn't the first day for me to see the numbers going up. In fact, I've regained 3 lbs during Round 3. My official weigh-in is on Monday (my day 22 for Round 3and 1 for Round 4). But I've noticed with all three rounds that there seems to be a sort of push back during the second week where maybe you're not dropping as many pounds and/or regaining a bit. Honestly, I trust the program. So don't let the numbers on the scale discourage you. Ride it out and on day 21 or 22, take your After pics, your after measurements, and I'm sure you'll see the changes you were hoping to see on the scale.

    @jpkrueger Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday to You!

    Plan for My Afternoon

    My husband is going out later today so I'm not sure if he plans on going for a walk this morning but I will definitely use the bike today. I also have some prep to do for 3 Day Quick Fix not to mention Total Body Cardio Fix to hit as part of my doubling up.

    I can do this, right?

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @SatiaRenee - I don't know how you do it! You are one busy lady...and to feel bad about only working out 1.5 hours a day? that is amazing!

    You've got this thing down! Good luck with the 3DQF - I look forward to hearing your results - I might do it again this round
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    I did the flat abs fix this morning. Hoping to do a PiYo or some bike action later tonight. Went to the park with the kids too so got some walking in that I don't usually so that was nice.
    I know how you feel @SatiaRenee if I have it in my mind to do something else and I don't get to it I feel bad. I try not to let it bother me too much though cause I get easily discouraged when it happens.
    Happy early bday @jpkrueger !
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    D8/R1 21DFx Extreme, down 2.8 pounds my first week. I'm still loving the workouts, Plyo Fix Extreme today.

    I would love a bar for a between meal snack. I'm going to search and see what others on Extreme are doing for on the go bars.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did the 10 min abs workout after 30 Day Shred. I find the Pilates boring and inefficient.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Still Pushing Play

    Today is going to be stressful for reasons I haven't really explained. I think today I want to make time to write out a few things about where I am now, where I've been (did you know I was using a walker 8 years ago?), and where my husband has been, etc. Because yeah . . . it looks like things are going to change a little around here and not entirely for the better but I am happy to say we're in it together. I'd have it no other way.

    But boy does it feel good to get out of my head for a little while and sweat it out, you know?

    Yesterday my husband and I did a 2 mile walk and somehow I suffered through what must have been the sloppiest Total Body Cardio Fix ever! I mean, I was just all over the place, sweating and cussing. I have never said f*** so many times during a 21DF workout as I did yesterday. And then I struggled to get on the bike. I didn't get into my target heart range let alone sustain it but I tried. I really tried. I just didn't have anything left.

    This Morning

    Cardio Fix
    I'm doing better on the Mountain Climbers and, because I knew I would be doing Upper Fix later because I'm a masochist because I'm doubling up, I decided to the bonus round on my knees. My arms are going to get all the workout they need later today. I may go ahead and do the abs workout later, though. We'll see. So much depends on other things right now.

    PiYo is a rest day.

    3 Day Quick Fix
    Starting it today. My steelcut oats are cooking because I forgot to get them started before the workout so I'm guzzling water. Need to rehydrate anyway.