What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    I started working from home in June 2014 and I've put on around 2 stones since then. I was eating for the sake of it, no one was there to make me feel embarrassed about have slices of toast with butter as a snack or getting through a loaf of Soreen (mm malt loaf mmm Jamaican ginger cake) in two days. I'd get restless and fidgety and instead of chatting to work mates I'd go to the kitchen and just eat and eat and take a snack back to my desk and eat. So I think it was boredom and loneliness.

    I also eat (and drink wine) to treat myself or celebrate minor victories or it just being the weekend or to relax/unwind after a stressful day/week.

    I still am of the opinion that life is too short to deprive yourself of the treats but (and it's a big but) in moderation and balanced with exercise. I've seen friends unsuccessfully go back and forth to weightwatchers and slimming world making themselves miserable by eating potatoes with no butter on then cracking and binging. So I really don't want to feel like I'm depriving myself - so, yes, have butter on potatoes but have fewer potatoes or no pudding or go for a cycle/jog/row that morning if you know you'll be having a celebratory meal.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Also - I've got friends who 'forget to eat' when they're busy or stressed! What is that??!! I NEVER forget to eat! Stress just makes me pig out and think "f*** it, I'm stressed, what's this cheese going to do that's worse than all this stuff I've got to do?!" All I get when stressed is hungry... and sometimes piles.... and once alopecia!!! ARGH!
  • BSWesley45
    Stress and when I'm bored, makes me over eat.
  • MysticCissell1985
    MysticCissell1985 Posts: 14 Member
    I am not only obese but mentally ill *kitten* well. My mind is constantly racing, worry overwhelms me, I never get a break-except when I eat. When I eat my mind stops, I can relax; over the years I have equated food with happiness because eating is the only thing that will make it all stop. I have lost and gained and lost and gained but I am determined this time. I have been trying to change obsessions, put more energy in photography than food. But like any addiction it is a struggle.
  • mom42677
    mom42677 Posts: 7 Member
    I overeat when I'm depressed; the last 10 years or so after my divorce, I have felt like a failure on and off so I resort to food for comfort. Also, sometimes I don't want to attract the wrong guy so I isolate and just eat a whole lot. Eitherway, I am trying to regain my control and this time for good...and I am going on day 3 of working towards eating healthier and working out even if that makes me look good and learning how to respond to unwanted attention. Hope to stay connected and stay encouraged
  • jennvandoren
    jennvandoren Posts: 2 Member
    My children recently went away to school. I'm left feeling so lonely a lot of the time. Out of all emotions, I notice that sadness is a really big pull for food.
  • mom42677
    mom42677 Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2015
    I did fine all day until I had dinner at my sister in laws. That just wrecked my mood and I returned home to eat Ben & Jerry's with streusal bread. Now I'm thinking, why do I let fake, hypocritical and jealous people ruin my mood?
  • mom42677
    mom42677 Posts: 7 Member
    Went shopping today and hated everything; I figured everything was cute but if only I were small enough to wear it well...walked out of the shopping mall disappointed. Returned home just to eat a big bowl of unhealthy macaroni & cheese. Any suggestions?
  • WyldcatGirl
    WyldcatGirl Posts: 7 Member
    A better question would be what doesn't make me overeat!!! Everything makes me overeat...but the two biggest culprits are stress or boredom.
  • mom42677
    mom42677 Posts: 7 Member
    I overeat when depressed, but have found this DB to be helpful. There are many of us on this discussion board and it helps me think before I go for seconds, thirds and junk food. But yes, it is a challenge. I am currently on day 6 and feel like the worse is over --the sugar cravings and the salty food cravings have all somewhat subsided. Tomorrow is a new day
  • gibbysmith1
    gibbysmith1 Posts: 37 Member
    I overeat bc I am lonely bored stress and when I am tired. Most of all when I feel sad I binge. Having My fitness Pal has helped me bc people can view my diary so i focus on that. So far so good. I just need to get change my situation
  • SashaMaja
    SashaMaja Posts: 37 Member
    I do okay at meals but I snack a lot when I am in physical pain. I have some medical problems which cause pain and when they flare up I seem to try to distract myself by eating something I wouldn't otherwise.
  • trinin5
    trinin5 Posts: 7 Member
    It is stress and boredom for me as well. Eating while I'm watching TV just feels comfortable, normal. If I don't it's like walking out of the house without pants on, something just doesn't feel right. I did notice when I stopped eating so much sugar at one point that I didn't crave it anymore and it actually made me feel sick when I ate it
  • muckasmom
    muckasmom Posts: 4 Member
    wifeyy wrote: »
    I tend to overeat when i am stressed!
    Or when i cook something i really enjoy eating as well for my family
    it is so hard to eat just a bit of it.:noway:

    I also overeat the day after my weigh in and once i do that it is always soooo hard to get back on track the next day!

    What makes you overeat?

  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    Me too... I've found that I overeat when I'm feeling ANYTHING other than 'normal'.
  • Janevien77
    Janevien77 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2015
    I overeat when I'm bored or want to procrastinate something - that way I find the excuse "But I need to sit down and eat at the table, enjoy what I'm having and then I'll do [the thing]..".
    I also overeat when I see I've "ruined" my day when I've eaten a piece of cake and I decide to go waaay overboard.
    But most times I overeat when I feel bad, not happy with myself (not only weight but mainly the way I look).. Of course that results in feeling even worse.. And it's an ever-ending cycle that I'm still learning how to get out of.. :(
    P.S. Another big issue for me is loneliness - I see all people around me going to parties and having fun and I'm just heading for home.. And the only exciting thing that ever happens in my life is food.
    Soething I simply don't understand is that everytime I overeat/binge I get extremely motivated to eat healthy and exercise.. the next day. I can't explain it. Anyone felt this way?
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I know that I am an emotional eater, but I would not say I am an emotional overeater. I more tend to eat things that I should not eat. I have never been one to sit and it a whole bag of chips or cookies or five candy bars, but I used to eat many foods that were not good for me on a regular basis. So when I get stressed out or when I am feeling periodic I crave chocolate. I can usually talk myself out of it now because I know it is not good for me, but there are days when I will allow myself something that I should not have.
  • MassObserver
    MassObserver Posts: 21 Member
    libland wrote: »
    Work stress/frustration is the number one culprit for me.
    Me too! Me too!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    I always have this weird power struggle going on inside. When I was a child, my parents always curtailed what I ate because I weighed more. I began to believe that those who are accepted, like my thinner sisters, could eat whatever they wanted, sweets, chips, cookies, etc.. While those of us who are not acceptable are relegated to carrots, veggies, fruit, etc. Even though I know as an adult this is better for me, I still think of healthy food as a punishment and junk food as a reward. Now as an adult, I eat junk food just because I want to. I want to be able to eat whatever I want without being curtailed. While I know what kind of foods I are best for my body I haven't been able to get over the fact that eating them feels like a punishment. Has anyone dealt with that as well?
  • OmbreTink
    OmbreTink Posts: 4 Member
    For me it usually ends up being stress, especially when Uni deadlines and exams are coming around. I have anxiety and find myself worrying about them ages before they even draw near.