Daily Chat Thread



  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Pudding I'm not up to S&P yet cos I've been snail pacing through hypertrophy lol Nearly there though :smile:
    I'll have a read of the book later and check it out.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Can't help you, pudding....while I liked the idea of a push and a pull and a hinge, etc., the "putting together' took too much energy/effort for me. I really need the print-and-go style. Lame, but true.

    No lifting for me, today....but I did walk. I will lift tomorrow.

  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    New to the group, finished the book this weekend and start lifting tomorrow!
  • leesagreen86
    leesagreen86 Posts: 3 Member
    Started stage 2 today, yowza! I was just getting nice and comfortable with stage 1. I am definitely going to be sore tomorrow, felt like day 1 all over again. Loved it though.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hey guys. I am still here. Still lifting away but have been busy and stressed so no time to check in. I have also been eating way too much and am putting on weight :disappointed:
    Anyway I have a quick question about supercharged. I finished hypertrophy 1 last night, do I use the same exercises in Hypertrophy 2, just with the different rep ranges? I couldn't figure it out from reading the book.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    You'll find the exercises in supercharged have recommendations as to which phase to use them for. You can change them up if you want to suit your needs. There were some things I swapped because I didn't like them or I felt prone to injury overtraining certain movements. Don't make it hard, do what you enjoy.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    DouMc, I switched exercises usually. Partially because I get bored after doing the same ones for four weeks, and also because I like to work my muscles in different ways.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh what a day. Up early for 8 am traffic to airport to get my mom, who is here to help me with the move. I hadn't seen her since the end of August so it was great cause I've lost over 50 lbs since then. Plus, well it's my mom and she's pretty great. Then I got phone call from work. Le sigh. Morning cashier called in sick and closer wouldn't be in until 5 so I ended up working earlier than scheduled today and had to cashier the first few hours before taking over the chaos that was photo since our machine got fixed. I never did get caught up on orders between the ones the internet let go through even when machine was broken and the new ones we kept getting, it just wasn't possible. Plus... my uterus decided today was a good day to hate me. So that, some back aching that comes with that and stomach got upset too during work. All while super busy. It was rough. But by gym time, which was late cause I didn't get out of work till about 20 minutes later than normal, things got better. Though it was late so I skipped a couple of things and ended up doing 2 sets instead of 3 on a couple too.

    Stage 4 - A4

    warmup high bar squats 3x5 @ 120 - heavy but manageable

    front squat 3x8 @ 65 - okay but awkward to hold with the crossed arm approach
    push press 1x8 then 2x5 @ 65 - tad heavy for me

    db step-up 3x8 @ 27.5 - okay
    db one point row 3x8 @ 27.5 - tad heavy here too

    static lunge rear foot elevated 2x8 @ 60 - heavier but not bad
    push up 2x6 using db

    row 3x8 @ 60 - figured while I hd the 60 bar, might as well and it was easier than the 70 last time

    hung from assisted chin up machine a little for shoulders then called it a night

    Now I get to try and sleep on the couch to get enough rest for tomorrow's 33 minute jog, packing and work. Hopefully I don't get called in but I wouldn't be surprised if I do. We'll see.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Great. Thanks Jo and Pudding. I think I will change up the exercises so. I do get a little bit bored of them after a few weeks so it is good to change. Does anyone have any suggestions for barbel complexes? I find it hard to design them so that they flow easily from one exercise to another.

    I come back later to read up on all the posts that I missed to see how everyone is doing! Life is just too busy at the minute!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I like doing a Romanian daadlift, row, and overhead press for my BB complexes.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cool. thanks. Last question, I promise! Do you use the same complexes for every workout or do you change them?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    I lifted yesterday and then went for a 2-hr hike. The photo below is from my washroom break before hike.

    My torso is nice and lean for summer. My caboose still needs bodyfat loss. Getting there!

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Beeps, looking good!

    DouMc, I did a BB complex for one workout (the one mentioned above) and a DB one for workout B. For that I did a RDL, row, and shoulder press.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - You look great.

    Jogged today for 33 minutes. Glad I made it before 10 am as it's starting to get warm. Now to get stuff done before I have to go into work.
  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    I have a weird question. Last night I started Stage 1. I thought I worked hard, barely completed the push-ups and jack knifes, but today I am not sore at all. Did I not work hard enough?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Soreness is not always going to be the best way to tell how much one worked because it varies for everyone on whether they get sore or not at different points. I didn't a lot in the beginning but sometimes I'm sore now depending on how things go, work and jogging. You can work really hard and not be sore at all, it doesn't mean you didn't work hard enough.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Soreness is not always going to be the best way to tell how much one worked because it varies for everyone on whether they get sore or not at different points. I didn't a lot in the beginning but sometimes I'm sore now depending on how things go, work and jogging. You can work really hard and not be sore at all, it doesn't mean you didn't work hard enough.

    ^^ This :smile:

    For complexes, I do one barbell and one dumbbell. But basically similar movements because simple is best at the moment for me lol
    I do a row, front squat and a press.

    Looking good Beeps!

    I have been out every day this week so far for one reason or another. I've dropped the kids at school, I've had breakfast and I am totally not going anywhere else until school pickup.
    I need a chill out day. Work to do, but I'm smashing that out this morning and then I might just sit on the lounge and crochet. Or sleep.

    The husband is away in Melbourne and he sent me a picture this morning of his lovely looking morning mocha from a swish little cafe. Followed by his bacon & eggs breakfast. Not impressed lol

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I have a weird question. Last night I started Stage 1. I thought I worked hard, barely completed the push-ups and jack knifes, but today I am not sore at all. Did I not work hard enough?

    Sometimes, too, soreness takes 48 hours to show up and then BOOM!


    Get ready....maybe tomorrow is your DOMs day!

  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member

    Sometimes, too, soreness takes 48 hours to show up and then BOOM!


    Get ready....maybe tomorrow is your DOMs day!


  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »

    Get ready....maybe tomorrow is your DOMs day!

    Beeps, that was so deliciously evil :naughty:

    Delicious... hmm... I'm hungry... lunch time!