Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great work everyone and welcome Autumnfilly :)
    I had a pretty good session yesterday, mostly run by the lack of moonlight. I forgot how quickly it gets dark when there aren't street lights and left my headlamp in my room at camp. 7.5, nearly all of it run, some faster some slower and easy. I wouldn't say I'm 100% yet and still a long way to go before I am back to where I was, but everything is looking good.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @taeliesyn great to see you had a good run. You'll be back up to speed in no time!

    I rode yesterday, just under 17 miles. Hoping to run today.
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    W9D2. 3.15 miles in 1:00:04. I was sore yesterday from running too hard on Monday, so I took it easy today. Still 45 minutes of running. I felt good all the way through it. I met the lady who I board my horse with riding her horse. We were on opposite sides of the street so we didn't stop to chat. This is the first time someone I know from the neighborhood had seen me running. I was pretty proud of it. And some random guy in a utility truck waved to me as he drove by. I waved back. Why not?

    And the race that I thought was 4 weeks away? Is only 3 weeks away. I feel like my teacher just said there would be a final I forgot to study for.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Sounds like a good run taeliesyn. Glad to hear things are looking up.

    The 'Shoe Whisperer' appointment went very well this morning. He spent a good amount of time explaining what he was looking at, the way my foot should function in a shoe, what was wrong with my old size, which shoe he was recommending, and why. I can't believe how much I learned in an hour! He also had me do a bit of running on the sidewalk & filled me in on what he saw. I was most surprised to learn I'm actually a heal striker - everyone who looks at the wear pattern on my shoes assumes I'm a mid-foot runner. He also confirmed my suspicions that my right foot pronates more than my left, and my cadence is too slow. I left the shop with another pair of Saucony Triumph ISO's (men's this time... ); new socks; orders to wear them around the house and to limit the 'runs' to 30 minute brisk walks for the next couple days. The idea is to get my feet used to the extra room and to compress the foam a bit. I can see why he is so highly recommended, just the tidbits that I picked up while we were chatting made it worth the drive in. I don't know how I feel about having a foot that is so wide that I need to wear men's running shoes. I know it shouldn't matter, but..... :/ It does explain why I've always regarded (dress) shoe shopping as a special kind of torture though. lol

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    MM, it's good to have the challenge but not so much to beat yourself and your body up about. Hope this week has gone well for you.

    Ceci, nice to see you getting those long bike rides in, I assume that your cycling injuries are almost, until I mentioned them, long distance memories.

    Taeliesyn, nice to see you getting back into the groove.

    Skye, glad to see the "shoe whisperer" working his magic, hope this turns out well for you.

    Autumnfilly2005, good to see your continued progress on the B210k programme.

    Had some easy sessions this week, I am clearly responding better to the hills as I seem to notice them less and less. All easy paces this week, due out for one shortly again this morning, will skip tomorrows and will have a go at a pb at the parkrun on Saturday. Still narked at last weeks effort, so have programmed a running prompt based on last weeks effort, that if I run to, will give me a pb, then a long run on Sunday, either before or after the boys 2k parkrun.

    Have fun everyone.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran with my much younger (30 yo) and much taller (5'11" to my 5'2.5") sister in law yesterday. She hasn't been running much, so we ended up walking quite a bit. It was HOT. I much prefer running and riding with someone else rather than by myself. The running part totaled 2.9 miles in just over 30 minutes.

    Robbie, I still have some aches and pains (mostly age related), but nothing that interferes with the activities.
    And the race that I thought was 4 weeks away? Is only 3 weeks away. I feel like my teacher just said there would be a final I forgot to study for.
    :smiley: You'll be fine!

    Keep moving everyone!

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, glad to read that your injury has healed up. :)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Love the medal MM!

    Welcome Autumnfilly!

    I didn't do my 10k run last Friday. I was so tired all week I just didn't have the energy. I was planning on doing it over the weekend but that didn't happen either. On Sunday my daughter was going to a friend's house to practice some dances for a show they have coming up so I put on my running gear and went for an 8k run before picking her up. Wednesday was another 8k run. About 1k in I tripped over a tree root and landed full impact on my knees on another tree root. My first running fall! It was really painful but after walking a few hundred metres I felt okay and was able to carry on and finish my run. I now have the most horrendous bruises but thankfully the damage is just superficial. Wednesday was supposed to be leg day but decided to switch it to Thursday. Big mistake, Friday was 10k run and my legs were sore and heavy. Had to turn back early but by the time I got back to my car I was at 8.4km so I ran laps around the school grass track till I reached 10km. I could hardly climb into my car afterwards. Still stiff and sore this morning, need to get myself a foam roller.

    Glad to hear everyones injuries seem to be on the mend, hope you all have a good weekend!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Had a slow easy run Thursday and a day off yesterday. Had another go at a parkrun pb this morning, was even worse than last weekend. It was just hard work. Coming to the opinion that I am overtraining and need to dial it down a bit. So June may not be a 200km plus training month, although with 2 HM's it will still be high. Saying that I need another 1km to get to 200km for May.

    Romy, hope the bruising goes down soon and that you get back out running soon.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday when I left work it was raining pretty hard, so I ran 5 miles at the gym- 70 laps in just under 50 minutes.

    Slightly wet, but still fun 20 ish mile bike ride to kickoff training for Tour de Cure benefiting the American Diabetes Association this morning. Might try a brick tomorrow.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My girls' bike group had a bike to run training session planned, so I went for it. This is something I've been telling myself I was going to do at least once a week, because I want to complete a duathlon at some point. We rode 16.5 miles including some sprint intervals and a few good hill climbs. That was followed by 2 quick miles running (9:10 and 8:53). I surprised myself with the speed of the runs and several PR's on the bike ride, too.
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    Ran today after walking 7 miles at the zoo. 3.39 miles in 1:02:02. It was a little slower, but not too bad considering how far I walked earlier in the morning. My phone started the run at 26% battery, and ended at 4%. I felt I was racing my phone, trying to finish my run before the battery died.

    I find that I am starting to pick up a little speed here and there. I have to remind myself to run slower, that I'm in for the long haul rather than a short sprint. My pace is all over the place between 17:00 and 20:00, but overall it's been decreasing slowly. It's been fun putting more miles under my feet, and I'm looking forward to doing even more.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Been a while since I updated here, last weeks running was good and it's looking like my mileage is on the increase WHOOOOO! Still playing with the Zombies Run 5K trainer, but doing easy runs during the 'walk' periods, comfortable-comfortably hard runs on the free form run sessions and still kicking up the speed on the run intervals.
    Last night was W4D1 of the ZR5K and then my usual group session, a total of 17km for the night and my legs are feeling pretty good this morning WHOOT!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Ran today after walking 7 miles at the zoo. 3.39 miles in 1:02:02. It was a little slower, but not too bad considering how far I walked earlier in the morning. My phone started the run at 26% battery, and ended at 4%. I felt I was racing my phone, trying to finish my run before the battery died.

    I find that I am starting to pick up a little speed here and there. I have to remind myself to run slower, that I'm in for the long haul rather than a short sprint. My pace is all over the place between 17:00 and 20:00, but overall it's been decreasing slowly. It's been fun putting more miles under my feet, and I'm looking forward to doing even more.

    Great job! You will find that the more miles you put in the faster you will become, without even really trying to get faster.
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Been a while since I updated here, last weeks running was good and it's looking like my mileage is on the increase WHOOOOO! Still playing with the Zombies Run 5K trainer, but doing easy runs during the 'walk' periods, comfortable-comfortably hard runs on the free form run sessions and still kicking up the speed on the run intervals.
    Last night was W4D1 of the ZR5K and then my usual group session, a total of 17km for the night and my legs are feeling pretty good this morning WHOOT!

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran at my national park yesterday- 5k in 31:15. It was hot and muggy. I really need to make myself get up and run before work instead of waiting until after.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Nice going everyone, glad you are all getting out more. Taeliesyn nice to see you leading the MTS challenge again. Autumnfilly2005, just keep at it, more time on feet will lead to faster times, you might want to think about fartleks just to jig your runs up. Ceci, if you are running after a day at work, you are a star. It tends to be mornings or nothing for me.

    Quick update from the last 5 days, long run abandoned at 6 miles on Sunday, tightness was coming in the right calf and rather than experience the agony of the left calf I decided to walk back home. I even started in the rain, a dog walker commented I was mad, yep, probably right. I left 6 miles out on the trail, I tried jogging parts back but the niggle returned quickly. Monday off and so was Tuesday (nearly) I went out late, 1st time in the evening for ages, low intensity effort, Wednesday and today more low intensity and short duration efforts. I have consciously dialled back the mileage ahead of Sunday's Ramathon (half marathon around Derby). Course is flat, lowest to highest point is 18m, 60 feet. Wanting 1:53, planning 1:57, disappointed if over 2:00. See what the weather looks like and how I feel before I decide how to go for it. Have a short interval session tomorrow and a jog at the parkrun on parkrunday.

    Enjoy your running and I will pop in on Sunday
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I know you'd love a PB, but there's nothing wrong with treating the HM like a nice long run with a lot of company.
    Hope it all goes well for you Robbie and you get the niggle under control.

    Autumnfilly, as per Robbie and Ceci, the more miles you put in. Even and especially easy miles the faster you will become at this point. It takes a good 12months + of steady mileage before more miles will plateau and you need speed work to get faster. You can still pick up speed work before then.

    Good run Ceci, nice time for a hot and muggy run!

    Hill reps of some sort tonight, I'm dancing with the Strava Stupids as I want to complete my 'climbing' challenges... if they had shown up during normal training I wouldn't have even blinked at them, now I need a concerted effort.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Had a good run yesterday, it was in the plan as 8km fast, which means running slightly above your comfort zone. Decided to run on the road as every run on my local trail is above my comfort level! Average pace of 6:07minutes/km which is slightly faster than my last 10km race so maybe this plan is working! Running Color Me Rad tomorrow with my husband and kids (probably more walking than running!) so looking forward to that.

    Good luck for Sunday Robbie!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well Friday was a good set of intervals but I thought I had 4 to do so emptied the tank on the 4th only to find there was a 5th. Oops, still good though. Went to Newarks parkrun yesterday, it was their 2nd birthday, I planned to run round in 30 minutes plus as a loosener for today, but the nature of the course, narrow in places meant that I pushed a bit too much and given that I stopped to retie a lace a time of 27mins was ok, but too fast. The half marathon today was good, quite warm, unusual for the UK. I managed a pb with 1:54:58, so really pleased, McMillan was suggesting a 1:52 based on my 5k time, so given that I did not go full throttle I was really pleased. Now really looking forward to the Humber at the end of June. I won't pb but will be another sub 2 time. Just had a good soak in the tub, not fancying any beer at the moment, and will be out for a Ruby shortly.

    Hope your runs are going well. Happy and content here
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job, Robbie!

    I ran yesterday after a pretty stressful day at work- 4.01 mi in 41:38. It was HOT! I saw 2 turtles and a snake. I'm signed up to run a 10k on Saturday. Thankfully it is early morning and shouldn't be oppressively hot!