Random Thoughts - Misc. Chat Thread for April / May 2015



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited May 2015
    crabada wrote: »
    Does she agree with his plan or is it just to appease him?

    idk. appease him, i guess. but i just don't know.

    i probably burned a few bridges myself. he's got a new thing, in his maniacal quest for some Perfect World in which absolutely everything is absolutely documented all the way to the last possibility or permutation. really, he's on a quest to eliminate all language and all carbon-based lifeforms out of the total process.

    him: *display of how a bug would be entered/handled in his theoretical world*
    me: just a point. over there in the 'repro steps' tab, a bug report always has an expected result and then the actual one. so that would serve as a reference for anyone who had to work on that bug.
    scudge: well, in the proper system, that 'expected result' would just be a link to a requirement record.
    me: you always give them expected results. requirements are linked as a reference and as the supporting backup. [it's the international fecking standard, if anyone cares]
    scudge: nope. it should just be a link. in a perfect world.
    me *sudden total and absolute loss of all cool*. NO. even in a world where the requirements were absolutely complete and perfect, that just isn't true. and in any case, in THIS case . . . sorry, no. a use case that says nothing more than 'user enters data, user clicks save' is NOT an efficient or meaningful way to tell anyone else what we expect to happen after a specific sequence of steps and inputs in a specific kind of context, so no. that's just no.

    he got very quiet and very dark red and i think i'm going to hear a lot more about this. but i just don't bloody care at this point. he appears to have completely FORGOTTEN how effing half-assed and shallow a lot of that documentation actually is. he keeps passing it off as 'you need to read the links associated with the use case . . . everything's there.'

    a) it bloody is not, but proving it isn't is like proving god doesn't exist. and another zarking quadrupler of all the time that i'm having to spend.
    and b) what IS there takes a rabbit-hole sequence of jumps just to find it, in any case. i'm freaking sick of his denial and his delusions about this whole 'System' he's foisted on us.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    We are looking into getting our siding and windows redone on the house. My husband said he was going to "take care of it" and I am just sitting here trying not to micromanage it. He isn't doing research and getting the quotes the way I would and it's so frustrating. I just wanna do it myself, ya know so that it gets done right and sometime this summer...
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    I wish you would come micromanage my projects for me. I get stuck in indecision paralysis... You probably don't want to hear this but let me tell you it makes a BIG difference what kind of windows you use. We have had 2 houses the last 7 years. This present house in Mississipi is 7 yrs old but the cheapo vinyl windows are awful. The older house we had in Indiana had nice Anderson windows and it was really, really tight. We get such drafts here in MS and spend a fortune on heating...I'd much rather put money into good windows than heating bills!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Honestly most of these windows are so old/in such bad shape that anything we do would be an improvement. It is more in how he is handling getting quotes. I prefer to be informed then call for quotes but he wants to "hear from the experts" and is just sending out very vague emails.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    sheesh, what do i have to do to break a bone around here . . . not serious. but i had another crash this evening on the way home and this time i stuck my hands out. a few hours later the province's dial-a-nurse line insisted i take myself and my left middle finger to the e.r. it's so swollen she was threatening me with nerve damage, and tbh i was glad enough to go. i couldn't flip anyone off right now if i wanted to. i can't even straighten it out.

    five hours and some x-rays later, and no break. no soft-tissue tears either, according to the doctor. and the good news is i'm actually supposed to keep using it as much as the swelling allows, as opposed to having to keep it immobilized. but i don't think i'll be deadlifting this week. he said it could take as much as six weeks to get all the way back to normal again.

    at any rate, i think a night in the e.r. justifies a day off from work. i just can't picture myself dealing with scudge on this day.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Enjoy your day off canadianlbs (and more importantly scudge-less). Hope it heals quickly and it's good to hear that you don't have to immobilize it.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Sorry about your crash, @Canadianlbs. At least it is your middle finger and you have an excuse in case you accidentally wave it around in Scudge's direction
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Good to hear you didn't break your middle finger @canadianlbs! You never realize how important it is until you can't use it (that's a joke and a serious thought at the same time lol). I broke my right middle finger two years ago (dog leash, combo spiral fracture and crush fracture). The first few days in a splint were hilarious, flipping everyone the bird and all, but it took 3 hours of surgery, 2 permanent screws holding it together, some permanent nerve damage and 6 months of occupational therapy to basically be able to use my right hand again just plain sucked. All that just for a finger!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    At least it is your middle finger and you have an excuse in case you accidentally wave it around in Scudge's direction

    heh. if i could just straighten it out. i phoned in absent at 5 am, slept till 11 and plan to go do more sleeping soon, now i'm awake.

    just realised. the way this big lump prevents me from straightening it has been reminding me of something for quite some time, and i just tracked it down to its source. it reminds me of biceps guy, whose guns were so huge he couldn't seem to keep his mouth closed.

    i got to tap on my kid's door last night to announce i was off to emerg, and ask him to tie up my shoelaces for me. mom-style, like i used to do his when he was three or four. it made us both laugh and it made me mushy.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    katro111 wrote: »
    it took 3 hours of surgery, 2 permanent screws holding it together, some permanent nerve damage and 6 months of occupational therapy to basically be able to use my right hand again just plain sucked. All that just for a finger!

    sheesh. that's the kind of thing that i fear. especially since i make my living via a keyboard, basically. and if you're a freelance it's hard to even tell what the ethics/rights situation is there, because being required to keep it immobile would have had a serious effect on my productivity. .

    so yeah. i'm extremely relieved. i never have broken anything . . . well, except for a fractured toe once. i vividly remember the particular awfulness of the way that that felt. but i don't have enough experience of breaks to know whether a break is always supposed to have that particular sickening feel like your bones are teeth and they're chewing tinfoil.

    soon as this finger is better enough though, believe me. i'm giong to go around for a few weeks crossing it over the one next to it. two crashes in not even two weeks, after years and years since the last one i had - that's not good.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Just bought proper lifting shoes :)
    Yay tax refund!
    My kid got summer ballet lessons, and I got lifting shoes. I really hope they fit. I went by the size chart, so they should. I had measured my feet a few months ago when I bought new roller skates, so I conveniently had my foot measurement still in my email.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So I am a pretty hardcore introvert. As such 97.6% of the time I am perfectly OK with having a couple of hi/bye friends at work and my hubby for companions (and of course the casual online relationships on forums). But ever once in a while I wonder about how to make some closer friends in person, mostly because every once in a while I feel like I might want to fit into some kind of social norm.

    I always hit the same road block. How do you meet people? Like there needs to be a friendship app of some kind (like on line dating but for friends). If there was an app for that I would totally use it.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Part of the reason I joined roller derby was to make friends. It worked, but I still get random social anxiety/fear of rejection/random panic attacks when I hear "pair up".

    Strangely though, I met someone who went to the same university as me at the same time, in the same program, who does a similar job in the same field, who has a kid the same age as mine, and whose husband is in the same field as my husband.

    Personally, I think if you aren't the type to chat up random women (I know I'm not. I have the same BFF from high school, and I have known my husband since I was 14), you kind of just have to join a class or group for a hobby you are interested in and hope to find people with similar interests.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Having a few close in-person friends can be nice. The times I've enjoyed those in my life were most always initiated by the other person. I rarely am the one doing the reaching out. Maybe that's the somewhat introverted part of me or maybe the whole fear of rejection or probably both! Are you a programmer? Maybe you should write an app!!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yeah. I have no idea how to meet people. I have lived in this state for about three years now and the closest thing to friends that I have right now are coworkers. However, we don't get to spend much time out of work together because someone has to be at the store. I have a couple friends I talk to on a regular basis online but not the same as in person.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    I'm more of an extrovert than an introvert, and I still have a hard time meeting people. Most of my very close friends are from high school and college. The rest were through industry networking or classmates from this latest round of school. I'd suggest you find an activity you like and see if there are clubs or meet-ups in your area. Good luck!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    I think that going to a club or a group thing probably is the best way to meet people with common interests. Unfortunately between living out of town, small kiddos and a hubby who travels for work all week long, I guess I will just have to wait until they get a little older. Perhaps when they are old enough to be home alone for an hour or two I could look into some classes or something.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^ i made some good friends hanging out online on parenting boards when my kid was young enough that i was still a parent in the functional sense. a couple of them i still have, and one is now my longest-running friendship ever at 17 years.

    the only kind of advice that i have is to let your actual self hang out in places like that and see what it attracts. i kind of suck at approaching people myself (and maybe retaining them too).