Daily check in



  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    R1/D17 - Today was a good day. I did not eat all of my containers either but that's because I was swamped at work and did not really eat lunch. I definitely did not want to make up for it at dinnertime. Question .... should I take multivitamins with this? I tried the oneaday for women before and it made me sick to my stomach every time I took it.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Germany, if you're eating all your containers, I don't think you'd need a multivitamin. However, if you're not eating dairy, you may want to talk to your doc about adding a calcium/VitD supplement.

  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    Work out in and off to work I go. I finally got on the scale this morning and lost 4 pounds. I know it's only 10 days but I'm very excited and that just motivates me even more. Have a great day!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Question for the MFPs doing21DFX

    Are you following the meal plan and, if so, which one? I looked at the Countdown to Competition and there's the 2 days on, 1 day off plan. But then there's "Other Ways to Get It Done" which has 2 weeks of the extreme and the final week with CTC or 2 days extreme and 1 day CTC. It's nice to have choices and all. I just want to know what you all chose to do.

    Morning Workout

    21DF: R4/W3/D4: Pilates Fix
    I did it! I did all of the planks without dropping to my knees! All. Of. The. Planks!

    Slim in 6: 6-Pack and Limber Thinner Thighs
    Started off fine with the 6-Pack workout. Even managed to do the side planks. But then the DVD didn't want to play Limber so I decided to switch over to the Thinner Thighs bonus workout.

    Talk about your throwback workout. Waaaaaay back before P90X, before even Power 90, Tony Horton had a series of workouts that focused on different parts of the body using the principle of "muscle progression." Nowadays, beachbody likes to talk about "muscle confusion." With muscle progression, you work on one or two muscles before moving onto the next, spending about 10-15 minutes on one part of the body. There was a VHS (I did say throwback, right?) for buns, for abs, for arms, etc. There was even one for stretching.

    (I found some pics here: http://www.amazon.com/Great-Abs-Guaranteed-7min-Routine/sim/B0007L7XZ2/2)

    Anyway, this bonus workout on the Slim in 6 DVD is from back in those days with a younger Debbie Siebers on a beach with two other people. No warm-up. No post workout stretching. Just legs. Squats, lunges, etc. You know, really, not much has changed. We're pretty much doing the same things now in 21DF and PiYo, etc.

    Can someone please explain to me how my hair migrates across the top of my head? I do believe this is defying the laws of physics or something.

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @SatiaRenee - I am just doing the regular extreme eating plan. No C2C right now, but that doesn't mean I won't try it at some point. I might try a week and go from there. But I had a hard time with the 3DQF - so I imagine I would have a hard time with the C2C too.

    21DFX Round 1 Day 4
    So far it is going great! I am following the eating plan to a T, hoping for amazing results this time. I am already down 1.4 pounds since Monday, I hope it keeps up! I really need a great 3 weeks to push me to the next level. I have lower fix extreme to do this afternoon, and if I feel up to it after, I might hit the streets for a 2-3 mile run :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Fixers! I'm in a funk today. I'm not following the diet, just doing the workouts and today, I feel like resting. My shoulders are sore, the scale is up, it's dreary outside....wah, wah, wah. I've got to shake off this bad mojo and soon or I'll make bad choices all day.

    I'm going to press play.

    Satia, lol, I just see a top pony tail vs. hair pulled back. How do you like Slim in 6?

    Dkw, how do you think the Extreme set is vs. the regular Fix, so far? Congrats on the impressive loss!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @germany03 I don't believe in "shoulds" for anything or anyone, frankly. If we all responded to the same things in the same way there would be only one diet, one exercise program, one size fits all. Unfortunately, that's not how humans work. We simply have too much variety within our myriad of cells for one answer to fit all of us.

    Fact: If you want to know if you should take a multivitamin, go to your local doctor (or health clinic) and have them do a basic blood screening to ensure you are getting enough of whatever you should be having. Where there is any deficiency, you might consider increasing some vitamins but not all.


    1) Never ever take a supplement on an empty stomach unless it specifically says to do so. Most multivitamins have a B complex in them and B vitamins will make most people nauseous when taken on an empty stomach.

    2) You hear time and time again that the body is remarkably adaptive which is why, whatever supplements you take, you should stop taking them for a few days each month to allow your body to flush out any excess. Some vitamins are water soluble and will not build up in your system (e.g. vitamin C) while others, typically minerals and such, can and will build up over time. Taking a break from supplements allows your body time to absorb what may be building up. Unless you are told not to skip any doses by a medical professional, I do recommend taking a week off every month. (I typically skip the first 7 days of the month because it's a no brainer.)

    Should you or shouldn't you? I think there's a reason why beachbody offers Activit and other supplements. They know that even a licensed dietitian isn't going to hit it out of the park each and every day. But I know that there is a lot of research that says most supplements are not as beneficial as we would like to believe. Our bodies are not designed to ingest nutrients in modified forms but in natural forms and some foods complement one another to help the body digest the nutrition more fully. But who has time for ensuring that you're getting 100% of what you need 100% of the time. I take supplements but not indiscriminately. I take what I know I need based on what I saw in my blood work and what I know works best for my body.

    Sorry I can't give you a less complicated answer. Maybe if you were an earthworm or a slug I could but you are this marvelous human machine and how your body works is best left to the experts: yourself and your doctor.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @walkdmc - So far I am really enjoying the Extreme. Although I think I prefer the regular pilates. I really enjoy the lifting heavier and drop weights, I feel like I will be upping my weights really soon to push harder :) I do see myself doing a hybrid of both programs as a long term plan.
  • rscunu
    rscunu Posts: 37 Member
    R1/W1/D4: Pilates...not for the weak! Holy Core, I loved it! My quads are finally starting to feel a little less sore, so I was happy for the intense core workout. I did do the modified on w/Kat on nearly all of the planking, but there were a couple I popped up to proper plank for 3-5 seconds lol :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    R2/W1/D4 Pilates Fix done!! I needed a Pilates workout today, a bit of recovery. I prefer the Fix to the Extreme Pilates, too, dk! Using the band in X bothers my knees. The bottom line might be that I was in over my head with the Extreme but I am really enjoying the regular Fix. I was able to do the full, on-my-toes, planks until we got to the mother $#@%&% "bonus" round, 10 sec. planks with a measly 3 second rest. I felt like I had no lower back and had to knee plank. I LOVED those old school side lying leg/butt moves in Pilates Fix! Loved them.

    Satia, when I first viewed your hair pics, it was on my phone and I didn't see the full face shot. I prefer the sassy top pony tail, unless you're leaving your house, lol! My hair migrates when I do Pilates Extreme. Sometimes I use my pony tail as a little pillow when my neck and shoulders are on fire.

    rsc, nice job trying the harder pose. I get stuck on the modifier for too long and don't challenge myself often enough. I should probably try to up my weights or do the full move every workout. Can't hurt to do a few seconds then realize I need to scale it back.

    Happy Fixing!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    How are y'all able to do that "@rscunu" highlighted in blue? Otherwise, it's hard to see who I'm addressing comments to and they hide amongst my babble.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    On day 4 of insanity. Not sure I like it but still pushing play so shrug. Today was an active recovery day so just did upper fix as well since I was missing my 21df workouts. Probably going to pay for that tomorrow, lol.
    I am 1.5 lbs from being pre-baby #2 weight! Ahhhh. I still have a long way to my goal weight (another 20lbs) but am surprised at how great I feel already. Couldn't do it without mfp and all you lovelys though:) xo
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    walkdmc wrote: »
    How are y'all able to do that "@rscunu" highlighted in blue? Otherwise, it's hard to see who I'm addressing comments to and they hide amongst my babble.

    Just use the @ and then start typing the name and it will come up
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    edited June 2015
    Great job pressing play and getting out of your funk @walkdmc. I admire your will power and self control - way to get 'er done !!! :)
    @venuila congrats on your success sofar.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    21DFX Round 1 Day 5

    I feel amazing today! The scale keeps trending down :) And I have reached my final belt loop. I am wearing a shirt today that made my husband look twice - all that makes me feel great. I just need to keep this motivation to push me forward. Can't wait to go home after work and hit the cardio! I have forgotten to do abs this week so I am hoping to get that in today and then again tomorrow
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @dkwi04 I'm so happy for you!! You are doing amazing!! You're the poster child for pushing through a plateau - once you broke through, you've been on a roll. Great work!!!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    PS post a picture of you in the shirt :)
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    @dkwi04 Great job!
    I have a question for everyone since I am a newbie. I see many of you posting about doing more than just the 21 Day Fix workouts. Are you purchasing each dvd or are you doing the membership of $2.99 a week? Just curious.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    If I do an extra DVD, I am doing one of the programs I already own - Insantiy, T25, P90X. I don't have the membership

    Jill, I actually think I will make that my profile pic!!!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Looking hawttttttt!!! B)