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Daily check in



  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Hi, I'm new! I'm on day 2. Yesterday was pretty easy - I had a busy day so I wasn't thinking about food, and the workout totally kicked my butt but was manageable. Due to my work schedule/kid and life schedule, I'm having to do my workouts at night.

    I'm in the second tier for the food plan, but don't use shakeology (I have a really "clean" protein powder I use instead). I also take an omega 3 and a Vit B as supplements. I have a greens powder I like to use, but am not sure how to get it down without grapefruit juice... and I didn't see anywhere in the plan where she addresses drinking juice, so I assume that it's verboten.

    I want the aria scale... but it's $$ and I'd have to convince the boyfriend that it's a reasonable amount of money for a scale (it isn't, really).
  • milo321
    milo321 Posts: 23 Member
    Started round 1 today. total body cardio fix done. very humbling. had to modify surrenders and Xcountry ski exercise. do i log my workout as aerobics? no HRM. Thanks, milo
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    No juice :(

    And the scale was expensive. Its been on my wishlist forever, but my husband just bought it for me on a whim :) I love it so far. Even though it has my weight higher. I am over it now LOL
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Awesome - glad you like the scale... maybe I'll ask for one for Christmas, if I'm still trying to lose weight by then.

    Ok, juice is out. I assumed so.

    Milo, I had to do lots of modifying too - I can't do jumping jacks or the xcountry ski either. Too much jumping ;)
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome @milo3 and @Katiebear_81. I've started by modifying all the excersise and am now able to do quite a bit without modifying. Today starts week 3 of round 2 (first round no excersise - only food plan).

    @katiebear_81 like you I have to work out at night - or when I get home from work due to work and kids...I get things settled in first when we get home and then it's 30 min for me and Autumn.

    This weekend was sh#$&.I so let myself go and give in. Aweful. What's even worse is that my body let me know it too...I was nauseated all last night and don't really want to see food today. Yick...just the thought of it. I only skipped one day of excersise so I did fairly ok with that.
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone! I haven't checked in since last week but I am starting round two today with two friends. I did round one with no weights so I went out this weekend and picked up 2 five pounders. Boy! was it harder. I was dripping. Not looking forward to Upper Fix. I hope everyone had a great day.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Busy Wonderful Birthday

    Yesterday was Rob's birthday so I took a day off from being online much but not a break from my exercise. I baked a cake and we had a fantabulous day. Including pizza and cake and ice cream.

    Yesterday's Workout

    21DFX: W3/D1: Plyo Fix Extreme
    Previously I would do this and go up on my toes a bit but my ankle is still bothering me. (Yes, it's been sensitive for weeks but it's still not stopping me from functioning. It is, however, keeping me from doing more.)

    Slim in 6: W4/D1: Burn It Up
    I surprised myself. I didn't miss a rep, although I confess I don't know how many reps for the push-ups I'm supposed to be doing. I just do 10, on my knees, for now. I also used a heavier resistance cord.

    Treat Meal

    Our family traditionally enjoys pizza and cake and ice cream on a birthday and yesterday was no exception. I didn't hold back. I enjoyed every bite. I don't know why but I never wake up the next day after a treat meal feeling worse. I know a lot of people say they feel bloated or lack energy, etc. I don't ever have that experience. Weird, I know. Makes it harder, I suppose, to resist since I don't have the post-treat-meal crash that others seem to have. I guess it's a good thing I don't have a treat meal each and every week. Of course this means I will have less reason to resist the temptation of all the foods my mother is going to throw my way.

    Morning Workout

    21DFX: W3/D2: Upper Fix Extreme
    I made it through without missing a rep (did the planks and push-ups on my knees) and used the heavier resistance cord yet again. I won't be using it tomorrow for Pilates Fix Extreme. No way. But today felt good.

    10 Mins Hardcore
    Again, on my knees for the planks but I made it through, dripping sweat. Ugh.

    Slim in 6: W4/D2
    Thin Thighs Guaranteed
    My legs were arguing with me, telling me to just stop already. Nice try but no. I pushed through and even did the bonus squats at the end.
    Slim & 6-Pack
    Two ab workouts in one day on top of Upper Fix Extreme. Yeah. I obviously hit my abs hard today.
    Slim & Limber
    A well deserved stretch at the end of a sweaty workout.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

    We have company coming over tonight for dinner and I need to start thinking seriously about packing for my trip. Twelve days, three of them at a yoga place in the mountains, two trips into the city for lunch with friends, and at least one night out to dinner at a nice restaurant. I need to pack for a variety of social circumstances. And knowing me, I'll over-pack.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    That sounds like a lovely night, Satia! And a lovely trip.

    I ate every last crumb of food allowed yesterday! Ha ha. I was starving. Today will likely be the same. I do have to say that I am loving be able to have half a grilled cheese sandwich if I want one! :) I've done so many restrictive diets, and just couldn't face that again.

    Upper body fix last night. Turns out that my legs are killing me, like crazy sauce. I have no idea how I'm going to get through my workout tonight... I can barely walk! Ha ha.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @Katiebear_81 - good job!! My first week, I was so sore I could barely move. I didn't think I'd be able to make it through Friday's Cardio Fix. Strangely, though, doing that workout got me past the worst of the soreness. Moving helps, even though it's counterintuitive. And stretch a lot during the day if you can.

    @SatiaRenee , glad you had a fun day and (as always) a productive one, too. How's the doggie doing? Your vacation sounds awesome, I'm sure you'll have a great time.
  • milo321
    milo321 Posts: 23 Member
    finished Day 2 upper fix. Loved it! only modification today was push-ups! am loving this program! :)
  • bethberg12
    bethberg12 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm on Day 2 of the 21DF eating, and week 2 of T25 Alpha Round. Did Lower Focus today. I took "before" pics, but not measurements. I'll do that tonight!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Upper fix done. Used the heavier weights quite a bit today and it feels awesome! Just to think how far your body can come in 3 weeks.
    Hubby bragged about me to his lady coworkers :blush: and how he can see a difference - so he had to bring in the food plan and booklet so they can see what it is all about ..lol. have to admit..that did make me feel great for him to brag on me like that :)
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @germany03 I can see why that would make you feel great!!!
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone. Im new here. I got the 21 day fix a few weeks ago, and have been following the exercise plan, but am having a hard time full committing to the containers for two reasons. 1 - i have a very hectic sales job, that requires me to 'entertain' quite a bit, so it's hard (and most of the time impossible) eating my packed lunches. I am doing the best i can (bringing my fruit along to golf outings, etc) but still cant make it 100% work consistently.

    2 - would be i need to ditch the night time eating. I have a terrible habit of eating junk after a perfectly clean day of eating. I want to 'restart' (or officially start :) ) the fix tomorrow and do the absolute best I can and completely ditch any snacks after dinner. I want to preplan all of my containers and not leave any over for a night time snack. Even if i give myself something little, it is still a trigger to me.

    I plan on going back and reading a little bit of everything here in the group and I look forward to meeting you. I think half of the battle will be just the not eating after dinner part!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jpkrueger I think it's safe to say that Holly is better. I was afraid to say anything too soon because I had already thought she was on the mend and then she had another round of diarrhea. We're still mixing a bit of rice in with her food but by tomorrow she will be back to eating normally. Yesterday was her "birthday" and we gave her some new toys.

    @bethberg12 I am thinking of doing T25 when I get home from my trip. My son said he might want to do PiYo with me but hasn't committed to it yet so I am not sure what I'll be doing. If I don't get a commitment from him one way or the other before I leave, then I'll decide what I want to do before I get back. While it would be fun to do PiYo with him (he lives in Chicago so when I say "with" him I mean it in the virtual sense), I may even decide to just do it on my own again. Or, as I said, do T25 instead.

    Morning Workout

    I really really really didn't want to work out this morning. I woke up with a mild headache and just wanted to not move. I had some water and took some aspirin because I've learned the hard way that these things don't go away. When I started, I still had a wee bit of a headache.

    21DFX: W3/D3: Pilates Fix Extreme
    I remember when I really disliked the Pilates workout in the regular 21 Day Fix and I know someday I may feel differently but right now I am not a fan of this workout. It's the cords. I know that's why I don't enjoy it much. Having said that, however, I'm actually considering bringing this DVD with me on my trip. I mean, I could do it once or twice while I'm out of town. Bringing it with me doesn't mean I'll follow through but the fact that I'm even thinking of bringing it along shows what a glutton for punishment I truly am.

    Slim in 6: Rev It Up
    This is my first time using this DVD (thanks to my son who was able to work his technological magic on one of our devices) and I can see how this workout is somewhat easier than third and final DVD in the program but I still felt like I was struggling with some of the kicks when I was down on all fours. Maybe that's also because I had done so much already with 21DFX. It will be interesting to see how much more easily I move through these Slim in 6 workouts when I'm not doing them back-to-back with 21DF/X.

    Starting 3 Day Quick Fix Tomorrow

    I am once again doing the 3 Day Quick Fix as I come to the end of another 21 day cycle. I lost 2 lbs the first week of 21DFX and then nothing last week. I always seem to drop between one and three pounds on 3DQF. And when I finish that . . . well, I am doing the 3 Day Refresh. Six days of hitting my nutrition before leaving on vacation. I just want to drop as much weight as I can before I leave knowing how my mother and I are really bad influences on one another and indulge ourselves more than we probably should when we get together. I am still saying to myself that I'll try to be good and make healthier choices. And that's why I'll be bringing my resistance cords and DVDs with me because even if I am not a saint, I can at least try to undo some of the damage that will inevitably occur when my mother insists I try the dessert at some restaurant that she loves . . .

    She's such a temptress!
  • TheFo1dOut
    TheFo1dOut Posts: 49 Member
    This is supposed to be my 3rd week of my 1st round, I feel like I chose a bad time to start as I haven't been able to fully commit due to commitments on the weekends and being out of town. I'll be out of town AGAIN this weekend so I'm going to miss at least 2 workouts. Regardless I'm going to stop looking at this as a 21 day fix and more like a life fix, I'm just going to keep chugging along and when the workouts get boring I'll pick up a new program. What are some of your favorites that I can incorporate into my Fix workouts?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @TheFo1dOut I did PiYo with 21 Day Fix and LOVED it. There were a few times when I chose to rearrange the PiYo schedule because I didn't want to do lower body stuff back to back but the two workouts really complement one another nicely. Plus, PiYo seems to be one of the workout programs that beachbody likes to "hybrid" with other programs so, as you build your library, you can easily build on PiYo from there. You'll also find a lot of beachbody coaches who have created hybrids for their clients and share them online. Like this person: http://thefitnessfocus.com/piyo/piyo-hybrid-workout-schedules-calendar-downloads

    I have T25 and, although I haven't used it yet, I have watched the workouts and they look intense but fun. I chose T25 because I knew beachbody had an official PiYo/T25 hybrid calendar and I was thinking ahead, to the day when maybe I want to mix things up without having to invest in yet another program. LOL!

    Of course, the obvious choice for when you are ready to do something other than 21DF is to do 21DFX. And you might even want to do something other than a beachbody program altogether. I know, that's a shocking suggestion (and please, everyone, don't tar and feather me for saying this). When I get back from my vacation I'll be doing Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution. Like many of beachbody's programs, hers is a 90 day program but her approach is different from what the coaches on beachbody do and I'm a huge believer in keeping the body confused. Of course, I also plan on doing a beachbody program along with JMBR, as I've mentioned in my previous daily check-in. So much depends on what my son wants to do.

    And not that you asked but here are some of the other programs I have on my radar for future purchases:
    Tai Cheng
    Brazil Butt Lift
    ChaLEAN Extreme
    and maybe Cize (waiting on the infomercial before I decide)
    and maybe even go old school and grab Hip Hop Abs
  • TheFo1dOut
    TheFo1dOut Posts: 49 Member
    @SatiaRenee thanks for all of the suggestions! I've been toying with the idea of T25 because the big selling point for me is the 25 minutes. I've noticed that I can absolutely do a half hour workout before work without messing up my schedule too much but I think if I go beyond the 30 minutes I'm going to have to wake up even earlier than 530 and lets be honest...I don't dig that. haha!
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    Anyone mind if I chime in? Today is day 1 for me! Have the workout in, but kind of botched getting prepared for my foods. I'm hitting the grocery store tonight, though, to grab some needed items and will just do the best I can until then. My container count will be off for today, but I am ok with that.

    Anyone have any great tips for me? lol I am big on salads as it is, so that's all good, but not huge on veggies and fruits. I am going to have a hard time w/ the dressing recipes, so if anyone has any other good ones, I'm all ears! (er, eyes as the case may be) :p
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Haven't 'checked in' in a few days. Have some visitors from out of town so been a little hectic around here. Have still been getting my workouts in though. Pilates Fix Extreme today...was better doing it this week with my new band. Not one of my favourites though. I felt like I burned more than my HRM said, lol. I've been trying to get some time in on the bike as soon as I wake up the last few days. Even if it's 5 minutes, I go as hard as I can and am finding it helps. Sometimes I get 10 minutes in but depends on when the kids get up mostly.

    The scale moved!!!!! :smiley: And downwards! Finally. Yay!!! It's down 2lbs since not losing anything for over a week. Glad it finally moved. Not sure what caused it to break - if it's me doing the bike thing in the morning orrrr because I kind of had some cheat meals the last few days. I had McDonalds on Friday (within calorie limit though) and on Saturday the scale was down .5 lb. o.O Thought it was weird but I'll take it. On Sunday there was pizza and cake at work for someone retiring, AND we had Popeyes for dinner for Fathers Day....so I went a little over my calories that day, and Monday morning the scale was down 2.5lbs!!! Ended up having McDonalds again last night too but within calories...and today was up .5lb from the Monday. I don't really get it...but I think it has helped rev up my metabolism again and I'll take it. Tomorrow is my Grandmother's birthday and she likes to serve a lot of food (European) so tomorrow will be tricky but definitely staying on track best I can until company leaves. Will be a lot easier when they are gone though - less temptation. :)