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Daily check in



  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I really want to try the Brazilian Butt Lift. Ha ha. I'm curious if it really works, or rather what kind of results I'd see.

    BF was trying to tell me that I'm looking so good lately... but I think he was just trying to blow smoke up my *kitten* - nothing has changed! Ha ha.

    Last night I opted out of the workout. I had seen my acupuncturist and massage therapist earlier in the day (I have a pinched nerve in my neck, and my left hand is numb most of the time), and didn't want to "undo" anything... besides her saying that I needed to go home and REST with a hot pack on my neck/back. So I did that, instead. I'm thinking that I'll make this a 22 day fix, instead. I kept the nutrition dialed in tight, even left some food on the table, after I had decided not to work out. I did do a lot of walking yesterday, so hopefully that offsets some of the missed workout calories from today.

    General question - is it generally accepted or frowned upon to do things like "save" a container for another day? For example... I'd like to eat a whole banana. Can I save one purple container from yesterday, and then eat a whole banana today? Or is that not recommended? Can I save one yellow container every day so I can have a glass of wine every third day?
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    TheFo1dOut wrote: »
    @SatiaRenee thanks for all of the suggestions! I've been toying with the idea of T25 because the big selling point for me is the 25 minutes. I've noticed that I can absolutely do a half hour workout before work without messing up my schedule too much but I think if I go beyond the 30 minutes I'm going to have to wake up even earlier than 530 and lets be honest...I don't dig that. haha!

    BEWARE - I have T25 - and although I haven't completed the program yet -it is not always 25 minutes! that doesn't include warm up or cool down and there is a double day every week
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @Katiebear_81 it's hard to say if making those changes will affect your progress. Logically it seems like it makes sense...but weight loss doesn't seem to be logical all the time. My advice would be, stick to the program as closely as possible, as Autumn says it was "designed this way for a reason". If you want to make those tweaks, just keep an eye on your progress and if it starts to slow down, you might want to go back to the way things are written.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Good advice, @jpkrueger. I think I'll stick to the program as closely as possible. I do understand that changing things up can effect the end results. I've never done this program before, so it would be hard to base my results against anything... so it makes sense to just stick to the rules. :)
  • kathymford
    kathymford Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, this thread is rockin' since I left! I was going to try and do 21DF with my running program (my first half marathon in 77 days!) but I'm not sure it's going to work. I'm still doing the eating plan though and running 3-4 times a week. I am behind in my training, but it my first 3 mile run yesterday, I could tell I was stronger thanks to my first round of 21DF!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Good luck with the marathon! A friend of mine recently completed one. She loved doing it, but training was hard!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @Katiebear_81 I agree with @jpkrueger. The program is designed and has been tested so I would follow the program closely at least the first one or two times through. After that, you may see ways you want to tweak what you're doing. However, I can honestly say that skipping containers is often what results in my gaining weight. Not a lot and I never skipped intentionally but the end result was that I did gain a few ounces along the way instead of losing steadily. Guess what? When I ate more containers than I'm allotted, I started losing again. This is why I'm thinking that, when I get back from my vacation, I'll be moving up a bracket after the first few weeks I'm home.

    Had a Hard Fall Yesterday

    Bad enough that my husband and both dogs came running to see if I was okay. I wasn't sure I could make it through today's workout, especially because it's leg day. Pretty sure I strained a muscle or two in my thighs trying not to fall.

    Morning Workout

    21DFX: W3/D4: Lower Fix Extreme
    I surprised myself and managed to get through the workout. I wrenched my knee yesterday and was feeling it on the lunges and the squats but I still worked through it. I plan on taking an anti-inflammatory after breakfast.

    Slim in 6: W4/D4: Thin Thighs Guaranteed/Slim & 6-Pack/Slim & Limber
    Oops. I meant to do 21DFX 10 Min Hardcore too this morning but forgot. I may or may not try to hit it later today but no promises. It's gong to be a busy one. Managed to get through the rest of the workout a sweaty mess but fine. A few painful twinges here and there but I survived or I wouldn't be typing this. LOL!

    Starting 3 Day Quick Fix Today

    Trying to drop a few bonus pounds before I head off on my vacation where I'm likely to regain some of the weight I've been working soooooo hard to lose. We'll see how it goes.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee ouch, hope you're ok after your fall! Good luck with the 3DQF...ick...will probably do again myself in a couple of weeks. I don't enjoy it but it is effective.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Ouch, I hope you are ok.
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    @jpkrueger or @SatiaRenee, how is the 3DQF different? Obviously it's only 3 days, but is the eating plan different, the workouts different, or both?
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Hi @vicki8seekers . Do you have the 21 Day Fix? The Quick Fix is detailed in a pamphlet that comes with the program. The workouts are the same. The eating is pretty different - it is very specific foods, 6 times a day for 3 days. It's based on a concept called carb depletion - low carb, high protein. It's not a very enjoyable way of eating long-term but definitely works for a 3-day plan to slim out a bit.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Oh no! Hope you feel better as the day goes on, Satia!

    I did pilates last night - it was just what I needed! I packed up my food for today, but getting it out of my bag... it doesn't feel like quite enough. Some days my brain is still weird about how much of what kind of food I'm eating. I'll definitely be getting my water in today!

    Had a small glass of wine last night. Tasted like heaven! Ha ha! We drink socially often, so restricting alcohol has been interesting, and not something that I'm used to.
  • mwebber1881
    mwebber1881 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my name is Mary and today I am starting to eat healthier. I started the 21 day fix exercise program before and never finished it so I am giving myself a goal to get it done this time. I don't use the containers I prefer to track my food with MFP. This group looks great and hopefully keep me motivated!!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @mwebber1881 welcome - you have found a great group to support you to reach your goal of finishing 21 DF :)
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Ok..pilates done....and..first time I have attempted to double up and made it half way through total body cardio in addition to pilates ..yeah me!!! :) it might not seem like much but considering that I have been going nonstop at work today w/o lunch :( (time ran away from me) I think that was pretty good. ...problem is though now MFP won't let me finish my diary because i have less than 1000 calories . I know that's not good but I don't won't to overeat now at night to make up those calories.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @vicki8seekers @jpkrueger beat me to the punch. The 3DQF is part of the 21 Day Fix program and it is just 3 days of a more restricted diet. No blue. No purple Depending on your bracket, you may be eating fewer yellow and green. Or, if you're like me, you're eating more red and green but the same number of yellows. And more oranges in the form of coconut oil. I actually think the 3DQF is an excellent way to introduce a newbie to how to use the containers because you aren't using them all and it is quite simple. On the other hand, the food is very restricted and may discourage some if they think this is how it's going to be for the entire 21 days.


    Went to my hairdresser's yesterday and he noticed I'd lost weight. Yaaaay!

    Morning Workout

    My legs are still feeling it from yesterdays Lower Fix Extreme so all the squats and lunges of today's Cardio Fix Extreme was just brutal. I had to swap out my "light" 5 lbs weights for lighter 3 lbs because I simply couldn't do a second round of shoulder presses with the other ones. Still was brutal and I struggled with some of the leg work in Slim in 6: Ramp It Up because it just . . . ugh . . . I mean, my legs were already sore and then I did Si6 squats and lunges and then Debbie Siebers has me on my hands and knees and doing leg extensions? Really? Is that necessary?

    I missed a few reps. Maybe next time I won't.

    Looking Forward

    So today is Day 2 of 3DQF and my granddaughter is going to be here. We always have so much fun. I have a small gift for her (an Easter basket item that got lost in the closet and only recently found its way out again) and a coloring book for us to share. Hopefully she won't mind my having to eat every 2 hours. :open_mouth:

    Sunday is my last day of 21 Day Fix Extreme and normally I would do my "after" pics and measurements the Monday afterwards but Sunday I'm also starting the 3 Day Refresh and I have a feeling that the 3DR may skew my Monday morning results. So Sunday I'll take the pics and measurements which will also serve as my "day 1" stats for the 3DR.

    I was also thinking about my vacation and I'm going to bring a tape measure with me. I won't have access to a scale. I'm sure my mother has one but I am not going to seek it out. Instead, I'll just measure myself every morning to hold me somewhat accountable. I have no illusions about the fact that I will very likely gain weight while I'm away. My mother and I are absolutely the worst influences on one another. However, I can at least try to keep myself in check. Hopefully this will also keep me from being too shocked when I am home and step on the scale that first morning home.

    Have a fabulous Friday everyone. I'm off to take a quick shower and get ready for my darling granddaughter. :)
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    edited June 2015
    @jpkrueger and @SatiaRenee Thanks! I think I tossed the pamphlet thinking I would need to get this down first before I tried any more of a restrictive program. I'm sure 20 mins. on Google and I will find it...maybe, if I decide to try down the road!

    Welcome @mwebber1881...I'm new, too, so still learning! :smiley:

    So, for my daily check in, I finished day 2 out STRONG! I downloaded the Container Tracker app to help me so I don't have to carry sheets around all the time. I had one teaspoon left over, and went over 1/2 blue container and 1 orange container. But, I'm calling it a win. I'm hoping I can always do so well!

    I think part of it is just figuring out combinations of all of the foods I like.

    Did the lower fix this AM. Killed me after being sore from cardio fix. But, I did it!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Yesterday was uneventful, although we went out for dinner which meant a burger at a fancy curler place - one red, two yellows, and half of a green.

    It's supposed to be super hot here all weekend. High 90's (I think 32C).
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @vicki8seekers sounds like you are off to an awesome start!!!!

    @Katiebear_81 not easy going out to eat, sounds like you did really well!
  • tfd1408
    tfd1408 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on Day 2. Let me preface by saying that I'm kindof "mixing" my Beachbody programs. I started P90X3 on April 28 and saw little to no (maybe 2 lbs) weight change in the first two months. Talk about discouraging. So I asked a trainer friend who recommended 21 day fix because we both knew the problem was in my diet. So I started yesterday with the overwhelming task of containers. I really think it will become 2nd nature though. I decided to stick with my P90X3 workouts to finish them out, then take a week off and get back to the 21 day fix again. (Vacation will be the week off!) I lost 2lb on the scale just from yesterday to today, so I'm gonna call that progress!