Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Kathie I know you can reset your streak - if a Google search doesn't help you let me know and I'll see if I can find the destructions somewhere. I've never done it, but know you can. Hope you wind down and sleep well.

    @Liana I loved your reply to Goat about the cheese. You and me both! I found out last night that fried slices of hard parmesan cheese are pretty delicious. Just a shame 30g was all I could 'afford' to eat ha ha!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    May-- When you started this thread you started a very good thing! Over 1K now, and looks like MFP doesn't count after that. I'm so happy that you're seeing a losing trend now!!! I know how much you're looking forward to your week of hibernating with your hubby, and I hope it's a restful, restorative time for both of you.

    Jane-- Yep, I know what your avatar is referring to, now that you mention it. ;) You cougar, you.

    Rebecca-- Some things are so difficult that a sorrow always remains. I've found, though, that time does eventually soften the pain, and I hope that begins to be true for you in a way that brings comfort and peace. <3

    I was asked to bring strawberry shortcake to a family Independence Day celebration, so yesterday I made the sweet biscuits for 24 people. I froze them and will bake them just before heading out tomorrow. Our mother used to make shortcake when we were kids, so it's a culinary journey down memory lane to have it together every year. My siblings especially always look forward to it, and I enjoy making it for them. Have to admit, it will be a little sad to not have any. But I'll keep myself busy serving everyone and that will distract me. ;)

    I'm plugging away, but still no loss. :/ But I haven't gained anything in 4 days, so that's at least something.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning! Sounds like everyone's week is going well !
    @May glad your MIL is going home and it will be what it will be on their end. Out of your hands but no less worrisome for you. All my parents and inlaws have passed on so I don't know of the kinds of struggles advanced aging puts on you and your family. Hugs that it all works out for the best and they realize that assisted living is really the best option.
    @Rebecca sending positive energy your way :)
    @Karla sorry to hear about your dog. Can't be pleasant for him or you! Small meals and raised bowls definitely help. You can make raised bowl stands very easily. I'd suggest some but I don't know what size your dog is. Wishing you the best!
    @Kate I hate it when I miss a log in and it resets, it usually happens when I am travelling LOL So annoying !!

    Been super busy all week. My club is hosting 2 days of dog shows this weekend so lots of running around doing errands and getting the house ready for company. I have manage to take an hour or 2 for myself to enjoy the pool. It's nirvana in this heat. I always wanted one but my late hubby loved his lawns and didn't want them ruined by a pool ! I put it out in the big field where the grass is all brown anyway, and am loving it.
    Just passed the 3rd anniversary of his accident that stole him away from me and it was a little easier this time. I did things around here that I knew he would have enjoyed and tried to keep only good memories going instead of letting myself get too sad. It's always going to be hard but I know he wouldn't want me to be sad all the time.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Happy 4th to all my friends south of the border :)

  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Good Morning, I hope everyone is doing well.

    @ May - I am sorry for the in-law troubles. I am sure it is causing stress for both you and your husband. Hoping for a goid solution.

    @Rebecca - Thinking of you and wishing that you get past this crisis quickly.

    @ Karla- The crazy things we do for our pets...We adopted a 2 yr old hound/weimaraner mix . He barks all the time and eats anything including paper. He has allergies and takes benadryl. We love him anyway.

    Well, I binged last night, so back to square one trying to reach ketosis. It was a reaction to period hormones and emotions.
    That said, I am enjoying summer break. We have plans to make extensive repairs on our house and declutter as well.
  • sgm73
    sgm73 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, ladies! :) I've been lurking in this thread for a few weeks and thought this would be a good time to jump in. My name is Susan and I will turn 50 in October. You all seem like a wonderfully supportive bunch. We're all sharing many of the same struggles--stubborn aging parents and in laws, scales that won't move, empty nests, etc. It's nice to have other women to share this ride with.

    I've been on and off low carb for many years. For the past three, I've stayed pretty low carb, but have varied in my strictness with calories and logging, so it's taken me three years to lose 60 lbs. I lose for a while and maintain for a while. I really need to buckle down and pick up the pace to get the last 40 or so lbs off.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! B)
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Hope everyone is prepping for an awesome weekend. I have oodles to do in garden, then get back at wedding stuff. On another thread we were discussing sun screen, I have definitely noticed I am burning way less easily since taking coconut oil, don't know if this is connected or what. Still ss my face, but arms, back, body, etc haven't worried too much. I am a fair, blonde, blue-eyed girl with lots of freckles. Used to be red, white, then red over & over again. I actually have first tan ever. So I look average instead of ghostly.
    @May. Thanks. Did the reset & seems to have worked. Have a good time on your week away. Try not to stress over inlaws too much. (Know that's hard). Just bask in you time and togetherness with hubby.
    @Karla. Pets are the funniest thing. We got our Lurcher (border collie/greyhound cross) 13 yrs ago. Then son brought home a blue heeler & next year a border collie who are now ours somehow. We just did another round of porcupine quill removal. You'd think they'd learn, but obviously not.
    @Ellen. My family uses angel food cake as base for strawberry short cake, but the sweet biscuits sound delicious. I admire your perseverance & great attitude. At least no gain in 4 days is a victory of sorts. How are you feeling otherwise?
    @Cindy. Boy a pool would be nice right about now. Enjoy yours & we'll live vicariously thru your posts.
    @Rebecca. Hugs.
    @Liana. Yep, late I was. Maybe Canadian thing, lol?
    Welcome new ladies. Off to garden, then finish altering wedding dress, & then take off all the beading & reapply as she's decided she doesn't like it anymore. She couldn't have figured that out a month ago? Oh well, 3 weeks left & it'll be a mad scramble til then.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Good Morning / Evening Beautiful Ladies !

    I've been fiddling around with my new iphone trying to get MFP on it and think I've finally done it. I'm going away this afternoon for the weekend, and I was concerned that I'd lose my streak. Going to Kenora Ontario, on Lake of the Woods. When you look at the map, you can see that the area is mostly lake with many islands and lots of trees. Very pretty.

    I'll visit with my best friend since Grade 3 tonight. She has to work all day, just opened up her own pharmacy, so have to take a look at that. Then visit and drink my daughter's wine all evening. Then off to a co-worker's cottage Saturday morning and all day and possibly spend the night there in her 6 bedroom cottage on the lake. I can't even imagine having a house that big. I'm so curious to see this cottage. There are some million dollar plus cottages on that lake, but I'd take a simple cabin or tent if I had to. I think they have a big fishing derby this weekend, so it will be busy in town.

    I just finished making 2 dozen bacon and egg muffins to take with me to share. I'm waiting for them to cool enough to pack the cooler, then I'll be off later this afternoon. My daughter also baked almond meal cookies, chocolate chip and cocoa chocolate chip. It sounds like we will have a potluck brunch when everyone ( all nursing staff I think ) arrives tomorrow, then prime rib for supper. As long as there's meat, I'm fine. But I'll already be there tonight for a lovely visit.

    I love the drive, because our flat prairie gradually gets rockier as I drive into the Canadian shield, where the terrain is more rugged and rocky, and the trees are taller. My girlfriend has always had a boat, or various boats throughout the years, but we will likely stay at her place and catch up. She lives outside of town in a house her husband built, at the end of a dead end road, surrounded by tall trees and wild blueberries, deer and other animals, and the occasional bear.

    At the cottage, I want to swim, and try canoeing for the first time since I was a teenager on a canoe trip with my same girlfriend. We went with a group of students at about age 16, canoeing and backpacking for a week. Very cool. I love to be outdoors. Might try kayaking, as I'm not much for fishing. I do like to eat the fish though. The fish around here is walleyed pike. They call it walleye in Ontario and we call it pickeral in Manitoba.

    Well, I'd better get going. Have a lovely weekend everyone !
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hi all, welcome newbies. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend, me I'm working as usual. Sorry to hear all of what's going on with you but such is life. Put God in control and follow his lead. Gotta get on the scale tomorrow cross your fingers for me.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Kitnthecat - my canoe is sitting up on her blocks right now. We are both so busy that we haven't taken it out yet this summer and we live 20 minutes from the lake. It's just that our schedules are opposite right now with me working nights & him working days. I miss the canoeing. We usually do a Jan 1 paddle (if there isn't ice on the lake at that time) and a few others are out on the lake too but not as a group, just random. If there's ice on the lake we go up the mountain for a x-country ski instead. Hahaha, here I am veering off into winter already, I guess I'm looking forward to some time off. Lake of the Woods is gorgeous. My Grandparents on my mum's side were born there. Well, enough of that, I am off to the beach with a friend this afternoon. Just lazing about, not canoeing, lol.
    Welcome, sgm73!
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    edited July 2015
    Well, have a great weekend everyone. I do not have any real plans other than helping a friend move, maybe water aerobics and a walk for 30 minutes each day. I going out for dinner with some former coworkers tomorrow night they selected Olive Garden, I am already thinking about what can I eat at Olive Garden other than a salad. I purchase the coconut cooking oil today and a small pack of hazel nut spread. I am waiting patiently to try the hazel nut spread. I finding myself less hungry these days and realizing most time its just emotions. I find the low carb diet okay now, at first I thought how boring and trying to adjust to meat was a challenge as well.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hey @krazyforyou , I hope the weigh in goes well... B)
    Maybe you could get a steak or a veal chop (I've never been to an Olive Garden) to go with your salad, or at least a grilled chicken breast to top your salad, @FaithMathias. Hope you enjoy time for your workouts and time with friends.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I'm Karyn and Monday will be 7 weeks with this WOL. . So far so good, although of course the weight loss seems slow to me and the up and down of my weight is frustrating, so I am learning patience... I am 63 years old, so learning to be patient is a frustrating thing in itself lol. . Glad to have found this group.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning/evening everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend! Wedding prep is going full steam ahead (barring technical breakdowns). I have 1 side of dress altered & am off to finish other side once I'm done my morning BPC. I think this WOE is helping me keep things in better perspective, the printer/computer glitch yesterday normally would have sent me in to a tizzy. But I just figured I'll take programs to town & get computer nerd @ hubby's shop to give me a hand & we'll be done. I am in process of trying to rent fake cake as back up, in case the real one doesn't show up. Which is definitely a possibility, since DIL- to be's mother is the responsible for it & she just showed up after a 5 day bender where no one knew where she was. Not even her 3 small (11,7, & 6) children. They were just dumped at a relative's. Sorry, off topic. We will finish bride's bouquet tonight & then it's just the little stuff, I hope. My lists are still getting longer, instead of shorter, tho.
    Welcome new ladies.
    Have a great day all!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hey all. Worked this weekend but it wasn't bad at all. Did fall off the wagon a few times. Went to the movies today and yes I ate popcorn, oh well. Gonna do a water fast for a couple of days and start again. Hope your holiday weekend was great, it rained here in Alabama and we needed the water. See ya soon.
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    I made it to Olive Garden I was not happy with my meal . I had Rosemary chicken, mash potatoes and a salad but some how my fit app had me over 500 calories which the menu indicated for my dish Oh well the weekend is gone I just have to get back on track.
  • Texaslyn56
    Texaslyn56 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm Lyn, I'm 58 for a couple more months. I've only been on MFP for a few weeks, still finding my way around. I tried just the calorie counting initially, but then realized that low carb has always worked best for me. I've sort of been following a quasi-Atkins diet for the past 2 weeks and I've lost 14.5 pounds. Which sounds amazing, until you realize I need to loose half my body weight. And I know it will slow down soon, it is always easy to loose at first. I'm keeping my carbs between 20-22 grams, is that too low? Is there someway to set that (the carbs at 20%) here on MFP? I tried in the macros section, but could only find %. Water seems to be my salvation, huh, who would have thought that, I've discovered that a lot of time when I think I'm hungry, I'm really just thirsty. Anyway, I appreciate this board and hope to find some friends on here!
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Well, I was below my calories today and my carbs were at 75 tomorrow I will reduce my carb down by 10. I would say do carbs but I know that seem to be so difficult for me , so I will be realistic. I was wondering do most people weigh every day or once per week. I must say today I was not hungry as usual but I ate to get my calories up if I would have listen to my stomach and not my mind I would have had only Breakfast and Lunch but my fit appl. would have said, I did not eat enough and my diabete readings would have probably not been so great. I must stick to what I know and that is eating 1/4 meat, 1/4 starch, 1/2 veggie easy on the carbs they will make my blood sugar go up. so, I know I must eat every two hours as recommend although I can go long periods of time without food. That is what got me in trouble in the first place. So , today is coming to an end and I did not get enough water in so I guess I will be up and down all night because I am going to get my 22 ounces in . I will try for 64 ounces tomorrow and first thing in the morning it will be a one hour walk and a walk in the Afternoon. I figure if I can get two walks in a day every other day plus egrobike once a week and water exercise once a week it should speed things up. I really want to be 25 pounds smaller bye the end of the year. My long term goal is 100 pounds smaller but not via surgery or any other crazy method.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Oh wow Kathie, good thing you have your BPC ! You are doing great ! Hello lovely Ladies ! And sure is nice to see you here with us, Karyn !

    I was too tired to tell all about my weekend when I got home last night. And I really wanted to post pictures to show you all, but my technical support team ( my kids) just went out for a walk. So maybe another time.

    It's about a 3 hour drive to Kenora from my place, depending on the traffic. My first stop was my girlfriend Lorna's new pharmacy, lovely place. Then we were off to her house in the woods. It's such a beautiful private location at the end of a dead end road, with dense forest all around. There is a house across the street, but you can't even see it through the trees, and no neighbours on the other sides of her house. We didn't go down the trail to look for berries, but I hear the wild blueberries are already coming, as well as the strawberries and raspberries. Next time. We spent a few hours picking the last time, and this visit was too short to do any picking....after all, we had wine to drink !

    I brought my bacon and egg muffins, some almond meal cookies made with xylitol of course. I figure that if that's the only treat I would have all weekend, then I'd better bring something with me to share. And some of the homemade wine and my homemade garlic dill pickles, and dilled carrots. Burgers for supper Friday and eggs for breakfast both days, sure makes it easy to travel while keto. The wine sure hits me quickly though...lol. It was very relaxing to catch up with my friend, her husband not so much as he's kind of a party pooper. We had a huge fire that evening ( no threat of forest fires where we were.) A lovely breakfast the next morning, then perfect timing for my departure, since my friend Lorna would be going on a day long hike with her good male friend who is like a brother to her, while I would head out to the cottage, while her husband planned to sit around inside on the computer. I tried to sell him on low carb, since he could stand to lose quite a few pounds. Lorna was headed out for a rugged hike into the wilderness, rock climbing and such. It was kind of funny, to watch her husband wimping out and depending on her to do all the heavy lifting around the yard. Even with a newly separated shoulder, she was more capable and stronger than him. She has always kept herself in good shape. She is a pharmacist who gives diabetes education and recommends 45 g carbs per 3 meals daily. She doesn't approve of my keto ways and told me she could smell ketones on me, but she is willing to give me the benefit of the doubt that I know what I'm doing. I must say that she goes a step beyond the usual medical advice, and really educates her patients on what those carbs look like in reality.

    Then off to the cottage, armed with a hand drawn map and instructions, a little tricky to get there, off the beaten path. There were 17 of us in total there, all of them immigrants or children of folks from the Phillipines, except me! But after working at the nursing homes with them since 1982, they are my people too. So the sight that greeted me when I arrived was a full buffet of Filipino dishes cooked with love. Luckily there were no spring rolls or lumpia ( tiny meat filled egg rolls), because I am a sucker for them. There were empanadas, my other favorite, but I didn't touch them, or the sticky rice, or stews with sweet sauces. Pansit noodles are always offered, but I just told them that I don't want to eat starchy stuff ( had just one bite though ), and I stuck with roast chicken, fish and I did have some pork filled dumplings, and what they called meatloaf.

    These folks are gracious and friendly, and the cottage was lovely and homey, but huge according to my standards. Lots of space for entertaining, a gorgeous kitchen, sitting rooms and dens and screened porches, 6 bedrooms and 3 full baths, and a full wrap around deck off the main floor, then a whole full basement to boot !

    Some of the guests headed out on a trip to a casino, so the rest of us went swimming off the dock, in lovely deep water. I love swimming in deep water. No canoe, I wasn't brave enough, but the swim did me good. We took a drive into town in the evening, then watched a movie. It turned out that only me and 2 others stayed overnight, but we each had our own wing and bathroom to ourselves, amazing. It was a very relaxing, enjoyable weekend, even though we had a thunder storm before bed and it started raining again the afternoon I left.

    Our hostess' husband arrived before I went home yesterday, so I visited with him for a while. He is a lawyer, and quite overweight. His wife, my co-worker had told me that he has already bought the "Wheat Belly" book, so I knew he knows something about low carb. I couldn't resist, I had to share a bit of info re: my own weight loss. I gave him some tips especially on what to eat when out for a meal, as he usually has lunch out with clients. What could be better than a weekend at the lake, discussing low carb ! What I love the most though, is to be out in nature, among the trees, and by the lake.

    I returned to work today to learn that the city had a storm which caused flooding in the basement again at work, and the basement where my office is located, is off limits. We waited for instructions on where we would work, but no one had answers. Payroll day, so it was pretty stressful getting going in a makeshift office without my usual resources. I stayed over an hour extra today, just to get everyone's hours in, but now I am way behind. And there's no telling what will happen tomorrow. It looks like we might be out of our office for quite a while. My BPC supplies are down there stranded ! I'll have to make extra in the am at home and bring it in a thermos I suppose.

    Sorry for the long post. Yikes. I couldn't figure out how to post on my home page daily like Jane did while away. How do you start a post on the news feed on an iphone ? Anyone know ?
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 205 Member
    Good morning and Happy Tuesday! I hope you have many smiles today!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited July 2015
    Geeez... it seems LC'ers like to start a new thread with every thought that comes into our heads. Perhaps a suggestion from the mods to look for a similar thread before starting a new one... Stuff I'm trying to follow is always back a few pages, including our thread, and we comment a lot, lol.
    Anyhow, there's my rant for the day. A shout out to all us Western Canadian Gals, Hoping everyone stays safe with all the massive fires in our provinces (esp @Sk8Kate).