Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oh gosh, I’m so behind again. Should just stop kidding myself that I will ever be able to reply to everyone and move on ;)

    @Ellen, I am *so* happy and relieved to hear that the Heart Calm seems to be helping you and you’re getting some sleep, and fewer palpitations. Here’s hoping it will continue to help you more and more! And that’s fantastic about the extra calories. Keep it up!

    @Janice Well my jaw is dropping as I read of your lack-of-basement situation. Good grief! If it had been me I think I’d have picked up my personal belongings and walked right out the door. Then they’d find out what PROBLEM means! Vent all you wish.

    @Syl Oh gosh, I’m glad you’re safe. That is indeed what matters! I don’t use any water additives so I’m glad others could help you. I love my water *cold* and hubby loves his straight from the tap. I guess you’ve tried different temperatures to see if that helps? Some like theirs near boiling with a squirt of lemon.

    @Cindy I hope your home and garden sorting is still going well?

    @Jane missing you here and do hope you are healing quickly?

    @Rebecca it’s so good to see you <3 I hope your new home building will stay on schedule and not fall too far behind. And an early birthday greeting to dear Lilly and Rose! I’m so very sorry about your brother. I lost mine when he was 48; it’s far too soon isn’t it? Answering as I read your message and have just seen about your other brother. Oh Rebecca! There are not words. I’m so very, very sorry! And you know? It’s alright that you’re not ready. Nobody is asking you to be anything right now. If you can take it hour by hour, or minute by minute, that’s ok. And if you can’t even do that, that’s ok too. Please don’t put expectations on yourself that you should be, or do, anything at all. There is love and understanding and patience here for you, in huge quantity!

    My friendship and support to everyone in the group here as I wind down ready for my holiday. Do we allow ourselves to feel worn out as we lead up to a holiday, or is the exhaustion genuine? I always find that I feel completely worn out in the lead up, and I have been feeling that for a few weeks. Just in desperate need of the break; to escape everything that weighs down daily and cast it all aside for a few precious days. We leave Monday morning, but have 3 crazily busy days between now and then so, although I’ll read this thread, I may not have time to comment. We probably won’t have any internet or phone access while we’re away, and David is off work for another week after we get back. Just letting you know it could be after 3rd August until you hear from me again. I almost always write the story of our holidays on a website http://www.mayl.id.au if you feel like a holiday/vacation somewhere in the southern hemisphere. I hope to write about this one when we return. Keep well, be at peace so far as you can, and sending love! May

    ETA I'm not complaining about feeling worn out before a holiday, just curious whether the exhaustion is mind-generated so I feel I deserve the holiday, or genuine, and I've been hanging on tight to get this far. Whether anyone else gets the same way?
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @May I always tell my husband that before he goes on a business trip, he "leaves" about a week before his actual departure date. I think it's part of the preparedness and anticipation for the trip and an unconscious energy to do what is ahead. Maybe that's what you're experiencing in anticipation of your holiday. Your body knows it's going to get to relax, so it's already started moving in that direction, which makes you feel less energetic for the things you have to do before you leave. It's kind of like you're fighting yourself, trying to keep going and starting to relax at the same time. My description is probably not very coherent, but maybe you can get through my clumsy words to understand what I mean.

    We will miss you, but we'll be very happy knowing that you're having a wonderful, restorative time with your best guy! <3
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh Ellen, you described it perfectly and that truly does make sense! Thank you so much. I always like to understand the 'who, what, when, where, why' of everything - and the 'how' too, but it doesn't fit in that list ;) Thank you <3

    And I will miss you all too but yes, truly looking forward to just being selfish and not having to share David with his parents, or job, or the world.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone.
    @May. Have a great holiday! I think the pre-holiday tiredness is just so we really get to relax once we ge there.
    @RATSMITH69. My condolences. So sorry to hear about your losses. You're struggling with so much on your plate right now. Sending you massive waves of comfort & sympathy.
    @Janice. The work situation sounds horrible but I'm glad the fasting seems to be working so well for you. I really think this WOE helps us all in dealing with life's curveballs. It sounds like adapting is becoming a habit for you.
    @Ellen. The Heart Calm sounds like it's doing the trick. I'm so glad for you. I admire your perseverance in figuring this out.
    @Jane. Take care of yourself. You had me worried. The heat you live in must make it even easier for dehydration to sneak up on you. The 2 mos/ yr we get heat is hard for us to get used to sometimes (but I love it).
    Sorry just a quick note this morning, off to find a dress. I have 2 hrs to shop today, then 2 days next week if I don't find anything.
    Take care everyone
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Hi Ladies, just peeking in to wish May a happy holiday and say hi to all.

    My stress level is increasing at work, much to my dismay. I find I get headaches from trying to squint to see this tiny laptop they set up for me in the managers' office. There is no air circulation so the air pressure seems to make my head feel three times it's size. I am interrupted numerous times per day by people trying to find the managers who use that office, and then when the evening mgrs come in, they don't want me in there, so give me attitude. But their presence prevents me from completing all the work I need to do before I go home, due to having to conduct their own business regarding the status of 218 residents while I am in there trying to finish up. Yesterday there were 7 of us in that tiny space, no wonder I have a headache ! I can hardly wait to get my own space again, hopefully back with payroll.

    I think I have been doing amazingly well, especially considering my love of routine and quiet in order to concentrate. I've come a long way in being able to keep calm after having dealt with anxiety issues in the past. I'm OK, but still on edge, a bit jittery and out of my element. 3 of us were supposed to meet today to try to find some of our belongings in the wreckage in the basement today, but there was no time...hopefully tomorrow. I know that this situation could not be foreseen, but I feel out of sorts without all the stuff I need to do my job, and the fact that the management doesn't seem too concerned. It makes me a bit anxious and sad, like they don't value the work we do, and don't care about us. Sigh.

    Sorry Ladies, I know I've already complained about this to you. I'm hoping I'll get over it now.

    Well, my 2 kids packed up and checked into a downtown hotel for an anime convention a little while ago, so I won't see them for 3 days. Not sure what to do with myself, all alone in the house. Wish I had a David to spend some time with ! It sure will be weird here without them. Not sure how I'll sleep or get up tomorrow for work. I know I've told you that my oldest daughter gets up at 5:25 am, and my alarm is set for 5:30. But Anna makes the coffee and does all the dishes ! I'm going to have to wash dishes....or just fast until she gets home lol !

    I'm thinking that once I get used to them not being here, it will some time for R&R, some "me" time this weekend.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Kitn...Sometimes being ignored is the ultimate signal that you are doing your job well. So well that nobody else has to think about it--until you don't do it, or make a mistake. Take comfort. This too shall pass.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Janice. Yes do "me time" all weekend. Make it a stay-cation and pamper yourself. Soak up the sun on your deck, give yourself a spa, pedi/mani, the works. All while sipping your daughter's great chokecherry wine.
    Sorry you're still struggling with work issues.
    I'll pop back in tomorrow to vent about me day yesterday.
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Well, its Friday and I am so happy to report others are saying I am losing weight. Now my scales are not saying that but if others can see it something must be happening. Next, I no not know if I mention I walk with a cane. It use to take me 30 minutes to walk a mile at the inside track at the local gymn now it takes only 15 minutes to walk a mile. So, I am happy, So, I am happy. Now, to set my goal to walk 2 miles in my 30 minute evening walk. I walk twice yesterday in the morning before 7:00 a.m and mid day at 12:30.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone. Cant believe how the time has flown by with no chance to reply for various reasons. Hope you are all well, especially any of you who have fires close or bad storms.

    I'll try to answer all of you but if I miss you....sorry! First off ...@Rebecca...so sorry to hear about your brother. It cant be easy dealing with that especially after everything else you have been dealing with. I am glad though that you got some time with him and it was a happy time shared. Makes the memories nicer. Sending lots of love and hugs your way.
    The time to 1st September will fly by and then you will realise just what you HAVEN'T decided/finalised!

    @Syl...welcome (Possible again,lol) I like the sound of Mio even if it is artifical...I hate water so unless I'm desperate I would use it to keep my intake up....and tea down,lol. Sadly we cant get it in Dubai.

    @ Ellen...I'm so happy your heart flutters seem to be responding to the HeartCalm as well as the sleepless nights improving. Now we just have to get your weight dropping again but maybe the better sleep and lack of disturbing flutters will reduce your cortisol and show some improvement. Adding Baxter to the mix will be a definite calmer too....as long as he's a good puppy(do they exist?lol)
    Thanks so much for your care and concern this last week. Your messages have been much appreciated.

    @Karyn....hows the stall? Has it broken yet? Hope so and....yes, how do you keep your carbs so low??? Your happy messages are really nice and make me smile!

    @ Kathie...totally understand what you mean about a heartfelt hugs being worth more than possible insincere thanks. We all know how much you have put into organising the wedding so I'm absolutely sure your son and dil do too and they know just how hard you have worked to give them the special day. Hope your blackeye blends away well. Looking forward to seeing some pictures....apart from knowing you are a blue-eyed blonde with freckles you have kept the rest secret! Lol
    Strawberries with cream....is there any better way!!! Especially if you have runny cream AND clotted cream!lol

    @Janice.....soooo sorry to hear everything that you are going through with the flood and being shunted around everywhere but you seem to be coping well and managing to control the stress without giving in so all power to you!! You are going from strength to strength!
    I really hope you enjoy the 'me time' weekend! Have a think of the nicest things you want to do for yourself which you havent been able to or even new things and plan to do as many as you feel you want to! You will enjoy seeing the girls that much more when they do get back.

    @ Cindy....wonder what happened to the baby birds? Flown or eaten?? You look brilliant in your photo! Well done!

    Finally @ May. I know how much you have been looking forward to your break away with 'The Hunk'. I really hope it is the best break and medicine you can have. Calm and healing and....you never know....you may come back skinnier!!!

    Thanks all of you who have been sending me messages regarding my health. Earlier this week I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer after having several bouts of nasty pain. They say its caused by Helicobacter Pylori so they put me on the triple therapy which is 2 strong antibiotics and a acid inhibitor for 10 days. Ugghhhhh. Antibiotics gave me diarrhoea and as the temps here have been between 116 and 126F I managed to get dehydrated and had awful kidney pain for several days. Not to mention having to eat yoghurt to keep my gut flora happy against the antibiotics. Happily both the diarrhoea and kidney pain have stopped although I might leave a trail of fluid wherever I walk I am drinking so much Hopefully the weather will cool down a bit soon.
    My carbs have gone up from around 18 to at least 34 this week but thats ok..still under 50 although the protein has been higher than the fats. Since having my Gall Bladder out 12 years ago if I eat a high fat meal I can guarantee an hour or 2 later I will be rushing to the loo with diarrhoea as the fat comes flying through (sorry if thats TMI)....couldnt add that to the mix so have had to keep the fats lower. Mind you its a useful reaction if I have got 'bunged up' which can happen with this WOE!Lol.

    Amazed myself today as we went out with the in laws to a new Syrian restaurant, my favourite food. I was going to just eat whatever and enjoy....I ended up eating salad, meat and chicken, hummous and 1 naughty thing...a bulger wheat ball filled with minced meat and pine nuts. A whole 6 gms carb for 1. I just didnt want any of the pastries, fresh baked breads or desserts! Damn! Having given myself permission too. Hubby said he didnt want any of those things either as the sustitutes I make at home meant he wasnt missing anything! Lol. I suppose thats good!

    Last but not least I want to say today in case I dont get a chance tomorrow..



    None of us would be on here without you starting this thread and you have given us a truly lovely place to be comfortable, friendly, miserable, happy but most of all supported by the lovely ladies who have joined. A huge Thank You (sincere,lol) and lots of love and hugs. You are a very special lady.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Oh! I forgot....Karla...how is your weight? Are you back down from you whooshes yet? I really hope so..you have done amazingly well so far and I love how positive you have stayed. Respect.....I would probably have just thrown the towel in!!!
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning ladies ! I am way behind on reading and chatting in here, been a crazy kinda week. The smoke has cleared then was relaxed with clouds and a little rain a couple of nights. Thankfully the pool water is retaining it's warmth and I am still able to go in and do my water workouts then relax. Got back to my crazy yard working yesterday and it felt to good. I don't know where all the energy comes from, I have a BPC in the mornings along with a second cup plain to rinse the mug LOL. Then I am good till dinnertime. Have a friend going through some very hard times so have been staying up to the wee hours having marathon phone conversations with him. But it's helping so thats a good thing :)
    @RATSMITH69 SO sorry for your losses, its always so trying and as stated above it never gets easier, you just learn different ways to cope xo
    @janice, I hope they get you settled back in soon and you and your coworkers are able to sort out all the boxed mess !!
    @jane Ulcers are no fun !! Been years since I had one but it's something I remember all too well. I had my gallbladder out ages ago but thankfully don't have any issues. No idea where the birds went, I am hoping they flew away, the adults are also absent so who knows but there's no evidence of feathers etc on the grounds :)
    @May have a wonderful holiday and we will here all your adventures when you return xo
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Jane thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Was woken at 8am (by appointment, and they were really good!) by my 2 granddaughters who had spent the night. They sleep on mattresses on the floor in our room, but creep out quietly when they wake and play for a while before waking us up. They'd been in the living area making me the most beautiful cards I've ever received, with such precious words.

    @Everyone thank you so much for the holiday wishes. We have a box in each of several rooms where we're depositing things to take. So nice to be driving away and not need suitcases and 'formal packing'. If I do get to a spot with internet access during the week I'll try to drop a line. Keep well, take it easy, stay awesome my beautiful friends <3
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Hello. I just finished reading this entire thread in one sitting. I've been wanting to for a while.

    My name is Donna. I am New York but have also lived in Miami, FL; Ft Worth, TX; near Athens, GR; Sacramento, CA; and OKC, OK; (conceived in Hawaii - TMI?)
    User name - old nickname from ex-husband
    Birthday - May 15, 1962; 53 now, no clue about menopause my hormones have been a mess since my early 20s
    Favorite LCHF meal - Boiled chicken legs with broth

    Gained 35 lbs in 2 months back in 1984 - lost 15 by starving; could not conceive until 1986; gestational diabetes in 1987 (gained 70 lbs while pregnant - lost 65 in 3 months); Insulin Resistance and polycystic ovaries diagnosed in 1989 left untreated; extreme facial hair growth; little or no menses from age 1987-1996 (now still regular - when will it end?); microprolactinoma found in 1998 - weight now at highest 275+ lbs; lost 55 lbs in 2 months in 2000 doing WW and LC but then broke my arm and gained it all back; Type 2 diabetes diagnosed in 2000 - untreated until given insulin in 2003; uncontrolled blood sugars (A1C @ 13) and recommended for gastric bypass; was too afraid and started Atkins in August 2009 and lost 98 lbs in 10 months (stopped insulin within 2 weeks); had tummy tuck, brachioplasty, and thigh plasty to remove excess skin in Fall 2010; developed lymphedema and painful lumps; wore compression garments for over a year; told my swelling was in my imagination when doctors could not figure out how to help me. Gained weight and could no longer exercise without pain; given diuretics that caused my kidneys to begin to fail (okay now that I stopped).

    I started seeking alternative medicine and was found to have many food sensitivities per kinesiologist/chiropractor/dietician/allergists. From 2011 - 2014, I gained 60 lbs back but was still not diabetic. I water fasted for a month in 2012 and lost the excess water but it came back when I began eating again. My ovaries have no eggs, my progesterone is that of a 20 year-old, my estrogen is elevated, I still get some facial hair and I still get a period each month. Diagnosed in May 2014 with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and treated with Synthroid. Started elimination diet with dietician; hit head-on in a high speed car accident in October 2014 and was hospitalized for months and still am not allowed to exercise. I had several fractures and most of my small intestine removed. Until June, I ate what I wanted but I am so swollen and in pain from it I knew I had to do something. So, I am back on LCHF, mostly keto and already less swollen and in less pain.

    Here's the good part:
    I am down 12 lbs in 4.5 weeks and hope to lose about 35 more. But we'll see, it is more about the swelling and less about the scale for me.
    I have overcome my bingeing compulsion
    I am no longer afraid to eat
    I feel in control again
    I found a doctor in my insurance plan who will prescribe T3 in addition to T4 and listens to me
    I met a wonderful man last month who does not mind my hideous scars
    I have excellent libido (sorry if TMI)
    I just got offered my all-time dream job when I thought I would have to retire on a disability
    I have found this excellent, supportive group of people who understand

    I promise never to post so much at once again
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    @FaithMathias - I too walk with a cane for distances and have reduced my mile walk from 30 minutes to 15 since starting back eating LCHF

    @Texaslyn56 - You are doing awesome! Your carbs are not too low as long as you feel good. I lost over 1/2 my body weight. It takes times and you will have ups and downs - mostly downs in the long run

    @MDAPebbles67 - This way of eating helped me overcome a serious binge compulsion. Has is been helping you yet?

    @jumanajane - I had totally forgotten about Leslie Sansone. A group of us who were morbidly obese at my work used to walk with her every workday. I am going to try it again!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @May Happy, merry, glorious, BIRTHDAY to you! May it be filled with love and laughter and celebration with the ones you hold so dear! I'm singing to you; can you hear it? <3<3<3
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @toadqueen/Donna Welcome! And wow, you certainly have been through so many things! So glad you've found help and are on the way to health and happiness.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Donna welcome to our group! You deserve applause for having got through over 1,100 messages, wow! You really have been through a lot, gosh! I truly hope that this WOE, and this group of friends, can help you to achieve all you wish for. And congrats on the new guy and the job, that's awesome.

    @Ellen thank you so very much! And yes, I can hear you singing like an angel.

    @Cindy I am going to have to wish you a very Happy Birthday prematurely because I won't be here on 21st. I hope you have a truly beautiful day, filled with all the joy and love you could wish for!

  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    @May Hope you have a wonderful birthday filled with things you love doing and people you love xo
    @Donna, welcome to the group :)
    Got a couple challenges this weekend, today is a community pig roast/pot luck, and tomorrow brunch with the girls. Eating away from home is always the hardest for me, wish me luck !!
    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend xo
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Happy Birthday May ! I'll never forget your birthday, since this was my grandmother's birthday too. Hope you've had a lovely day.

    Welcome @toadqueen. This is the best group here.

    Well, it was a truly *kitten* day at work yesterday, and I had a mini meltdown after having promises broken. I continue to be shuffled around without a proper work space or respect given to me to do my job, feel overwhelmed with the workload, lack of consideration and lack of communication. It's like working in a war zone, but the last straw was the management having a private pizza party right in front of us nobodies.

    Then when I was at my lowest point, I had a knight in shining armour swoop me up and take me down to his office so I could complete my work. He adjusted the chair, brought me water, put on "AC/DC" for me because that's what I was in the mood for ( usually listen to classical). I wanted to kick someone's butt. I looked at him like I was in the "twilight zone" not believing that someone was attending to what I needed. He gave me a little pep talk too, so that was nice. He also says he is going to let me use his office during construction, after witnessing the treatment I have received. That would be nice, as he's got a fridge, coffee maker and filtered water there. And he days on Monday he'll help me go through the wreckage to find my belongings and I can set them up in his office. Nice guy. Gave me a hug and keeps telling me I'm beautiful. :) blush

    I was exhausted when I got home though. But good news, the scale is down. I skipped eating yesterday evening despite the stress, which was good. That's new behaviour for me, better chance now that I can keep up that behaviour trend now. Went through my clothes and purged too big clothes and that felt good too.

    A new day today ! Going to make chicken bone broth since it's cooler here today, and my supply in the freezer is dwindling. OK ladies, I'm off to see Dr Randy. Have a great day/evening !
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    @cdpits - A pig roast sounds awesome!! I'm sure there's some potluck items that will work with you way of eating. Brunch could be quiche (don't eat the crust) or a yummy omelet

    @Kitnthecat - Way to end a crappy day! I love the positive behavioral changes I have achieved eating this way...Love is in the Air...hugs are nice :wink: