Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Friday!

    Welcome to the new abode!

    Ignore the group leaders listed (except me, of course)! I was deleting old members and accidentally clicked leader on the Heather member and could not change it. I could start a new group if you guys want a truly "brand new house." :) Marie and I bought this used one but could always build one from the ground up!! (No pun intended ;))

    Steph..we moved because as we get closer to December, an Easter challenge will be something folks will want to join so it's best to let that old thread die out. Plus, Mama Marie put it on her request list! ;) Have a safe trip!

    Barbie..you look wonderful..so fit and trim!

    Esther.. Alaska is beautiful!

    Ray.. How is the house buying going? We're still discussing it, but will probably take the plunge.

    Janice..good news about your sister being able to come home, and it is such a blessing that she has you and your other sister to care for her. I bet it is fun talking to them about growing up together.

    Eninad, Nancy, Ruthie, Cristina, Becky..welcome home! Have a seat on the floor until we pick out some furniture!

    Personal training and pool today for me. It will be nice to get back to the pool; I have missed it.

    Make it a great day, losers!


    *** okay..was able to get her name off leader list..
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning! I found some really nice chairs at a garage sale and got them for our new "home". Hope you all enjoy sitting in them.lol moving on...

    Had Mexican yesterday and did well with portions. I brought my own baked tortilla chips so I could enjoy the salsa and some queso without eating the fried chips. I did notice last night that I was very thirsty. I guess all of the salt.

    Happy Friday everyone...stay strong this weekend!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning misfit look like most of you came to our housewarming party. Shirley is out on her yoga cruise having a ball. Eating all of those vegetarian meals. Wish I was there can hardly wait till she gets back to tell us about it.
    I will be getting my little boy this morning. Ian naming him pj the kitten after a long time friend on my fitness pal. I don' even know what he looks like yet but he is going to be my buddie

    Has anyone heard from Rosie the last I heard she was still in Los Vegas with her daughte I will try to pm her today
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am a proud mother of 2 baby boys kittens. We went to the store and got there k itty litter and kitten food., While we were gone they found a dark spot in the computer room and taking a nap . They were poop after being transported this morning. It will take then a litter while to get used to there new home

    Connie what did not happen on Nov. 10th? no birthday!

    time for lunch
    it will be a taco bowl with pinto bean . lettuce onions. tomatoes , avocado and salsa. That will be my main meal every day with a few minor changes
    Breakfast oatmeal with fresh fruit
    Dinner if I am not in the mood to cook or think about something else I have been enjoying another cup of oatmeal But plan on making a pot of soup with beans, for some of my evening this next week Banana is my choice of fruit here lately.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Connie -Thank you, It is great news, that my sister is coming home next Thursday or Friday, though we still have some concerns. I really dont talk about growing up with my sisters, they are 5, 61/2, and 8 years older than me, they have plenty of stories about growing up with each other, I'm in very few. I was the pesky little sister, but they all were really good to me. My mom and dad got divorced when I was not even one, so I grew up in a house full of women.

    Marie-I 'm sure your kitties will be fun, you'll have to post a picture of them.Your lunch sounds good. I cooked supper early today, I made a turkey/ beef meatloaf, I like to mix the 2 meats to make it lighter, also some broccoli and cauliflower with alittle cheese sauce. I have the premade Bob Evans mashed potatoes to go with it. Its really hot here today, so I wanted to run oven early. I am going to get out in my little pool in alittle bit, the water was nice last night when we got in.

    Have a good weekend everyone. Janice
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I'm really liking the new digs! The chairs are comfy, Ruthie, and all the pictures look great on the walls! ;)

    I was off today for my mammogram and a million and one errands and things to do around the house. We wanted to find a playhouse swing set for Joseph and Emily for when they are here. I went on Craig's list and found a very nice one that was easily 1,500 or more new. It's only $350 and we are driving 2 hrs on Sunday to Chantilly VA to disassemble and transport it back home. It's supposed to be sweltering with high humidity and 96. So we plan to head out early and arrive around 8:30 to beat the worst heat. We can reassemble it either late in the cooler part of Sunday afternoon or during the week nights.

    Next weekend we will be helping our son, Joshua, and his fiance, Jennifer, tear out carpet and paint their new townhouse they are buying today. They live near Baltimore about 1.5 hrs away.

    Tomorrow we will work around the house, go to the dump with trash and recycling, and then head down to see Jessica and her family. I promised Joseph last night as I was putting him to bed that Poppi and Mimi would come on Saturday to play. I also have lots of products and a plan for treating poor little Emily's terrible eczema. the RX steroids are way to harmful over time to such young skin. I think I've found a regimen that just might finally heal her raw baby skin. I'm praying it does, as it is so itchy and painful for such a sweet 11 month old.

    I did chest yesterday with the trainer and HIIT stepping and was careful with my sore shoulder. It is still somewhat sore, but getting better. Eating on plan and feeling pretty good. My belly felt uber swollen yesterday, not sure why. Here's hoping there's no gain with my new plan over time... It's a work in progress and I am enjoying the ride. the accountability is my ticket!!! <3

    Connie, I would LOVE to be able to swim. There's not a pool around where I live, plus I color my hair and it would probably get too dry and fade to quickly.

    Marie, I can't wait to see pics of your fur babies! What are there names and how old are they?

    Rachel, Maine Coon are beautiful cats. Lots of brushing keeps the furballs to a minimum.

    I'll check back in most likely on Monday as the weekend is jam-packed with activities for us.

    Enjoy and Barbie, eat some lavender ice cream for me! :)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Marie, I'm so happy to hear you have two baby boys now too!! Please post pictures! How old are they? It's good that you got a pair of them, they'll keep each other company and will get a lot of the play time they need with each other. :)
    Your taco bowl sounds delicious, I want one!

    Connie, we are now in the "silent period" of the house process. We have paid for the appraisal and are now waiting on the bank to do the appraising. And then the process of pushing the loan through begins. I was told this will take around 2 weeks, and we're several days into it, so I'm hoping to hear back about the appraisal soon. I'm concerned it may come back too low and the sellers won't come down to the appraised value, so I'm really needing to hear back with the appraisal! I want to be able to get excited about the house. :)
    It sounds like you're going full blast with your house process, I'm super excited for you! It sounds like it will be absolutely lovely. :)

    Becky, brushing will be key, for sure! Gotta keep them all poofed up. :)

    Have an awesome night, everyone!!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Busy day just getting a chance to check in with you and log my food.
    Hope you had a good day.
    I cooked fresh veggies today and really enjoyed having something different
    for a change (corn, pea's, squash and tomatoes).
    Good night.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I need to get up early and go to my sisters aparyment, thats in the nursing home, she has been gone over 2 months, my niece and one of my sisters are going to meet up at 9:00 and clean her apartment, so that when she comes home its all nice and clean, as of today, its Friday next week. We are all so happy, at one point it was touch and go, she is like a new person the past few days, my sister said the same thing to me tonight. My meatloaf was really good, glad I made it early today, before it got to hot our heat index today was 99, tommorrow is suppose to be over 100. Summer is here in Ky. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Been a really crazy day. I swam this morning. Them my 5 yr old had some late fees for her library books. Our library has a program where the kids can read away their fines. It is a dollar for every 15 minutes of reading. And they can read up to 1 hour a day. She has over 12 dollars in fines. So we were up there reading for over an hour. Then I took my teenager and her best friend to the north end of town (16 miles away) and we were hanging up anti-bullying flyers at businesses we hung 26 fliers in 3 hours. How many calories did I burn getting in and out off the car that many times? I wonder......... Then we all including the friend went to dinner. Afterwards we took the friend home. We went in and visited with her sister (the one who almost left us the other night) and her mom. The sister is doing great. Much happier now. She has a new outlook on life. Thank God. Her attempt was a compilation of her dad being a total jerk and texting her mentally abusive texts and blaming her mom for "brainwashing" her because she refuses to go to his house anymore and breaking up with her boyfriend of 3 years. She decided neither man was worth hurting her friends and family. Off to bed now. I have a soccer game in the morning after I cook apple pancakes for the family.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Saturday!

    Esther..your are one BUSY, awesome mom! I must say, though, that is the way to keep the body in constant motion!

    Nancy..your veggies sound good and filling!

    Janice..so happy for you and your sisters. I bet they have a lot of stories about you, their pesky little sister!

    Ray..house buying is bittersweet...like being on a roller coaster! Enjoy the ride, kiddo! My hubs and I sometimes think we are both nuts buying another one as we are both retired, but then we think, why not?

    Becky..in my pool class, Aquazumba, you don't get your hair wet! :)

    Marie..so happy for you and the fur babies!

    Rest day for me, and I am getting a massage this morning.
    Make it a great day, losers!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Me and my kittens. What a pair. they learned so much yesterday.
    How to used the litter box my first job this morniing, Got acquainted with me Learn to get in my computer chair that where they spent the night What one does the other do. They keep a real close eye on each other. So cute. They really keep me company. They have not got out of my computer room yet. This is going to be there home.We don't know if we are going to teach them to go out the doggie door or not. Maybe later on.
    Not much else going on.
    :o See Esther had a busy day yesterday. with kiddoes.
    B) Janice it can only net hotter now. your meatloaf sounds good. used to be my favorite meal.
    :# Nancy those vegies sounds good.tgcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfqwu one of the kitten had to invesrigate my desk and the computer. Need to go to Walmart and get them some toys .
    :o Ray how many kittens you got I forgot they are so adorable. My boys are five weeks old.
    :) Ruthie are you rested from you trip to the amusement park yet?
    :D Stephanie enjoy your visit with your kids.
    <3 Connie the backbone of our group. Thanks so much for doing all the little jobs that need to be done here You are an angel. o:)
    Going to fixed breakfast. Think I will have oatmeal with pumpkin this morning. Sounds pretty good with me.
    see you LATER

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    This is my Bernie the day I first saw him in October 2006.


    This is Bernie shortly after we moved into our current house four years ago....he is part Maine Coon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    Don't know what I am doing wrong but it keep coming our oversize But if you click on the little picture it will get small so you can see it below the big picture
    My boys. oh it work Ok this time

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning,
    Marie, Love your new babies. They will keep you busy!!!
    This will be mostly a rest day for me.
    Hope you have a restful day.
    Keep cool.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    It is overcast here. Hubby is cooking breakfast for all of us. Apple pancakes and bacon. Iris has a soccer game in a couple hours. Just hope it doesn't rain super hard on them. She had the sniffles after last weeks game for 3 days. It was raining last week. In soccer you can wear a stocking hat but not a coat hood so heads got very wet. And so did feet. Even though she came home to a hot bath she still got a little bit of cold. Hope it is a little drier today. And pants just don't fit over my stupid brace unless it is sweats. And I hate wearing sweats in public. To me they feel like pajamas and belong in the house. I would like to wear my shorts with the brace. I am going to bring a fleece blanket to wrap around my legs if I decide to sit down. I almost never sit at a soccer game. I pace the sidelines encouraging the kids. I'm worse than the coach. Even though in this age group (grades k-1) they don't keep score the kids still try to make a goal. Even if they miss a goal we parents still encourage the kids. This age it is all about sportsmanship and ball handling skills. At least Iris is enjoying the sport and having a great time. Off to breakfast.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    barbiecat wrote: »
    This is my Bernie the day I first saw him in October 2006.


    This is Bernie shortly after we moved into our current house four years ago....he is part Maine Coon.
    Thanks Barbie good seeing Bernie again he looks great. I like his little house

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jerry an I are heading out for Our Anniversary Dinner 59 years
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy yourselves. You deserve it. I would say ignore everything for one night and start fresh tomorrow.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Is it me or does the thanksgiving group seem to be asleep today? I have seen no new posts today. Kinda weird.
