Daily Check In Thread



  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    w7d3 all done. Excited to start week 8 on Monday!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Running partner-dog- is still sick so we just did a quick walk today. I hope she's up for it tomorrow. I want to get week 8 started and she is my pacer
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    So, I tried W7D2 on Wednesday and really struggled. I find my left knee starts to hurt quite a bit right around 15/20 mins. So that night, I ran 10 minutes and then walked for like 30 to get the distance in.

    I tried again today and did better, but not 25 straight. I did 15 mins, 2 mins walking, 6 mins jogging, 2 mins walking, 4 mins jogging. So, I still did my 25 mins jogging, but I added in two brief walking breaks. Going to try to work my way back up to 25 straight, but I still feel pretty good about it lol
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Did W7D2 this morning, felt like my body was resisting me the entire time. But I still finished... just super slowly. Hoping to finish week 7 stronger.
  • amudd645
    amudd645 Posts: 27 Member
    W4d2 done! Missed the first walk so went 5-3-3-5. Ugh, but got it done!!
    Nice job! I did w4d2 as well today. Went much better than w4d1 but that's more than likely due to the huge drop in heat here. It makes me so excited to run in fall. And yes, week 5 is right around the corner!
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    I got my first pair of running shoes! I took them out for my run tonight and felt like a real runner. :smile: I've always felt out of place and unwelcome in fitness stores, but I felt confident in the running store today. :smiley: My name is Faith and I am training for a 5K and I belong in a running store! A year ago, this would have been an outlandish statement!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    faithan84 wrote: »
    I got my first pair of running shoes! I took them out for my run tonight and felt like a real runner. :smile: I've always felt out of place and unwelcome in fitness stores, but I felt confident in the running store today. :smiley: My name is Faith and I am training for a 5K and I belong in a running store! A year ago, this would have been an outlandish statement!

    Congratulations, Running Woman!
  • JasmijnRF
    JasmijnRF Posts: 184 Member
    @faithan84 look how far you have come. Cool! :)

    I just finished week 7. My best run this week was day 2. Today I was glad I could just get it done.
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Woohoo, @faithan84! Welcome to feeling like an actual runner! It's great!
  • Blueswirly
    Blueswirly Posts: 59 Member
    Just finished W2 D1! It was hot out, but I was still able to improve my distance. Feeling really happy with my progress so far! I used to run five or six years ago, and I miss it.
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

    I'm very new to running. Running the mile for the fitness test in grade school used to be my WORST day each year. I always felt like I was dying, always finished last, and always was extraordinarily embarrassed. I'm still battling some mental blocks towards running. I keep thinking that I'm less capable than I actually am. I'm coming around though, and starting to believe that I can actually finish this program and run a 5K in November!

    I calculated the distance I ran during my run intervals today, and it was 1.41 miles!!! I had to add it up again because I was surprised. :smile: I was especially impressed with today's run because I biked 9 miles and hiked 5.25 miles yesterday and woke up a little stiff, tired, and sore. The feeling that you're capable of far more than you used to be or thought you ever could be is addictive. Let's hope this feeling can see me to the end of the program!!!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I successfully completed w8d1. And it really felt good.
    I found my pace and only walked a couple of times across busy roads.
    And I took my first digger. Hands beat up and shoulder is sore but I tucked and rolled and minimized injury
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Just finished w8d1. I was feeling a little off from drinking too much over the weekend and having a good workout today helped pull me out of my funk. Hard to believe this is the last week!
  • a_manda
    a_manda Posts: 36 Member
    Did W5D1 this morning. It feels so good knowing that each day Im pushing myself a little bit further and proving to myself that I CAN do this!
  • amudd645
    amudd645 Posts: 27 Member
    See ya week 4!

    Saying hello to week 5 Wednesday (oh gosh oh gosh I hope I don't die)
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    Well, I dug in and did w7d3 straight. It was torturous, but I somehow did the 25 straight again. Grant me strength to do 28 on Wednesday. Might have to take 4-5 attempts to make it through the week haha.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member

    lazy day, 1.5 mi/5.2mph
    I want to take my time running this last week. I want to start running distance but my body is rebelling.
    I think with the distances and my newbieness i'll do a "session"
    sat, sun, tues, thurs and either take a quick walk or light jog-w2d1.
    I want to do b210k and will probably be starting that sunday. or Tuesday, I don't always get up early enough on sundays
  • tslawson3
    tslawson3 Posts: 41 Member
    Well....I thought I posted this yesterday but I don't see it. So here it is again -->After a couple of weeks of droughts due to going on vacation and some unexpected life events, I was able to complete W8D1 on last night.. I felt great to be running again. I'm excited to complete my C25K program this week and continue on this running and fitness journey!! I'm registering for my first 5K for next month! Thanks to everyone for the support along the way!
  • Blueswirly
    Blueswirly Posts: 59 Member
    Just finished W2D2. Moving right along!
  • SharoninBeaufort
    SharoninBeaufort Posts: 27 Member
    I started yesterday and even though I worked late hit treadmill for Week 1, Day 1 - I have not run regularly in almost a year following a torn meniscus and then a badly strained achilles tendon I thought would never heal (the achilles tendon was a non-running injury). It is good to be BACK!
  • JasmijnRF
    JasmijnRF Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome back @SharoninBeaufort

    W8D1 today and it was not my best run. 2.75 miles but glad I got through it
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    W7D3 done, didn't feel my greatest but it was my fastest speed yet. I'll probably have to slow it back down a bit for the start of week 8, but it feels good to know I can go faster eventually.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    rest day
    tomorrow w8d2 eek :o
  • SharoninBeaufort
    SharoninBeaufort Posts: 27 Member
    yesterday was a rest day (actually a lower body weight day); ran this morning but did Week 1, Day 1 again...switched apps since C25K Pro was not syncing with MFP. Switched to 5K Runner (like C25K Pro better from a usability standpoint but 5K Runner will do the job)
  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    Did w8d1 this morning. Super slow but made it.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    W8d2 complete. Another "off" day for me in that I had to seriously push mentally to finish. So glad that I did but it definitely wasn't enjoyable. Hoping w8d3 is better.
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    w8d1 today, and I did it first try. Woohoo. Not easy for me (as always)
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Completed w4d1 tonight. I was so nervous about 16 minutes of running total. But I was able to complete all of the runs.

    I can't believe a few weeks ago a 30 second run was so hard. I cannot explain how elated I feel about my progress.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    nailed w8d2.
    my distance is still short, but time, I ran the whole thing minus a doggie poo break and a walk across some very busy intersections
    I feel like I certainly could have run for another 5 min at least. I found my pace.
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    W5D3 done last night! I was with a friend, and was surprised when I realized I was done. We were chatting the whole way, and I thought, "Wow! That was easy today!" Then I checked my app, and I realized that we were going quite a bit slower (average 11.66 min/mile) than my last run (9.82 min/mile)! Haha!