Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited August 2015
    maggiekat7 wrote: »

    @ftrobbie : how is your son, poor guy. I love reading your cycling updates, by the way. I have only the slightest knowledge of what you and the other cyclists on this board are saying, but I'm storing all the tidbits away for the day I work up the courage to take my bike out for a spin.


    I'm graduating myself from the B210K program (whoot!). I went for my second 10K run this morning and took almost 2 minutes off my previous time, finishing in 1h:02m:28s. I've added a training program to my Endomondo app to improve my 10K and plan to start Saturday. It's several weeks long, winding down at the end of January. We have an April Fool's run where I live, and I'm CONSIDERING signing up. It would be my first race since I bombed the relay race for my team in 5th grade (are you sensing issues?).

    I'm sorry, I can't believe I'm actually running for an hour at a time now. I sneak back to the C25K board occasionally and recognize myself in so many of the posts. It wasn't that long ago that I was struggling with running more than 3 minutes at a time. Pinch me, I have got to be dreaming!

    He is ok. He got some tough love after the accident. I put the bike back together and sent him out for a few laps of the estate. Great result he wanted to go out with mum the day after, no lasting damage. His latest issue is that he put the rear mech through the wheel, while I took him cross country, so waiting for a new rear mech to arrive so I can fix it.

    Re the race, sign up now, no I mean now, no reading the rest. First race just enjoy it, set no expectations on yourself just have some fun. That becomes the benchmark for later.

    Re C25k board go back and offer advice, yours is more relevant to either mine, Ceci's or Taeliesyn's as it is more recent. I look on the board frequently just to see if there is anything I can offer but most folks do a good job of working it out for themselves

    Well done on the graduation, and a 10k in just over an hour is great. Well done and enjoy your running

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    maggiekat7 wrote: »

    @ftrobbie : how is your son, poor guy. I love reading your cycling updates, by the way. I have only the slightest knowledge of what you and the other cyclists on this board are saying, but I'm storing all the tidbits away for the day I work up the courage to take my bike out for a spin.


    I'm graduating myself from the B210K program (whoot!). I went for my second 10K run this morning and took almost 2 minutes off my previous time, finishing in 1h:02m:28s. I've added a training program to my Endomondo app to improve my 10K and plan to start Saturday. It's several weeks long, winding down at the end of January. We have an April Fool's run where I live, and I'm CONSIDERING signing up. It would be my first race since I bombed the relay race for my team in 5th grade (are you sensing issues?).

    I'm sorry, I can't believe I'm actually running for an hour at a time now. I sneak back to the C25K board occasionally and recognize myself in so many of the posts. It wasn't that long ago that I was struggling with running more than 3 minutes at a time. Pinch me, I have got to be dreaming!

    He is ok. He got some tough love after the accident. I put the bike back together and sent him out for a few laps of the estate. Great result he wanted to go out with mum the day after, no lasting damage. His latest issue is that he put the rear mech through the wheel, while I took him cross country, so waiting for a new rear mech to arrive so I can fix it.

    Re the race, sign up now, no I mean now, no reading the rest. First race just enjoy it, set no expectations on yourself just have some fun. That becomes the benchmark for later.

    Re C25k board go back and offer advice, yours is more relevant to either mine, Ceci's or Taeliesyn's as it is more recent.
    I look on the board frequently just to see if there is anything I can offer but most folks do a good job of working it out for themselves

    Well done on the graduation, and a 10k in just over an hour is great. Well done and enjoy your running

    So much wisdom in this post!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    maggiekat7 wrote: »

    @ftrobbie : how is your son, poor guy. I love reading your cycling updates, by the way. I have only the slightest knowledge of what you and the other cyclists on this board are saying, but I'm storing all the tidbits away for the day I work up the courage to take my bike out for a spin.


    I'm graduating myself from the B210K program (whoot!). I went for my second 10K run this morning and took almost 2 minutes off my previous time, finishing in 1h:02m:28s. I've added a training program to my Endomondo app to improve my 10K and plan to start Saturday. It's several weeks long, winding down at the end of January. We have an April Fool's run where I live, and I'm CONSIDERING signing up. It would be my first race since I bombed the relay race for my team in 5th grade (are you sensing issues?).

    I'm sorry, I can't believe I'm actually running for an hour at a time now. I sneak back to the C25K board occasionally and recognize myself in so many of the posts. It wasn't that long ago that I was struggling with running more than 3 minutes at a time. Pinch me, I have got to be dreaming!

    He is ok. He got some tough love after the accident. I put the bike back together and sent him out for a few laps of the estate. Great result he wanted to go out with mum the day after, no lasting damage. His latest issue is that he put the rear mech through the wheel, while I took him cross country, so waiting for a new rear mech to arrive so I can fix it.

    Re the race, sign up now, no I mean now, no reading the rest. First race just enjoy it, set no expectations on yourself just have some fun. That becomes the benchmark for later.

    Re C25k board go back and offer advice, yours is more relevant to either mine, Ceci's or Taeliesyn's as it is more recent.
    I look on the board frequently just to see if there is anything I can offer but most folks do a good job of working it out for themselves

    Well done on the graduation, and a 10k in just over an hour is great. Well done and enjoy your running

    So much wisdom in this post!

    QFT ^^^

    Well done everyone, I've been in a bit of a mental haze/daze since last weekend. Still ticking my runs over though. I realised Early August marks 2yrs from when I tried to start running regularly and mid/late August is when I picked up C25K (W2) to have a program.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »

    Re the race, sign up now, no I mean now, no reading the rest. First race just enjoy it, set no expectations on yourself just have some fun. That becomes the benchmark for later.

    I looked. I can't believe it! I looked to sign up, but it's a half-marathon soooo . . . before the end of the early bird deadline (early December) I'll see how far I'm coming in the newest program and if I think my knees and ankles are up for a half-marathon stint I'll do it. I don't know if the ol' body is up to the challenge, so I need to take it one step at a time (literally!).

    And thanks for this nudge and the other to lend comments on the C25K board. I'm happy to be a cheerleader! RAH RAH!
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    This morning I completed my last run of week 14, so I am DONE DONE DONE with B210K!!! Hooray!!!! The run went very smoothly (unlike earlier this week when I encountered a wild boar) and I felt strong the whole way :) I'll probably run a practice 10K or 2 over the weekend as I don't have any races scheduled. I'm scheduled to start my 12 week Hal Higdon half marathon trainer on Monday which will actually have me running less miles during the week but with a long run on the weekends. I'm going to try and follow his advice on cross-training as well...planning to try out a rowing machine to see how I like it. I'm currently lifting weights 2 days/week on non-running days...might try increasing that to 3 times/week. Any of you guys lifting weights? If so, do you follow a particular "plan"?

    Happy weekend to all :)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »

    I looked. I can't believe it! I looked to sign up, but it's a half-marathon soooo . . . before the end of the early bird deadline (early December) I'll see how far I'm coming in the newest program and if I think my knees and ankles are up for a half-marathon stint I'll do it. I don't know if the ol' body is up to the challenge, so I need to take it one step at a time (literally!).

    And thanks for this nudge and the other to lend comments on the C25K board. I'm happy to be a cheerleader! RAH RAH!

    Personally, I'd set your first race distance a bit shorter, HM is a long way and can be unpleasant if not properly prepped for. Find a 10k race and go and enjoy it, an hour or so is challenging but fun if you are feeling great and not too bad if it is not your day. It's the way I went, then I signed up for a HM 4 months later, plenty of time to build mileage slowly and steadily. Have fun

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    LLduds wrote: »
    This morning I completed my last run of week 14, so I am DONE DONE DONE with B210K!!! Hooray!!!! The run went very smoothly (unlike earlier this week when I encountered a wild boar) and I felt strong the whole way :) I'll probably run a practice 10K or 2 over the weekend as I don't have any races scheduled. I'm scheduled to start my 12 week Hal Higdon half marathon trainer on Monday which will actually have me running less miles during the week but with a long run on the weekends. I'm going to try and follow his advice on cross-training as well...planning to try out a rowing machine to see how I like it. I'm currently lifting weights 2 days/week on non-running days...might try increasing that to 3 times/week. Any of you guys lifting weights? If so, do you follow a particular "plan"?

    Happy weekend to all :)

    When I did some lifting I used Stronglifts 5x5. I stopped due to some neurological issues I had at the time. After that got sorted out I was running daily and never went back to it. If you intend to use a rowing machine look at the concept2 site, the UK site was more training orientated than the US site but that may have changed since I last used it. Just look after your hands (gloves) to stop blisters, and make sure that you follow legs, lay back then arms, just so you don't do bunny hops or butt slides. Good form will really help, my experience is that most gym trainers/ users are clueless when using rowing machines. Many years of being in an eight, drilling on the tideway taught me good form. It's just so monotonous and I don't have the dedication to do it properly on the water as I get older.

    Whatever you do, good luck and make sure you enjoy it!!

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Finished w10d3 yesterday and w11d1 today. I want to run. Lots of food stuff coming up. Baby shower today, dinner with aunt tomorrow. ..
    I like eating.
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    [When I did some lifting I used Stronglifts 5x5. I stopped due to some neurological issues I had at the time. After that got sorted out I was running daily and never went back to it. If you intend to use a rowing machine look at the concept2 site, the UK site was more training orientated than the US site but that may have changed since I last used it. Just look after your hands (gloves) to stop blisters, and make sure that you follow legs, lay back then arms, just so you don't do bunny hops or butt slides. Good form will really help, my experience is that most gym trainers/ users are clueless when using rowing machines. Many years of being in an eight, drilling on the tideway taught me good form. It's just so monotonous and I don't have the dedication to do it properly on the water as I get older.

    Whatever you do, good luck and make sure you enjoy it!!

    Thanks for the recs!! I'm reading "Strong Curves" right now and liking the looks of that program so far. I will definitely look into the concept2 rower!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Congratulations to @LLduds and @maggiekat7 for finishing the B210k program. I am on the last 60 minute running intervals and find that I am nowhere close to 10K. ..I am also having some issues with my foot and hip:( I am taking additional rest days and continuing with the last week of the program. Hoping to move to a 10k improver program in September.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Echoing the above, Conga-rats to @eyethree , @LLduds, and @maggiekat7 for finishing the program.

    @eyethree 3-4 times a week sounds good. Honestly though, I would find a way to suffer through the afternoon heat, even if it's just 1 run a week and shorter (Start at 1mile and build up). Once you learn to run in the heat, when the cool change comes you'll find your times dropping without you even trying. And trust me it is possible, I know running in the heat. I made the Jantastic newsletter this year for running in 37C (just shy of 100F) heat, that was the average temp too, I'm pretty sure it peaked over 40C.
    I believe Endomondo has some good plans. I haven't used it myself though. A 5 or 10k improver program/plan will help with speed.

    Good to see you again @PaytraB :) Good to hear you're still running.

    @LLduds Trail runs + hills = walking, 34min for a 5k with hills is a good time :) I hope your 10k goes ok, and good luck with the HM

    Thanks MM, hope your training gets back on schedule soon, the 12k sounds good though.

    @moyer566 Great work and glad your soreness was only temporary!

    Ceci, great running as always. It's good to get out with faster people sometimes.

    @maggiekat7, great work If you've got the time for a reasonable plan. I think you could build to a HM by April, but play it safe and smart. Better to miss a race than blow up in one.

    @samra338 Sorry to hear about your foot and hip, what sort of issues? Good work on continuing with the program with extra breaks though.

    @ftRobbie hope everything is going ok for you mate

    Hope I didn't miss anyone there.
    I've been ticking along with my runs, some short ones with the pup, some of my regular runs, and I did a group trail run on Sunday, 24.5km It was originally going to be just 20k as I should still be doing easy recovery, but I tagged in with some of the faster people, especially on the way back (it was an out and back) I tagged in with the really fast people and we ticked over 5k in about 25min. I dropped off that group when we all took off again after a regroup. A little over 60km for the (recovery) week.... umm I think I have a running problem lol
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    This weekend was all about the bicycle for me- 100k Tour de Cure ride on Saturday and a slower easier 20 mile recovery ride today. Debating on running a 10k on Labor Day. Might just volunteer to help out. Not sticking with the improver plan all!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Post vacation recovery and trying to get back into a normal routine. Starting on W13 tonight with two 22 minute intervals. My brain is telling me this will be easier than the three 18 minute intervals. I'll let you know what my body thinks. I will miss running in the state park - that was sweet!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    easy day for me today with a couple of short walks. I don't want to push too hard being a new runner

    but I'm looking forward to see what I can do tomorrow w11d2
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Hello! Its been a month since I last checked in. I totally fell off the wagon and stopped running. I've been fluctuating about 3 pounds. I've been feeling really tired and sluggish. Well Saturday I decided enough was enough and went to the park to workout. I'm no where near being able to run 3miles non stop right now, so I contemplated restarting c25k. There was a light breeze, lots of people and the sun reflecting off the lake. The path around the lake is 1.44 miles. I decided not to follow any plan and just run. My goal was to do a complete lap around the lake. I did it! My time wasn't too bad considering all things. The first mile was only 45 seconds longer than where I was a couple of months ago. The last portion was much slower. LOL!

    Not sure if you remember, but I completed c25k solely using the treadmill. I found the run outside a whole lot easier. I think it beacuse I wasn't focused on speed or time. I even turned off the notifications on the runkeeper app. I know I have a ways to go to catch up but I can't see myself starting from scratch. If its ok, I would like to run and post my progress on this board. Its good see those who started b210k around the same time as me still posting and moving forward.

    I'm looking forward to my next run.

    Question: I've been experiencing some discomfort in my Achilles tendon since Saturday. Is it ok to still run?

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @taeliesyn still feeling sorry for myself, knee is still sore, the boys had a late night on Saturday visiting grandparents. They were not up in time for junior parkrun and by the time I summoned up the courage to go out it was hissing with rain. At least cycling to work is helping the CV, another 30 miles racked up today. The full marathon pack arrived today, the race is in 5 weeks time, I am hastily changing the programme so that I can at least compete. Pretty knarked at the moment. Aiming for a run out tomorrow. Struggling with running and knowing how far I have got to go. We seem to have phases, me piling on the kms whilst you are injured and vice versa. I need to be patient but that is not one of my attributes. Good going on your runs, you seemed to have turned another corner. Great work and thanks for the support, it does help

    @Just_Ceci, nice work on the bike rides, I know where your true desire lies, run when you want to, it shouldn't be a chore.

    @DianaLovesCoffee you will either be right or you will be right. Remember you can always slow the pace down.

    @moyer566 it is better to take the programme slightly slower than do too much. You just need to run frequently enough so the physiological adaptions take place.

    @fit4life_73 this is a board that is pretty relaxed, Ceci, MM and I post bike rides on here so posting rerunning prts of C25k has got to be ok, it is more relevant :) Everyones discomfort is different, I dislocated a finger last week and reset it without anesthetic, practised RICE and carried on. Some would not. To me nagging is ok, but sharp pain/ jolts are not. You are the best guide to your body, however consider the alternatives. If resting a day or two ensures that you are healed then rest, if running is going to make it worse stop. If it just nags and aches then providing it does not get worse you should be ok, but it is your decision and remember a couple of days rest for us amateurs is not going to make a big difference. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

    Have fun everyone

  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome back @fit4life_73
    @taelisyn My foot had been troubling me for a few months even before I started running. I saw the GP, who thought it might be Morton's neuroma and referred me for a scan, which revealed bursitis in the foot. I have been cleared for running though, with caution to listen to my body. I am all right while running, but am struggling to put weight on my foot for a few hours after the run. Saw a physio last week, who says it's plantar fasciitis. I'm currently doing additional stretching exercises even on days that I am not running and strength training for core and hip.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @Just_Ceci Do the run!!! and pull your finger out on your plan :p

    @DianaLovesCoffee Hope your brain was right, and that you also had a good vacation

    @moyer566 Wise move, it's better to start a little too slow than to go too hard and injure. Once you've been running a while you'll know when you're pushing too hard.

    @fit4life_73 Welcome back, and yep keep posting in here! Once you've made it here, there is never any reason to leave, as Robbie said him and Ceci and MM (at times) post about their cycling, many of us have posted about our very short (for us) runs when coming back from injury.
    As for your Achilles, only you and a doctor really know that answer. A dull ache may be find, sharp pain not so much. If it's ok when you run but gets worse after, then more rest and maybe a dr's visit. I've had 'niggles' that have taken me up to 8km to warmup past and been fine, others not quite so.

    @ftrobbie Sorry to hear you're not getting the pavement time mate, I know this was a target race for you, but have you considered seeing if you can drop to the half? It's better to mongrel your way through a half and then have not so much recovery, than to mongrel through the full and possibly break yourself completely. Yeah we do seem to be at opposites to each other, hoping you can sync up with me soon mate and be back out there clocking up the miles.

    @samra338 I hope it's just a mild case of PF for you, or something else. If it really is PF you might need to investigate different shoes, and do a lot of googling. Although from what I know PF will mess with your running aswell, not just after. Keep up the strength work and the stretching!

    A relatively easy 8k for me last night, well mostly easy with a few Zombie inspired bursts of speed as I returned to listening to the Zombies, Run! app while running. I did do the smart thing this time though and if a Zombie chase started when I was headed up a hill, then I turned and ran down. Not gonna do hill sprints in the middle of an easy run.... well not when I should be in recovery and I have a HM this weekend.
    Got home from that run recovered for a little bit and then grabbed the dog and took her out. We're up to 2.8km now all done a jog/trot including the hills. Even though we extended the distance the average pace has dropped ever so slightly (once her toilet breaks are excluded by strava lol) so pleased with the run, except for the 1 moment when she nearly tripped me.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran today- 4.21 miles with some speed intervals. Not unpleasant. :|
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Post vacation recovery and trying to get back into a normal routine. Starting on W13 tonight with two 22 minute intervals. My brain is telling me this will be easier than the three 18 minute intervals. I'll let you know what my body thinks. I will miss running in the state park - that was sweet!

    Easy Peasy! 4.5 miles. I'm going to have to look for a new route soon since I'm already doing a loop twice and can't see going a 3rd time around.