Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    had a brilliant run this morning! 10 km in 1h:00m:46s : best time yet! beyond the pleasure of a new pb, i was able to enjoy a run in the cool morning while the sun was rising. no rain to drench me. no wind blowing me about. i've been lazy most of august, and got in the habit of taking my runs in the evening, today confirms that i definitely prefer the morning! enjoy your weekends, everyone!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    So this morning I managed to break the back of the mare that I had in London the other week. A fairly comfortable 19K trail run at a 6.04/km pace. A bit of walking on the steeper slopes but it felt ok. I also used Honey Stinger chews again today that seemed to work quite well for me.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    MM glad to read that you are back on the money

    @moyer566 it is always good to check with Strava etc. However you are doing brilliantly regardless of the score. Just think how far you have come.

    @maggiekat7 only 46 secs of breaking the hour mark, well done you, expecting that to crumble this month. Great work

    Despite the warnings from @taeliesyn I went out to see if I could mongrel a HM. So I nearly talked myself out of going out this afternoon. I nearly talked myself into taking every short cut home. I thought about the thought process and I concluded that what I was really scared of was the knee failing during the run and then it would be obvious that the the FM at the end of the month was impossible. Well I carried on and did a HM in 2hr15m, 20 mins off my best but the good news is that the knee survived, my cv was ok but my calves and thighs are showing the effects of not running for the last month.

    I hope your runs are as uplifting as mine was today, I am not intending to run again until Tuesday.

    Have fun

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    The heat forced me to the gym yesterday, where I rode 10 miles and then ran 2 miles (19:21). Got in a long bike ride this morning and will rest tomorrow in preparation for a Monday 10k run.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Kids have been back at school for a few weeks so I haven't had time to check in here. Huge congratulations to taeliesyn for winning his 12 hour race!

    I have been struggling with injury again but I think I have finally got to the bottom of the problem, I took the insoles out of my Skechers as they were causing blisters on the bottom of my right foot and giving me plantar faciitis. My feet felt great once I had taken them out but since then I have been getting injured on a regular basis. I put the insoles back in and it killed my feet but next day my knee was much better! I am hoping that my training will be back on plan, ran 7km this morning just a few seconds outside my target pace, and no problems with my knee, can barely walk though, haha!

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Bum ankle. Running is it today. Hoping to find a no equipment activity burn twin for tomorrow to do at home. Just in case I get sidelined
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Thanls Romy :)
    A few good days running, with a nice 24k trail run this morning. All done at occasional chatting pace. My legs are letting me know they haven't worked that hard for a while. Aahhhh trails, so much easier on the joints, but harder on the muscles lol. Great way to round out an 85k week, although I'm not sure how a 60k week became recovery, and 80k became normal for me.
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    Strong work everyone! Nothing too exciting happening here. I did W2/D6 of my Hal Higdon HM trainer this morning - a 5 mile run. My Runkeeper is telling me that it was my fastest run to date in the 4-6 mile range; however, I am more focused on my stomach, which is telling me that all the cocktails at my friend's birthday party last night were a tremendous mistake. I'm going to go curl up under a rock now and die. Happy weekend to all!!!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Stiff today but coaching went ok, spent the afternoon trimming bushes and bamboo. Have got clearance from SWMBO to enter an offroad duathlon 5k run, 16k bike, 2.5k run during November. Should be fun!! Looking at last year, people came in pretty mucky.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I got out and have it a go. Week 12 day 1 done. It was ugly. There is a ton of humidity in the air. But i did it :)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Crappy run for me last night, legs felt so empty I called it and turned for home before I had even reached 4k. Considering 8k is my normal re-*kitten* distance, that's saying something. Not sure if it was the heat, bad/lack of fuelling since Sundays 24k, or a combo. Got home, recovered for a moment and then headed back out with the puppy. Got 3.1k with the dog. Our furthest run yet and she handled it well.
    Oh well, 14x400m intervals tonight. Must start the mental mantra's and embrace the suck.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @romyhorse My insoles were doing more harm than good. Hope you find the right thing for you!

    @LLduds 7qpeknlya1gg.gif At least you had fun, right?

    @ftrobbie I'm looking for a duathlon around here to do. I think it would be fun. (In a really hard kind of way- the first mile run after getting off the bike suck!)

    @moyer566 Good job getting it done. The humidity will be gone soon and then we'll be complaining about the cold! :p
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran my 10k this morning. It was incredibly hot and humid. I finished in 1:00:14.9. Not my PB, but I beat last year's time on the same course by almost 3 minutes!

    One of my co-workers runs maybe once a week, a mile or two. She ran the 10k today in 1:09:11. She has now decided she will run a half marathon in April. I told her she probably should train for that one. Looks like I'll be running a half in April with her.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I'm looking forward to the end of the week. mid 60s during the day.
    Rest day. normally it would be a run day but my body needs a rest from the Renaissance Fair yesterday. 10k steps there alone in garb in 90ish degree weather. I'm pooped. Looking forward to giving tomorrow a go
  • JSC145
    JSC145 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Just checking in. Everyone is doing great! As for myself, still plugging along with the half marathon training. I've been using the 16 week plan from halfmarathons.net ... The plan is geared towards people with a more solid foundation than myself so I scatter in a few extra 3 mile runs.

    Last weekend was beautiful and was able to run 7.5 miles at a 11:30 min/mile pace. But this past weekend was brutal. The heat and humidity here in the midwest definitely affected me. But I was still proud of the 8 mile run despite the 13:30 min/mile pace

    So far, I've been able to run without needing any water or food during the run. Usually in the morning, I have half a banana and a glass of water 20 min or so before I run. But this last run made me realize I need to start thinking about options. I had to stop at the grocery around mile 6 to get some water.

    There were a lot of labor day sales this past weekend so I bought one of those small handheld water bottles which I'm eager to try out on my next long run.

    What do you folks do for energy and hydration on your longer runs? Do you have a system based on miles or time or just go by the way you're feeling? Keep in mind, I run so slow that it took me an hour and 45 min to run 8 miles...

    Yikes, that's a long post!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Lots of posts to catch up on. Great running, Everyone!

    I went for a long, slow run yesterday. Managed to run 7K in 58 minutes. That's only 2 minutes longer than my normal average speed, so not too bad, I think. It's always difficult after a hot summer to figure out whether I've improved or not (my speed in summer plummets but workouts feel much harder).
    I think I've got to change something but I'm not sure what. No matter what I do, my speed remains a fairly steady 12 min mile. I'm also fairly sure that I used to run 5K easier than I feel I now run it. There are very few days when I feel light while running.
    I read that this may be because my core muscles aren't able to keep up. Has anyone heard of this theory before? Am I missing out on training an important muscle group for running?

    I'm on vacation for the next couple of weeks and hope to get some good miles under my shoes.
    Keep up the great training everyone!!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @PaytraB Feel free to message me with your program, or share it here and I'll offer any advice I can :) (Once you're back from your holiday!)

    @JSC145 I've been caught on the water on the hot days. I generally do water based on expected time out, rather than distance. Energy quite often I won't do/have anything. Unless it's really hot or I'm doing interval work though If a run is under an hour I don't take anything.

    Better run for me last night, hit my interval paces, though I walked more than I was meant to during my cooldowns, which does mean a longer recovery phase. Still happy with the session.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    taeliesyn, I don't have a program (that may be part of the problem). I go running 3x a week and run 5-6K on average at about 12min/mile. I walk 5 minutes before to warm up and walk about 15-20 minutes at the end to cool down. On my off days, I practice tai-chi for stretches.
    I have run 10K (without stopping) twice now. It happens but rarely that I can do this. I have run anywhere from 5-9 K trying to reach the 10K distance.
    Last fall, I started the C210K program one day a week on the weekend (that's when I've got more time for the longer runs), adding another run session to the program's day. But I stopped this in the summer (we've had a brutally hot summer this year). I do plan on getting back to it.
    So, a bit disorganized and not really any training per se.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @PaytraB I think you've nailed it yourself. You need a program of some sort if you want to improve, or more correctly you need to change what you're doing. You've run yourself into a plateau.
    Go enjoy your holiday, and we can figure something out when you're back :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well I guess I should try to get more comfortable with the idea of calling myself a runner. I had an 8k planned last night, was in a new place to run as I'm travelling with work. So a park in the middle of Birmingham with a mix of ancient forest, open scrub and some fairly developed leisure area. I had a really good session and ended up just doing 14k instead.

    That means some tweaking of my plan this week but it's rammed timewise so I think it may make the end of the week easier to achieve.