Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm doing very well, thank you! No major changes to report. I lose a pound then watch it jump up for a few weeks before I see another loss. I've learned that this is how it is for me. Right now I'm in the scale jumping back up part, but I know it will eventually drop! Like I said, "Plugging along!" Lol! :smiley:
  • LeslieinOC
    LeslieinOC Posts: 14 Member
    Bought a good digital scale yesterday since my old dial one just never seemed consistent. Well, unfortunately my digital shows I'm 3 lbs heavier than the old one showed. Kind of a bummer, but I'm not discouraged really since it gives me more resolve to stay the course. It's been close to a month on keto and I feel really good. No brain fog, no heart palpitations, better sleep. What's not to love about that!

    For those considering an egg fast, I breathe I'm hungry website has some really great recipes to keep things interesting. Really love the keto pancakes, just egg and cream cheese but super tasty.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ugh! Cream cheese pancakes! Sounds delish but if there is one thing that I struggle with in this WOE, it's the # of recipes that rely on dairy for fat :(... There are many other things to choose from but it seems all the ones I'm drawn to involve heavy cream, full fat sour cream, cream cheese and other types of cheese. My taste buds love that stuff but unfortunately for me, my digestive system does not.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Ugh! Cream cheese pancakes! Sounds delish but if there is one thing that I struggle with in this WOE, it's the # of recipes that rely on dairy for fat :(... There are many other things to choose from but it seems all the ones I'm drawn to involve heavy cream, full fat sour cream, cream cheese and other types of cheese. My taste buds love that stuff but unfortunately for me, my digestive system does not.
    . I'm starting to figure out that is my issue as well....what are you doing instead ?

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Ugh! Cream cheese pancakes! Sounds delish but if there is one thing that I struggle with in this WOE, it's the # of recipes that rely on dairy for fat :(... There are many other things to choose from but it seems all the ones I'm drawn to involve heavy cream, full fat sour cream, cream cheese and other types of cheese. My taste buds love that stuff but unfortunately for me, my digestive system does not.
    . I'm starting to figure out that is my issue as well....what are you doing instead ?

    Good question... I have literally tried EVERYTHING under the sun that calls itself a cheese/dairy substitute and with the exception of various milk alternatives in drinks or cooking, when it comes to cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream and all of that good stuff, there is NOTHING like the real thing.

    I go through phases where I manage to avoid it and not miss it for stretches at a time, then after I've been feeling better for awhile and I think I can handle it, I start sneaking it here and there until it starts to show up as a problem again either on the scale or in my digestive not functioning well...

    That tends to be my pattern in many areas of my life, though... As soon as I tell myself that I can't or shouldn't have something, the longer I deprive myself of that thing until it starts to feel like everywhere I look, that's what I see. Then, the floodgates burst open...

    ... Probably why I struggle with weight and why I need this site...

    It's a personality trait I continue to try to find my way around...
  • ginalu59
    ginalu59 Posts: 27 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    ginalu59 wrote: »
    I started my weight loss yesterday and I think I can benefit from this daily check in for keto friends. It's not my first time with keto, I gained some weight that I need to take off asap.

    I hope you can benefit from this check in as well.

    Thanks, reading other people's posts helps. So far doing great, but I know I will have many struggles to face to take this weight off.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    Ok I really needed this thread! I started keto as recommended by my docs for epilepsy and dystonia, and I'm on day four. I struggled this morning, feeling like I was walking through soup- so fatigued! Had fuzz-head yesterday morning. For a normally annoying morning person to this is pretty tough. I do bounce back after having eaten breakfast. Any tips that could help me get back to being bright and shiny? Motivation I have- nothing like seizures and tremors to keep you on the path, but I'm finding that this is a minute-by-minute meal plan. I've lost 4.5 lbs in as many days! Thank you all for posting here, reading through these has really helped!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Howdy, y'all.
    My life has been super-stressful (death in the family-lung cancer- and grandma with an amputation/infection in the hospital and isn't doing well.) I had to run down to the SC coast to see her. She never even knew I was there. Slept the whole time. They have her heavily medicated due to the pain. It's probably the last time I'll see her. At least my parents can tell her I drove the family 7hrs each way to see her. I'll try to catch her on the phone I guess. If she'll talk. She doesn't seem to want to even eat apparently. I think she's giving up.

    DH's job is uncertain. Homeschooling is stressful. Life is being its usually thuggish self and I've been letting excuses rule me.

    I've had 2 cheat days. And some overeating/drinking. I'm determined to get in 100 straight days of keto starting yesterday. My weight is up more than I'm comfortable. Some of it's carbage-water but I'm certain some is regained weight. It must go. Off, I say! :rage:

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Looks like downered everyone away.
    Day 3 of 100 Days of Keto for me. :+1:
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    In sure everyone is still around. We just did a major upgrade on a hospital computer system. Got some significant personal stuff too, so just haven't had time to check in. Hopefully with the stress level down and the holidays gone I'll stop grabbing chocolate every time I see it.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Looks like downered everyone away.
    Day 3 of 100 Days of Keto for me. :+1:

    100 days of Keto? Good idea.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    Ok I really needed this thread! I started keto as recommended by my docs for epilepsy and dystonia, and I'm on day four. I struggled this morning, feeling like I was walking through soup- so fatigued! Had fuzz-head yesterday morning. For a normally annoying morning person to this is pretty tough. I do bounce back after having eaten breakfast. Any tips that could help me get back to being bright and shiny? Motivation I have- nothing like seizures and tremors to keep you on the path, but I'm finding that this is a minute-by-minute meal plan. I've lost 4.5 lbs in as many days! Thank you all for posting here, reading through these has really helped!

    I'm not sure I'm the best one to give advice on this but I've heard that the cloudy feeling could mean you need to pay closer attention to electrolytes and sodium intake.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Dealing with a 5 lb water retention this morning after last night's drinks. Don't know why it's so extreme this week, but should be gone by monday. I know I'm on track carb and caloriewise; so, no worries.
    This afternoon and tomorrow are slotted for domestic decluttering. I find I do better with a list and I get a little thrill checking things off - so thats the plan.
    I also want to spend at least 2 hours reading and studying up on some work things. Just because.
    I would also like to paint a watercolor and sew something using my machine. That would make me feel I had a good half weekend. My days off are split up now so I'm trying to plan outside errands for Tuesdays off and homebody stuff for Sundays off. So far, so good.
    Will check back soon. Have a great weekend!
  • eomidwife
    eomidwife Posts: 11 Member
    So glad to find you guys! I started keto January 2nd and am finding it really easy to navigate and stay satisfied. I've had one "hungry day" and got a bit crazy but it didn't contain crappy carbs, which are poison for me. Strangely, that was a huge success! Now to balance my eating. I crave bulletproof coffee with added protein powder every morning which keeps me very satisfied until 2 or 3 but by dinner, I can get a little crazy because I'm over hungry by that time. I'm working it out:) Thanks for being here!
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Looks like downered everyone away.
    Day 3 of 100 Days of Keto for me. :+1:

    100 days of Keto? Good idea.

    This is great! I'm pushing toward an event on March 5th - traveling for my parents 50th anniversary. Would like to wear a dress that's just a bit too tight at the moment...

    Keto every day until then, except Valentine's Day (heh).
    Log food every day.
    Post 5 out of 7 days here to keep up my inspiration.
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    Ok I really needed this thread! I started keto as recommended by my docs for epilepsy and dystonia, and I'm on day four. I struggled this morning, feeling like I was walking through soup- so fatigued! Had fuzz-head yesterday morning. For a normally annoying morning person to this is pretty tough. I do bounce back after having eaten breakfast. Any tips that could help me get back to being bright and shiny? Motivation I have- nothing like seizures and tremors to keep you on the path, but I'm finding that this is a minute-by-minute meal plan. I've lost 4.5 lbs in as many days! Thank you all for posting here, reading through these has really helped!

    I'm not sure I'm the best one to give advice on this but I've heard that the cloudy feeling could mean you need to pay closer attention to electrolytes and sodium intake.

    Agreed about the electrolytes. When I feel like that, a cup of bone broth with NuSalt (potassium based) and a magnesium supplement usually perk me up within an hour. Also, adding more fat...yum.

    I think it's also pretty natural to be foggy when you first start, particularly if you weren't low-carb before, commonly called the Keto Flu. My understanding is that it's your body still looking for glycogen (which you've deprived it of). Take it easy on yourself for a week or so as you adapt from burning sugar to burning fat for fuel.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    JodiSW wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    Ok I really needed this thread! I started keto as recommended by my docs for epilepsy and dystonia, and I'm on day four. I struggled this morning, feeling like I was walking through soup- so fatigued! Had fuzz-head yesterday morning. For a normally annoying morning person to this is pretty tough. I do bounce back after having eaten breakfast. Any tips that could help me get back to being bright and shiny? Motivation I have- nothing like seizures and tremors to keep you on the path, but I'm finding that this is a minute-by-minute meal plan. I've lost 4.5 lbs in as many days! Thank you all for posting here, reading through these has really helped!

    I'm not sure I'm the best one to give advice on this but I've heard that the cloudy feeling could mean you need to pay closer attention to electrolytes and sodium intake.

    Agreed about the electrolytes. When I feel like that, a cup of bone broth with NuSalt (potassium based) and a magnesium supplement usually perk me up within an hour. Also, adding more fat...yum.

    I think it's also pretty natural to be foggy when you first start, particularly if you weren't low-carb before, commonly called the Keto Flu. My understanding is that it's your body still looking for glycogen (which you've deprived it of). Take it easy on yourself for a week or so as you adapt from burning sugar to burning fat for fuel.

    During ketosis, the kidneys excrete higher than usual levels of electrolytes than while sugar-burning. This causes you to have less available on-hand for your body to utilize, thus the need to supplement. Also, we're drinking a lot of water. What does water grab? Electrolytes.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    After suggestions by by new keto friends, I've had a great day 5 on Keto. I got my supplements and added more sodium to my day. No dizziness or fuzz brain. My hubs is fully on board and we're both pretty excited to try new recipes. I'm down 5 lbs in 5 days. ULtimate goal is to see if keto helps my neuro disorders and hey, weight loss is great too! I'm hoping for a full 50 lbs. That'l get me out of the obese/overweight BMI category. So I've got a good start!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Getting off to a slow start for today's at home declutter plans. But its early yet. Wish me luck.
    Doing well on keto. Water weight is receding on schedule. Hopefully back on track by tomorrow.
    Feeling good about job situation after a scary beginning. Phew.
    bbl with project progress report..,
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    After suggestions by by new keto friends, I've had a great day 5 on Keto. I got my supplements and added more sodium to my day. No dizziness or fuzz brain. My hubs is fully on board and we're both pretty excited to try new recipes. I'm down 5 lbs in 5 days. ULtimate goal is to see if keto helps my neuro disorders and hey, weight loss is great too! I'm hoping for a full 50 lbs. That'l get me out of the obese/overweight BMI category. So I've got a good start!
