Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Hope you got some sleep.

    Mmebouchon - Good luck with the challenge.

    Samntha - Honestly, I like all I've done so far (the two different full body and the upper/lower split) and for different reasons. Full body is nice and worked great with the three day a week schedule and I can see why it's considered one of the better options for beginners in particular. Stronglifts was simple, to the point and if I was limited and needed to just get stuff done quick, I'd probably keep more to that style with the compound focus. NROLFW is a bit of a mix since it had more variety and it definitely put me out of my comfort zone a number of times. Took longer but the general fitness focus does have appeal. However, I will say that I like having the upper/lower split. Not sure how I'd feel about a bro or body part focused split, but it's kind of nice to have the mix of variety but also consistency. I like doing some lifts for power with less reps and some in the mid range (no 15 or 20 reps). Plus, even though it's 4 days instead of 3, it still works with running. Even when I add the 3 day runs back in, instead of the current 2, I can situate the longest run so I have upper body day after and not lower to give my legs a break. Plus, I can make minor changes and not feel like I'm going too off track/program (like adding good morning or switching out for a different tricep focused lift). So, ramble aside. All have their good qualities and I'm glad to do any but I'm really liking the split currently. Speaking of...

    54 - Upper Power

    bench 3x4 @ 105 - Did okay. Depending on how I feel next time will either try 110 (my last 1 rep max, eek) or keep to 105.
    db incline bench 3x10 @ 35 - still challenging by the ends of the sets
    bent row 3x4 @ 110 - did okay. Considered pendlay but the area I do those in was taken.
    lat pull 3x10 @ 80 - not much different than last time
    OHP 3x8 @ 65 - looked back at original set up of program and it had this is 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps, and I've been doing 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps. So, tried it this way, but think I'm going to move it up after db incline bench and go with the less rep range.
    overhead tricep 3x9 @ 40 - struggled at the ends

    Then 10 minute combined walk for warm up and cool down with 30 minute run in the middle on treadmill. Also, a little disgruntled. Gym got new treadmills that are nice and take up a little less space but the back row ones no longer have their own tv, so no more food network on my short runs.

    Overall, not bad considering had trouble sleeping last night. Tomorrow will be interesting as meeting with coworkers for lunch at a french bakery place for "brunch" before going to work. Then I'll gym with lower power. Fun times ahead.
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    Samntha - I don't do a lot of BP and I do a lot of DLs. Also, DLs just came really naturally to me. Heh. Oh, and February's issue of FitnessRX for Women has a pretty good article on splits and full body. I've only read half of it so far (I totally keep my magazines in the bathroom).

    Did S1 A2 yesterday. Did it at the silly small gym I'm a member of, just because it's near my house, on a bus route and above the grocery store. I can workout and then get groceries. I only ever use this gym once a week. At any rate, no squat racks there, so I just did light weight and focus on form. I upped the weight on everything else, but S1 still seems really light to me. Yeah, 15 is a high rep, but I'm looking forward to getting onto S2.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Wow guys, so much to catch up on.! Hope all those that need sleep manage to get some. It's pantsy when sleep is hard to come by foe whatever reason.

    Those that are injured or awaiting ops etc
    ..I hope all goes according to plan. Take recovery seriously. Take whatever time is needed and come back steadily. You'll be up to full strength in no time again.

    Mmebouchon, you sound as though life has thrown you a curveball or two. Stay strong and look after you.

    All newbie and returning peeps.....hellooooo!

    I was looking to start NR stage 3, but have battled with myself. I did stages 1 and 2 alongside SL 5x5 but stage 3 looks to take much longer so I wouldn't expect to be able to do both programmes together. This is especially true as the gym is silly busy with new year's resolution people so I need to wait for kit/space more than usual. Something has to give or else my form will falter and I will either get frustrated at lack of progress or will get injured.

    So, concentrating on SL type stuff for a few weeks then will switch back to NR in a few weeks I think.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Wow! So great to see so much activity here! Yay!

    Mme-so sorry for your losses! Glad you're back to working out, but hope things improve overall for you ((hugs))

    Love the discussion on splits! Good info. I'm doing a split now and like it better. I have a compressed disc in my low back and squatting every session (SL) wasn't working for me anymore. My back can only take so much. The split gives it more rest while still getting s great full body workout in.

    Dawn-you work so hard! Hope the sleep improves!
    Kim-good to focus on one thing at at time. Stage 3 is hard!
    Sam-you're doing well balancing it all and back to it! Hope you like one of the trainers.
    7year-good work!
    Jo-Hope you're getting enough rest!
    Stephie-have you heard of carb Backloading? Sounds similar to what you're describing. I'm working on controlling my carbs too, slightly different than you, but know from past experience I lose better on carb controlled woes.

    I'm on rest this weekend and enjoying it. Club volleyball season has begun for my girls, so I'm running and cheering a lot again. Next few weekend are packed. If I keep up my routine of M-F workouts I should be able to rest the weekends. Eating on plan and the scale is painfully slowly coming back down a little. Patience and consistency...patience is the harder part ;)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    :s I can't believe I haven't been here since the 2nd. Time is flying by. Overall I am doing pretty well, but I have to say that I don't do well in social situations at all. Last night, the last holiday party of the season - I walked through the door with all sorts of resolve, plans on how to handle the food etc. and completely ignored it all. It was a buffet and I did passably well at first but I was full at that point and should have stopped eating - I ate salad, chicken parmigiana and a mushrooms/beef entre. I didn't even say STOP SUE as I followed the crowd up for 2nds. Pasta, bread, more chicken and dessert on top of it all.

    What the hell am I going to do when I get to trial in 2 weeks! OMG! I'm POd, and frustrated and disappointed.

    This is and always has been my weight issue!!!

    Workouts are good! I did 3 good lifting sessions last week, despite being crazed at work! I've pushed all of these sessions into templates for me on bodybuilding.com so I can track them in the app until I'm ready to move onto STRONG.

    I am going back to read comments since my last post.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »

    A friend posted this link the other day. I like some of the moves and am planning on trying some myself. I really have to adjust my thinking away from cardio for my interval training and buy a new battery for my HRM.

    Hey those moves are great! I know my HR would be way up there after any of them! Thanks Sam!

    Mary, good luck this Friday! I like having the shake for the same reason. The other thing I will often do is mix my protein powder with plain Greek yogurt. More protein and more substance, so it sticks with me more, and it's better than eating a rasher of bacon!

    Everyone is pushing some serious weight here! What motivation! I don't exactly know what I'm going to do when I go to trial - I have to move into a Philadelphia hotel on 1/23, my home away from home, for the duration, plus we work 12-18 hour days. I really want to squeeze workouts in there but I believe I'm going to be limited to abbreviated body weight hotel room stuff. Fingers crossed that we settle, otherwise I am there for 6-8 weeks!

    Mme, good luck with the trainer - she should help you with your goals - and NROL4W is a good program to follow, so hope she doesn't try to push you off it!

    Jo and Dawn, I love your consistency! Great work

    Hi BEEPS!!

  • carezzz
    carezzz Posts: 6 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm new to NR and really happy to have found this group!

    Started NR on Jan 3, after previously starting the Stronglifts 5x5 program, but found it hard to stick with (not a lot of variety for me! But excellent to learn some lifting basics). Anyway, after a long Fall without a lot of workout motivation (a lot of distractions and stress at work), I'm so happy to be back to lifting! Finished my fourth NR workout today and happy with my gains so far - although I've had quite a few sore postworkout days. So thankful for my foam roller! Also really focusing on the nutrition side of things - trying to get my macros to 40/30/30 like the book recommends but finding it hard to hit the 30% protein every day - however so far I'm feeling better than I've felt for a while.

    It's so great to read all your motivational posts! Happy and healthy wishes to everyone :)
  • surfingmourir
    surfingmourir Posts: 11 Member
    Started Stage 2 tonight. It has beenover a year since I did the whole thing. I forgot how much balance you need for this stage! LoL. Glad to see there are others starting or restarting too.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The full body vs. total body is definitely an interesting conversation. For instance, my husband only does upper body in the gym because of the extreme nature of his lower body workouts on the bike. He pushes at an anaerobic threshold, so it's not even cardio at that point.

    I did my second S1A workout of Strong.
    Plank 2x60
    Bird Dog 2x4x15
    Three-point row 25lbs
    Goblet squat 25 lbs (In only increased my weight because the bd was laying right there, Glad I tool a shot at it)
    Step-up increased to 6 risers 2x12@15dbs
    Push up on bench 2x12 much easier this time. Time to start getting low.

    I feel accomplished today wg=hich makes up for never changing out of pjs yesterday.
    Have a great Monday ladies. I'm excited because hubby is coming home from Idaho.
    He crashed, had a mechanical and had to tap out 100 miles into a 200 mile race. He's somewhat disappointed but it was an excellent learning experience before Alaska.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello all,
    I am starting up again but just some bodyweight /dumbbell stuff from Strong Curves. I am commuting further with less help around the house- so going to the gym is out for now.

    I did try some low carb meals during the summer and I liked what it did for me. I am going to give it another go.

    Nice to read what you've all been up to...
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Pmagnanifit - Hi there. Good luck and you can always get creative with household supplies if necessary. :wink:

    @carezzz - Welcome. I am not even sure what 30 % equals. Might have to look it up out of curiosity. I have to admit, I ignored the food section for most of NROLFW but went with specific grams instead of percentages. I am trying to get at least 80 grams of protein a day, though don't always succeed. Even many months later, I'm still working on hitting protein goals.

    Long interesting day. May need to post in random chat spot along with that guy in the gym at some point, maybe tomorrow after sleeps. Brunch with coworkers was nice mid day except it took over 45 minutes to get a table so I had to order my meal to go. But I had a chocolate croissant and chai latte while at the table. It was delicious but need to remember to ask for soy next time cause regular dairy latte means I'm nauseated for over an hour afterwards. Got to eat my food at 7 pm at work, so it gave me stuff for all day, plus ate a couple of macaroons before lifting. Tonight was lower power and it was a long one because I rested more, did extra set and added a thing that involved some set up time. Not bad overall but looking forward to sleep cause tomorrow is day off from work and rest day at the same time.

    55 - Lower Power

    squat 3x4 @ 180 - Felt better than last week, slow but all decent reps.
    deadlift 1x4 @ 185, 3x4 @ 195 and 1x4 with straps @ 220 - going well so far
    leg press 3x8 @ 230 - eh, right hip near back got cranky so not as great
    leg curl 2x8 @ 80 and 1x8 @ 70 - hamstrings have been sore for a few days so struggled again with these
    standing calf 3x10 @ 105 - eh, calves
    hip thrust 3x10 @ 115 - okay though struggled a tad with balance of the bar
    jump squats on aerobic step 2 x 10 - trying to get a jump thing in to work on that

    Not bad overall. The hip thrust I tried over in the deadlift spot, which worked decent. I used an aerobic step and some risers to get it tall enough. Had hoped to do the jump squats between sets but height wise doesn't work out because it would be challenging for me to straddle the step at where I need it to get enough range of motion for hip thrust. So, guess they will be separate. Was interesting to try out and may keep at this set for a while, though with extra set up it makes the overall time frame longer than before, but that's okay cause often I get Monday off from work so being a bit later at the gym isn't a problem.

    Now, sleep.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi ladies, just back from Stong S1, B

    Side plank: 4 x 15 seconds. So difficult, but I'm trying
    Anti-rotation press: 2 x 3 x 10sec @ 22.8kg. Good. Really felt like I was stabilising everything properly.

    SL romanian DL: 2 x 12 @ 14kg DB - great. Didn't even fall over this week and my a*s was killing afterwards so I think I was doing it properly.
    Push up: 2 x 12 on smith machine, height 6. Thanks for whoever suggested this. It's super helpful to have such little increments to move the bar down! I did 12 in a row so am definitely going to move it down a notch on Friday.
    Split squat: 2 x 12 8kg DBsx2 - I can probably lunge a lot more than this, but I find them so taxing. I may try with a loaded barbell on my back instead next time
    Inverted row: 2 x 12 on smith machine, height 12. Managed to do sets of a set of 6, 5, 1 then 5, 5, 2. Getting better!

    No intervals as I am full of cold and can't really breathe as it is - I'm hoping to be feeling better soon so I can try them again.

    Julie - I hadn't heard of carb backloading, but I have just had a little look. It seems to be sort of what I'm doign, althoguh my evening meal is a low carb meal on training days too. I have to be kind of careful with carbs as I think I have PCOS and it can really inhibit how I'm feeling day-to-day.

    Dawn - you're a machine! Hope you managed to get some sleep!

    Sam - how are you enjoying Strong? I'm liking it so far, although I do miss conventional deadlifts and bench, but I will try to be patient and wait for them to be reintroduced!

    Happy lifting :)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Great lifting ladies! Inspired!

    I just did upper body, went with Dh who had to get back for a work call, so I didn't get to finish my tricep skull crushers. I'll add some dips later. I thought I was killing it on my bench today. Knocked out 5 reps, no prob, I'm a rockstar! Second set, 5 bam! The I recalculated and was short 10 lbs. makes more sense. Guess I'm not a rockstar, ;) yet! Added the 10 and as able to do 4 reps twice with some real effort! At least I make myself laugh!

    All good though. Enjoying this plan and feel good. Scale up, stupid scale. Adjusting my eating this week and hoping for a loss some day!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Sam, having done both, I actually prefer the splits. That's one of the reasons I haven't started STRONG yet, although I do intend to do it.
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    My new strength training coach sucks! After the 60 minute session with her insisting I do her workout, which was totall lame, I did 4W level 1 6a .
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You guys are going to make me change my thinking. I LOVE the programs. I'm not ready to give them up. It is a rest day for me. Last week I did two workouts, this week will be three. I'm slowly building back up. I've been following "Eat to Perform" on Facebook. They have some great articles they have been posting. With anything, you have to weed through what you read to find what will work for you. For me, I'm a mid-30s working mom, with hypoglycemia and a sleep disorder. Right now, I just want to get back to my healthier self. When I'm ready to focus on "going big" I may switch to splits.

    I have a meeting with a trainer tomorrow but I already know I will be exhausted. I have to get hubby from the airport at 11:30 pm. I'm going to be shot at work, but I can't call out because I'm already out Wednesday and Friday. With Mom being sick this year, my attendance is crap. Luckily my boss has been amazingly understanding and I haven't even come close to going over my useable days.
    Wish me luck.

    Stephanie, I'm loving STRONG. I'm building back up to the big lifts. I lost a lot of strength over the last few months. How high do you have the bar for inverted rows? Great workout BTW.

    Dawn, you're killing it. You'll be at 200 squat so soon.

    Julie, sometimes it's good to dial it back. Do you have access to the 2.5 plates so you can move up 5lbs instead 10?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    mmebouchon wrote: »
    My new strength training coach sucks! After the 60 minute session with her insisting I do her workout, which was totall lame, I did 4W level 1 6a .

    That sucks. Can you choose someone else at your gym?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    Ugh at side planks in Strong. I could only do twenty secs per side. I woukd rather stand and lean over with weights because of my bony elbows.

    Anyhooooo.....i have three lifting times this week and one cardio. BOOM!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'd forgotten about side planks! Have not done any ab focus work for a long time. I used to be able to do side planks with the top leg elevated..... bet I can't now lol.

    Finished night shifts this morning. 2 hours sleep, lifting (DL day) and a swim. Then shopping/ chores. Then picking the kids up and making dinner. Now I feel my entire body is complaining and focusing this complaint in my hamstrings. Talk about weak/ wobbly legs!!

    Couple of days off now, then 4 shifts and ANNUAL LEAVE!! So ready!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Sam - i'm actually not sure how high the bar is!! Somewhere between waist and boobs - I have no idea if all smiths have the same numbering system?

    I will compare on Friday when I do workout B again :)

    All I know is they are super super hard! I get to the end of those and think "gah, I really need to lose some weight", haha.

    Beeps - I can't even do 20 seconds for side planks, I do my best and try to shove my hips up, but they feel so awkward! At least I'm trying I guess!