100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2016
    I survived the Blizzard :) No walking of course, We shoveled snow three times yesterday and so far today once, at least one or two more times needed to clear my car. Currently my car looks like a glacier. Very tiring throwing the snow up and over the banks of snow too. 27+ inches of global warming in the next town to the north, that is around 1+ miles. No walking today of course maybe tomorrow. NYC .1 inches less than the record snowfall. In NJ the deepest snow was 33 inches in Morris Plains. A town to the west of me a 10 to 15 minute drive was over 29 inches. Somerville was at 27.4 inches :(

    Can You spot my car in this picture? Also notice the Yardstick at the back of it.


    Have a Safe Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2016
    I lost my mind and went walking this morning + 25 cents and 1:35 duration, only 6k steps however due to the footing, 7 degrees with no breeze. Then home for Breakfast followed by More shoveling. The Sidewalk to the street is now finished as is the end of the driveway to the patio :)

    Pictures of some of the shoveled sidewalks, many are not shoveled yet. Neat tunnel



    Evidently 60% of the plows in town broke down during the plowing. They were out again today doing a finish plowing on many streets that really needed it too.

    Have a Safe Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 39 degrees this morning so I went walking at my normal time since the snow melt would not have frozen into a icy surface. I also stopped at the Produce store for my Brothers Poblano & Red peppers, Yellow Onion & Cherry Tomatoes. Two Lettuce for him and one for me and four apples and a 3 pound bag of Clementines and Some Bananas for me. I sort of over shopped as the back pack was heavy so I took the short route home, That leaves me somewhat short on steps so I'll be going back out later. Most of the streets are fine, Many of the sidewalks are clean, however at the corners it is tough going or else go out a driveway to the street and walk a little there due to the piles of snow pushed up by the plows at the corners.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Roger, Bev, and Nene! I've been sick since the 15th. Finally went to the doctor today. Sinus and throat infection...on antibiotics and steroids now. Exhausted and sick of being sick.

    Roger- snow pics are awesome. Glad you're safe and well.

  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Val, Bev, Roger, and everyone that reads this thread.
    Hope all are well, warm and healthy. I've been stuck at the same weight for weeks. I have not been over 1500 calories except 3 times since Christmas. Unfortunately I got stuck after losing 100 pounds 2 years ago and it started a weight gain cycle that I am determined to not repeat.
    Things I have done to change to try to lose weight......I have eaten supper for breakfast and breakfast for supper. Lunch is 4 cups of salad greens with dried cranberries, walnuts and an ounce of cheese.....no dressing.....Lots of water.... I weigh myself tomorrow so I'm hoping for results. I even called NS today to get some advice. Lady was nice but I was wondering if anyone has had a prolonged spell of being stuck.? The only thing that I have done differently over the past month is that I have added frozen stuff to my plan. NS assured me that the frozen foods would not cause me to get stuck. Are y'all using frozen stuff and has it changed your weight loss? My usual is to drop a pound one week and 3-5 the following week. Total of 103 pounds during 2015.
    Sorry for the long post. I'm trying to keep my head in the weight loss cycle.
    Y'all have a good day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today already, somewhat warmer than Yesterday too. On my return before breakfast I packed up some old too large clothes to go to the Salvation Army bins at the recycling center. I still need to do a whip through of the closet as I believe I have more in there to go through and check. Banana before the walk and NS Waffles + NS Chocolate Protein Shake for Breakfast.

    I tried the Salt & Vinegar Snack-A-Rounds the other day. I ate two and that was all I could choke down so I passed them to my brother who eats most of the NS foods I did not like, such as the Hot & Spicy ones. He tried one and more or less said Yuck :) so I dumped the rest and had something else for my Evening Dessert. No stars from me. Now I need to figure out what to do with the other package of them, maybe the Food Collection tray at the Library. One more to try, the Creamy ranch.

    As Always try one for Yourself as what I do not like others do. I can only assume that they must have taste tested them and they got the OK so it could be me :)

    Have a Nice Friday
    Hi Roger, Bev, and Nene! I've been sick since the 15th. Finally went to the doctor today. Sinus and throat infection...on antibiotics and steroids now. Exhausted and sick of being sick.

    Roger- snow pics are awesome. Glad you're safe and well.


    Hi Val
    I am sorry to hear that You have been sick for so long, It sounds as if You do the same thing I do, Avoid the doctor as long as possible.

    Good Luck & Get Well Quickly
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Val, Bev, Roger, and everyone that reads this thread.
    Hope all are well, warm and healthy. I've been stuck at the same weight for weeks. I have not been over 1500 calories except 3 times since Christmas. Unfortunately I got stuck after losing 100 pounds 2 years ago and it started a weight gain cycle that I am determined to not repeat.
    Things I have done to change to try to lose weight......I have eaten supper for breakfast and breakfast for supper. Lunch is 4 cups of salad greens with dried cranberries, walnuts and an ounce of cheese.....no dressing.....Lots of water.... I weigh myself tomorrow so I'm hoping for results. I even called NS today to get some advice. Lady was nice but I was wondering if anyone has had a prolonged spell of being stuck.? The only thing that I have done differently over the past month is that I have added frozen stuff to my plan. NS assured me that the frozen foods would not cause me to get stuck. Are y'all using frozen stuff and has it changed your weight loss? My usual is to drop a pound one week and 3-5 the following week. Total of 103 pounds during 2015.
    Sorry for the long post. I'm trying to keep my head in the weight loss cycle.
    Y'all have a good day!

    Hi Nene
    I have been on Frozen from the start, I started with the 10 days of frozen & 18 days of Shelf Stable plan that was available then. Down the road I went to the Uniquely Yours Plan. What I do is mix up my SCs and PFs. Yesterday and today for lunch I will use CostCo Canned White Meat Turkey and Their Canned Sweet Corn, and I will use Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and a Apple or Clementines for a SC and Tomorrow I will use them with Lunch and Dinner for example. I find that mixing them up with different choices works better.

    TBH there are better PFs than Cheese, Lean White Chicken or Beef for example. I tend to use a lot of fruits as Scs. I would be careful with the Dried Cranberries as many of them are heavy on sugar.

    The last long plateau I had was when I was not getting enough calories strangely enough to some.

    Did NS offer any advice, Maybe exercise?

    Good Luck
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you Roger!
    Not able to exercise but I see the orthopedic doc on Wednesday. I am hoping he will schedule me for both knee replacements. You know how you want something but have a fear of getting it. My whole weight loss journey has been motivated by these poor non working knees. In August I was turned down by an orthopedic doctor due to my weight. I was crushed but very motivated to prove him wrong.
    I'm seeing another doctor from a different practice. My regular medical doctor is all for the surgery. I'm really stressed over all this, so maybe that is holding up the weight loss process. Please wish me good luck on Wednesday and that the best decisions are made.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    A little cold outside this morning, Warmer later and for a few more days. I walked a route I have not been on since the Snowfall as I was not sure if the sidewalks would be shoveled due to where they run. I had to walk in the highway for 50 feet to get around a snowbank so I waited for a red light, no problem. Weekends there is much less traffic then in the weekday rush hour so it was feasible and safe.

    Got a coupon for a free 24 oz. travel cup with the purchase of a medium or larger beverage + $1.69 refills through April 30 from Dunkin Donuts so Tomorrow Dunkin Donuts for me. Hopefully they are not out of them by then.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Thank you Roger!
    Not able to exercise but I see the orthopedic doc on Wednesday. I am hoping he will schedule me for both knee replacements. You know how you want something but have a fear of getting it. My whole weight loss journey has been motivated by these poor non working knees. In August I was turned down by an orthopedic doctor due to my weight. I was crushed but very motivated to prove him wrong.
    I'm seeing another doctor from a different practice. My regular medical doctor is all for the surgery. I'm really stressed over all this, so maybe that is holding up the weight loss process. Please wish me good luck on Wednesday and that the best decisions are made.

    Hi Nene
    I am not sure if stress affects weight loss, so I have no opinion on that. I do know people that had knees replaced and they were advised to have both done at the same time.

    I hope You get good news Wednesday
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Great news this morning! After a month of a 3 pound gain/loss cycle,the scale finally moved down! That makes 105 pounds gone. I'm no where near your awesome loss Roger but I'm getting there! I am relieved with a bmi of 45. Whew!
    The doctor that does surgery on my knees will be at the deciding factor. He decides if I'm a good candidate for bilateral knee replacement. I'm not sure how folks that have it done go to the bathroom but I'm willing to even go to a rehabilitation center for 3 weeks.
    Enjoy your coffee and please be safe on your walks. Which state are you from? I'm NC.
    Have a great day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was a little chilly out this morning, I walked to the Dunkin Donuts for my Coffee and used the coupon for a free 24 ounce Refillable coffee cup, Cup comes with $1.69 refills until the end of April :) When I looked at the cup closer I see that it has a covering that changes what is displayed depending on Your viewing angle.

    I hit 7901 steps by the time I got back home. The sidewalks are getting a little better each day as the snow melts, excluding a few spots such as slopes at driveways where the snow melts and runs down the slope causing a icy spot until the sun can melt it.

    Have a Great Sunday
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Great news this morning! After a month of a 3 pound gain/loss cycle,the scale finally moved down! That makes 105 pounds gone. I'm no where near your awesome loss Roger but I'm getting there! I am relieved with a bmi of 45. Whew!
    The doctor that does surgery on my knees will be at the deciding factor. He decides if I'm a good candidate for bilateral knee replacement. I'm not sure how folks that have it done go to the bathroom but I'm willing to even go to a rehabilitation center for 3 weeks.
    Enjoy your coffee and please be safe on your walks. Which state are you from? I'm NC.
    Have a great day!

    Hi Nene
    Congratulations on Your loss :)

    The family member that had both knees done spent some time in a Rehabilitation facility. I would think that is the best method, They had Medicare & Supplemental that covered the stay in Rehab. I would think it would be hard to live at home and do everything including rehabilitation even with only one knee. I know she was told to get both done at once as that basically halves the rehab period from 2 stints to one.

    I thought I had mentioned I am in Central NJ.

    I am tinkering with the NS plan working in some outside meals/foods looking ahead to the day I reach goal. I believe I have 21 pounds to go, OTOH when I saw the doctor on the 8th he said I was OK where I was at, I tend to disagree with that after looking in the mirror BTW.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking this morning at approx 7:40 and it was 11 degrees colder than yesterday for the same time. Not to bad however, Then when my brother left at 11AM I walked up to the bank and then over to the dollar store looking for the UHT milk quarts. No Joy :(
    Total Steps so far 14,598 as of 12:30.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    I used Atkins frozen Dinners as I had a coupon for it and it looked good. I had the Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo Frozen meal. The calories are a bit higher than the NS Chicken in BBQ Baked beans @ 330 calories. 26G Protein, High Sodium @ 1070mg, 4g of fiber seems low and 9g of carbohydrates, Not unexpected as Atkins is a low Carb high protein diet plan. 9ounces weight vs the NS Chicken Alfredo, however the NS has no vegetables and lots of pasta and less chicken. The Amount of Chicken in the NS seems to be all over the place too.
    Mini review. Tasty with pieces of Broccoli and several Nice sized pieces of Chicken Breast meat, slightly salty taste but I will probably buy again if I can find another $1 off coupon for one entree.

    The other Atkin Entree I tried was their Beef Merlot with Broccoli. Tasty will buy again Nice quantity of Beef. 9G Carbs, 920g sodium, 3g fiber and 310 calories. 9 ounces weight

    I did get out for my walk this morning, The rain has not really moved in yet :) I did get drizzled on for a little while and then it stopped. 20 degrees warmer that yesterday for the same time according to the Weatherman.

    Have a Nice Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    When I went out walking this morning the weather was OK, Everything was wet from the rain, however the rain was gone and the temperatures were mild for February too. I was showing 50 degrees on the front porch when I left around 7:30. Tomorrow the weather is forecast to be colder with either wet snow or rain in the morning :(

    The Walking is much easier with much of the snow melted off of the sidewalks, Yea!

    I tried what was suggested with the NS Frozen Bacon Egg Cheese Muffin and microwaved it to defrost it, Then put the Muffin in the toaster, Microwaved the Egg and Canadian style bacon, Placed the cheese on the muffin after it came out of the toaster. Much better textures that way. Thank You to the person who suggested doing it that way.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi everyone it has been ages since I have posted in this thread. I have been spending most of my time in the Lose 5 NS Group. I haven't been following NS since June of 2015 as when I went to see a surgeon about my gallbladder he told me to leave NS for a high protein low carb diet so I could get closer to the 300 pound mark and then he would do my surgery. The Lose 5 NS group was nice enough to allow me to stay despite not eating NS foods. I didn't know if any of the other NS Groups would allow me to continue to post so I stayed away.
    I wanted you all to know I did have my gallbladder removal, hernia repair and exploration of nodules in varies parts of my body on Jan 26th. When I went in for the surgery I had managed to get my weight down to 314. As it turns out one of the nodules was inside my stomach so the Dr had to cut part of the stomach. He told me all about this procedure before hand as he thought he might have to do it and I approved of it. So in essence I now have a much smaller stomach and have to learn to re-eat again with my new pouch.
    Since surgery I have gotten down to 295 and just wanted you all to know that I have embarked on a new way of life. Unless you all feel it is ok for me to continue posting here this will be my last posting. I wanted to thank everyone who has helped encouraged me since June 2014 when I started NS at 390. There have been a lot of up and down battle but with all of your encouragement I have finally turned the corner toward better health. I Thank each and everyone of you and wish you all continued success with changing your lives for the better.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi Belle (Amanda?)
    Congratulations on Your Progress. The High Protein Low Carb sounds like the Atkins diet FWIW.

    I see no problem with You posting here. As with many destinations there are many paths to them and all are valid. I often take a longer route when walking or driving for the change.

    Good Luck and keep up the Good Work

    P.S. I Am heading out the door for my walk now so I can be back for breakfast on time so I'm not as verbose as I wanted to be, sorry.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am delaying my walk this morning as I want to stop by the bank and it does not open until 9AM. So Dunkin Donuts for a refill coffee, and stop at the bank later. Out the door around 8AM.

    10 +/- degrees colder than yesterday at this time. Colder air in the forecast for next week and a probability of Snow Monday, maybe Tuesday and several other days in the week showing in the 7 day forecast :(

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW I'm back :)
    Out the door around 8AM and back home at 9:30, 7000+ steps and 1 Penny today along with a Dime yesterday, Yea I'm getting rich walking :)

    I just finished Breakfast, NS Pancakes & a NS Coffee Protein Shake as well as the 106gram Banana before I went for the walk. Probably a Quaker Oats Banana Bread flavor Instant Oatmeal @160 calories. Followed by a PF of CostCo Kirkland brand Canned Turkey as a PF and
    either a SC of Kirkland Canned Corn that is close to its use by date or an Apple as the SC and a Steak & Cheese melt for Lunch and of course Vegetables :)

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    I was out walking today + 7 cents. I seem to be making covering the same distance in fewer steps and a little quicker than I was last year. I guess that's progress :) There were several people out walking the Dog or Jogging today, more than I usually see. I also got out again yesterday afternoon for a little while walking. Banking steps and working on extra weight loss for my next weigh in.

    It was a little cold when I left, It did warm up OK as the walk progressed however. They are still saying some snow Tomorrow arriving around 5Am and maybe more from a different system Monday night into Tuesday :(

    I was just looking at my food on hand and thinking I am heavy on Breakfasts, Lunches and Snacks. Not quite so much on Dinners. I had delayed my next order by two weeks, I am now thinking that I may delay even longer. My best guess is based on this reply last year from NutriSystem
    "Here is how we make substitutions for our foods with the Day Off Guide:
    Breakfast Entree = 1 PF + 1 SC
    Lunch Entree = 1 PF + 1 SC
    Dinner Entree = 2 PF + 1 SC
    Dessert = 1 SC"
    Thus It seems I could use Lunches or Breakfasts as Dinners by adding a PF easily and get my meals into balance that way. I have also noticed that the Breakfasts seem to be lower calorie overall compared to Lunches.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 321 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Belle (Amanda?)
    Congratulations on Your Progress. The High Protein Low Carb sounds like the Atkins diet FWIW.

    I see no problem with You posting here. As with many destinations there are many paths to them and all are valid. I often take a longer route when walking or driving for the change.

    Good Luck and keep up the Good Work

    P.S. I Am heading out the door for my walk now so I can be back for breakfast on time so I'm not as verbose as I wanted to be, sorry.

    Thanks Roger I appreciate that. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I was out waking with my walker. Even though the walks wee from 15 to 45 minutes I think I may have overdone it as today I have a lot of pain underarm breast area pain. I am wondering if the pain is still from the gas they use to fill up the belly for laparscopic surgery?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking + 12 Cents, a little earlier than usual due to the weather forecast showing Snow starting shortly. It was 37 Degrees this morning with a intermittent Breeze which made it feel colder when it was blowing.

    I added a a little distance to my walk. I'll have to go to MapMyRun later and see how far I walked. I am :( with the weather forecast showing some snow today and more tonight into tomorrow from a different weather system.

    Off to breakfast shortly featuring The NS Granola Cereal with Low fat UHT milk and a NS Vanilla Protein Shake. I already had a Banana before I left for my walk as Well as a Extra Large 7 Eleven Coffee where I used Decaf & Regular coffee mixed together in the cup.

    Have a Great Monday
    Thanks Roger I appreciate that. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I was out waking with my walker. Even though the walks wee from 15 to 45 minutes I think I may have overdone it as today I have a lot of pain underarm breast area pain. I am wondering if the pain is still from the gas they use to fill up the belly for laparscopic surgery?

    Hi Amanda (if I remember properly?)
    It could also be Muscle pain from the walking. I had that from when I started walking myself. My Right Arm where I use the ersatz Walking Stick was sore for a wile. I use a Cane as a walking stick when I walk. It was here in the house so why not use it vs buying a walking stick :)

    IMO Walking is one of the helpful things to reduce weight quicker or as an alternative it can be used to lose at the same rate of loss while increasing caloric intake.

    Good Luck