LCD Chat...



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Cynsuccesd wrote: »
    Greetings all. Hope this is the right spot for an introduction. I've been doing grain-free since October at suggestion of acupuncturist because of arthritis. Feel great and have the added benefit of losing pounds. Yippee! Too bad it took 30 years for me to learn the truth of the matter, right?? I did a lot of online research, found Banting, went LCHF, and haven't looked back.

    I was a bread maniac and had a killer (indeed) sweet tooth. No more. It was easy to give up bread because of the correlation to pain. And thank goodness for Lilly's Dark Chocolate made with stevia. I no longer eat candy as before but a little dark chocolate makes for yummy fat bombs!

    Spouse was dubious but went along in solidarity; said he would give it six months. Well, in 11 months he has lost 4 pant sizes plus all his "markers" (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides etc) are the best they have ever been. He loves to cook and his minor in college was statistics so he is GREAT at putting together low-carb recipes and tracking every bite & sip on his special spreadsheet. Me? Not so much of either but since finding MyFitnessPal, I am doing much better at tracking plus I can share all the recipe macros with him. Still don't like to cook!

    We live in Northeast Florida (transplants from Northern California), and are most fortunate to live near the ocean (we couldn't afford THAT view in CA!). At this time we are empty-nesters (but I see a boom-a-rang in our future): Son is in the Marines; daughter away at school. We have a feisty terrier Eddie who is very happy that bacon is on the menu! We own a business and work full time...most weeks.

    My perfect trifecta? A great recorded book, a fun knitting project and a good bottle of wine. To me, that is heaven. Next is walking on the beach with the dog, especially when the Florida humidity breaks -- and that is just about now!

    In 38 days I will be 60. Before last October when it hurt to get out of bed, I thought I would be crippled with arthritis by the time I was 65. Now I feel FABulous!

    Thanks to you for this community; I look forward sharing the journey!

    Welcome!! Your perfect trifecta sounds pretty good to me!
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's About Fracking time Friday!

    Yesterday was such a long day. I don't know if it was because of the dreary weather or what but it dragged. It also could have been the fact that I couldn't get my walk in at lunch because of the rain. I tried and got a ten minute walk with a slight soaking as I just made it back to the car.
    Once I make it through today I can honestly say I am so looking forward to having a lazy sleep in morning. Over the last few days my energy has been dropping downwards. I perk up once I get to work but I've been like a slug in the morning.

    Make it a great day everyone!!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member

    It's month end at my company so I definitely have supervisors chasing me for *kitten* and have been pulling some overtime to catch up.

    I'm thankful it's Friday because my niece is getting baptized tomorrow and I'm taking pictures for her parents. She used to like me but now she cries whenever she is near 'Auntie Inexperienced' lol! :p

    Have a great day everyone!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Yay Friday! It has been a long week. I desperately need to get some housework done this weekend but I just want to hibernate on the couch.
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    Yesterday, I received the "honor" of babysitting my son's Shizhu thru Sunday. This dog must weigh at least 50 pounds!! Are dogs generally reflective of their owners? My son is massively overweight and prediabetic in his mid thirty's. This dog is crazy and has decided that my entire house is his bathroom, no matter how often I walk him. I hate tying up a dog, but last night I had to tie him to a door knob, with his blanky, food, water and toy. Today, he is out on my rather large deck enjoying the nice fall weather. This is the first dog in the house since my own little doggie passed away 2 years ago. The company is enjoyed, but not the messes.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @Aquawave I think maybe people who snack a lot have a tendency to give their dogs treats more often.

    My dog used to not eat much. He was very picky and particular. He'd only eat one specific brand of food. He didn't even like much people food. However since he's gotten elderly we call him Jaws. He's like a shark on a feeding frenzy. He'll eat anything! He stalks the kitchen when I cook in case I drop something, he stares and drools while we eat dinner, he steals the cat food, and he's even stolen our food if we were absent minded enough to lay a plate down! He's almost 15 years old though so we just give him a pass!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Not sure about dogs, but my large cats got fat on free-feed. They have big frames, so they are going to be heavier than most cats even when thin, but one of them became truly fat to the point of obesity - 32 lbs. After a few health scares with him, including a major issue while trying to ration food so he would lose weight. That last scare was not related to the food quantity, but I didn't catch the issue as soon as I should have because I expected him to lose weight. I was happy with the weight loss until he was very thin at about 16 lbs and something was clearly wrong that he was losing so fast. Turned out he had diabetes, which I should have noticed the signs, but didn't. I gave him insulin shots for a couple months and then found that he did very well when eating low carb wet food. The only time he gets dry high-carb food now is when I'm not home at meal time and the computer feeds him... which is only once every week or 2.
  • KetoLady86
    KetoLady86 Posts: 337 Member
    RowdysLady wrote: »
    This weekend was our date weekend. Saturday night we decided to enjoy some pizza and wings (I scraped the meat off the top of the pizza and took crusts home for the pups), did a little quick shopping then we saw Sully. Yesterday morning we went to breakfast then to the gun show in town. All without the kids and all without worrying about anything. We just had a nice time on both occasions. I needed that.

    Its good to get out without the kids sometimes...I understand that!
  • KetoLady86
    KetoLady86 Posts: 337 Member
    Hi all,

    This past week has been really rough for me. My mom and my stepdad split up and my mom experienced a blackout episode due to the anxiety the situation was giving her. In turn, I freaked out, and rushed to be by her side. The doctor said she has low blood pressure but her heart is working overtime so she has been advised to take it easy. And then this morning, I started experiencing symptoms of an anxiety attack!

    I am trying to keep myself busy, but I don't think if that makes it worse or better. I'm trying to work through all the issues, but I have a lot on my plate right now. I couldn't even keep up with the Step It Up challenge.

    Anyways, enough with my pity party. I just wanted to say thanks to this community for being supportive and always being there when I needed it.

    Aww Dear, remember...God only gives you what you can handle. Stay strong sweetie, we are here for you
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    Not sure about dogs, but my large cats got fat on free-feed. They have big frames, so they are going to be heavier than most cats even when thin, but one of them became truly fat to the point of obesity - 32 lbs. After a few health scares with him, including a major issue while trying to ration food so he would lose weight. That last scare was not related to the food quantity, but I didn't catch the issue as soon as I should have because I expected him to lose weight. I was happy with the weight loss until he was very thin at about 16 lbs and something was clearly wrong that he was losing so fast. Turned out he had diabetes, which I should have noticed the signs, but didn't. I gave him insulin shots for a couple months and then found that he did very well when eating low carb wet food. The only time he gets dry high-carb food now is when I'm not home at meal time and the computer feeds him... which is only once every week or 2.

    I had heard that diabetes was a problem in cats. Our cat, Grey Ghost, is 13 months old, 11 pounds, and is fed 1/2 wet and 1/2 dry. He is quite muscular and lean. Grey and the visiting dog are teasing each other on the deck and seem to be having a good ole time, and I am enjoying watching them. Grey is an outside cat and comes in at dusk. We adopted him last year because we had rodents chew the wiring harness on our week old Prius.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member

    It's month end at my company so I definitely have supervisors chasing me for *kitten* and have been pulling some overtime to catch up.

    I swear we work at the same company. Lol.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    My cat is fat, I used to have a very underweight feral who would not eat unless he ate so they were free fed on my vets advice. Now I am stuck trying to slim him down. His only treats is freeze dried chicken which is good for him, and he cannot handle any diet food without getting constipated. He steals food, begs for it and now will eat anything. I have to fight him off my pork scratchings and guard my dinner plate.

    Folks, don't overfeed your pets, you'll pay for it later. :'(
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »

    It's month end at my company so I definitely have supervisors chasing me for *kitten* and have been pulling some overtime to catch up.

    I swear we work at the same company. Lol.

    Nah, that is typical. I'm an accountant for a company (i.e. not for a CPA firm) and do the same thing. Usually at month end, I'm chasing everyone to get their kitten done before the end of the month. Then I'm busy at the beginning of the next month with closing the prior month's books. We all have cut-off times and things that need to be done before that time.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's October 1st!!

    Another rainy day here for me! It's really put a damper on my step goal for the week. I did hit my personal best though!

    September ended on a sour note for me. Had a fight with my family and now I'm really having to takea step back and figure out my options.
    I'm currently living in a large house with my family post divorce with my two kids. I've got a job that I like here but that's about it. No social life at all to speak of. It's just me and the kids. We all moved to Michigan to be close to family. All my close friends live back in New Hampshire. So I'm doing the big debate now if I should stay here in Michigan or start squirreling away and make the move back to NH so I can be back with my friends.
    Going back would mean starting completely over. Here I at least have the family support but the stress of arguments and blah blah blah.

    I'm completely torn.

  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    It's hard, @ProCoffeenator to be in that situation. I didn't have kids when it happened to me but it was still tough living with family after being married and away. I was young, impetuous, and stubborn and just up and left when my family and I had that fight. I moved from AL to IL without a second thought and struggled for a long time. I wonder, on occasion, what would have happened had I cooled off before making that decision. I don't think I'd be here in TX now with two great kids, a really great career and a most amazing Rowdy.

    It was tough moving away alone but I think I needed it. I didn't have kids to think about though it was just me surviving.

    Guess what I'm trying to say is things happen for a reason - some people believe it's God, others the universe, whatever you think it is or isn't is fine but things happen as they are supposed to happen and we struggle when we do because we learn from it. Hang in there, you can make this decision and whatever happens you will be stronger and better for it.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    It's October 1st!!

    Another rainy day here for me! It's really put a damper on my step goal for the week. I did hit my personal best though!

    September ended on a sour note for me. Had a fight with my family and now I'm really having to takea step back and figure out my options.
    I'm currently living in a large house with my family post divorce with my two kids. I've got a job that I like here but that's about it. No social life at all to speak of. It's just me and the kids. We all moved to Michigan to be close to family. All my close friends live back in New Hampshire. So I'm doing the big debate now if I should stay here in Michigan or start squirreling away and make the move back to NH so I can be back with my friends.
    Going back would mean starting completely over. Here I at least have the family support but the stress of arguments and blah blah blah.

    I'm completely torn.

    A really tough decision, I feel for you. Just take some time to think it over carefully. I usually try to think of "best case scenario' vs. "worst case scenario" and that helps me make up my mind. Don't rush into anything.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's Bacon Sunday!

    Every Sunday we cook up tons of bacon.... Mmmm.
    My usual weekend craziness will be scheduled for today. Laundry. Cleaning. Typical stuff.

    @RowdysLady and @supergal3 thanks. I'm not going to rush into any decisions. I did however get a round about question directed at my daughter and she clearly made it sound that she would rather stay put here in MI. That is another factor id have to take into account on all of this too.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Bacon Sunday! Love it.

    We ran out (gasp) so I'm heading to the store after the gym to grab some. The boy and I went through two pounds in no time. Really need to consider getting a Costco membership for the amount of bacon we consume lol

    Happy Sunday folks!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I don't have any bacon out right now... got a bunch in the freezer, but not thawed. So instead I cooked some breakfast sausages from frozen... I can cook a lot in the oven at once without much work to attend. The problem is that I ended up eating 2 packages (1,600 calories) for breakfast and have none left to microwave the rest of the week... so I'm over my calories for today already. :( Ugh, either I go over calories today or get some exercise. Damn me and my unforgiving appetite. At least if I don't eat anything else today, I'll be in a deficit still... just not as big of a deficit as I set for myself.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Cooked two packages. The family ate one package, I put the other in the fridge. Trying to think what I will do with it..... I'm planning to make cheddar broccoli soup maybe add some to that?
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    Here is something I just purchased in Costco. New to me but maybe y'all are familiar with them. I know, I know, we can make our own but sometimes it's nice to have it done for you. 100 cal for 15, 0 carb. They are parmesan cheese crisps. Don't let the label fool you, size-wise they are about the size of a quarter, on the label they look like the size of rice cakes!!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    supergal3 wrote: »
    Here is something I just purchased in Costco. New to me but maybe y'all are familiar with them. I know, I know, we can make our own but sometimes it's nice to have it done for you. 100 cal for 15, 0 carb. They are parmesan cheese crisps. Don't let the label fool you, size-wise they are about the size of a quarter, on the label they look like the size of rice cakes!!

    I know! When I bought them, I was thinking 'Score! Something the size of a chip that I can snack on?' *opens up bag* 'Ahhh...*kitten*!' *eats a handful anyways*
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's Hardcore Monday.

    Woke up bloated and bleh this morning. WTH!! Everything I ate yesterday was on plan I thought! I'm thinking my lunch is suspect. It was leftovers from the fridge and I think the lightbulb just went off! I made Keto taco meat while the family had packaged taco meat. There were leftovers of both but only one left in the fridge yesterday.... You know what I'm thinking.

    Going to have to dig my heels in today and go tough. I'm determined to make this an awesome month for me as October is usually the beginning of the end for me. Holidays always seem to pull me down and it always starts with the yummy teats that are out in force starting in October.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    edited October 2016
    Browsing Pinterest for low carb recipes and this promoted pins pops up. I feel like some smarter audience targeting could have been done because this is completely irrelevant to me and did not match any of the other pins on the page.


  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    I take it as a good sign when "targeted" marketing is off the mark, although I know they really do have the data, just are using it poorly.
  • Kimo159
    Kimo159 Posts: 508 Member
    Ew at the snack bowl...that's not even creative. Just a bunch of crap thrown together...
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning all... got home last night from an amazing weekend away with my husband at the beach! So good! And I did so good food-wise. Drank more alcohol than normal but it's so nice not to have to crawl my way out of a bad weekend. Ready to kick this week in the mouth! Let's go team!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    edited October 2016
    bowlerae wrote: »
    Browsing Pinterest for low carb recipes and this promoted pins pops up. I feel like some smarter audience targeting could have been done because this is completely irrelevant to me and did not match any of the other pins on the page.


    I love getting these on Instagram, I chime in and comment on exactly how much sugar is in the product, how many doughnuts you could have instead of it and how terrible it is to be promoting something so bad for people, lol. I got an ad from NakedJuice and they were saying "no added sugar" (like that makes it healthy) and I went on to explain that no added sugar doesn't mean no sugar at all, and their drink was the same as consuming a doughnut. Ever since then I haven't seen their ads.

    It might be considered rude but at best they'll block me and I won't see their ad again.. lol.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    @Sarahb29 oh man, occasionally I'll pass by the Naked Juice aisle thinking I'll finally find something with a tolerable amount of carbs. I am always wrong. It's astonishing and people think it's healthy. On a side note, I bought a juice a year ago and immediately after (never even got to use it) I changed my WOE, not to keto or low carb but I was just more cognizant about how much sugar are in juices. I just sold my juicer this weekend!