Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    @bametels I had the opportunity (vacation days saved, some skills that came in handy etc) but literally anyone in a position to act, can act. We're all ordinary people, just like the people that we pulled from the water. Also ordinary people. Their sacrifice and experience of personal danger tops my limited experience of this many, many times.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    Just had my first conversation with the "referred" dietitian (this is the low carb friendly, diabetic prevention, blah blah blah, person), and it shows that this could be an incredibly frustrating venture, but I guess worth it for the testing (RMR and other stuff)...

    My head hurts just from the short convo we just had.

    "You have to have carbs or your brain can't function." "A ketogenic diet is actually quite dangerous." "You don't have to eat bread, but when we get non-starchy carbs, it's all about high fiber."

    And those are just the more memorable highlights. I told her I don't automatically agree about Atkins or Keto being dangerous, I said I agree that it *CAN* be dangerous if done incorrectly.

    UGH... So looking forward to this. Not. Now to wait and see what's covered under my insurance. And here I was so hopeful about dietetics.

    Now I'm sad. And I was really excited, as I was somewhat going to try to use this as a decision point for whether I want to shift my career focus into dietetics.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Oh wow, @Fvaisey! Congrats! You dialed back the clock a decade, too!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    @Fvaisey Fantastic results !!! Thank you for sharing !!!

    On my second day of water only fast. Feel much better than yesterday. My electrolytes were low, but I recovered nicely after having salted water and pickle juice. I was able to complete my lifting workout. I've been really feeling flat and fatigued. Again, it came down to my electrolytes.....I think I will just keep the pink salt out on the counter as a reminder!!

    @KnitOrMiss I looked into getting a masters in nutrition and really had a hard time finding a program that I felt comfortable with, especially now since I've been Keto LCHF for a year. The Standard American Diet has a strong force.

    Hope everyone is having a great Keto weekend
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    It's been awhile, Keto friends! How's everyone doing? I fell off the bandwagon... again! I can't seem to stay on for more than a second but somehow I'm still drawn to it.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm partial keto. I have an appointment with a dietitian on Friday, but I'm not particularly hopeful. I've realized at this point that I love keeping keto for breakfast and mostly keto for lunch, but for dinner I have to up the carbs. I just have to figure out how without having tons of beans, starches, and sugar. UGH. I hit about 40-50 carbs, then I'm up on the high dive...

    @4031isaiah - as I mentioned to Elise before, you might look into something like Trim Healthy Mama. Basically, you do low carb high fat for some meals, highER carb low fat for others, some are just protein snacks, but basically, you need 3 hours between using fats or carbs for fuel. It seems to help with metabolic flexibility, and seems like something more of us who yo-yo might be able to handle. I've no affiliation or anything, I just keep getting drawn back to the idea of it...because carbs!

    Leanne Vogel of www.healthfulpursuit.com also has information on how to carb up safely on keto, etc., that might be of interest to you...

    I don't have any specific advice other than when you're eating higher carb, try to keep the fats lower, and vice versa... Having high both is a whammy for damage.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Joined a gym... Visualizing my keto lifestyle. Gearing up for a new year's type of resolution. Two years ago was when I jumped into keto full force. This past year I futzed around with maintenance.
    I am gearing up to garner energy for that kind of full force jump into Maintenence...in other words "living the life" starting now.
    I think this year I have sabotaged my maintenance efforts by having one foot in a maintenance plan and one foot trying to do more weightloss simultaneously, ...and even having an imaginary foot in "I deserve it" Bingeland.

    So, that is my 2017 plan.
    Happy Holidays pals!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @elize7 - Glad to see you regrouping. I have to figure out what to do, because my thyroid health is top priority, and I'm not sure if keto and my thyroid are friends, but I don't really have control any other way. *sigh*
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    Ok everyone it has been one of the most horrible 5 months of my life and without spreading all my dirty laundry, I will just say I have spent the entire summer and Autumn in seclusion because of a man i thought loved me more than life and a woman who i thought was my best friend. I fell off my Keto wagon but thank God only gained back 3 pounds back. But i feel like *kitten* and need lots of encouragement and i need to jump back up on the wagon. Things need to change and they need to change fast before i stay in this hole in the wall.
    My start was moving out of the apartment i was in and moving into a new condo. Sat. I am cutting my hair off and im going to let it go gray instead of coloring it every three weeks because i am 90% gray anyway. I need to come to terms with the fact that its ok to be alone. I spent Thanksgiving alone and i will spend Christmas alone, along with New Years. This has become a very lonely life i lead. But i will not give up on my weight. I want to loose 15 more lbs. So please ya'll pray for me to get back to it and make it work. I am cleaning house today and getting rid of all my unwanted food.
  • carolineorr97
    carolineorr97 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I'm Caroline! I've lost 35 lbs so far (not Keto) but want to do Keto to lose about 70 more! What do y'all typically eat in a day? What's your grocery list? I used to eat turkey bacon but switched to normal bacon and it is mostly just fat.. very little meat on the slice so I think I might go back to turkey bacon. What's a typical meal you enjoy?
  • notaloserlikeyou
    Ok everyone it has been one of the most horrible 5 months of my life and without spreading all my dirty laundry, I will just say I have spent the entire summer and Autumn in seclusion because of a man i thought loved me more than life and a woman who i thought was my best friend. I fell off my Keto wagon but thank God only gained back 3 pounds back. But i feel like *kitten* and need lots of encouragement and i need to jump back up on the wagon. Things need to change and they need to change fast before i stay in this hole in the wall.
    My start was moving out of the apartment i was in and moving into a new condo. Sat. I am cutting my hair off and im going to let it go gray instead of coloring it every three weeks because i am 90% gray anyway. I need to come to terms with the fact that its ok to be alone. I spent Thanksgiving alone and i will spend Christmas alone, along with New Years. This has become a very lonely life i lead. But i will not give up on my weight. I want to loose 15 more lbs. So please ya'll pray for me to get back to it and make it work. I am cleaning house today and getting rid of all my unwanted food.
    Maggie, six years ago my husband, the father of my kids, left me for my best friend. So believe me I know what you're going through and it may not seem like it now, but you WILL get over it and not care about it or him anymore. You're so much better off and deserve better! Just keep focused on that and your weight/health. It's important to have something positive and motivating like that. Feel free to add/message me anytime.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Just holding my chair here while I finish up dealing with the holiday food struggles. Only 8 days til it's over.
    Working on plans for a new(even more) improved keto lifestyle. Looking forward to jumping back on the wagon. Have really limped through this year's gains and losses - not just weight - but all related topics.
    The new year always feels like a fresh clean slate to write a new plan on, and I always get a surge of energy after surviving holiday angst.
    So ready!
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi all, been doing Keto about 6wks now, looking for menu inspiration. My diary is open, please add me if your is too! The holidays are hard, but I'm gonna get through it!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Just holding my chair here while I finish up dealing with the holiday food struggles. Only 8 days til it's over.
    Working on plans for a new(even more) improved keto lifestyle. Looking forward to jumping back on the wagon. Have really limped through this year's gains and losses - not just weight - but all related topics.
    The new year always feels like a fresh clean slate to write a new plan on, and I always get a surge of energy after surviving holiday angst.
    So ready!

    I hope you are doing well and not finding this time too difficult.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I plan to try keto again January 1. I've been off the wagon for most of 2016 and plan to give it one final shot in the new year.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I plan to try keto again January 1. I've been off the wagon for most of 2016 and plan to give it one final shot in the new year.
    . You've got this !!

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I survived the holidaze.
    First day back with a new improved plan. Trying to get a jump start on the new year!
    Starting off with a modified fast...36 hour if possible. No biggie if I dont...I have back up keto food on deck! Just hoping to wipe out the holiday foodfest damage and start off with a clean palette.
    Feeling excited about a new year, new goals, new challenges.... but I am still happy with some of my areas of progress this year. It wasn't the stellar success of the first big weightloss year... but, it was a first attempt at actually living the life I want.
    So much more to come, and some poundage to lose again but all doable and this time I'm choosing sustainable changes rather than the draconian measures needed for immediate gratification. Both styles have merit...I couldn't have lost all my weight slowly due to my mindset of needing fast results ...but I also realize that this style will not do for the long haul. The long haul is where I seem to really struggle...
    For me, I always knew that maintainence is where my biggest challenges lay...and I was so right about that.
    So excited to get going again. Holiday stuff really does me in. But it's OVER!!!!! yay.
    Hope everyone is happy and ready for 2017!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    @elize7, I'm right there with you! I have put on about 12 lbs since October and I don't like the way it feels. And the last 6 months I've scarcely found time to exercise so back to keto and working out. Here's to 2017!

    Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2017!