OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick good morning as JJ and I head out for breakfast and then dropping him off for my last day of work this year. Haven't been by the office since Monday. The Sing movie was great. A lot of action going on and great performances.

    Cindy- Yes I tried twice two long post for only a part of each

    Patti - I was trying to say I saw your roses on Facebook and ask where they really from Edd to you. I always hope he buys you something even though you have that rule, because you always buy him something. lol.

    Janet - I know you have been on a run to get ready for your trip tomorrow. Please be kind to yourself and you pain level. I pray so that you get some relief from that.

    I am off..

    Happy days ahead..

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A happy, busy good morning to you all. I got everything done on my list yesterday with a little time to relax too. My son has to be out of his house by January 4th which is 2 weeks earlier than they originally planned so Edd is busy helping him with repairs on the house. I work today and tomorrow 12-5. If they need me to stay later I will be prepared for that.

    Bert, Christmas spent with the grands, no matter the day or the method, is priceless. Enjoy every minute you get.

    Cindy, we scaled back years ago on the gift giving. It had gotten out of control with all the extended family. So we concentrate on the grands, great grands, young nieces and nephews. There are small gifts for the 2 cousins, that are more like our brother and sister. The adults agreed that the true gift was the gift of family time spent together. The KY part of the family no longer comes up for our Christmas Eve celebration but we all get together at the cabin for a weekend celebration in January.

    Karla, I want to go see that movie but may wait for it to come out on DVD. Even though we have a no gift exchange agreement we always seem to end up buying each other something. He has always been the most thoughtful gift giver and spends way more than I do. And yes, the flowers were from him to me. Total surprise as that is one thing he rarely buys, so it truly made my day.

    Janet, you are in my thoughts as you prepare for your next whirlwind trip and then your surgery. I am here for you, don't forget that. I am only 2 1/2 hours away if you need me.

    Mary Lynn, still keeping your words and those images in the forefront of my minds lest I forget just how blessed I truly.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Have been VERY busy - finally got all gifts wrapped and will get family stockings stuffed in a bit, but I wanted to say hello to all of you first.

    Am praying I can convince some friends to back off next year. I love getting stuff for everyone's kids but with the exception of my three very best friends and nieces, I would VERY much like to stop the adult gifts. There is honestly nothing I really need or want but time with people I treasure and hugs. I end up getting stuff I neither want nor need and one person buying for four groups of 6-8 is a growing stressor. (continued below - am on "limited" computer)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Eating has not been great - struggling badly but know I must - and will - get my mojo back very soon. Can't wait to see Caleb again - having been up there last weekend means he will recognie me on Christmas. I drive to OH tomorrow, staying with best friend. Seeing dear friends and best friend's family Christmas Eve, brother's for Christmas, cousins the day after, then the drive home.

    I can use time with my best friend right now - she's the sister I never had. You all feel like family to me too. May not get a chance to check in again for a few days, so MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Love you all, sending hugs.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, just remember to be kind to yourself. I know time with your best friend will be renewing and fortify you for family Christmas at your brother's. My GFs and I all agreed years ago to stop the gifting and make our time together our gift. It has worked well and taken the pressure off us all. I hope your friends can do the same. We started out by choosing a charity to donate money to in honor or our friendship. Do be safe and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.

    Put in my 5 hours, hit the grocery for last minute veggies, milk and eggs And have finished with dinner. Next I think I will make my spaghetti sauce for Sunday's lasagne. That way I just need to layer it all in the pan and bake that day. I have to make ham, deviled eggs and chorizo/cornbread stuffing for Christmas Eve dinner. I have to work 5 hours tomorrow so I think I can get it all done.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon all. Fun, mild day at the office. Wonderful way to start the day with my JJ. I took Izzy's decorated cookies for the office and they all loved them. It was a quiet day. We finished early and the doctor took us to the Mellow Mushroom for a late lunch. Afterwards, I picked up Izzy and JJ and we will have another fun day tomorrow. I think I will take them over to the Pro Bass Shop to the upstairs shooting gallery, arts and craft center, and of course, Santa Clause for Izzy. Just depends on how the day goes.

    Janet - I know what you mean about purchases. I used to buy all my girlfriends gifts, but we have gotten to where we just meet for lunch or go to the movies now. Like you expressed, time together, even if on the phone, is better spent.

    I have to finish my wrapping for Glenn in the morning and a few others. Otherwise, I am pretty much finished. Saturday we are planning a fun luncheon with Glenn's oldest son's family and his daughter and her finace'. The best part is, they invited us and they are coming over to Mobile first for gift exchange and eating here at Mugshots!!

    Monday we will go over to Panama City to see my father and brothers, and that will end our 2016 year.

    As Cindy and Janet have expressed, all of you mean so much to me. Somehow I have managed to lose 5 pounds this month. I am at 188!! I just haven't had time to eat as much as I usually do.

    Remember to be kind to yourself, slow down and smell the roses, and remember you are worth every pleasure you enjoy in life.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Gifts wrapped and in car, stockings filled and in car. Going to make packing list tonight and pack in the morning. I have tried for two years to stop adult gifts with one friend and her two adult daughters - will take her aside this year and beg. I have lots of kids to spoil and love that. Will say something to cousins too. Aside from them, gift exchanges with all but three closest friends ceased years ago. (I don't have a group of friends who all know each other - my nearest & dearest have come to me one at a time, each at a different time & for a different reason, and each a serious blessing.

    If you can spare a moment, please pray for my friends' daughter Claire. She is a teen with the mind of an infant and is the deeply loved daughter of my friends Stephanie & Tom. She also has serious physical challenges and has been pretty much bedridden her entire life but has a sweet disposition and easy laugh. She is having pretty big problems and her parents would appreciate all the good thoughts and prayers they can get. Thanks.

    OK, signing off from here for the night - may not be back for a few days. Have yourselves the merriest of Christmases!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Dear Friends-
    I'm enjoying coffee and catching up on your lives- such a busy time of year for us all.
    Janet- I do agree pulling your GF aside is the right idea. Maybe if she really wants to do something suggest the charity idea Patti suggested. I think sometimes the real meaning of the holiday spirit is overlooked and you are on a fixed income- as a wonderful retired person... and a single woman who's going to live to be a very sweet old lady ;)
    Patti- glad the week has come together beautifully for you-
    Karla- enjoy time and ^5 on the 5 pounds shed. I'm eating much better so feeling better too. I'll be back on track for sure.
    I was thinking for 2017- Maybe we can track down some new soup recipes to share in the new year. Soup is good for WL, as long as we skip cream soups.
    Well as much as I'd love to sit here and keep typing to you all I need to get the butt in gear. Em just sent me a text the Buche de Noel - failed so we are dessert less for Christmas- time to pull something out of my back pocket-
    If I don't get back until after Christmas-
    Merry, Merry Christmas- safe travels and know that you are treasured.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve Eve! Can't believe It is almost upon us. This month has flown but I don't feel stressed and am mostly ready except for last minute cooking. Looking forward to spending time with my family the next 2 days. I am so blessed to have so much love in my life. I pray I never take that for granted. I count all of you in my family of blessings. It is amazing the bond we have formed. Love you all and wish you the best of everything this Christmas and into the new year.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good morning all. I agree that coming here and reading all your posts and catching up with such wonderful ladies is a true blessing. I just put on my skinny jeans with no mushroom cap and that is a Christmas gift I didn't expect this year. I won't hold my breath. Chris' girlfriend is coming over tomorrow and we are baking for Christmas day. I do not know if she knows much about baking, so I am teaching her. Izzy just adores Brittany and we have all bought her things for the new baby coming.

    I pray that 2017 will be a better year for my family. I have truly had some horrific family issues that I have not shared here. I know many of you have had also. Let's all pray for a great 2017 with peace in all our family. Good health for everyone, both mentally and physically.

    January will be a very trying month for us. I go back up to UAB on the 3rd for some pellets being inserted into my eyes for moisture. The 6h is Glenn's surgery and the 20th we have an important event also. As always, your support and prayers have kept me going and have meant so very much.

    I'm wrapping my last few presents this morning while the kiddo's are still asleep. I am also putting together a framed collection of Bear Bryant newspaper articles for my father.

    Patti- Did you receive my card? I am serving a ham, home made mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, spinach cornbread dressing, fresh green beans and corn casserole. I have ordered a Christmas cake and a dozen Santa Claus cupcakes. I am making that white chocolate toffee, a shrimp dip, a garlic cheese ball and some more cut-out cookies. But these will be halved for Brittany to take home for her and Chris.

    Janet - Sounds like you are all ready to go, except for you personal packing. I know you will be enriched with love with your friends and family. Enjoy this time and be safe on the road.

    Cindy - What will you make for dessert? Whatever I is, I know I will be fanastic. Have you ever made the Chess Squares? They are so easy and sooooo good. Look them up sometime. I treasure you lady and I will meet you this year, even if just you and I!!

    Have a Merry Christmas, hugs to everyone, you hug everyone you see, and enjoy every minue.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Heading out in a few minutes but wanted to send one more hug to all before I travel. Had a 1 AM call from a friend who was having a rough night - so glad she reached out and by the end of the conversation she was much calmer. This is a former colleague and thorough oddball who is kind if like a slightly distant kid sister. We're very different in many ways but we have a bind over our many similarities.

    Still praying for sweet young Claire too.

    OK - off to collect and give zillions of hugs! Love, peace & Merry Christmas to you and yours!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, by now you are in the loving, hugging arms of your dear friend. I feel the love. Praying you enjoy the rest of the festivities and sending the prayers for sweet Claire.

    Karla, your meal,sounds delish. My DIL fixes mashed potatoes, corn casserole, green bean casserole and lots of apps. I bring the ham, deviled eggs and stuffing. Thank you for the beautiful card. I did not know Chris and Brittany were expecting. Have fun helping her learn to bake, it is a good skill and she will be learning from the master.

    Was amazed at how busy we were at work today. The shop is just a block from the mall, the traffic was atrocious! Luckily I was heading away from the madness on my way home and so glad I have no shopping to do.

    Blessing to you all
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    May your Christmas be filled with the joy of small moments shared! I am grateful for you all!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    edited December 2016
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve! Sitting in front of my friends' house (long story - 11:00 became noon and now 1:15). Gaving a lovely time. Thinking of you all. Big hugs.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    edited December 2016
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! Mike and I went out for breakfast and then to the store to pick up the prime rib we ordered. We will have friends for dinner. We will head to Greg and Carrie's in the morning to watch the kids open their gifts from Santa. I'm taking Monkey Bread.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Merry Christmas to all my dear friends here. We had a wonderful time at my son's last night. So much love and merriment. Getting ready to head to Mom's shortly for another, smaller celebration.
    Peace, love and joy to you all and all those you hold dear.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We had a wonderful Christmas....hoping everyone had at Merry Christmas.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning great friends. I have enjoyed all the pictures on Facebook!

    Bert- Your dinner table was awesome! Your grandchildren are beautiful.

    Janet- Caleb was just too adorable!!

    Patti- Your Christmas Eve celebration sounded so fun and filled with love.

    I saw great pictures of Paula and her family on Facebook too.

    Izzy squealed with delight at all her toys and was bust playing with it all. We are almost to Panama City now, seeing my father and brother. Plus my friends.

    I hope you all enjoyed your day yesterday.

    Blessings and Ghod Will to all.
