List of Things to Indulge In - THAT ISNT FOOD



  • DaniDani82
    DaniDani82 Posts: 15 Member
    Painting my nails, dancing, take a relaxing shower with some sugar scrub. "Me" time is super important!
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    Learning about something technical that I did know already
    Finding new music
    Looking at new outfits that might just suit if I was a few pounds lighter
  • Katerihall25
    Katerihall25 Posts: 3 Member
    mine is playing games on my phone and reading
  • Harleygirl2014
    Harleygirl2014 Posts: 11 Member
    I have started colouring intricate pictures when I am craving. It absorbs my attention and the crave dies.
  • seelemonster
    seelemonster Posts: 13 Member
    Knitting. If I have something to do with my hands, I am less likely to be in the cupboards in the kitchen....
  • sylvia270
    sylvia270 Posts: 33 Member
    My biggest weak spot is when I get in from work. I always overindulge or consume something I should not. I guess I need to find something else to find another indulgence for that one time spot.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    My workouts - these have made me feel amazing lately!
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    -setting time aside for painting... haven't in so long!
    -new tennishoes/insoles
    -batting cages
    -getting hair done
    -tackling my husband for no reason
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member
    Making a cup of hot herbal tea with splenda, equal and a slice of lemon. The warmth fills me up, the aromatic scent of the herbs calms me and I love the way it looks in my favorite cup.
  • IsaacKiddKing
    IsaacKiddKing Posts: 4 Member
    skellyness wrote: »
    Listening to music, playing Xbox Kinnect

    Yessss!!! Xbox One
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    mlnopper wrote: »

    I just joined this group and was so glad to find it.

    I was going to add that I like going on Zappos because I'm addicted to shoes. But they also have great outfit ideas if you click on the links at the top of the page. Almost as good as interest!

    Also, my trick is to steal my daughter's gummy princess vitamins. It satisfies the sweet tooth without many calories. Or sometimes I get sugar-free cherry lifesavers.

    I wondered if anyone else is a student? I'm going back to school for nursing. I find that eating snacks is part of my study routine and I'd like to stop doing that. I'd welcome any suggestions.

    I am a student doing law and business. I used to give myself a couple of snakes everytime I finished a chapter. Now I have a motivation Playlist. Every 20 minutes I stop and listen to one. Youtube has some great motivational amv. Then, every hour I go for a walk outside and enjoy the sun or cold air. I make a conscious decision to enjoy it. I find that making my rewards about enjoying the moment helps.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I have started colouring intricate pictures when I am craving. It absorbs my attention and the crave dies.

    This is such a good idea!
  • Gloria67648
    Gloria67648 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm substituting sugarless gum and cute stickers for study/homework tidbit rewards
  • GeapetCore
    GeapetCore Posts: 32 Member
    Just found this thread. Lot of great ideas.

    Crafts work well for me - hard to snack (and messy) when knitting or making jewelry. Scrap booking is great too as you don't want food around the paper!
  • heidibowling
    heidibowling Posts: 35 Member
    I like to keep my hands busy. The things I like to do instead of eat are: adult coloring books (the really pretty ones), puzzles, reading a book, Pinterest, calling a friend/family member just to say hello, planning/organizing things, listening to music, dance parties with my kids, going outside (when it's warm).
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Playing an instrument, for me accordion. Going for a walk. Coming onto this group to see how others are coping helps a lot too! Lots of good things have gotten listed here, thnx! <3
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    I am really just trying to find some new vices. Before I had kids I smoked for a long time. And I worked all the time. Once I got pregnant food replaced the smokes and I no longer worked outside the home so I was more free to eat any time of the day or night. My other vices like TV, the internet, going out with friends all are connected with eating, too. I have really had to trace my steps very far back to find what it is I even love to do anymore.

    So far I have started taking baths again, doing crafts (mostly for the kids scouts and school but I really like it), meditating again, hiking again, reading more, taking more walks.

    I remember how much I loved dolls when I was a kid. So I think I might try making a reborn doll or dollfie and see how that goes. I used to write a lot when I was a teen and young adult so I want to get back to that as well.

    it is truly amazing how much more of yourself you find when you stop covering it up with food.

    This post really got me thinking about what I loved to do before I had kids. I used to love gardening and I had forgotten all about that! I can feel some new gardening projects brewing. Thank you!

    I hear ya! Didn't have the cigarette thing, but nearly everything I did involved food. Guess it's connected to our family's heritage. Being Italo-American, every occasion involves massive quantities of food. Talk about conditioning someone into becoming an emotional eater!!! Let's not talk about how we're feeling, let's just eat and eat!

    I too wrote when I was a teenager (mostly sappy love poems, but a few short stories too). Don't know what ever made me give up doing something that I enjoyed so much. Maybe marriage, parenting, working full-time. Or a combination of all of these things.

    Another thing that always made my day was soaking in the tub. Haven't been able to do that since we moved to this place over 12 yrs. ago. The tub's finish was completely destroyed, so no matter how much I scrub, sanitize, etc., it never looks clean. My landlord isn't gonna' fork out the $$ to refinish it either, so I don't have this little luxury. Sure do miss it though.

    Today I take comfort in reading spiritual books, being with a few close friends, exercising with my senior center group, and entertaining when we can. This past summer, I rediscovered how much I enjoyed having a vegetable garden. Looking forward to the warmer weather so I can get outside more and tend to the veggies.

    I'm open to hearing more ideas on how to treat/reward yourself in ways that are low cost, or free.

    Thanks everyone. Enjoyed reading the posts.
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    Nice ideas, thanks! Going out with friends is a good thing for me I walk a little more and I don't overeat if I'm around others and see their plates.
  • IonaEllen123
    IonaEllen123 Posts: 44 Member
    Cleaning & Re-organising - Stick some music on, stick some cleaning gloves on & that's me busy & occupied
  • bethiejean33
    bethiejean33 Posts: 2 Member
    Reading a book, training my dogs, photography, and spending time with others.