OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy good-ridddance-to-2016 day! Let's celebrate the good, try to forget today about the bad and greet a fresh year with an open heart and fresh resolve to make our lives better and happier.

    Used neighborhood FB group to find a tech whiz who got my computer talking to printer and installed my new router (for faster internet). I prefer to hire a neighbor than pay a company like Geek Squad - safer, cheaper & supports community expertise. Going to run a few errands then work on putting Christmas things away in an organized manner while watching football. Thawing shrimp for holiday dinner. Hugs to all!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    Looking forward to our continued mutual encouragement, energy and accountability in 2017!

    What a generous gift of time we have already given to one another during this past year. The relationships that have germinated, grown and blossomed in our lives have changed me for the better. It is so important for me to continue to learn and grow from our many shared experiences.

    While technology certainly has it's down-side from time to time, our tightly knit OMG group falls into the category of the AWESOME up-side potential of positive and open sharing despite the miles that physically separate us.

    Actively holding one another up through thoughtful words, engaging ideas and sincere prayers has already led to deeper and more meaningful relationships. Very likely this effect may even trickle down into our other relationships, as we continue to become more confident in being who we truly are ... with all the imperfect lumps, bumps and even our less than wise decisions.

    It would be great to give each of you a huge hug in person, but I offer you my "virtual hug"!

    Happy New Year Hugs,
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Happy New Years Eve my friends! You're my last hurrah of 2016. I couldn't let the night pass and go to sleep without greeting you guys!

    MaryLynn - virtual hug right back to you. I love reading your posts - you somehow manage to call us back to what matters most when we wander. I'm so very grateful to have you and your positive perspective.

    Patti - WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS about your Mom's eyes! That is definitely a true Christmas miracle!

    Janet - I've had a tough time reining in the Hungry's too. Today was finally better, but after taking a tracking vacation for a few days, I used up all my WW WPA+7 in two days! Oatmeal with berries for breakfast and a few peanuts for a late afternoon snack really helped, I believe. What a great idea to use the neighborhood FB group to find your own Geek Squad!

    Bert - that was some crazy day you had! When I was traveling full time for work, I got a ticket every time I visited our branch in downtown Fayetteville! Dave and I went to see LaLa Land last night. I really enjoyed it because I like musicals; Dave not so much...

    Karla - I hope you're somewhere doing something fun!

    We've been busy the past couple days, with at least one more day to go, getting Tulip ready for our next trip. We're leaving Tuesday morning for Galveston to take Ellis on his first RV trip. Dinky will get to spend the week with Jessi, Stephanie (Jessi's roommate and Dinky's favorite person next to Dave) and Ella, the cat. Getting Tulip ready this time of year is always a big cleaning job because of the fall/winter mice invasion that happens with her stored in the barn. I'm absolutely, ridiculously phobic about mice anyway so Dave does everything he can find to do to try and combat the problem, but the filthy things still manage to get in. Therefore, every non-upholstered surface and every pot, pan, dish and utensil get bleached because if I find one additional piece of mouse poop once we get there, I have to stop and bleach everything all over again. I simply can't stand the thought of one of those filthy things having walked on or touched anything I touch!!!!

    Good scale news this morning at WW - I'd gained 2.2 over the previous two weeks, but somehow managed to wrangle myself back on the wagon in time to lose 0.8 this week. So, as of right now, I'm down an even 2# for the time period Thanksgiving week through Christmas week. By next Saturday, I should be able to add to that loss although we'll be in Galveston and I'll miss my WI. Just checked - that's 10# down for the year. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a huge improvement over the last several.

    Talk to you next year,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Happy New Year! Our neighbors set off fireworks at midnight.....they were gorgeous! I've been up since 6:30 (the first time was 4:30 with Molly) as my joints were telling me to get up. Mike and I are singing special music today at church. It will just be a hymn, but that's fine. Dan, Annie, and the kids are returning to Chicago today. Have a great day, everyone!

    Breakfast is tracked.

    Suzi: Congratulations on your 10# weight loss!!!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Truly New Year to one and all! Suzi, congrats!!!!! Hope your trip with Ellis is wonderful. MaryLynn, hugs to you and your giving spirit. Bert, hope the aches go away - I know the congregation will be inspired by you & Mike.

    2016 was a bad food year for me - gained about 20 and WILL relose it and keep it off this time. As of today I am back on traacking evverything and fleing y "NO!" muscle. With your love & support I will wrestle this stage. May rejoin WW online for free, just to restart. BIG hugs to everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome to 2017! A new year and a fresh start. A time to renew our commitment to ourselves and each other. To continue our journey toward whatever goal we set, with the loving support of this group. I am looking forward to getting the weight off for good. I have played around far too long, made too many excuses and am tired of how I look and feel. I know I can do this, just as I know each of you can too. I am restarting my gym schedule this week and have stocked my fridge for success. I am not making any resolutions, I am making promises to my body for better treatment.

    So whatever your plan for the new year please know I am here to support you, honor you and help you in any way that I can. I truly hope we find a way to get together for a live group hug!

    Happiest, healthiest new year to you all!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    waiving hello to everyone! i'm still alive :) I promised myself I'd only post positive things today, so here's to an upcoming much improved year..... hear that 2017? yep, good things are happening. I have missed all of you. happy new year, Myra
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Myra, wonderful to see that smile! Happy New Year! We will all MAKE good things happen.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi gang! Back from basketball, Tulip chores done and ready to start packing, supper in the crockpot so I'm checking in with y'all.

    Myra - good to "see" you!

    Bert - your duet was lovely, I'm sure!

    Patti - glad you'll be able to fit your fitness classes in with your new work schedule.

    Janet - I'm really glad to hear you're returning to WW and I sincerely hope you'll give meetings a try. The program is much changed over the past couple years and the focus is NOT on the scale. A good group with a good leader is a true blessing and they're out there, you just need to experiment until you find one that fits you.

    Speaking of meetings, I have a story to tell you about mine. It actually started last Saturday, Christmas Eve. Ever since I saw he light, I've been extolling tracking's virtues at my regular WW meeting. We're a very large, welcoming, comfortable group and refer to the group collectively as our "tribe". Totally appropriate here in Indian Territory! I'm NOT shy as you well know, and frequently speak up in meetings. Most of the time I'm comic relief. Anyway, so back to the real story.

    After the Christmas Eve meeting, a young woman about the age of my youngest DD, who had gotten a 5# star earlier, came up to me in tears. She said, "I just wanted to tell you that something you said a few weeks ago really resonated with me. You were talking about tracking and said that you finally just stopped lying to yourself when you started tracking. I realized that's what I'd been doing, just lying to myself." I was pretty dumbfounded and kind of mumbled something as I hugged her with tears in my own eyes. I'd kinda slacked quite a bit over the previous couple weeks and had just posted a gain that had me up 2.2 over those 2 weeks. I walked out to my car and thought "Well, dammit! I can't let her down now; I'd better get my butt back to tracking.... ". It took me a couple days, but I did get it turned back around. Then this Saturday this guy got his 50# medal and in his statements quoted me again! I was very flattered to realize that what I said actually mattered to someone!

    So, Janet, I wish you meetings like mine.

    Happy New Year,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2017
    Suzi, how sweet of her! And especially him! That is a great way of motivating you to stay true. Am not going to do WW yet ($$$) and would never do meetings - am just not the type of person (personal history with public stuff and All Things "motivational") that works for. I'm just weird about things.

    I won't be able to get out much for several months anyway. So for now, I'll be going for healthy food and minimal but nutritious. Hav tracked all today for the first time in a couple of weeks. Day One!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Janet - yay for you on one in a row!!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Mike and I sang It is Well With My Soul yesterday at church. I feel that was a great choice (Mike chose the hymn) for 2017.

    Janet: Please tell me again what surgery you are having? I can't remember. I loved your picture with the Stormtrooper. Our minister is a huge Star Wars fan, and uses movie clips to enhance his sermons.

    Hmmmm it's 8:30, and our contractor isn't here yet. However, Mike is going to replace our kitchen faucet as it broke yesterday. Prayers are welcome! :) He doesn't do well in the plumbing department, but thinks he does! :D We shall see.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning my wonderful, truthful, open friends!! Welcome to 2017. Adios to 2016 and good riddance I say. It was a horrible year for my family.

    The weather has been flooding down here the last few days and tornado's expected today. Good, stay in and watch football weather. Our Alabama Crimson Tide won it's bowl game and is going to the finals in Tampa. That will be a tough game. We had friends over and lots of laughs on Saturday.

    Suzi - You are such an inspiration to others, and in turn, to yourself! There is no doubt that tracking is an absolute must, and honest tracking is also a must. I just love your devotion to your Ellis, what a personality!! He will have a blast in Tulip, lol.

    Patti- Yes, I read the wonderful news of your mother's vision. She is so blessed you got her to the doctors when you did. Definitely keep a close watch and make sure she tells you no matter what is going on if there is any decline. I'm so happy she can see her shows and safe alone. My dad is having more skin surgery tomorrow for squamous cell carcinoma. I can't be there as he scheduled it when I have to go to Birminham. Ugghhh. I am with you to really concentrate and get this weight off this year.

    Janet- I have a great group on Facebook with some ladies where we are committing weekly mini goals, two each week., like we used to do. I have been with them since 2011 also. Between them and this group, I have lots of support for success! We can do this together. I know you have a big surgical challenge, but in the longrun, I pray that will ease your back and foot pain.

    Mary Lynn- Such wonderful words of encouragement you dispelled. Hugs returned. Did your boys come come for the holidays?

    Cindy- How did you and Rick fare through the holidays? I know you held a sort of truce until 2017.

    Myra- yea for stopping in.

    Okay - let's do get back to our name!! One mini Goal - please name one mini Goal each week you would like to focus on. State it as a topic. The next week, state how you did and your next mini goal.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Yea! contractors are here!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    OMG: Drink more water
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    OMG - 10,000 steps daily

    Bert - It Is Well With My Soul is one of my favorite hymns! Keeping my fingers crossed on the faucet repair. Dave can do some things, but doesn't hesitate to call the plumber if he thinks it's over his head. Thankfully we have a good one!

    Karla - glad you're home. Stay weather aware! That's an Okie saying that applies to y'all today it sounds like.

    We just finished yoga class and now Dave's doing spin. I'm going to go work on the weight machines while he spins.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all,


    I have 2 days off, yeah! Need to do some shopping and then some meal planning. Tomorrow I go to Mom's and then will return to the gym. Have contacted my WOB Tracy and she is committing to our workouts again. She has had a rough year too. Tonight will be leftover pork, taters and kraut. Now that the holidays are over it looks like I will be working 3 5 hour shifts per week. Leaving Tuesday, Thursday free and Wednesday and Friday mornings open. So gym time, GF time and hair appointment time are now worked into my schedule. Getting it together for 2017!

    Karla, prayers for some good answers when you go to UAB and for your Dad's surgery too. When is Glenn's surgery?

    Suzi, so nice when you can affect others in a positive way and they have heart enough to thank you. I miss my meetings but just can't justify the cost and really didn't connect with the last leader who took over for the leader I adored. I tried other meetings but never found the group or leader who inspired me. So I will look to you and the rest of this group for my daily support and inspiration. It worked well in the past. I just need to do the work!

    Cindy, hope you stop by soon. You have been on my mind a lot and praying all is well with you as you start this new year.

    Myra, big smiles here to see you back with us. Please keep posting.

    Janet, I love your storm trooper pic. You are such a beautiful, shining star and that smile is how I always see you!

    Mary Lynn, you are so inspiring to me. Are you on FB, would so love to see a picture of you.

    Need to get stuff done so better run. Breakfast is's a start
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning! Watching the Rose Parade here. I think I have figured out how to get a longer post on this old computer So here I go ...

    My Mini-Goal: Track. Everything. Honestly. Every day. If I get back to this, I'll be golden. Why do I rebel??

    Suzi, wishing you, Dave & Ellis a safe & fun trip.

    Bert, Mike chose one of my favorite hymns as well.

    Patti, is Edd feeling better?

    Karla, hope your UAB trip isn't too arduous with the rain. Your football party sounds fun. I'm looking forward to the NFL playoffs - hoping my Patriots win but there are a lot of teams I like in the playoffs.

    Cindy, hope the holidays were buzzing with fun but also gavae you time to relax.

    MaryLynn, hope you're enjoying the view our there this morning.

    Myra and Paula, hi!

    One good day under my belt. Not all of what I ate was ideal but it was the last of the not-great stuff in the house and I stayed within limits. Had a great talk with a very good friend about the struggle and we are also going to support one another. With all of you and her in my corner, success looms.

    I have pre-op testing tomorrow morning and blood draw for endocrinologist in the afternoon Whee. (Surgery is my left foot - pretty extensive reconstruction, plus lengthening of my calf muscle and a bone graft from my tibia to my foot. The foot & ankle are a mess - detached heel bone which is 55 degrees off plumb and whole foot turns out more than 40 degrees when I stand. Leg is shorter due to the collapse and standing or walking is quite painful and it also affects my back, which is already a symphony of stupidity. No weight on left foot for at least three months. But it's my only shot at being able to stand and walk with less pain. Will need lift on left shoes forever - am not a candidate for ankle reconstruction, but if I get some help/relief, it will be worth it. Am viewing the staying-in phase as a chance to BREATHE and take some quiet time, which I need.)

    Hugs to all - have a great day!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    OMG - track in "REAL TIME", even if it means writing by hand when I'm not near a computer!

    What I've noticed with my tracking history on MFP is that I'm often "catching up" the next day with items or meals. It seems that kind behavioral habit too often defeats the true purpose of "accountability" ... especially to be able to spot a trend or weakness in terms of vulnerability.

    This could prove difficult at times, such as this week when I will participate in a "women's retreat" beginning on Wednesday, January 4th and running through to Friday. The meals are provided, as well as snacks, so it could be a time where I need to keep my hiking boots on!

    While the presence of other women often keeps us more accountable and less likely to "over-indulge", it will not be possible to measure portions or add extra nutrition where I'm deficient. That said, I'm looking forward to engaging in meaningful conversation with these new friends.

    I will check in again when I'm able to.

    Happy New Year Hugs to all!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, contractor finishes up today. He's doing a great job and I'll hire him in the spring again to install stair rail off the front porch and attic fan (which were already purchased for the other guy to have done). I really like this guy as I taught with his wife, and they are a great Christian family. I believe God definitely had a hand in this.

    Mike got the faucet installed! No leaks! (I did put a bowl underneath just in case! :wink: )

    I did ok with my water intake yesterday, but still need to drink more. Have a great day, everyone!
