LCD Chat...



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Marillian wrote: »
    Hello everyone. Mind if I join in?

    I'm Marillian, 58 (for one more month), married to an amazing spouse, and my four "kids" have furry paws (all my fur-babies are rescues). My mother lives with us since my step-dad died 3 years ago, and that can be.... shall I say... very challenging. Long story, won't bore you. Career oriented professional woman.

    I have a wide array of interests (too many to list) which include travel, history, art, museums, science and nature (especially astrophysics and organic gardening), and I am an absolute die-hard NASCAR fan. I volunteer and am on the Board of Directors for a local animal rescue/welfare organization.

    I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes last year and began a LC lifestyle last February. I've gotten rid of 65 pounds so far, but have a lot more to get rid of to reach my projected goal weight. For the past few weeks, I've allowed myself to slip back into some old habits of eating sugar and carbs, to the point I felt it had me in its proverbial grasp. Last week I buckled down and started LCHF (i.e., induction/Phase 1). So far, so good. I just want to detox the sugar and carbs for a couple weeks, and then get back to LC because that is what was/is working for me and it is sustainable.

    Thanks for reading and I look forward to getting to know you.

    Welcome! Be sure to check out the stickied threads at the top of the page, they have excellent info!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Welcome @Marillian :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Greetings & welcome to the newbies, lol. I've been away from the keyboard for a while - injured my shoulder at work (biceps & deltoids) so couldn't move it much even to type (and I'm not a one finger typist - I learned the old fashioned way on an IBM Selectric :oYES, I'm that old!) Ended up in tears for a couple days as it hurt moving in the most unlikely ways and I had to sleep flat on my back ONLY or the arm was squished or flopped over me. It felt like crap and I was 'super cranky on a short leash'. Finally I went to the walk in clinic and got it checked out, but you know how that goes, they need to poke it and move it around to see how badly it was injured and exactly where. Anyhow, prescription heaven came after the appointment. NSAID Naproxen and also T3's - thank you, thank you, thank you, I got some sleep (still flat on my back without moving all night though). I've been doing my own physio - I've graduated to 'itsy bitsy spider' up the wall now after a few days of letting the water float it in the pool and moving it ever so slowly in circles through the water, then the hot tub for 10 minutes, then back in the cool pool, etc. You get the idea. AND I can dress myself now, and brush my hair and teeth with my R hand again. First patrol drive on Thursday night then 4 nights off just to ease me back into it.

    Just reading back... Groundhog Day lol... my husband & I have a tradition - we watch the Bill Murray movie every GD for the past 20 years (the movie is 24 years old now). Snuggled together under one of those faux mink blankies on our couch with hot gingerbread spice tea. We both enjoy it, sometimes he will remember if I've forgotten what day it is and get it all set up for us.

    If anyone wants to see an amazing movie go see "Hidden Figures". OMgoodness, it's hard to believe what those women went through just not that long ago. That's a movie on my buy list, we could watch it over and over again. Inspirational.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!
    Another day at work! It's the crazy day, gotta get my mind on straight.

    Ouch @canadjineh ! I was wondering what happened to you! Glad you are on the mend.

    Welcome @Marillian it's a great group here!

    Now time to get motivated for work. Have a great day today!
  • TravellerRay
    TravellerRay Posts: 94 Member
    Hi I am 53 years old and a guy, living in the UK . Been working on diet and exercise for 3 years. Was doing really well last year until a bad gym injury, then totally fell off the wagon.

    Now back again and very motivated. Planning marriage to my girlfriend next year and want to look good in the tux. Not enough to just lose the fat also want to build muscle.

    Really love this forum.

    Didn't see a question in the last few posts. I don't have a favourite author, I read way too much. My Kindle always travels with me.

    Question, what is your favourite LCHF food?

  • suzc11
    suzc11 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Marillian, anyone whose interests combine astrophysics, organic gardening and Nascar is pretty cool in my book! Welcome. And well done on the 65 lbs!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    @canadjineh I'm glad you are on the mend! My husband and I watch Groundhog Day each year too. Plus Scrooged at Christmas. lol

    @TravellerRay My favorite LCHF food is chicken wings!

    Today is our last day of weirdly warm weather. Snow tomorrow. I need to try to get a jog in tonight. My ear has been bothering me though. Not sure if it's the start of an ear infection or a cold/allergy something or what. We'll see how I feel when I get home this evening.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @TravellerRay I read too much, too. I've chosen to have no TV sat. or cable hookup for the past 14 years - I listen to NPR a lot and CBC Radio, and local community radio and watch movies and news online when I feel like it. I download books onto my tablet from the library and also still read paper old skool books and magazines.
    Favorite LCHF food is CHEESE of any sort. Hope you are feeling better soon, @anglyn1 - ear pain is not fun.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Morning everyone!
    Welcome @TravellerRay my favorite LCHF treat is cheesecake whip! Yum.

    I slept in a bit this morning so I'm a bit off track. Not to mention that I also fell asleep promptly at 8 last night! I actually had a weird dream wake me up at 11 and I thought it was time to get up. Ugh.

    Now I'm trying to catch up with my normal morning routine.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Hi I am 53 years old and a guy, living in the UK . Been working on diet and exercise for 3 years. Was doing really well last year until a bad gym injury, then totally fell off the wagon.

    Now back again and very motivated. Planning marriage to my girlfriend next year and want to look good in the tux. Not enough to just lose the fat also want to build muscle.

    Really love this forum.

    Didn't see a question in the last few posts. I don't have a favourite author, I read way too much. My Kindle always travels with me.

    Question, what is your favourite LCHF food?


    That is a hard question. Bacon does come to mind first, followed by chicharrones and the ever popular heavy whipping cream. I'm interested in see other responses to this one.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!
    So my back is twinged again. It's on the verge of going out on me! Argh! It's terrible! I worked like this yesterday so I'm hoping I can make it through another day today. This just sucks! I've been taking ibuprofen and it's taking the edge off. This is killing me! Every movement is sending fireworks down my spine and making me nauseous.
    Just have to make it through the day.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Oh wow, I'm sorry you're having pain issues.
  • Marillian
    Marillian Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited February 2017
    I completed my first week of LCHF/Keto. I should preface this in saying that for the past year, I've tried to loosely stick to a LC WOE, but I needed to detox from sugar and starch carbs which were really keeping a tight grasp on me.

    I admit, I was skeptical at eating such high fat and I was pretty sure that I would gain. For the the most part, I really enjoyed my meals. I tried new recipes, such as a LC cheese sauce (OMG-I could bathe in this stuff!) and homemade blue cheese sauce, which went great with buffalo chicken. Instead of my usual night time snacks, I drank decaf tea with a splash of HWC.

    Today was weigh in day. I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to brag a wee bit. I got rid of 6.2 pounds! Now, I know every week is not going to be like that, but it feels so good to have a great loss that put me in a lower weight range. I've now gotten rid of 70.4 pounds in less than a year. I have a long way to go, but I feel I'm making great progress.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    @Marillian. Shout it out! Awesome loss!
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy weekend!!
    It's Saturday!

    I'd jump for joy but my back went out last night after teasing me for the last two days. It's still super sensitive and I've got muscle spasms reminding me that my body hates me.

    So as much as I was looking forward to getting my exercising in today and spending some time walking outside that all is scraped.

    I've got a morning appointment to pick up my books and schedule for my classes for work. Then off to the Walmart since I'll be in the area to pick up some items . Hopefully my kids will behave for me!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    @Marillian, you are off to a great start. And it sounds like you know some of that is water, but that is an awesome result for one week.

    Your late night snack sounds refreshing and should work well. You reminded me, I can eat chicken wings again. I need to make some.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    So I'm about to board a flight and remembered they don't offer peanuts anymore. I guess I'll decline the pretzels or cookies; or give them to someone else. I feel like I'm missing out and wonder if they have any low carb options. Oh well, I'll at least have some diet soda.
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    So I'm about to board a flight and remembered they don't offer peanuts anymore. I guess I'll decline the pretzels or cookies; or give them to someone else. I feel like I'm missing out and wonder if they have any low carb options. Oh well, I'll at least have some diet soda.

    Delta still offers peanuts on the recent flights I've been on.
    My DD and I fly out to New Zealand on Thursday (university visits-she is a dual citizen). I ordered the "diabetic" meal (dinner and breakfast) for me. Interested to see what this will end up being. Needless to say, plan on having a packed goodie bag with pepperoni, hard boiled egg, and a Raw Rev Glo bar.
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    An overall thanks to this group. Tons of info and encouragement. I switched to LCHF a couple of weeks ago and aside from the occasional headache (thanks for the sodium tip) those sugar cravings are subsiding. Finally this week the scale has started moving again and I have lost that awful "wheat belly" bloated feeling I had all the time. I was a little scared to move in this direction, but seems to be working out. :) I guess next time I get labs done at the doctors office I will know for sure!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    eneild wrote: »
    So I'm about to board a flight and remembered they don't offer peanuts anymore. I guess I'll decline the pretzels or cookies; or give them to someone else. I feel like I'm missing out and wonder if they have any low carb options. Oh well, I'll at least have some diet soda.

    Delta still offers peanuts on the recent flights I've been on.
    My DD and I fly out to New Zealand on Thursday (university visits-she is a dual citizen). I ordered the "diabetic" meal (dinner and breakfast) for me. Interested to see what this will end up being. Needless to say, plan on having a packed goodie bag with pepperoni, hard boiled egg, and a Raw Rev Glo bar.

    This was Delta, and they offered pretzels or cookies. I just declined them. Will ask on the return flight if peanuts are an option... maybe I just needed to ask.