LCD Chat...



  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I truly feel for those whose homes are in jeopardy from the wilful and uncontrollable forces of nature. Dat Beeatch get her panties in a tangle, and dere ain't nobody can argue with her. NO wonder they call her 'MOTHER' nature....! As Forrest Gump attested, two people you don't talk back at: Your Sergeant and yo' momma.
    She truly is an indefatigable force to be reckoned with.

    I hope all is well with her.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    She doesn't live in Canton, so she is probably fine. It hit right in the town. One of the joys of my college days was Canton Trading Days, first Sunday of every month. Roasted turkey legs, hot links, and so many dealers, everything from buttons to bulls were sold/traded there. I hope grounds can be repaired so others will continue to enjoy that place.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I have just joined the Italian sector of MFP, and have liberally broadcast 'news' of my and my husband's amazing weight-loss and WOL, and am awaiting responses.
    If I get a visit from the Mafia (MFP or otherwise!) , I'll let you all know where to send flowers..... ;)
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    edited May 2017
    RalfLott wrote: »
    Just_Eric wrote: »
    Not sure what meter you're using, @canadjineh, but I found PrecisionXL ketone strips from a seller on Ebay for ~$1.75 per. I'd think you can find glucose strips much more cheaply, but unless I find out next week that I'm still having blood sugar issues I'm really only interested in ketone monitoring, so I didn't look at prices on glucose strips.

    So, thanks to one of the threads around here that linked to a low carb doctors blog I have an appointment next week with the dude who may be my new PCP. His office tried to tell me he wasn't accepting patients, but I hit him up on twitter and he took care of me. Good call by him, since I've given all of my business to one doctor since 1997. He may have a lifelong patient if he's awesome. I'm pretty stoked.

    Sorry if I missed the follow-up... How did it go?
    Me: "I'm pretty new to drinking the low carb kool-aid."
    Him: "That's not kool-aid, Eric; carbohydrates kill human beings."

    He asked a ton of questions, not just about medical history, but also about life experiences, how I came to find LCHF, why I had changed from a low carb to a keto diet, what kinds of effects I'd noticed from the dietary changes etc.

    The practice he's in takes a limited number of patients so he spent about an hour with me for a "routine" annual check-up, which was a marked difference from the orthopedist that I saw a week earlier who was into and out of the room within about 2 and a half minutes.

    They have 24 hour access via phone or email to physician's assistants, same day appointments, and when I got my blood work back it was via a personalized email with the results and details about what looks good, what doesn't and what to do about it. It included links to studies and articles about how to correct the deficiencies. In all, it's a pretty mind-blowing experience.

    Also, this dude is a younger cat, probably around my age, and he's a bit of a record nerd like me, so we also talked about music. He's currently on vacation following New Order around the southwestern U.S.. It's not every day you go to your physician and you can be like, "Oh *kitten*, doc, have you heard that Beastmilk record that came out a couple of years ago?"

    I think I'm gonna keep him.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    (and had he...? c'mon, don't keep us in suspense....!)
  • rugged1529
    rugged1529 Posts: 95 Member
    Hello keto people.

    So last week I gained 8 pounds it was also the week of my spring break (educator) ...eeeek! So I was starting to think I was at a stall before the gain anyway so I decided to "restart" my ketosis and eat some carbs. So I ate three
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    So I found bone broth at Walmart, thinking to use it for my sodium levels. I don't care for it at all, lol. I'm wondering if I used it to make egg drop soup if the taste would improve? Has anyone ever had that soup with a beef based broth? I've made it with chicken but never beef. I'm thinking this would also be a way to use up some of the excess eggs in the fridge.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Why don't you care for it...? I'd turn it into a minestrone, personally.....
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    He had not.

    If you're into early 80's goth, new wave, post-punk type stuff like Bauhaus, Joy Division, Sisters of Mercy, Echo and the Bunnymen, you should check it out too!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited May 2017
    Emergency Ops is set up and both hubby & I are working full tilt. He is at his day job, then sleeping for 5 hours then off onto security for road closures and flooding. I'm working nights on Security and prepping everything for our 12 hr shifts when I get up in the afternoon. And keeping watch on our own river that is rising (1 bridge washed out already in one direction).

    Trying to pack 'Emerg. truck food' as LCHF as possible but hubby still likes his sandwiches :/
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Wow that looks frightening. Stay safe @canadjineh !
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    edited May 2017
    I ventured into the Italian-speaking forum. I have one guy there, who's a know-it-all and insists I'm talking out the back of my lambretta when I talk about LCHF, diabetes and not needing carbs... His credentials obviously trump those of Drs Sarah Hallsberg, Jason Fung et al, and they are all talking nonsense, while he, or course is a font of Wisdom.

    Jeesh. Can't find anything in Italian to support what we know. Bar one recent article on "Reducing carbs controls Diabetes, but yet there are those who impede changes" which gives links to all the recent, current and pertinent international research findings - all in English. Dio mio....
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hey look! It's my doctor on Dave Asprey's podcast a couple of years ago! #rockstar (#docstar?)
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I wish the guy on the Italian forum could read English..... That's awesome!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    @canadjineh Looks like Colorado's 2014 flooded areas, it was really horrid. My sister had to be air evacuated out. Hope conditions improve quickly for you.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Well it finally happened. The better half made pancakes before I woke up and I just offended him by not enjoying any of them. On a happy note, he's at least cleaning the kitchen...*sigh* No this isn't a hill to die on thing but it's just frustrating.

    I'd love to be able to do "just one" but let's face it, that isn't gonna happen. And I'm still puffy from my Halo top yesterday so...yeah.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Help! What am I doing wrong? This is just from today. I have waist long hair and this is not normal!

  • karilynnt2015
    karilynnt2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, Love this thread. I'm I? 48, definitely 48.
    I have been married for 21 years, have 2 kids 19 & 17. Was a stay at home mom, still kinda am. I work part-time as a teller at a bank. I live in good old Minnesota where the seasons are fall, winter, spring and road construction! Where today could be 70 and tomorrow snow. Oh, wait, that was the reality a few weeks back. Love the season changes, but am really getting tired of winter the older I get.

    I never lost weight with either child, thus the 115 I was when I got married quickly turned to 203. I got down to 188, not sure how at this point, but held there for several years. No matter what I did, I couldn't lose it. Started hearing about low carb eating more and more. Thought, what the heck, skip the bun on my burger, make open faced sandwiches, etc...that led to eating less and less carbs and before I know it, I'm basically keto. I guess I don't know what to call myself officially, but it's working. Hubby got on band wagon also, which helps a TON! Started the end of Feb 2017, he's down 15, I'm down 10. FINALLY, today I got on scale and I am below 180 for the first time in YEARS!!!! YIPPY

    What is your favorite exercise?
    Good old fast paced walking. Walk my dogs, which I have 2 of. Both rescues. LOVE THEM

    How do you decide who to friend here and what would make you unfriend someone?
    I'm happy to be friends with any positive low carbers. I'd unfriend someone who was being mean to others.

    If you could choose any animal to represent you, which one would you choose?
    Dolphin. So graceful, always seem happy, free

    What is your stretch goal for 2016?
    I'm not really a goal setter. I take each day as it comes.

    What is your favorite low carb recipe?
    Don't really have one yet. I made this chicken with red onion/artichoke sauce that was pretty amazing.

    What is the first thing that pops into your head when you're trying to stay focused and motivated to do this? DON'T QUIT. You can do this! ALL my friends are skinny. Not that they judge or care, but I do. I don't want to be "the fat one".

    City or country life?
    Well, I currently life in suburbia of the Twin Cities. That is as close to city as I want to get. My ideal would be country where I could have horses, more dogs than I do (a rescue perhaps) and be able to have coffee in my bra and panties outside if I want!!

    If you could go back and give yourself 1 piece of advice, what age would you be and what would you say?
    25, before I got pregnant. "start working out and eating right, it will help you lose baby fat after having kids".

    What is your favourite book? Do you have a favourite author?
    Not so much a favorite book as genre. I like mystery/suspense. I really like Harlan Coban. He get's your attention from the start to finish.

    If money wasn't an object, where would you move?
    Carribean someplace. I want to live a relaxed life near the beach.

    What is your favourite LCHF vegetable?
    Roasted brussel sprouts

    What is the one thing you look forward to the most about reaching your goal weight?
    Just to look at myself in the mirror in cute clothes and say "I DID IT"!!

  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome @karilynnt2015! There are a few of us fellow Minnesotans hanging around here!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I very quickly lost a huge amount of hair when I first started keto 2 years ago. It does grow back, but takes time. After the fact, I found the reasons might have been a combo of too low cals and too much high intensity working out, 1 hour x 6 days weekly. Sent my system into a sort of shock. Also, found it has happened to others.