Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Buzz I have not found your post to read it/ i have been looking for it Marie
    Here's a copy of my post, and if you need or want more information, li'l Sis, just ask and I'll be happy to reply!

    MARIE, my compression boots are used to help increase circulation from my toes to my thighs where they meet my hips. Sometimes Medicare covers them for patients with cancer, but it did not cover purchase for lymphedema I knew how much I needed boots so I did some research, found an almost new motor on eBay, ended up buying the zippered boots at an online vendor, and the liners I bought 4 where I get my compression stockings
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    MARIE, my compression boots are used to help increase circulation from my toes to my thighs where they meet my hips ...... And you'll have something I sorely miss, some one nearby to help put them on!

    This is what you need, Buzz. They claim they work for putting on shoes and boots, too.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning girls. I read this morning that certain Australian groups want to pull Captain Cooks statue down. They say he didn't discover Australia, it was already there. It leaves me Wondering when Victoria will come tumbling down not to mention Boudicca and her daughters, Robert the Bruce plus all the rest including popes, saints, roman generals etc. Golly we could have acres of scrap metal and stone to deal with. Does anyone else get the feeling that there is a movement going on in the world to destroy western history and values. Thought so!
    Here, the sticky heat is gone this morning. I almost needed my dressing gown as I prepared my and Jilly's breakfast. Lovely! 58 degrees! Later 70!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited August 2017
    Lovely morning here as well. Getting ready to leave for Tai Chi and then coloring at the library. And by the way when I say the library I may mean one of three suburban libraries that I frequent. There is not one library that offers so many programs so I hop about picking the things I like from each.

    Yes Anne I heard there are moves to eliminate Christopher Columbus here in addition to the moves in Australia. I do believe there is a serious wave of insanity roaming over the world. Western values are eroded and nearly gone I think. Now to just eliminate all the artwork and symbols of the past. So much for the promise of the future.

    Time to finish sipping hot coffee and get moving.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks LIN, I did wonder about Christopher Columbus and Magellan for that matter. I don't think it's so much insanity as childishness. Here's a thought, there's so much altering of food these days, wheat, potatoes etc, steroids in cattle, use of insecticides etc plus so many people taking drugs for pain relief etc, could it be altering our brain patterns? Frightening thought especially for those of us who try to steer clear of all things unnatural.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,094 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Perfect weather day once again. I am going to bingo tonight in hopes of winning "big" money. :D Nothing else to report, just an ordinary day.

    Anne, I really hope they don't start tearing down all the historic statues, I have to agree with Lin, the world is going insane. There seems to be no more morals and/or values. You could be right with the foods, but it could also be mind altering illegal drugs. The world is such a different place from when I was young, I wish we could press a rewind button.

    Connie, nice hearing from you. I have seen that commercial and think it would help a lot of people.

    Buzz, I also sent your post in a message to Marie on Facebook, so she should be able to read it from one of our posts.

    Jackie, you must be planning on some gourmet meals with your expensive saucepans. If you mean saltine crackers, then we are on the same wave length. Crackers and wine, sounds good to me.

    Patsy, your children's story book sounds exciting. Robby loves book and when I put him to bed I read three stories to him. His mom is a teacher so she must have gotten his good habits from her.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SANDY I think Jackie's salted crisps are your potato chips.
    PATSY is the children's book the one we've been working on together? Or is it an altogether new project? If it's the puppy stories have you been doing some drawings?
    Yes girls, Patsy and I have been having a lot of fun writing about Daisy and Katie, Jilly and George. I was rather shy about this little project but I'm now so thrilled with the finished booklet maybe it's confession time to tell our friends, you guys. The best of luck Patsy, I think the little ones will love our stories,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Who'd have thought I could get so excited about saucepans but these really are something special and not only do I love them I'm sure my minted new potatoes tasted a whole lot better than normal!! :D They arrived 24 hours late with no explanation but I've come to accept that's how things are these days! My old ones are all in a pile outside ready to be bagged up and taken to the tip for recycling which is just another step on the way to de-cluttering my home.
    Nearly midnight here so after watching a bit of late news when would you believe a leader of the KKK was interviewed and made to sound reasoned and normal I shall head for my bed in the hope that tomorrow will bring a bit of sense back into the world.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Interesting article on BBC top stories JACKIE telling the 40 to 60 year olds to move more and faster. I thought of you and your daily hikes with George! I actually responded to their email address. I thought it might be of some interest that this gal in the eighties group still manages at least a half hour walk at least every day, if not as fast as in the past!!! The saucepans MUST be something very special because you are so pleased with them. Happy simmering!

    There is talk here of removing Jonny Macdonalds name from various schools named after him. I sincerely hope that Britain, whoops I removed the great, lol, GREAT Britain isn't following this daft trend. I was in the Wilberforce house at school, Hulls MP; his bill abolished slavery as in the trading and acquiring of long before any other country. Will he have to go?
    Daft world, and it daily gets dafter.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    Anne ~ My older brother is going through a bad patch at the moment after his wife walked out on him and I've told him he needs to get out walking rather than moping about feeling sorry for himself and complaining about an aching back. Hopefully, since he says he's watching a lot of tv he will have seen the BBC news today!!

    Never mind a 10 minute brisk walk this morning to remain healthy, I've just spent over 4 hours on a farm with 2 friends and our dogs picking blackberries and sloes in the hedgerows and a couple of bags of sweet apples to add to the mix. We dropped everything back in our respective cars then took a long walk across open fields to give the dogs more of a stretch but poor George became a bit overheated at one point and losing sight of him I had to retrace my steps until I found him sitting quite happily under a hedge cooling off. We had a great time clambering about like kids before heading home to freeze the soft fruit and sort through the apples. I'm hoping to make blackberry and apple jam and perhaps apple sauce that can be frozen and brought out in the Winter months.

    Sandy ~ Crackers and wine sounds good to me too but Anne was right, it was a packet of potato chips!

    We were woken up around 5am by a fox travelling through the fields below my garden screaming all the way as it tried to attract a female so of course George started to bark and continued on until around 6.30am when I decided I may as well get up and have a shower ready for the day because I certainly wasn't going to get any more sleep. He could obviously still hear the creature with his Lhasa ears when it was miles on from here although when I let him into the garden to see if that calmed him he took one sniff of the air and ran back in!! I'm feeling I could now sit and have a snooze but instead will try to get some gardening done and make the most of some lovely weather.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good morning, I have made my little trip to Trader Joe's and am now packed up to zip on to the library for some time working on a puzzle I recently found at a garage sale. I texted a friend and she is game to work on it today as well. No dog to walk here but I have been trotting around the house as usual. It seems everything ends up on the wrong floor of my house so many opportunities to tramp down to the basement and back up as well as to the upstairs. :)

    Anne, I will try to pick up the pace! (Although indoors there are many obstacles.). Daft world indeed. 'Nuf said.

    Jackie, what a tremendous day! And you have my mouth watering at the thought of blackberry and apple jam although I adore just plain applesauce with cinnamon. Smart George! Keeping cool under a hedge. B)

    Time to move along.



    P.S. also congrats on your new saucepans Jackie. I think it can make all the difference. I purchased some Odds and ends of new pans a few years ago and I have enjoyed them so much.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ha, bramble or blackberry picking in the hedgerows! I miss that! I'd go out with bowl, the little boys armed with jam jars! We made bramble wine - delicious! And of course you can't beat a bramble and apple pie, mmm mmm! We always made bramble jelly rather than jam to eliminate the seeds. Happy days finding a patch of big luscious wild berries!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,094 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No meeting today as I am taking Babe to his foot doctor for nail clipping.
    I did win at bingo last night but unfortunately I did not win the power ball drawing for $700 million! Some lucky person in Massachusetts won and is probably still celebrating!! I usually don't play the lotto of any kind but for $700 million it was worth a try.

    Anne, I think it is wonderful that you walk Jilly everyday, it certainly is beneficial to your health as well as hers. I am not a big walker but I do try to keep active and as much as I run around I do feel I am getting enough exercise. The children's book with Patsy sounds wonderful I would like to buy a copy when they are available.

    Lin, I think with all you do, you get plenty of exercise. You are not one for sitting and doing nothing as I do when I am on my computer for hours.

    Jackie, congrats on the new pots, may you enjoy them and all the meals you cook. George is a smart little guy to realize he was hot and needed a rest but naughty for waking you so early!!
    Funny just the other night I said to myself I would love some potato chips with my wine, but I don't buy them for fear of eating a whole bag at once. lol

    Have some computer stuff to do before picking up Babe, so have a nice day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Glorious day here! On the "walking daily" thing...of course, it is so great for body and brain. I have to work against competing urges. First to get outside and then the urge to dive into the dungeon to "play with all my toys." Both are important for me.

    We are also having a bumper crop of wild blackberries. There are other berries but the deer devastate the berry crop each year. It is okay, I think. They don't have a Costco or Trader Joe's. however there is enough blackberries for us all to share.

    Anne and I are an example of cultural respect and inclusion. My western upbringing and her English background make for an interesting mix for our little stories. We really have you sneakers to thank for that. I like to think of all of us sitting around Anne's kitchen table or my dungeon drawing table, talking about the stories. We are aware that getting published is a long time consuming effort.

    Bare up and press on,

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    SANDY, IF we get published, and it's a very big IF, you and Robby will get a free copy! After all if it wasn't for Daisy, Jackie's little George, my Jilly and Katie there wouldn't be a small booklet about four little puppies. It was an interesting journey PATSY especially at the beginning. My somewhat abrasive Yorkshire style and your more sweet southern ladylike style but somehow we met in the middle and who cares if the publishers reject us, I like the finished product and you do too.

    I'm reading "The girl on the Train" this afternoon in between trotting The Bean out. Totally different from our little story for sure! It's very autumny here and quite cool. I've only got onions and carrots left in the containers, all else mopped (eaten) up by yours truly. Oodles of carrots, Mike will be presented with a bunch tomorrow! It's really nice settling down with a book after such a humid summer.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY and ANNE, the book(let) sounds delightful.How wonderful you were able to keep that secret!Having awful trouble typing and I did order that program CONNIE suggested and I should receive it sometime next week. Then I have to learn to add punctuation verbally.
    Hi everyone, you wouldn't make sense of the errors my fingers are making, though the new brace I got this morning is quite helpful ... spares you from my humongous posts, anyway!
    <3 Buzz
    .................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!!!..................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning. The lawns are mowed, the carrots and onions and flowers are watered, Jilly Jeans dog food is cooked and we've had a short walk. We are just waiting for Michael to show. I only have to go to the organic store today and it's within walking distance. About 20 minutes there and 20 minutes back. As part of our fitness campaign, (yes Mikes joining Mark who's always been health conscious) we have decided to leave Mikes car at home and me with my trusty buggy walk with Jilly Jean to the store and back. It's a perfect early fall day for walking! No humidity at all, sunny and 64 degrees at the moment, low 70s this afternoon.

    I am convinced most of our woes today are connected to the invention of the motor vehicle. Apart from pollution, if it disappeared we would be far too busy to dream up wars or pull down ancient monuments most of the time. Dream on Anne, and talking of dreaming:

    I had one of those dreams you don't want to wake up from last night. It was as we are today, Jilly and I, but in the dream I took her to the engine firm I worked for (re earlier comment, I worked in the aircraft industry ironically) to show her off. Everyone I once knew appeared in the dream and even those who are now passed. It was lovely and very real. I rarely, if ever have a bad dream that I remember but this one was really vivid, colourful and happy.

    Well time to get moving!
    Hope everyone's weather is as lovely as ours although I believe hurricane Harvey appears later this afternoon in the south. Please, stay safe!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Good day Sneakers

    Tai Chi was cancelled today so I actually slept a bit longer. Wow. I needed that. I have been on a reading binge (in among my other usual activities--and yes, I am getting my steps and flights of stairs each day). Last night I finished Sara Paretsky"s "Fallout" and enjoyed it. I was living in another world which is part of the joy of reading.

    A few days ago I read the Nina George book "The Little French Bistro." I had read "The Little Paris Bookshop" for book club and was just curious about this book. I wonder how it would read if I was able to read it in the original German?

    Prior to that was a Grantchester book by James Runcie. I love the PBS series but I find I like the books even more.

    Well, enough on that topic. I finally made the needed birthday card which I will take to the post office for its extra postage today. I am finally packed and ready to attend an afternoon of (what else) card making at a local shop.

    Put me on the list to purchase a book if you publish Anne and Patsy. I would enjoy it. I purchased Patsy's book a long time ago when she mentioned it. I like to keep up with our talented Sneakers.

    Buzz, I hope you get the info/instruction on using vocal "typing" so we will be able to receive the lovely messages you compose. I know, very selfish. I am just glad to hear from you Buzz.

    Anne, enjoy the walk to the store. The weather sounds heavenly. It will be nice for everyone. And what a lovely dream. I am sure in the dream that everyone was happy to meet dear Jilly.

    Sandy, congrats on the bingo win. I was so surprised that just one person won that huge jackpot. It doesn't usually turn out that way. Amazing! I hope you have a happy day.

    Well, I had better move. I have lots of sitting to do this afternoon. Although I will be moving around. The store put an out of order sign on the door that leads to the rest room. It has been there a couple of weeks. I wonder if they just don't want customers back there now. Anyway, a tromp down the steeet to the community center will be needed, probably more than once knowing me.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,094 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Cool again today, not sure what happened to summer. Took Babe to doctor and then went back to his house to remove vertical blinds from the header rail which was broken. Took rail down, ordered a new one with some replacement blinds and then put up a sheet to keep the sun out. Babe was amazed I could do all that, he was ready to pay someone.
    The new head rail and blinds will be in next week. All is good.

    Anne, your dream sounds "heavenly"! I dream a lot but don't remember most of them.
    Your day sounds perfect with Michael and Jilly, enjoy your walk to and from the store.

    Buzz, do you mean the program Mae suggested? Connie sent a link about socks!! Either way I hope like Lin you master the voice control to give your hands a rest!!

    Lin, you sneaked in here while I was typing so glad I caught it to wish you a good day. I think I missed the title of Patsy's book, can you share it with us?

    Patsy, I think it wonderful that you and Anne wrote a book, the internet does a lot of good for some people. You and Anne will be the second/third authors I will know. My cousin has written a book and is now writing another. I wish I had that kind of talent.

    Jackie, hope all is well on the other side of the pond!!

    Have a great day, I will be sitting later so they can go to their meetings.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    I hope I am not stealing your thunder Patsy. The book is a wonderful non-fiction book "Women of the Sea" by John and Patience Wubben. I love Patsy's painting that is adapted on both the dust cover and inside the book. I would love to have some type of reproduction of it. I adore the colors, the movement and power that I see in the painting. I don't know the intent, I just know I like it.


    Gita rub now I have got to get my teeth brushed!! :)