Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited September 2017
    Here it's been another week. Seems to be the routine for now. With the fires out west and water south and east, out weather is beautiful. We do have a haze in the sky at times from the smoke but we've been having cooler mornings (45-50) and getting up in the 80s for a high. Great weather for the guys combining corn. Alan was doing a field for a fried cause ours was still too wet but he'll be able to move into ours next. Will be fun to see what it makes.

    Last Sunday I had rice and chicken in the crockpot and the rice wasn't quite done and I made a lot so we spent the week eating it almost every day. I finished it up yesterday with an extra big serving because I wasn't sure it would freeze very well. (Tomorrow is pork tenderloin, spicy potatoes, broccoli, fruit salad (pineapple, grapes and cantaoupe) and Little Debbie for dessert.) We only had Lori's family and my sister here and they didn't stay too long as the two older girls were invited to a slumber party at Aunt Julie's. This is the third she's done this and you get to come when you have finished the 1st grade (although she hasn't included Ava due to needing so much attention). She had 5 girls this year.

    Monday afternoon we went to Lori's to work on more 4-H stuf. Ralph went along to do some shoebox stuff. We ended up bringing most of it home so he could spread it out on the dining room table. I also brought home their sox to mate up. A fun job to me. They had forgotten my fitbit on Sunday so I also got it back. It does keep me moving more.

    Tuesday Ralph had a doctor's appointment so we headed to town. I thought it was a med recheck but I was wrong. It was his physical so that's done. Now he's supposed to go see a rheumotologist so see if his fibro is more than just fibro. The doctor doesn't like how much tylenol he is taking. So we have an appointment in November. They said if it's just fibro they won't do anything. That's fine – then we'll know that's all it is. :) After that we went to thift store, Walmart, Book Reviews and ate at Billy Sims – a barbecue place (had a coupon). We also went to Tractor Supply and not only did they have white leghorns but they were on sale so we came home with 12 more chicks. I think he's at his limit now. We were gone longer than we thought we would be so gave up on going to the volleyball game. Instead I worked on getting some 4-H things over to openoffie and all don't come out right so I decided to google word. I don't remember who told me it was way expensive – like $300. Cause now I found it for around $70 so will be purchasing and then figure out how to make my documents become words ones again. I didn't want to spend about as much as I did on the computer so glad I did a search on my own and found something that will work.

    Wednesday we worked on the Echoes, picked up a couple of 4-H items and was home the rest of the day. I guess I worked on my list. Thursday morning I was home. Derek stopped to get Madden a snack. They were spending the day together and were pretty sure Deacon was going home which he did in the evening. The afternoon we had to take 4-H things that were eligible for State Fair in so our 4-H agent could take them in for us. So Ralph and I did our Friday errands. The evening was Willing Workers. Good speakers, work went smoothly and refreshments were yummy.

    Friday was Grandparents Day – celebrated at two of the schools the grandkids were at. Ralph went to the one in Potwin which is done by the 1st grade and I went to Sunrise and was at Paige's. We had chapel and then did tiny math with the class and played bingo. In the afternoon, I did hurry and do the 4-H calendar so I could get it run off at church. I got a baby shower gift ready too and left it at church. In the evening Ralph and I went to a wedding of a flylady friend. One other flylady was there so we and our husbands hung together. It was at Cowtown so could look around till time. The 7 o'clock wedding was more like 7:40 and didn't last longer than 15 minutes. The one who did the ceremony was a pastor friend from Hondurus. The couple stood between a balloon archway and the audience (smaller than I thought it would be) stood out in the street. After the wedding we looked around a bit more and then went to the building the food was in and ate and visited. It was dark by that time and we were not interested in the dancing so Ralph and I headed home.

    Saturday was an entire day at home for me. Ralph hauled some corn to town and then went with a cousin to a place about an hour away to hear another cousin talk about their family history. I straightened the house, finished getting ready for 4-H, changed the sheets and worked on looking online for birthdays for two of he grandsons. Before bed I put my tenderloin in the crockpot.

    Today was SS and church, kids here for dinner – enough food left for a couple of meals. After the kids left, Carol and I finished shopping for Deacon. The thing I told her about yesterday that we were going to do together went up in price so we bought something else. I decided to go ahead and pick up the house. The basement was the worst and did take 15 minutes but that's not too bad.

    We were going to go to the State Fair tomorrow but Ralph decided he would be too tired and needs to be ready to help Alan in the afternoon. I'm going to go to Derek's about 3:45 and the kids will start getting back home and then Julie will come and take over so I can go to 4-H. Derek and Lindsey are driving about 4 hours away for a funeral. A friend of hers was killed in a car accident (16 year old didn't stop at a stop sign). A husband and 6 children are left behind. We have elections at 4-H and not many have signed up to run so it will be an interesting evening.

    When I finish this, I'll do my list and then maybe get Word purchased so that's done.

    Isabella, the chicks Ralph bought are for eggs. Now some of our Kenyan friends will do an old hen but we don't.

    Marcie, that was going to be a long wait at the dealership. Nice that you got the rental price knocked down. Yes, Costco probably would be less expensive for tires. My sister had a low tire today and said this Monday will be the third Monday she's stopped to get a tire fixed so she's thinking on buying new ones too. Sorry it took so many stops to find the cat food. What did you get at Red Loster? I usually do shrimp. There are lots of thermos bottles out there anymore.
    The picture of the officer and his dog shows the bond they form.

    Sheryl, great that you have found a handyman who does a really good job. Then you'll use him again and feel he's worth the money. I'm so happy for Norma – cute that his name is John too. Sounds like they get along well and think more alike. Glad you mother got moved. Norma planned how to do it really well and the place sure did their part. Hope she'll adjust quickly. That is nice that Norma can't spend the night. That will take a little pressure off her. It's possible your relatives know more of what your mom is like than you think. And telling the truth is best.
    Sashay is cute for a goose. Glad all is going well. Picture of her in the pool makes her seem happy to be back outside. Interesting thing to look for 2-door cars. We have a number of the “smart” cars that are just two doors because of their size. Miss Kitty is a cute name. Love your picture. How nice that you found another place to take Cookie so you didn't have to wait so long.
    Hope being gone for all your appointments goes well with John. I have some appointments I need to make so I can get them out of the way. I just keep putting off the phone calls. How interesting that the mallard stop at your place and are as “friendly” as they are.

    Marcie, sure glad you can catch the little white dog but, I agree, the owner should figure out how to keep him in. For as large as the office you work in seems to be, they do a lot of things for their workers and you have good relationships with a lot of them. The collage of pictures was a wonderful idea. Hmmm, I've heard of casual Friday but not dress-up Friday. Makes me think of one of the workers at Walmart that always seems to have some way of doing her hair for whatever holiday it is. She never has the same look twice. I've not good at dressing up so would probably be like you and not do it a lot.

    Isabella, glad you could get things done on Saturday since you'll be gone for a few days now. Sounds like you are ready to fly. Have a great trip. Nice that Dan is willing to fend for himself and looking forward to the time (although I'm sure he'll miss you). Enjoy your time with family.

    Take care everyone. We'll see when I write again (I know you all figure it will be about a week). :)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, just wanted to check in quick. Our internet and cell phones are having a difficult time staying on so I will make this short.

    We got home and found water damage to our laundry room and garage ceiling. The RV has some damage and the MGB too, fence is gone, shed moved three feet off it's blocks but is still tied down and the kennel was two yards over. It's amazing my garden is still in the same place we left it, so strange. Our friends lost their home so we went over and tried to salvage what we could for them but sadly we didn't get to take much. We were able to save some of their mementos and some pictures amazingly. Some of their wood furniture we were able to save too. Blessed is what we are, I am amazed at how well in the long run we have made out considering what others have experienced. Even lives lost. So sad. :(

    Well, I'm closing out before I lose my internet again. Have a great night everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good hearing from you Anew. Been wondering how it was going. Debora, glad you go you Fitbit back.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Anew, I'm with Marcie. Wonderful to hear from you and considering all, things aren't too bad for you. You have some work ahead of you but a place to live. Nice that you could help your friend.

    Have gotten most everything done I hoped to do this morning. Still waiting on Ralph to come in for dinner but I ate and his place is ready. Have about an hour left before I leave. I plan to deliver some eggs and stop and set up for 4-H on my way to Derek's and gave myself plenty of time. Guess I'll take a book with me in case I have time to kill (and I don't want to walk). :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Finally got a gallon of milk that didn't last a week past the best buy date. Not even a week and I often go much further and it's good. The glass of milk wasn't bad - just a little off taste so it took two or three swallows to realize. Guess I'll be looking for a sour milk recipe. Maybe I won't use a cake mix this week. In case you're wondering, I didn't finish the glass of milk.

    Did a lot of work on 4-H stuff yesterday. Had to retype the last 3 years for Lucy cause even though I now have word installed, I haven't figured how to make the files I made to be openoffice go back to being word files. I've tried several things, but. So mainly doing what I have to or things to give me a break but a lot of time with 4-H. We did elections Monday night. Hopefully, the ones elected but not there will do the job. 4-H is charging a fee to be in this year which no one liked but can't do much about it. I'm afraid new people won't join when they learn that. Guess I don't know if other groups charge fees or not.

    Guys are busy harvesting corn. Ralph was just in and out yesterday. He went to get some feed ground this morning and then hopes to be able to rest a bit. I think it's making a good amount so then then it's hard to keep up with the hauling. We borrowed a semi from a neighbor who isn't harvesting yet so that helps. They tried to use our old truck that they had some work done on but found out it has a very very bad power steering leak.

    I'll go work on the Echoes this morning and then it's back to the 4-H stuff. I need this time at home to get it done. Another time of me saying - why didn't we start sooner. :)
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi Ladies! It's been a while and I hate to have to tell you this but I saw a post that Marcie died today (Thursday) while getting ready for work. That's all I know but 2 other people posted it also. I am so sad about this and just wanted you all to know. Marcie was a very kind hearted person and even though I never met her, I am saddened by her death. Giant {HUGS} to all of you!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    What a sad morning, hearing about Marcie. I'm still trying to get more information, but this morning, I'm going in for lab work and a CT scan. I talked John into going with me so we could go out to breakfast after my appointment and do something fun. Any excuse to get him out of the house and out of his rut. We're headed out the door and will be gone for most of the day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Thank you Jan. I saw it on Facebook last night and had a very hard time going to sleep. Such a shock. Still having trouble believing it.She was a very special person. She will be missed.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    I sure hate to check in with such bad news but knew you all would want to know. Her poor dad has to be just heartbroken! If anyone hears anything else, I'd like to know.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, well, still sad, but that's my usual greeting anyway, wishing us all a Good Morning. John and I were out all day yesterday, but my thoughts were with you guys and Jim, just can't believe Marcie won't be popping in here to explain herself. I'm sure Jim is grieving, as well as Cisco and Simon, but I can picture Jim still going through his routine with Cisco for daily walks. Maybe Cisco, needing to go out and about, will keep Jim out and about too. Pets will have an even bigger impact on him now.

    When we got the news, both Debora and I thought a traffic accident, since Marcie always talks about how bad the drivers are, but then, Jannie said that she passed while getting ready for work. I'm trying to get details, but it's hard to know who will give out details. Suzanne, Ruby's owner, might know more since she's a neighbor. What a terrible shock. If and when I know anything more, I'll get back here first.

    After my CT scan yesterday, John and I went driving, all around close to home. There are so many country roads to explore. Just gorgeous, forested areas to explore, then, pouring out into a development of huge expensive houses. We followed several "for sale" signs, so we would have an excuse for being there if we had gotten stopped for going down a private road. I fell in love with beautiful "Country Victorian" home with a wrap around porch. I stopped to get the info sheet out of the little box and it's a 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath on 2.5 acres. Had a sun room and a 5 car garage. The kicker is the price, $875,000.00. Sure was pretty to look at though.
    Another house had a great idea...a 3 car attached garage on one end of the house and another 3 car garage attached on the other end. I thought that was brilliant. Of course, the house was so huge, you never noticed the garages.

    John's up now, so I'll close for now.

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Sheryl--I saw something that said she died in her sleep. I wonder if her blood sugar got too low and that caused her death. We may never know for sure it's just such a shock! Even after two days, I just keep thinking she's going to post soon! She and you kept the WC going!
    I'm glad you had such a nice drive and that John went with you :) I'm working all weekend so I will try to check in on Monday!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Amazing how much a person you've never met affects you when something like this happens. I've often wondered if we would even know if someone passed away but thankfully with facebook we did. One post said Marcie passed away while getting ready for work and another while she was sleeping. Either way I'm sure was hard on her dad. She didn't know this was going to happen but the last few months, all the destuffifying she did will be a help to her dad. I can't imagine how he is feeling. Cisco and Simon may help him keep going and it's good he is friends with several in the neighborhood. Just know all I can do now is pray for the family.

    And it seems a bit strange but we go on with out lives. Friday we went to one granddaugher's volleyball game and then to watch two others cheer for one quarter of a football game and then stayed to watch the rest of the game. Today we went to a funeral for a man that grew up in our church. He turned 93 last month. They had 7 children and now has 30 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren. Kind of boggles my mind. From there my sister and I went to town and met the youngest sister and ate at a fairly upscale place. Then we went shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond, Stein Mart, DSW and a couple of others. We all got something I think. Came home and finished up for Sunday.

    As far as I know all but one will be here tomorrow and we'll celebrate the three September birthdays. Then next week will be more 4-H record book stuff and hopefully, get going on other things. I keep putting off making some appointments I need to do so am telling myself I get that done. Will I?

    Sheryl, what a fun day of driving. Too bad the house weren't open to tour. Wow, garages for 6 cars. That's a bunch. A wrap around porch would be cool.

    Think I'll try to get to bed on time tonight.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I'm finally here...I looked at the 5-letter word game first this morning and then MFP shut down on me and I couldn't get back over here until now. Weird stuff these computers/web sites.

    Not too much new, chilly this morning, I actually turned on space heaters to warm the place up. Expecting rain by this afternoon and forecast to get 1 and 1/2 inches by tomorrow. Yikes, rainy season is here already? Soon, I'll be griping about all the mud again, sorry in advance.

    Jannie, I also saw the comment about Marcie passing in her sleep. I hope that Suzanne answers me once she talks to Jim and gets some details. When I saw that, my first thought was that Jim found her after taking Cisco for his early morning walk. I think Marcie would say that she usually leaves for work while they are still gone. How tragic for Jim. I hope he reaches out to us somehow, I'm sure he knows about this site.

    So strange, quite a few times Friday and yesterday, something would happen, mainly with the cat, and I thought, "oh, I can't wait to tell Marcie". I will share with you guys also. I took photos...what is it about kitties and their cubby holes. The cat consistently wanted to lay on John's inventory cards. I couldn't keep up with her about keeping her off, so I covered the cards with a sheet. Anyway, there's a gap between the boxes of cards and a tool box, that's where she nestles in.



    I better go find John and see what he's up to.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh yea, one more thing...the previous post won't let me edit, so I'll submit a new post. I checked my records from the NM Secret Santa gift exchange to see if I had Marcie's physical street address. Unfortunately, she did not participate, so I can't send a card to Jim. I hope Suzanne will contact us on Facebook or email me.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Oh my gosh. I am so saddened by Marcie's passing. It will be really hard not expecting an update from her here. RIP friend. :(
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, I looked and I did keep her address when she helped with getting a fitbit for a friend that was on sale. I'll send it to you. I didn't know If it would be okay to post it here or not.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. It is so sad we lost Marcie and I hope her dad can cope with her loss not that he has nobody at home with him anymore. Now that I am over the initial shock I thought I would come in and update. As of yesterday our internet is back on and it seems to be staying that way.

    There is a lot of cleanup needing to be done all around us. Our friends lost their home so we have been trying to get as much of their things as we could that are useable. They are in their 70's and it's just awful to see them go through so much. This evening we will go back and try to get the crape myrtle tree out of the yard. There is a huge root that we will have to cut to get it out. It's about 8 feet tall and it's a semi dwarf or something like it. The tree is 16 years old and it's beautiful with bright red and pink flowers. The trunk has the peeling look to it, such a beautiful tree that will be destroyed when they pull out their destroyed mobile home.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good Morning. Yup, the rains have returned and I'm going to gripe about it. ha ha ha John just doesn't know what to do with himself when he can't go outside. Fortunately, there have been lulls in the showers so he is able to go outside and walk around, but it's too wet to pull weeds or do any actual work. He spent time in the barn and when I went out, lots of stuff was rearranged...time to start all over and look for my stuff. He seems to move my stuff more than his own stuff.

    Speaking of stuff, Debora, again, you and I think alike. One of the first things that came to my mind was all of Marcie's decluttering this past year will really help Jim out, so much less stuff for him to go through.

    Monday, John and I took Sashay back to the vet to have her stitches removed. She was so well behaved and the technicians fell in love with her. Who knew a goose could win hearts??? She has healed so well and is totally back to normal. Of course, even with the growth, she was eating and drinking and acting normal, now she looks normal too. We also got lucky that the rain stopped when we transported Sashay, so we didn't get wet while getting the cage from the car to the bldg. and back again.

    I skipped going to Bible study yesterday, just not up to pulling myself together and having John settled for me to walk out the door. I didn't sleep well Monday night and since I have appointments today and tomorrow, I decided not to leave John alone for 3 days in a row. Today, I see Dr. Smith and get the results of the CT scan and if he's going to change my meds. It really would be a good appointment for John to accompany me to, but I need to do some serious grocery shopping after, hit several stores, and he really slows me down in the stores. However, you never know, he may want to go today.

    Back to keeping John occupied indoors. I ordered those puzzles, but they have not arrived yet. Some of the other activity items that that dementia web site sells just doesn't seem like a good fit for John. However, I just received an advertisement for "Highlights", the activity magazine for children last week. I loved those things when I was younger, and still do. Years ago, I got subscriptions for my nephews and so every once in awhile, I still get the literature in the mail. I used to save the stickers for Elizabeth and throw the rest away, but, this one came at an opportune time and I subscribed for John. I think we could have a lot of fun this winter going through the magazines and finding objects and doing the activities. I'm looking forward to it. I'll have fun even if John doesn't find the interest. They now have 3 different series, infant stage, one for 3-6 year olds, and the original one for 7-12 year olds. I ordered the original one, the one that I remember best. Under "child's name", I drew a line through "child's" and where they ask "child's age", I put John's real age, 77, and added a note that he has dementia. I may have started something...a whole new line of magazine for older people.

    Well, I am so excited to share Norma's big news, I didn't even ask her permission to share. It's official. She now has a ring on her finger. It's beautiful and of course, she is radiant. Her John makes her so happy. I am extremely happy for her.



    She also already found the perfect dress, she is going to look fabulous...


    She ordered this color, taupe, and had hoped to accent everything with Autumn colors at Thanksgiving, but now, will wait for Spring. I think it will look great with Spring colors too. Brent and Beth can't make it down to California for Thanksgiving, so Norma and John will wait for Spring break, when Brent and Jackson are both out of school.
    I can not tell you how excited I am for them both, God brought them together at just the right time for each of them.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited September 2017
    I’ve actually written more times then I realized. I’m been coming back and deleted things cause I forgot I had written. I forget pretty quickly. But you don't need to read things twice.
    Sunday all were here except for Derek (he went to KC to watch the Chiefs football game). We ha lasagna and cake and ice cream for the three birthdays. Most left around 3. Lori and I went to church for a ladies get-together. Learned about fall Bible studies, played some games, had some good visiting and of course, some eating. House is still waiting to be straightened.
    Monday was more 4-H and then I went to Lucy’s volleyball game. This gym was plenty warm. Picked up Little Caesar’s for supper. After I was home for awhile, I had a text from Lori saying she had taken Paige to the ER because had swallowed a quarter. The first x-ray showed it sitting by the diaphragm. Then said eating should help it move down. Graham cracker and applesauce didn’t do it. They said they would go get a hamburger cause it worked for another kid that day. And it did. After it was in the stomach, they could go home. I haven’t heard it’s come out okay yet or not. So that was an unusual adventure.
    Tuesday was more work on 4-H stuff (all has to be in on Friday), got one person to come over and sign and another this morning. Just a lot of detail end of year stuff. We went to the Farm Bureau annual meeting in the evening. It was cold there (someone finally checked the thermostat and it was set at 63). It was better after they fixed it Good meal and they kept things moving along.
    Today I took eggs to the school, eggs to the vet clinic and worked on the Echoes at church. Got to more years labeled (making sure the month and year is on every page just in case. Ralph was out helping with harvest and I got to work on stuff here. Finally able to get back to some of the things I’ve put off while doing 4-H stuff. Tomorrow I’ll take recycling in, go pick up some 4-H record books and double check everything to make sure they are put together correctly. Then I’ll deliver them on and be done with them. But plenty of other things to do next.

    Anew, glad things are getting to a new normal for you. So good that you’ve been able to help your friends. Is where your husband works okay?

    Sheryl, CONGRATULATIONS TO NORMA. What a beautiful ring. I love the dress too. What a fun time you guys will have talking and planning things. And I always enjoy hearing about the drives you and John take. I understand you griping about the rain – it’s a good reason. And Highlights should be fun. I still enjoy looking at them. How is your mom doing? Any reaction to Norma from her?
    Miss Kitty seems to be sleeping well in the pictures – doesn’t look comfortable to me. Amazing that Sashay traveled good again.

    Time to go move the clothes from the washer to the dryer and then make a list of what I need to do tomorrow. Got up to 90 today here so still warm days.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Debora, I am still laughing at swallowing a quarter. Unless she was having trouble breathing or something, that's not funny, but I am now wondering how much stuff kids swallow and it passes through and the parents aren't even aware of it. Aren't kids grand!! Seriously, I'm glad Paige is OK.
    Thanks for your congratulations, I'll pass it along to Norma. Norma was planning to tell Mom about the engagement yesterday and I haven't talked to her yet, so I don't know Mom's reaction. I also missed my daily call to Mom, I was so tired after my appointment, I skipped the call. John decided to go with me, so that made shopping more of a chore and took a lot longer, but still, I'm thankful he wants to spend time with me.
    You reminded me that I still have some towels in the dryer from yesterday, I better finish that up this morning.

    My doctor's visit was good, all results showing more improvement, tumors continue to shrink. I'll be staying on the same daily chemo pill, this medication seems to be doing it's job. Dr. Smith still wishes something could be done with the paralysis and breathing issues, but didn't know what to do. He, and the specialists, now say that enough time has passed, that nerve probably won't heal any further and the paralysis seems permanent. I'll continue with speech therapy and see if that continues to help.

    I heard back from Suzanne and Jim regarding Marcie. I'll share their emails:


    I'm replying to your message on Facebook. Marcie was my neighbor and I talk to her dad all the time. Her father found her dead in her bedroom. It was unexpected but she was not very healthy. They're doing tests to determine the cause of death. She was a good neighbor but didn't have a very happy life.... it kind of hurts my heart.

    Thanks for caring.


    Hi Sheryl,

    I finally found a way to get into Marcie's gmail account where I saw your message. Yes, Marcie has passed away. It happened at home early Thursday, September 14. We don't know the cause at this time. The coroner's office is running tests but they said it may be quite some time as they are really backed up.

    It is quite a shock but I am doing ok. I will be sure to let you know what they find.


    So, no answers yet as to what happened, but the coroner is working on it. I replied to each of them and thanked them for contacting me. I told Jim that we are all thinking of him and praying for him. Marcie really became a part of our lives too, it's amazing how we built such a strong friendship through meeting here daily on this post.

    Well, time to refill my mug...