


  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    I feel even more anxious now then I did before getting a BFP! I called the local OBGYN office today and they scheduled my first appointments. They said they'll have a nurse call me on Sept 21st to go over my history and then a confirmation appointment on Oct 6th. I should be 7w+6 then. It seems so far away!

    Overall, I feel decent. I'm 4w+2 today and my bbs are sore, a little crampy and tired, but having some insomnia the last few nights and have been running hot. Thank goodness the majority of the pregnancy will be in the winter...if I stay this hot my hubby is going to find me laying in the snowbanks to cool off.

    Originally, I didn't think I'd bother to call my primary care doctor who offered to do a confirmation and congratulations appointment, but since even talking to the other office is so far out, I might give them a call so I have someone to talk to and field the irrational questions sooner rather than later!

    I'm still wrapping my brain around it all! Hoping to do something kind of fun/creative for telling my parents as this will be their first grandchild and they have both been hinting hard for a few years and aren't aware we were actively trying. I've got some white onsies ordered and going to make custom iron on transfers for them to their interests-- for my mom one with a cow that say "farm help" arriving and for my dad one with a fish that says "fishing buddy" arriving. Not sure when I'll send them....we are 500 miles apart so if I can contain myself I can probably wait until after my Oct 6 apt and include ultrasound photos with it. But...I also want to shout it from the rooftops right now as well! So...I'm blabbing here instead! Thanks ladies.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith I think calling the primary care doctor sounds like a good idea and what a cute way to let your folks know! (That's if you're able to contain yourself that long =P) It's good to read that for the most part you are feeling decent and blab away! We like being included and updated =)
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    Congratulations @SheilAnneSmith!
    So this is my third pregnancy and this is the first time that I am already thinking about losing the weight afterward. Like, I have a 10K I want to do 3 months after my due date, I'm still reading weight loss success stories here and on Pinterest... compared to previous pregnancies where I happily gorged on whatever I wanted and told myself that I'd worry about the weight later. So weird.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith , I think its totally normal to be so anxious at this point, and do what feels right to you regarding calling the doctor. They will probably tell you to eat well, excersize, rest :) Im glad you are still feeling comfortable, and hope that remains and you dont get bad morning sickness! Adorable way to tell your parents, I love it. Will you skype them to see reactions?

    @marianlyn I think its great you are thinking of losing baby weight! I hope this pregnancy is smooth and comfortable for you. How far along are you now?
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith That is a really cute idea with the onesies in the mail. Farm help! Haha. Also, the snowbank comment. Looool. Also, I agree with calling your primary doc. Since they are closer, it might be easier and cheaper to see them for minor things while pregnant, right? Plus it's just fun sharing good news. :grin:

    @marianlyn Wow. I can't imagine running a 10K right now, let alone right after delivering. If you do it, please post a pic!
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    @Kirstie155 I'm 19 weeks along--halfway there since I will be delivered at 38 weeks! I think I'm looking forward to losing the weight, even! I miss seeing those numbers go down.

    @Alioth I hope to "participate" in a will likely be a walk/run situation. If I make it, I will definitely share a picture!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit I don't know how long I can contain myself...I think I'll do the onsie project this weekend...they might get sent out early next week and pray all continues to go well. I fear mailing it and then miscarrying the day it arrives to them or something crazy like that. Having a hard time being super positive instead of fearing the worst and the days are crawling by so slow! I kind of felt like crap yesterday afternoon but feel significantly better today, which should be a good thing but instead I am worried it's because something isn't right. My brain needs an off switch and I need to ban myself from google--for my sanity and my work productivity!

    @Kristie155 I don't think we'll use skype, I don't think either of us have even ever used it. We both live in pretty rural areas and mainly text as phone calls get dropped most of the time as well. We both still have landlines though! lol

    I see the primary care doctor on Monday. It may be more a counseling that medical appointment, but it'll be so nice to talk to someone! Hopefully she can ease some fears and provide some positive feedback on the OBGYN office, or help me explore other area options I may have overlooked.

    I have been craving spicy foods, I made a giant pot of Jambalaya last night...I hope I continue to want spicy foods for at least the next 5 days, because it'll take me that long to eat the leftovers. Yummy! My usual sweet tooth is pretty quiet. I hope that stays true, it'll make it a lot easier not to gain 50 pounds!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Sheila, I hope your little bean continues to grow, and you have a happy and healthy 9 months!

    If you are nervous I would wait to send out the really depends on your relationship with the family and how you would cope with a loss. Hopefully that won't even be an issue ...Positive thinking! I love your onzie idea, so cute! How did you tell your husband, did I miss that story?
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    I didn't tell that story! It wasn't anything real planned out and pretty silly/

    He goes to bed way later than me, so we have a routine of him coming to bed with me to talk and cuddle until I fall asleep. So, as we were cuddling and talking about the next day he eventually groped my chest, so I asked him, "Does it feel any bigger? Because it will be before long," he caught on right quick, but that was after he missed a comment about how I wasn't going to drink any free beer at the rodeo the next night earlier in the conversation. I left him the positive digital test the next morning with a shirt that says "Worlds Greatest Farter..I mean Father" on it that I bought a few months ago.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Omg how did you wait until bedtime?! I would have exploded by then, and will probably wake him up in the morning waving a peed on stick in his face saying "do you see this line?! DO YOU SEE IT TOO?!" Because I will be in such disbelief and won't be able to wait.

    Cute story though, I love that he cuddles you to sleep. My husband wakes up 3 hours after me and "tucks me in" at night but leaves me to fall asleep on my own :-p
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    You're crackin' me up!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith that is such a cute reveal story. I don't get how you waited until bedtime, either! And so cute that he stays in bed until you fall asleep. Glad you have a doctors appointment soon! The one you posted about before sounded sooo far away.

    @Kirstie155 that is cute that Chris tucks you in, too! Ahh so many cuties.

    @marianlyn the third time is the charm!! That's great that you're feeling inspired to stay healthy during pregnancy and to lose the weight quickly afterward. What are you doing activity-wise during your pregnancy?
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith HUGS! I'm sending positive vibes your way! (and definitely nix google) I liked how you told your husband, such a cute story! =)
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith I totally get the nerves! I waited until we heard the heartbeat again at 18 weeks before we told anyone. Tell anyone whose support you would want if something went wrong. Sending lots of positive vibes hoping the worry is for nothing! And I agree with everyone else that google is not your friend, but I'm just as guilty! If you have ANY concerns, just call your doctor/midwife. That's what they are there for.

    @pezhed Let's hope! I'm mostly doing the elliptical and body weight exercises. I was kicked out of my Pilates class for being pregnant (really long story) but the studio owner will let me do private sessions, so I may go back and do that as often as we can afford it. I want to swim (very slowly) once a week as I know it will feel amazing when I'm huge. What are you doing?
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    This may be the first day the hormones bite my husband's head-off......

    I'm waiting for him to get into town to help him shuttle rigs from the repair shop and am taking a long lunch break to help him out, it's 20-25 minutes to the repair shop, so I have no time but to eat in the car. I've told him several times this morning I didn't eat much for breakfast, didn't have any good snacks and am absolutely starving....i.e. come get me at 11am not noon or later so I can grab's 11:25....he hasn't left the house and is no less that 20 minutes away. I'm not sure if I want to scream or cry or chew off my hand because I'm so hungry. :#:D:'( Grrrrr!!

    It's totally legit to blame hormones right?! lol
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited September 2017
    Nope that's a blame husband! Unless you didn't say explicitly what time he has to pick you up. Maybe he will bring you food..

    You can blame hormones when you're laying in bed, crying, too hungry to sleep but too tired to find food.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    Yesterday was even worse, everything made me cry....happy, sad, mad....all of it. Gah, today is much better.

    We decided to tell my parents on Monday. I'll be just over 6 weeks and it's our 6th anniversary. I'm ready for some moral support as we wait for the appointment on Oct 6.

    Here are the onesies I made. Included with them a note that said, "Here is a little something so you can help us celebrate our 6th anniversary" and explained they have to wait to open them together! They are individually wrapped and labeled. I mailed them today and they'll arrive on Monday. qy9vdrds5nug.jpg

  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Sheila that is too darn cute!! What a fun way of telling them! Is this going to be their first grand baby? Did they know you were trying?
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Sheila, I just love it...what a special way to tell them! It's so sweet to do a reveal even though they are so far away!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    It will indeed be their first grand baby! Nope, they didn't know we were trying. It should come as a pretty good surprise. They've been hinting around for a few years, especially my dad because he really wants someone to buy toys for (so he can play with them!) I had told my mom I took out an Aflac policy in January that pays out for hospital stays for a birth, but that was about the biggest hint I gave her and it's been while ago now!